Sweet Is Revenge (8 page)

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Authors: Victoria Rose

BOOK: Sweet Is Revenge
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"I'm glad we're fighting the same urges. We also have to stop in case more serious urges take over me," he said with a half smile. I kissed him lightly again before he backed away and I hopped off the counter. "So, since it's late I figure we can just go to the club tonight, maybe a couple of them if you want, and then tomorrow we can tour the city. Does that sound okay?" He asked as he grabbed his wallet and put it in his back pocket.

"Sounds great," I told him as I found my ID and some money. I followed Decklin's actions and put them in my back
pocket which was a chore because the pants were so tight
it was hard getting my hand in and out of them. He held the door open for me, locking it on his way out and we were off.

I never realized how beautiful the city could be at
night time
. Of course I'd seen pictures, but nothing was like the real thing. All the buildings were lit up which made up for the lack of visible stars. Sounds could be heard everywhere, people laughing, cars going by, music coming out of every building, it was magnificent. Some of the buildings even had lights that spelled things across them or made pictures. I was definitely thrilled. Decklin decided that we should walk because I wanted to see everything, and it would take an hour to get somewhere in a car when you could get there in twenty minutes by walking. He was greeted by a few people, but kept everything short and his voice got colder as he talked to them. I didn't really like that, but he must have had a good reason to be so frigid towards those people.

We finally reached a club and it was ten times more impressive than the one back home. It was four stories high and the building practically shook with the bass pumping.
We didn't even need to flash the guy our ID's because he knew Decklin
he was a regular
. The lighting was amazing, all different colors and designs in the bulbs, there was smoke machines and an actual DJ rather than just a few mix cd's playing. Decklin led me to the bar first and he ordered us drinks while I looked around at all the people. Everyone was dressed so nice and edgy. There were people with multi colored hair and futuristic clothing. I must have had my mouth open because Decklin brought his hand up and closed it for me. I blushed.

"I take it you're impressed," he yelled over the music.

"This is way better than The Club," I told him. He laughed loudly and took a gulp of his drink.

"Welcome to the city Lil," he said and kissed me thoroughly on the mouth.

We club hopped until around three in the morning and we were both sincerely toasted. I could hardly walk and Decklin had his arm wrapped around my waist, supporting me. Luckily he held his alcohol better than I did. I am not a light drinker by any means, but I had a lot to drink that night, more than I had consumed in a long time. We took the subway home and sadly I was too
far gone
to really enjoy it. I wasn't even paying attention to where we were going my eyes were all on Decklin. If any guy could be called beautiful it would be him. Had he grown? He seemed massively tall. Had his shoulders always been so broad? Had his smile always been so bright and his eyes so blue? All those questions ran through my head. I was awe struck by his beauty. If we ever had kids, they would be the most beautiful kids the world had ever seen.

He looked down at me with amusement shining in his eyes. "You are currently undressing me with your eyes Lil," he said with only semi-slurred words.

"No I was thinking that if our genes were to mesh, we'd make beautiful babies," I said with
slurred words. Then I panicked. "Not that I want to have kids with you," I added. Then hit my head. "Not that I
want to have kids with you either, it's just that… Well I was just-" he cut me off with a kiss.

"You, my lady, are thoroughly sloshed. I won't take anything you say seriously now. Well, besides the fact that we would make pretty babies if either of us wanted them," he said, nuzzling my neck.

"Oh, I do someday," I said with a vigorous nodding of my head. "Not right now though," I proceeded to shake my head. He laughed a drunken laugh at me. I smiled fondly at him. He really was a picture of perfection. I wondered why I was noticing all this in my drunkenness.
Usually even when I got drunk I was not a touchy feely person.
But I really wanted him in that moment.

By the time we got back to his condo the cool air had sobered me a little bit. Enough to know that I would not give myself to him just because I was drunk and a side effect of that was being horny. I was not that kind of girl. But when his lips landed on mine and his hand went into my hair, pushing my face towards his harder I decided it wouldn't be too bad to grant him a heated make out session…

Which ended up with both of us on his bed with his shirt discarded and both of our hair messed up. He was working my shirt over my head when I pulled away. He whined but leaned back to look at me questioningly. "We're both drunk, and I'm a virgin. Really no one has ever gotten past making out with me because I have extreme self control," I told him in surprisingly clearly pronounced words.

"Okay?" He said, unsure of what I was implying.

"So, I'm going to tell you straight. I'm not going to have sex with you. Not now, probably not even a month from now, and if all you are looking for is sex, we can stop right here and be friends if you want. But nothing more," I said firmly. He looked up at me dazed for a minute before shaking his head.

"The bartender told me, in not so nice words, to not expect anything sexual from you. So believe me when I say, I'm not in this for the sex, although it would be nice I'm sure," he said slowly. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"What exactly did the bartender say?" I asked, sitting back a little bit. I was straddling him and he was
on the bed. I felt his aroused state, but did not feel guilty at all for not fixing it for him unlike most girls would. Did that mean I didn't care about him?

"Something about you being as shut off as an out of order building I think," he said amused. I was glad he was amused because I was not.

"Wow, he couldn't come up with a better comparison than that? No wonder he's nothing but a bartender," I said shaking my head slightly. It really didn't matter what he thought about me, most people thought I was a prude. It wasn't true. I just cared about myself and wasn't going to let some guy think he had rights to me and then leave me in the dust. I was going to be sure of commitment.

"Well, how far are you willing to go?" He asked as his fingers began rubbing circles on my skin. I sighed.

"I like you Decklin, but I don't want to regret anything, you know? So, we can continue this and see where it leads, but when I say stop, you have to stop," I said. He just looked at me for a minute, I thought I glimpsed respect in his eyes, but I wasn't sure. He leaned up and kissed me.

"I don't want you regretting anything either. And though most of the times in my life that I've regretted things it's because I didn't do them, I know it wouldn't be the case in this situation. So I say we stop here until you trust me more, and I'll wait. I'm not going anywhere," he said kissing me again. I smiled at him, gaining new confidence in him. I gave him permission to go further than any guy ever had, and he chose to stop, because he didn't want me to regret anything. He was looking out for me and I think that might have been the moment I fell in love with Decklin Brown.

Chapter Eleven:
It All Starts Now

Although many of us avoid the subject, death is a potent element in our everyday life. We're not necessarily aware of it all the time, but it has infused our language.

–Michael Largo,
Final Exits: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of How We Die


Waking up in Decklin's arms is something I wholeheartedly enjoyed. I wouldn't have guessed he was a snuggler, but I was pleasantly surprised when I found out he was. I smiled and burrowed into him more. One of his arms came up and his hand moved my hair from my neck and he kissed it. I smiled and sighed contentedly.

"Morning," he said quietly and continued kissing me. I decided I loved his morning voice. It was deeper and it sent chills up and down my body. I turned to face him.

"Morning," I said smiling brightly. He kissed my mouth and attempted to make it deeper, but I kept my mouth firmly shut.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Morning breath," I said. He rolled his eyes and kissed me again, forcing my mouth open with his tongue. "Decklin!" I said, pulling away and scowling. He laughed.

"Obviously I don't mind morning breath," he said.

"Well, maybe I do… Not mine, but yours," I said with a smirk.

"I don't
morning breath," he said and breathed in my face. I crinkled my nose up.

"And I suppose you think your shit doesn't stink either?" I said with a laugh. He sighed.

"Fine, no kisses until after brushing teeth," he finally relented. He rolled out of bed and I followed suit. He had stripped down to his boxers last night and I had thrown off my leather pants. I studied him as he walked towards the bathroom. He turned around and caught me staring. He smiled and turned to face me, arms spread out. I shamelessly let my eyes wander. He was ripped, not overly so, but he had muscle and really nice abs. His legs were strong, with light hair dusting them and even his feet were beautiful. "Do you approve?" He asked, his eyes not meeting mine but running over my body. I smiled.

approve?" I turned his question on him.

"Oh yes," he said. I saw the hunger in his eyes and glanced downwards and was feeling rather smug that just looking at me had that effect on him.

"Maybe you should go take a cold shower," I said in amusement. He blushed lightly.

"Answer me first," he insisted. I stood up and walked over to him, running my hands over his abdomen, his arms, his shoulders and back. Feeling him twitch underneath my touch gave me a sense of power, and even more so when I heard him suck in a breath as my hands ran over his hip bones and the trail of hair that disappeared below his boxers.

"I definitely approve," I whispered. He gave me a tight smile and stalked off to the bathroom.

After we were both showered and dressed we decided to go out to breakfast. I was glad I had brought a big purse because I had a lot to carry, including my dad's gun (which I still thought was ridiculous). We ate breakfast at a nice restaurant. I felt weird, eating somewhere for breakfast, other than home, and in such a fancy place, but it was so different that it was refreshing.

Afterwards I made him take me to all the parks and took pictures of the different statues and people. I was so enthralled by everything and I was sure that Decklin was amused by it. He was nice enough not to look bored by everything I was sure he'd seen almost every day of his life. I tried to make it fun for him, but it was hard because I was so into myself at the moment. He assured me that it was fine and that he was having fun.

I didn't expect it, but Decklin actually liked museums. He took me to a couple of them and we snuck through a couple of the ropes to get pictures next to dinosaurs and stuffed history figures… We then proceeded to get kicked out when caught. It was a lot of fun and I never wanted the day to end. I was shopping when Decklin got a call from his uncle. He told me he had to go meet him real quick and to stay on the street I was on already, to just shop in the stores there until he got back. I agreed because there were a bunch of interesting stores. He kissed me quickly before leaving.

I went to a few stores before I saw a homeless person sitting in an
alley way
. I have always had a heart for homeless people so I went to the café next to the alley and bought a sandwich and some coffee for him, I hoped he liked coffee. I then went and gave it to him, sitting down across from him with my own cup of coffee. He was extremely nice. His name was Peter and had lost his job and then his home when the economy started going bad. He lived in an alley a few blocks away by himself. He had lost his kids along with everything else, his ex wife had evidently gotten over their divorce really fast and ended up marrying rich. He said he was upset, but at least his kids had a good home. He just wished he could see them. The story broke my heart. How would I feel if I lost everything? I started crying and the man patted my shoulder.

We talked for a long time, while I was still looking for Decklin to walk by, but he didn't. Finally I decided it'd be best if I checked out a few other stores, but not before giving the kind man a hug and slipping him four hundred dollars, he needed food and a warm place to sleep more than I needed new clothes. Four hundred wasn't even a dent in my pocket, but it's all the cash I had on me, the rest were just credit cards. The tears in his eyes showed the gratitude that he couldn't word. I watched as he walked off. Once he disappeared I leaned against the wall closing my eyes, I really wished I could house all of the homeless people in the city, but I couldn't.

I was so lost in my own thoughts that I didn't hear anyone come up to me. What I did notice was something cold being pressed to my neck and a hand being placed over my mouth. I didn't fight, it would be useless to at that time. They walked me back to the further, darker part of the alley before letting go of me. I turned around and came face to face with a dark haired man in a business suit. He held a gun pointed at my head, and behind him were three more men who looked almost identical to him. I was afraid, but I tried not to let it show.

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