Sweet Seduction Secrets (Sweet Seduction, Book 8): A Love At First Sight Romantic Suspense Series

BOOK: Sweet Seduction Secrets (Sweet Seduction, Book 8): A Love At First Sight Romantic Suspense Series
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Sweet Seduction Secrets
Sweet Seduction Book Eight
Nicola Claire

I’m In

After All, I’m A Professional

Simply Non-Existent In The Real World

And That Power Was Now After Me

But I Was Not Going To Be Alone When I Got There

Fuck Friendships And Fuck Your Friends

One Fucking Day

The Shell Was Cracking, God Alone Knew What Would Fall Out

Fucking Hunter Spooks

Great, An Army Ambush

There’s Something About Charlie

This Was Going To Hurt

Black Didn’t Even Cover It

Lovesick Fucking Puppy

Take Me Back To Nick

Why Should We Trust You?

You Fucking Care

Because, Sometimes, A Guy Just Has To Take The Fall

I Would Have Caught You

Really, I Had No Fucking Idea At All

It Was A Bit Of This And A Bit Of That

And I’d Been Blind

This Is Me Catching You, Firecracker

Veritas Lux Mea

One Way Or Another, This Ended Tonight

And Then Everyone Was Firing

We’re Family

She Was So Far Out Of My Fucking League

We Protect Our Country

My Name Is Charlie

Already Aware That I’d, Well And Truly, Been Fucking Caught

But It Couldn’t Be Mine

You Had Me From The Very Start

A Fucking Killing Machine

For People Like Me

The One And Only

And I Felt It All

Another Message From The Author

Review Request

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Copyright © 2016, Nicola Claire

All Rights Reserved

ISBN: 978-0-473-35040-6


This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organisations is entirely coincidental.

All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author.

Cover Art by LA LA

Image credit: 123RF Stock Photo

Image #11601023 & #33196008

About the Author

icola Claire lives
in beautiful Taupo, New Zealand with her husband and two young boys.

She's tried her hand at being a paramedic, bank teller and medical sales representative, (not all necessarily in that order), but her love of writing keeps calling her back.

She has a passion for all things suspenseful, spiced up with a good dollop of romance, as long as they include strong characters - alpha males and capable females - and worlds which although make-believe are really quite believable in the end.

There's nothing better than getting caught up in a compelling, intriguing and romantic book.

When she's not writing or reading, she's out on her family boat at Lake Taupo, teaching her young boys to fish, showing them the beauty that surrounds them in nature and catching some delicious trout for dinner.

Creating rich worlds with dynamic characters and unexpected twists that shock and awe has been pure bliss for this author. And just as well, because there's a lot more story yet to tell...

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Also by Nicola Claire

Mixed Blessing Mystery Series

Dark Shadow (Coming Soon)

Sweet Seduction Series

Elemental Awakening Series

The Tantalising Taste Of Water (Coming Soon)

H.E.A.T. Series

A Lick Of Heat (Coming Soon)

Citizen Saga




Masked (Coming Soon)

Wiped (Coming Soon)

Scarlet Suffragette Series

Breathless (Coming Soon)

Blood Enchanted Series

Blood Enchanted

Blood Entwined (Coming Soon)

Lost Time Series

Making Time (Coming Soon)

Message From The Author

nd here we are
, book eight of the
Sweet Seduction
series. Did you ever think we’d get to here? The end of the road, the end of such a delightful journey? And what a journey it’s been. There’s a few people to thank and a few memories to share, but with this last instalment,
Sweet Seduction Secrets
, I thought we might just go back to the beginning…

The premise behind
Sweet Seduction
has always been “love at first sight.” For some people, this concept is as foreign as, say, the pronunciation of Karangahape Road. And, I must agree to a certain extent, that maybe some folks are right to mix lust up with love, or to assume that feeling they get upon meeting someone is just butterflies, and not your body trying to tell you something BIG is happening.

But I never set out to prove that love at first sight exists. I
it does. I don’t need to prove a thing. It’s real. At least, the type of love that blindsides you, that comes out of nowhere and smacks you on the head, making your heart race and your palms sweat and your tongue feel three sizes too big for your mouth, is real. The type of love that involves attraction, for sure, respect and admiration, interest and intrigue, desire and longing, and, sometimes, much more.

It’s the type of love that continues to grow, morph into “traditional” love, but that’s not to say it wasn’t “real” love to begin with. It’s cunning and sneaky, it’s unexpected and sometimes unwanted. It’s not always convenient or appropriate. It just is.

And I know it exists, because it happened to me.

I still remember the first moment I laid eyes on my husband. I remember what tie he wore, and for those who know me, my memory is not always that sound. But I can envisage the colour and pattern intimately; burned into my brain in that split second. I remember the feelings and sensations as they rushed through me. The realisation, in that one brief moment, that my life would never be the same again.

I may have dismissed the notion immediately. But true love has no boundaries, even though obstacles may lie in its way. Love, and yes,
type of love, love at first sight love, is just the same.

If you’re lucky enough for it to be real.

It was real for me. And I credit that moment, over a decade ago, with much of
Sweet Seduction’s
success. Because it
real. Because it was all consuming. Because the world did stop spinning as this tall man in a business suit stalked in through the door to my new place of employment, held his hand out in a commanding way to shake, with not just a little anger and challenge in his eyes, (later I was to discover that anger and challenge was because he’d been landed with the ‘new girl’ only that morning by telephone and was none too happy), and stole my breath away.

The romance that ensued, and in all honesty has continued since, has been the basis for much of what I write. Not just this series, but
. I have lived and I have loved and every day I am grateful for that. I wouldn’t be able to do what I do without my husband’s and my romance as a backdrop to the stories I write. So, the first thank you must undoubtedly go to him. To that moment. To love at first sight.

Now, there’s more people to thank than just Hubby. Over the course of the series, to date, some tens of thousands of books have been downloaded. Hundreds of fans have emailed, messaged me on Facebook, Twitter or Goodreads, and genuinely made writing the next book so much more important, just so I’d get it right. For them. Books seven and eight followed a similar path as each other, slightly different from earlier instalments in this series, simply because of reader requests. You wanted more of the ASI guys, more of the Sweet Seduction girls, and much more of the male leads. Alternating points of view became the norm and I’d like to think helped you, as the reader, to see into both the protagonists’ heads. Making the story more engaging.

So, thanks to the readers, for getting in touch, for telling me what you like, for asking for more, and for making this series even better.

And lastly, towards the end of the series a fantastic group of gals got in touch with me, individually and after the fact for some, to start up a fan club and a street team, because of their love of
Sweet Seduction
. Both the Sweet Seduction Café fan club on Goodreads and the Sweet Street Seducers street team on Facebook have been a wonderful source of inspiration as the series came to an end. So, thank you to those outstanding few who took their love of the series one step further and through it gave me something so very special and heartwarming, something I will always treasure and no doubt think back on, as I do that moment, when I first met my husband.

Well, that’s it. And if you made it to book eight, thanks for sticking with
Sweet Seduction
right to the end.

You guys rock! I mean it. You can take that as being


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