Sweet Reward (22 page)

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Authors: Christy Reece

Tags: #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Sweet Reward
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When he finally did speak, she suddenly wished she’d let him continue the condescending lecture he would have delivered. “I spoke with Philippe Ricard yesterday. He told me you had contacted him. I think that’s an excellent idea.”

She didn’t have to guess why. Even though the families didn’t see each other socially, Philippe was part of their social circle. Her mom and dad would welcome him with open arms. Jared’s dark, somber face appeared in her mind. How would her family treat him? It didn’t even bear thinking about. They were used to people putting on polite masks; phoniness was a way of life for them. Unless he was on an op, Jared didn’t do phony well.

Mia shook her head. What was the point in even thinking about that? They would never meet him, so why even consider it?

Finally in the lobby of her apartment building, she chose her words as carefully as any diplomat: “I’ve been thinking about using some of the money Grammy left me to set up a trust for people recovering from brain surgeries like mine. With Philippe’s experience at running his family’s foundation, I thought he’d be the perfect one to offer advice.”

“I’m surprised you still have the money. Nadia spent hers years ago. Besides, I would have thought your
business would have bled you dry by now.”

That one sentence was loaded with a hundred unspoken paragraphs of implication. Her
business, as her family referred to it, had been a bone of contention from day one.

Lying in general bothered Mia on so many levels. Lying to those she loved was even harder. However, finding those children trumped her conscience a million to one.

So, instead of defending something she was extremely proud of, she went along with her father’s arrogant assumption and said, “That’s one of the reasons I wanted to learn about running a charity. My rescue business really isn’t working out for me. And I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t mention it to him.”

“That’s the best news I’ve heard in a long time.” The warmth in her father’s voice almost undid her. How long had it been since he’d not used his “careful” tone and had acted natural with her?

“I don’t talk to Philippe often,” he continued, “but you know I would never mention what you’ve been doing. Everyone still believes you’re employed at the State Department. There’s no need for him to know any different.”

With that assurance from him, Mia saw no need to prolong a conversation that would only continue in this vein. “Listen, Dad, I’m headed out the door for a day of
shopping. I promise to come for a visit as soon as I can. Okay?”

“Let us know before you come so we can adjust our schedules.”

“Will do. I love you.”

She tried not to be hurt when he hung up without saying the same thing to her. Her family was just not the demonstrative type, in words or actions. And at one time, she hadn’t been, either. That had all changed, though, and Mia never wanted to go back to the girl she’d once been. Life was way too short. She’d learned that the hard way.

   Noah McCall was one pissed-off man. Though his swarthy skin was paler than usual and his dark hair looked rumpled, his black eyes still held the same fierceness and life as before. Still, Jared had a hard time not cracking a smile at the growl in his boss’s voice. The man was not going to be an easy patient.

Jared was equally amused by Samara McCall’s attitude with her husband. She gave as good as she got. He also saw the worry in the woman’s eyes. An inch or two over and McCall could have bled out.

Jared stood in the corner while Samara sat at her husband’s bedside and gave him his final instructions: “I’m going home to feed Evie and check on Micah. When I get back, you better be in a better mood, Noah McCall.”

“Come down here and put me in a better mood now.”

Her pretty face lighting up, she leaned over and kissed him. After several seconds, she raised her head, and McCall’s expression had softened to one Jared didn’t recognize. The man growled again—not angrily this time—and said, “I love you, wife.”

“Love you too, husband.” She dropped another kiss on his lips and then stood and backed away, laughing,
when Noah tried to reach for her. “Be good and I’ll bring you some chocolates when I come back.”

“As long as you come back with them.”

With a beautiful smile, she whispered, “Deal.” Shooting a glance at Jared, she said, “If he tries to get out of bed, slug him for me. Okay?”

An abrupt, rusty laugh escaped from Jared before he could stifle it. Tiny Samara McCall was a force to be reckoned with. In a way she reminded him of Mia. Though Mia was more … hell, Mia was unlike anyone he’d ever met.

The instant Samara walked out of the room, McCall’s face returned to the hard, determined expression LCR operatives were used to seeing. “Give me an update.”

Jared didn’t have to ask him what he meant. The op, other than Noah’s injury, had been mostly successful. He gave information on the victims first, knowing that was one of McCall’s biggest concerns. The fact that they’d all been treated and released from the hospital and the authorities were searching for their families took much of the tension off his face. The second concern had been more delicate, but Jared had handled it easily enough.

“Mia briefed Riley on the facts,” Jared said. “When she was questioned, I doubt even a polygraph machine could have detected a lie.”

“Riley’s damn good at that. Glad she was in town to handle the situation. Having Mia outed could’ve blown this mission to hell. Ricard needs to believe she’s still a society belle.”

Jared agreed. Having a female operative who resembled Mia relate how one of the men had been killed had worked fine. It wasn’t exactly their preferred way of handling the situation; LCR did its best to adhere, if not to the letter of the law, at least as close as possible. McCall
had a good relationship with the French authorities. No one wanted to screw that up.

“Mia handled herself well yesterday.” So what that he said it grudgingly? At least he’d said it.

“I’ve never doubted Mia’s abilities,” McCall said mildly. “I’m assuming you have no issues with her now, either?”

Issues? Hell yeah, he had issues with her. But they didn’t relate to her competence on the job. Now it was all about the woman herself and all the hot things he wanted to do to that beautiful, sexy body.

“She more than proved herself yesterday.”

“Good. Now tell me what’s really bothering you.”

He didn’t like that McCall could read him. The thought that someone else could see and know his thoughts, even if it was a man he trusted, made him damn uncomfortable. Still, he’d come here for a reason.

“Did you catch the news this morning?”

McCall grimaced. If Jared hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he never would have believed it, but the man actually blushed as he grumbled, “Samara took the remote away and wouldn’t let me watch.”

Hiding his amusement, Jared continued: “Yesterday two Ricard Foundation employees died in a fire at a spa. This morning, Ricard held a press conference. Guess there wasn’t much on the news front today, because his speech was carried live on a couple of the local stations. Near the end, he was interrupted by some man who gave him more news. Seems another employee was killed in a hit-and-run.”

McCall grunted. “Damn coincidental to have three deaths in two days.”

“That’s what I’m thinking.”

“What’d Mia think?”

He hadn’t discussed it with her, of course. He’d gotten distracted—first by her tears for complete strangers and
then by that kiss that had turned him on so powerfully. So much for his professionalism.

“I haven’t talked to her about it yet. Thought you might check with your connections … see if there was anything suspicious in the fire or the wreck.”

“You think this is related to our case?”

“Maybe—who knows? If he’s the one selling babies, he sure as hell wouldn’t mind killing a few people if they got in his way. The dead guy in Chicago proves that.”

“Good point. I’ll have a few people snoop around. See what they know.”

Jared nodded and headed to the door.

“Where are you off to?”

Once again, Jared wanted to laugh. McCall sounded jealous. Jared knew he’d be feeling the same way if he were stuck in a hospital bed.

“Cheer up. You can get caught up on all your soaps.”

McCall grimaced. “They took my favorite ones off.”

As Jared walked out the door, all amusement disappeared from his face. Mia would be seeing Ricard on Wednesday. That gave him two days to prepare. If Ricard was behind the deaths of his three employees, what would he do if he found out that Mia’s intent was to destroy him? Jared had to make sure that didn’t happen.

   The dress was too glittery, much too short, and way too expensive. Mia loved it. Telling herself she could always donate it for a charity auction or sell it to a consignment shop, she convinced herself to at least try it on. If it didn’t fit or looked horrible, she wouldn’t think any more about it. However, she already knew the dress would fit and look spectacular. And once she slipped it over her head, her assessment was confirmed.

Turning left to right, she admired the sleek lines and the way it hugged her curves, emphasizing her best assets.
And despite the fact that she was buying it to entice one man, she couldn’t wait to entice another one. What would Jared think? She shivered as she envisioned his reaction. Yes, no doubt about it … she had to have it.

As she pulled the dress back over her head, the voices outside the dressing room caught her attention.

“I just can’t believe she’s dead,” a young-sounding female said.

“I know. She told me that André had mentioned marriage but he hadn’t proposed to her yet. When she was given this trip as a reward from work, she thought it might encourage him to do it sooner.”

“I wish I could have gone to Monsieur Ricard’s memorial speech. I caught a glimpse of it on the news.”

“It was so sad, especially when they announced that her supervisor died on his way there.”

The women moved away but Mia stayed put. They were talking about the young couple who’d died in the fire. They’d both worked at the Ricard Foundation. The young woman had been given a free weekend at a spa by her employer and now she was dead, along with her boyfriend? And the other dead man … he had been the young woman’s supervisor? Had they found out something and Philippe had eliminated them?

Mia shivered, no longer interested in the dress or any of the other pretty clothes she’d purchased. She had to get in touch with Jared. If Philippe had anything to do with these deaths, he wasn’t only an evil fiend selling babies, he was also a murderer of innocents. A man like that was capable of anything.


“Jared? Are you here?”

He was in the bedroom, arranging items on the bed, when she flew into the apartment, calling for him. The urgency in her voice had him running. What the hell had happened? He met her in the middle of the living room. Grabbing her arm, he gave her a sweeping glance to make sure she was okay. “What’s wrong?”

“I’ve been trying to call you. Where have you been?”

Dammit. He’d forgotten to check his messages. “I had to turn my phone off for a while. Are you all right?”

“Yes, I’m fine. I wanted to tell you something.”

Now that he knew she was healthy, he noticed that she had made some significant changes to her appearance. The thick dark cloud of hair he loved to run his fingers through was now shorter, not even skimming her shoulders, and had been straightened. She had on more makeup than he’d ever seen her wear; her dark lashes looked longer and made her brown eyes seem even larger. Her lips were colored a luscious pink, and he felt a gut kick all the way through him as he imagined how she would taste.

Her clothes were different, too. The nicest outfit he’d ever seen her in was jeans and a shirt. Now she was wearing a dress; the soft blue material emphasized every beautiful curve, and the color made her skin glow like magnolia petals. She looked sexy as hell and a million miles out of his reach.

“What the hell are you wearing?”

Apparently not put off by his tone or his words, she whirled around as if modeling for him. “You like it? I figured since I needed some clothes for this assignment, I might as well start dressing the part. I even got my hair cut and a mini makeover.”

Like it? No. Seeing her like this only reemphasized how different they were. Which didn’t matter, since this would be a short-lived affair. But for whatever reason, it pissed him off.

“You sure you’re just planning on getting Ricard to show you the ropes of running a charity and not his bedroom talents?”

The brightness in her eyes dimmed, and Jared felt like he’d kicked a kitten. Then her chin lifted and a different kind of gleam entered the dark brown depths of her eyes. One of challenge, temper. “So, did you bring that bad attitude home just for me?”

The cheerful minx with the slightly sloppy way of dressing had disappeared, and a sophisticated, elegant beauty had taken her place. Her perfect mouth didn’t need the shiny lip gloss to make it look better. In a flash, his hands jerked her to him. Lowering his mouth to hers, he growled, “This attitude is all for you” and proceeded to devour those luscious lips.

She tasted like hot, pink-frosted perfection—soft, sweet, and delicious. A longing developed deep within him, one he hadn’t had in years and barely recognized as belonging to him. He wanted her with a depth and a need that didn’t mesh with the person Jared Livingston had made himself into. A voice told him to let her go, reminded him that other than the pleasure of the moment, nothing good could come from aching for something that didn’t really exist … couldn’t exist for someone like him.

With a growl, he pushed her away. Breath rasped from their lungs as they stared at each other. In a distant part of Jared’s mind, regret hovered like a dark cloud … he had mussed up her perfect look. Her lips were now bare; the lip gloss he hadn’t eaten off was smeared around her mouth. The hairstyle that had been perfectly straight was once again a dark cloud of messiness and, dammit, when the hell had he ripped the shoulder of her dress? Something pounded hard on his chest as shame clogged his throat.

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