Sweet Is Revenge (3 page)

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Authors: Victoria Rose

BOOK: Sweet Is Revenge
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"Did you meet anyone? Not that I would approve of you picking up anybody in that hell hole," he added. I scrunched my eyebrows up. Yeah I had met someone. But I couldn't recall anything except that he was extremely tall with amazing eyes. I couldn't even remember the color of said eyes.

"Yeah, but I don't know him. I don't know a name or what he looks like. I had never seen him before. He was from the city. He bought me a drink and then danced with some other girls, not even talking to me until I approached him. It was so odd," I admitted. Brian smiled.

"I've done that a few times. He was either trying to make you jealous by dancing with other girls, or he lost his nerve to talk to you after he bought you the drink," he explained. I nodded.

"But then, I went over to him and confronted him and he looked shocked. Then I got up to go away and he grabbed my arm and asked me for a dance. I declined him, I'm not sure why though. As far as I remember, I thought he was really hot, but I just don't remember any details," this was a weird situation. I never forgot what people looked like, no matter how much I drank.

I was off in my own little world, forgetting about conversing with my brother, or looking where I was going for that matter. I didn't hear anything until Brian's voice broke through my thoughts with a yell of my name.

It was too late. I hit something hard and fell backwards, whatever I hit falling with me. I landed on my back, smacking my head on the concrete. I realized I ran into a person and luckily they had more grace and caught themselves, before falling completely on top of me. I groaned and opened my eyes. I was looking straight into dark blue eyes, amazing dark blue eyes at that. He quickly got off and reached out a hand to me. I ignored it and got up on my own, my head spinning with the spin.

Once my vision cleared, I took another look at the guy who felt more like a brick building. I damned my short mother, and acquiring most of her genes, for a moment when I had to actually look up at him. Blonde hair was messy on top of his head. His jaw was squared and his
cheek bones
were sharp. His nose was perfect and straight. He looked like a walking Ken doll. He was tall and muscular, almost having my brother beat. He was gorgeous.

"Are you alright?" He asked in a baritone voice. I nodded, cocking my head and lowering my eyebrows.

"Do I know you? You look familiar," I said, my brother had joined my side the moment I got up, acting as my silent protector.

"I met you at The Club on Friday night. I bought you a drink and you denied me a dance, ring any bells?" He asked with a half smile. My eyes widened in recognition. This was the guy I was just telling my brother about.

"Oh yeah, you bought me a drink and then didn't talk to me. Then when I finally approached you, you asked me for a dance, and I denied you, that sounds like the more realistic version of the story," I said, crossing my arms. He smiled.

"It's all in the details," he held out his hand. "I'm Decklin," I took his hand in mine.

"Lillian," he took my hand and kissed it. I rolled my eyes. "That is such an out dated move, you won't make my heart swoon with that one," I lied. I loved it when guys showed an old sense of chivalry. I just wasn't keen on accepting it. My brother started laughing to himself, reminding me he was there. "This is Brian, my brother," I said. Brian quit laughing and gave a curt nod. Decklin nodded back. "Anyway, Brian and I were just finishing our run, can't keep a body like this and eat junk food without working it off," I said nervously. There was something about him that made my heart jump. I'd had plenty of
good looking
guys come onto me before, but none compared to this Decklin character.

"I was running too. Do you guys mind if I join you? I'm going to be around here for awhile and I don't know anybody," he said, scratching the back of his head. He looked as nervous as I felt. I looked over at Brian, I could tell that he was a little hesitant, but finally he sighed and I knew he had given in.

"Alright, hope you can keep up," I said with a smile and started running again. Soon all three of us were running in unison and I decided to show off a little. I sped
it barely phased me because I run every day. Brian soon caught up to my speed and I went to look back to see how Decklin was doing when he raced past me. I was stunned for a minute, I was going fast and he just zooms right past like it was a snail race? I don't think so. We took turns passing each other until I felt like I was going to die. He was good. I couldn't let him beat me though, so I kept up until my heart felt like exploding and my lungs felt non-existent, we had left Brian a long way back some time ago.

We reached the park and I collapsed on the grass, breathing heavily. Decklin stopped next to me, his elbows on his knees and breathing just as heavily as me. I started laughing, for no reason. Decklin looked at me like I was from another planet before joining me, collapsing on his back next to me, his hands on his stomach. I don't know how long we laughed, but it was refreshing.

"I have never run so fast in my life," I admitted breathlessly.

"Neither have I, you are fast," his voice sounded amazed. I turned my head to look at him. He looked back.

"Well, I've been running since I could walk… Actually I think running came before walking, nobody could slow me down. I love it," I smiled brightly which he returned with one of his own smiles.

"Well it paid off, no one's ever been so close to beating me, which you didn't by the way."

"I totally did beat you. It's okay to admit you were beat by a girl," I said, teasing.

"It's okay to admit it when it's true, but in this case it wasn't. If anything it was a tie," he said, I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, but next time we're timing it so I can keep a record of it," I frowned. Next time? Where had that come
He was obviously wondering the same thing.

"There will be a next time?" He asked me, propping himself up on one elbow. I shrugged.

"If you're lucky," I told him, standing up. He followed suit. "Anyway, it was nice meeting you," I began to walk off when I heard his voice.

"Are you doing anything today?" He asked. I stopped and turned back around. "Like I said, I'm going to be here for
and I don't know anybody, you seem nice enough," he added.

"I'm actually going to the shooting range with my dad today, you can come with us if you want," I offered as Brian finally caught up.

"You… Guys… Suck," he said between breaths. I laughed and pushed him. He proceeded to dramatically collapse to the ground, breathing deeply.

"You know how to shoot?" Derek said when he was done looking at my
humor was shining in his eyes. His beautiful blue eyes. Man, would I ever get over them?
Probably not.

"I know how to do a lot of stuff," I said with a shrug. "Shooting I just happen to know how to do well."

"I'd like to see that. '
go with you, sure. You wouldn't happen to have a pen and paper would you?" I shook my head. "Stupid question,
really carries those running anyway?" His nervousness was amusing me highly.

"My brother has a photographic memory. Actually, that's not true, but he's good with numbers and names and things like that. Total opposite of me, I guess that's what we get for being twins," I could have slapped myself. Why was I rambling on like an idiot?

"Will he remember my number?" He asked. I nodded and kicked Brian lightly.

"B, listen up. He's going to give you his number, remember it for me," I demanded.

"What do I get out of it?" He asked in a whiney voice. I rolled my eyes.

"I bought you Superman ice-cream last night," I reminded him. He sighed and nodded. Decklin gave us his number and we went our separate ways.

"I can't believe you invited him to the shooting range. You know he's going to have to meet dad. And dad will suspect something going on between you two, and he'll get all…
Parental and shit.
Not only that, I'm not even allowed to go to the shooting range with you guys, this is totally unfair," Brian said once Decklin was out of ear shot.

"I'll just tell dad that there's nothing going on between us. He trusts me. And as for you, quit being a whine ass," and that was that. I was pretty excited, probably too excited, to show off my shooting expertise to Decklin. He was just so damn hot. I couldn't wait to see him with a gun.

Chapter Five:
Shoot your Heart Out

Rage keeps the person who feels it company.
It moves into the hollows left by grief and loss, and turns inside you like a dark furred animal that grows and fills you; it kills off loneliness and takes its place.
–Paula Sharp, I Loved You All


It was so easy, playing the part of the nervous good guy. I could hardly believe it. I was patting myself on the back the whole time. It helps that I have a boyish charm to me. She never guessed that my intentions were anything but innocent. And the act of 'I'm going to be here for
and don't know anybody', worked perfectly. I smiled to
as I got dressed for the shooting range.

I wasn't even trying to run into Lillian earlier. Yes, I did make sure I was running around the area that she lived, but that's not hard in a small town like this one. Luck was obviously on my side. Fate was encouraging to get my revenge. I wouldn't disappoint.

I had just got done with my hair when I heard my phone ring. I checked the ID and it was a number I didn't recognize. It was Lillian. She gave me her address and said that they were leaving in a half hour. When I hung up with her I had a grin on my face. Part one of my plan was going smoothly. I had a story planned out to tell her father when he asked me all the questions he was bound to ask.

I knew that he would probably look me up in the records he had of my family, but since I was never really initiated in, he wouldn't find shit on me. I had changed my last name to the very common, Brown, and luckily the only part of me that even resembled my father was my blonde hair and the shape of my jaw. Now that I think about it,
I probably should have changed my first name as well
Decklin isn't very common
. But it's very possible they had never even heard of me.

I made my way over to her house, and walked up to the door. I was about to knock when it opened. I came face to face with a tan man with black hair that was cut just below his ears. He was looking at me suspiciously. I cleared my throat and held out my hand. "Hello Sir, I'm Decklin," I introduced myself, getting back into the façade of a nervous boy. He took my hand and grasped it firmly.

"Isaiah," he said simply. "Are you trying to get into my daughter's pants, son?" He asked straight off the bat. I was stunned momentarily. I blinked a few times. He didn't waste any time.

"No Sir. I just wanted to get to know some people around here. I'm working for my uncle, he wants to know how small towns run. He needs me to check out the different shops and tell him how the hotel is. I'm going to be here for
. Your daughter and I bumped into each other a couple times, once quite literally," I added a laugh after that. "She seems very nice and I am not trying to 'get in her pants,' as you put it," I finished. He stood, glaring at me for a moment.

"Dad! You better be being nice," I heard Lillian's voice yell from somewhere in the house. He sighed and rolled his eyes, then waved me in.

"I'm always nice babe," he yelled back. I followed him through a foyer and into the living room. "You can have a seat in here, we're almost ready," he eyed me one more time before walking away. I let out a breath. That man was intimidating, even to me.

"Don't worry about him. He's a big teddy bear," I heard Lillian's voice and turned to her. She had her hair pulled away from her face, showing off her
cheek bones
. She had tight jeans on again and a tank top on, that didn't cover her stomach. She drove me mad and most of her was still covered. This was not normal. I clenched my teeth and thought about the real reason why I was here. Mom and dad both in the grave, everything I lost, the hell I was going to give her.

I started feeling that familiar hate and that was much easier to deal with than lust. Hate was my best friend, and very welcomed at that moment. I did have to keep it under control though, so I could keep acting like the nice guy.

"Maybe to you, but I'm a man and he thinks I'm trying to step in on his daughter, so he won't be, what you call a 'teddy bear', to me I can guarantee it," I said and earned one of her bright smiles.

"He'll loosen up as the day goes on. Just, don't piss him off when he has the gun in his hands. I'm pretty sure he won't hesitate to shoot you, in a non-fatal place of course," she warned.

"I hope you're joking," I said with a look of shock on my face, though really I wasn't shocked. I knew who he was. Then a thought occurred to me, did
even know who he was? I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't, if they were trying to keep some sort of normalcy in her life.

"I may or may not be. Who really
My dad, he can be,
. To say the least," I heard the admiration in her voice and it disgusted me. She had a father to look up to, but it didn't stop him from being a douche bag
took one of our family members and corrupted her against us. A spark of another idea came to my head. I could do that, take Lillian and turn her against them. But then I'd have to continue putting up with her, even after I got sick of her. I wasn't willing to deal with that.

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