Sweet Torments: The Best of Alex Jordaine (12 page)

BOOK: Sweet Torments: The Best of Alex Jordaine
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Kate put on a strap-on dildo and coated it liberally with lubricant. She eased it into Paul’s anus skilfully, going deep into his rear. He let out a groan of anguished delight and his cock spurted out a throb of precome as his sphincter tightened and relaxed around the large intruder. Kate began to fuck him hard, grinding her hips over and over, plunging into the depths of his anal hole.

Kate’s rhythm was fast and strong, each thrust going deeper into Paul’s anus, filling him, penetrating him, exciting him beyond belief. As she built up even greater momentum, really pounding into him, she also started pulling his cock hard, her fist working up and down on it like a jack-hammer.

Paul’s body was shaking in its bondage as though electric shocks were coursing through his veins, and he was panting uncontrollably with desire. His wrists and ankles were straining against the leather straps that held them tightly in place, his body bucking desperately as his pleasure mounted perilously close to the point of no return. Eventually he could take no more and, letting out an animal-like moan, he ejaculated voluminously. The come leapt out of his aching cock in spurts, warm and silky, spilling in pools across his stomach.

‘Well done, Paul. Thirty-three minutes,’ Chloe proclaimed as she watched Kate release him from the torture chair. Chloe was more than a little impatient to get started by this stage and added, a flash of fire in her eyes, ‘At long last it’s my turn to do some serious tormenting.’

‘And it’s back to clock-watching duties for me,’ said Kate, moving back to her former position as she unbuckled her well used strap-on. So, she thought, Jay would have to keep going for more than 33 minutes to win this game. That was a very tall order, a very tall order indeed.

Chloe grasped a handful of Jay’s hair and pulled him up off his knees. She then strode purposefully across the dungeon, still pulling him by his hair. She looked like a woman who definitely meant business. Chloe attached Jay’s wrists to the ceiling chain cuffs in double-quick time and immediately launched in, setting to with the flogger like some kind of whirling dervish. She whipped his chest, back and rear in an onslaught of fury that was unrelentingly cruel and seemed to him to go on for ever. On and relentlessly on she flogged him, each lashing blow more agonising than the last, until his body was thoroughly striped with the marks of the whip and he was enveloped in pain.

His shiny-wet cock was ragingly erect, though, and Chloe began to masturbate him. She worked her hand up and down his hard shaft that became increasingly smeared with precome until her fingers were covered with copious amounts of the fluid. Jay could feel lust swilling right up to bursting point and knew that, despite his best efforts, he was on the verge of climaxing. Then, thank God, Chloe stopped masturbating him. ‘Lick my fingers clean,’ she demanded crisply. Jay opened his mouth and closed his lips around Chloe’s fingers, sucking feverishly while desperately willing his impending orgasm to subside.

He then did something he instantly regretted: He looked over at the clock. He couldn’t believe it. Only twenty minutes had passed since the start of his torment. He could have sworn it had been longer than that – at least half an hour, surely. Christ, it had felt like an eternity. Jay didn’t look again, but from that point on he couldn’t get the clock’s insistent ticking out of his head. It ticked with excruciating slowness and seemed to him to become ever more audible.

Tick tock.

Tick tock.

Tick tock.

Tick tock.

That noise was like water torture to Jay. It was a constant reminder of how much longer he’d have to hold out if he had any hope at all of winning this game. And he very much wanted to win. It would make Kate really proud of him, he felt sure of that, and would be the perfect way to christen the dungeon she’d worked so hard to create. It would be his special way of saying thank you to her for all her efforts in creating such a superb play space for them.

But who was he trying to kid? He’d almost ejaculated a moment ago. Time was most definitely not on his side. He was between a rock and a hard place. Correction, he was between a
and a hard place.

Tick tock.

Tick tock.

Hard cock.

Hard cock.

Chloe began to whip his painfully hard cock. Each blow to his aching shaft brought a white flash of pain that made him flinch convulsively.

Tick tock.

Tick tock.

Whip cock.

Whip cock.

Chloe then detached Jay from the ceiling chains and led him roughly over to the horizontal torture chair where she told him to lie on his back. Her fingers working very quickly indeed, she strapped his wrists behind his head and his legs wide apart.

His whole body now ached with pain yet was suffused as well with intense erotic pleasure as this highly experienced, deeply sadistic dominatrix continued to do her very worst. She masturbated him again, her fingers pulling on the length of his stiffness as it throbbed and flexed in her hand. She smeared her fingers with the tears that cried from its tip as she pulled it ever harder.

Tick tock.

Tick tock.

Pull cock.

Pull cock.

Next Chloe leant forward so that she could suck Jay’s cock. She rounded her lips and closed them around his hardness, taking it into her mouth, pressing against its mushroom head with her tongue. She pushed herself further forward so that she could pull more of his length into her mouth. The up-and-down movement of her head went ever faster as she sucked his cock harder and harder.

Tick tock.

Tick tock.

Suck cock.

Suck cock.

While continuing to suck violently on Jay’s erection, Chloe squeezed his nipples savagely hard. They throbbed painfully, sending spasms of sensation to his shaft. He felt great pain; he felt great pleasure. The clock was ticking; her mouth was sucking.

Tick tock.

Tick tock.

Suck cock.

Suck cock.

Jay’s body writhed with agony and sensation, ached with pain and lust. If he could just hold out, he told himself desperately, if he could just hold out, if he could … but he couldn’t any more and finally reached the absolute end of his tether. Jay climaxed convulsively, pumping out great surging waves of come deep into Chloe’s throat, the sound of that accursed clock even then still ticking in his head.

Tick tock.

Tick tock.

Tick tock.

Tick tock.

But had he made it? He looked enquiringly over at Kate. She looked at the clock and back at Jay, flashing him the most brilliant of smiles. ‘Thirty-five minutes,’ she said. He’d made it all right – just. He was the winner, the last slave standing.

A long moment passed. Then …‘I wonder if I could ask you to do me a real favour, mistress,’ Jay said, his voice panting, his breathing still very laboured.

Tick tock.

Tick tock.

Tick tock.

Tick tock.

‘Anything you like, champ.’ Kate beamed.

Tick tock.

Tick tock.

Tick tock.

Tick tock.

‘Could you please, please,
take the battery out of that fucking clock!’

Tick tock.

Tick tock.



Tick tock.

Tick tock.

Ki …


Sam was padding naked around the bedroom, having just had a shower and washed and dried his hair. He let out a long frustrated breath. “See you later, darling”. Those had been Kate’s parting words to him hours earlier. She’d had to rush out to see one of her suppliers after getting an urgent phone call from them. Sam wouldn’t have minded but this was supposed to have been one of Kate’s rare days off.

This sort of thing was the price of success, though, Sam reflected philosophically, and Kate was certainly successful. His flame-haired dynamo of a partner had brains as well as beauty; there was no doubt about that. Sam, a freelance journalist of no great distinction, was very much an also-ran by comparison. Not that he was resentful of Kate’s success in the slightest. He was tremendously proud of her and what she’d been able to achieve in such a short time.

Four years ago she’d inherited the family business, an upmarket but by then seriously ailing leather clothing company. At first Kate had been at a loss about what to do with the company and had thought she might sell it. Then she’d had her brainwave.

Kate had taken the struggling company in a completely different direction, hoping to carve out a successful new niche market for it. And it
been Kate too. Sam was her devoted partner but not her business partner in any way. He had no head for business whatsoever. This had all been down to her. As things turned out, Kate’s initiative had succeeded beyond either of their wildest dreams and the fetish clothing line she’d built had just exploded.

Within a couple of years it had become a global brand in its own specialist but expanding market and virtually anyone who was into fetish wear and not short of cash – whether they lived in London, Berlin, New York, Paris, Rome, Tokyo, wherever – had at least one of Kate’s classy leather items in their wardrobe. Kate was therefore now a rich woman. And a busy one.

See you later, darling.’ Sam repeated Kate’s words to himself. But how much later was later? he wondered. Hour after hour had gone by and she still hadn’t returned. To make matters worse, Sam couldn’t remember the name of the supplier she’d said she was going to see. Also when she’d rushed out she’d forgotten to take her mobile phone with her. So he’d no means of getting hold of her to find out how much longer she was likely to be.

Turning slightly as he continued to mooch around the bedroom, Sam caught sight of his naked form in the full-length freestanding mirror. Not bad, he couldn’t help thinking. He was right. Sam wasn’t bad at all. He was well formed, with a lithe lean body, and a good looking, delicate-featured face. He had long fair hair that was naturally wavy, fine pale skin, arched brows, and straight white teeth. Yes, he wasn’t bad at all. Actually, though, he was a lot more than “not bad”. He was outstandingly attractive; no he was more even than that: he was impossibly beautiful.

Sam’s beauty was more than vaguely feminine, though, his appearance not so much boyish as girlish. This effect was accentuated by his wide, long-lashed eyes that were brown but could look like honey in a certain light. It was accentuated further by his small nose and full, sensuous lips and the fact that he wore his blond hair long. He was devoid of any body hair to speak of, had slim arms and legs, and his smooth hands and feet were light and small. By contrast he had a big cock. So in that respect at least he broke the pattern.

Absently Sam opened the laundry basket, finding it empty. But wait, what was this? Right at the bottom, all scrumpled together in a silken bundle, he found a pair of black stockings with elasticated tops, and a pair of high-cut black panties. Sam held one of the stockings against his cheek, enjoying the smooth, sensuous feel of the silk against the softness of his skin.

Then he rubbed the panties over his nose, sniffing the musky smell of Kate’s sex. He pressed the panties to his nose again, closed his eyes, and breathed in more of the scent of her pussy. Sam shuddered excitedly as the memory nudged into his consciousness of the rampant sex he’d enjoyed with Kate yesterday night during which he’d done something he’d actually never done before – fantasised that the pair of them were passionate lesbian lovers.

Sam let his mind drift as he remembered what Kate and he had been doing together in bed last night, what he’d ended up
they’d been doing together as two beautiful young women …

Kate climbed onto the bed and stood over Sam’s face. She looked down at him for a moment, her emerald-green eyes shining. She then squatted down over Sam’s mouth, squirming herself into position so that her sex and his lips were pressed together. Sam could hardly breathe as the wonderful aroma of her pussy engulfed him. He moved his lips and tongue over the wet folds of Kate’s pussy lips and lapped at the entrance to her sex, pressing his tongue inside. Kate began to wriggle, moving down hard on the mouth clamped between her thighs. Sam was probing with his sinuous tongue, lapping at her pussy juices, beside himself with excitement.

As Kate began to ride his face wildly, bucking her hips back and forth, Sam started to see himself as if in a dream. It was a strange, dissociated vision that at the same time felt completely real. It was as if he’d taken a step outside himself and in the process become someone else – the person he really was deep down inside, the real Sam. He felt as if he’d actually changed, transformed somehow. It was as if something beyond him had taken control of his body and the old Sam – the male Sam – was merely a passive observer.

And this passive observer could see the real Sam, the female Sam, urgently licking deep into Kate’s pussy, licking and licking and licking … And then Kate shifted position, lifting herself for a moment and swinging her hips back over Sam’s face so that her lesbian lover could eat her pussy again while she leant forward and lapped at
hard cock. It was so urgent that precome moistness was leaking constantly from its tip. Kate licked at that moistness as Sam continued to rapidly tongue her sex.

Next Kate rounded her lips and closed them around Sam’s hardness, taking it into her mouth, pressing against its head with her tongue. The up-and-down movement of her head went ever faster as she sucked Sam’s cock harder and harder. While continuing to suck violently on Sam’s erection, Kate pressed her thighs down extra-hard over
face and trembled to a blissful orgasm.

But Kate hadn’t finished with her lesbian lover. Sam’s nose and mouth became slick with her wetness once more as she again used the lips and tongue beneath her quivering thighs for her pleasure. Kate leant forward again, this time taking Sam’s shaft in her hand. She stroked and pulled at it as she rocked forward and back, rubbing her crotch over her lover’s mouth.

Kate then began stroking her clit and her wet pussy, her fingers smacking against Sam’s chin. And she kept on stroking herself, her pussy squelching wetly against her fingers, until she climaxed again in spasms. Then Sam climaxed too, warm come spraying out of
cock in liquid bursts.

Sam had become very aroused as he’d recalled that fantasy, that
He felt as if all the blood in his body had rushed to his cock, which had become ragingly erect. With Kate’s panties in the same hand, he squeezed his shaft gently, turned on further by the silken feel of the underwear against the hardness of his cock.

Sam knew what he wanted to do next, what he
to do next. And it was something the like of which he’d never done before. He sat on the edge of the bed as if in a trance. Then he rolled one leg of Kate’s stockings up into a little black doughnut and, squeezing his toes together, slipped it on. Slowly, luxuriously, he pulled the dark silk up over his leg. Next he smoothed it out with his hands, pointing his toes. He turned his leg sideways to straighten the seam with his fingers. He did this from the reinforced heel to the base of the stocking and all the way to the elasticated top. Next he put on the other black stocking in the same meticulous but sensuous manner. Sam delighted in the smooth feel of the stockings against his legs and the way their elasticated tops clung to his thighs.

He stood up, turned, and looked over his shoulder to admire the back view of himself in the full-length mirror. The black stockings brought out the creamy softness of his skin. Likewise the tops of the stockings clinging to his thighs accentuated the contours of his pert backside as well as the length of his shapely legs. There was no question about it: from behind he looked like a blonde girl, buck-naked but for black nylon stockings.

Sam took a few moments to revel some more in the sensation before turning away from the mirror and putting on the panties as well, pulling them up high. This, he found, was even more of a turn-on than donning the stockings. The thin, tight material could barely contain his shaft, which was rock-hard, its glans glistening with drops of precome.

His erection held upright by the black panties, Sam turned once more to scrutinise the rear view of himself in the mirror. The panties were pulled up tight between his rear cheeks, emphasising the gently alluring curve of his backside. He felt great.
felt great.

Sam trembled with desire, feeling more alive than he ever had before. For the first time in his life he actually felt as beautiful as he looked. He admired himself in the full-length mirror, flicking his golden locks and arching his back seductively. His shaft throbbed with excitement and he caressed it softly through the black silk panties. Then he sashayed to and fro in front of the mirror, head held high, shiny tresses bouncing lightly. Sam moved with a feminine grace, feeling like some sexy lingerie model, strutting her sensuous stuff on the catwalk.

But he could improve on this, Sam felt. This first cross-dressing experience of his had fuelled a burning hunger for more. Sam glided gracefully across the room and sat down at Kate’s vanity table, where he gazed at his face in the mirror above it. He looked undeniably feminine, with his smooth skin and delicate features, his full lips and long, wavy hair and slender neck. No surprises there. But he wanted to look even more feminine. Hell, he wanted to
a female.

He opened Kate’s make-up box, which was on top of the vanity table, and picked out two lipsticks, one of which was of a shade of pink he thought might suit him. Leaning in close to the mirror above the vanity table and puckering his lips, he applied the lipstick. It looked great. Then on went a black line of mascara and some eye shadow; not overdone, all very subtle.

Sam looked at his new face in the mirror and adored what he saw. He felt euphoric. He was overwhelmed by the sensation. It was the most exhilarating feeling he’d ever experienced, and he didn’t want it to end. Sam knew what was happening to him – what he’d sublimated so deeply for so long; knew what he was at last accepting about himself. The transformation felt natural, as if he’d been this way for a long time, maybe all his life at some deep-seated level. He let himself go, abandoned himself to the experience.

Sam put the lipstick, mascara, and eye shadow back in the make-up box and snapped the lid closed. A moment after that the bedroom door opened and he turned to see the long-awaited Kate.
See you later, darling.
She looked ravishing: that lovely, strong-featured face framed by glossy short red hair, those sparkling emerald-green eyes, that luminous pale skin; that voluptuous body, which was enhanced by the short black dress and high-heeled shoes she had on. Sam thought Kate looked perfect at that moment but also inscrutable. He had no idea what she was thinking as she looked at him. From her straight-faced expression there was no way to tell whether she was shocked or surprised or simply couldn’t care less.

‘You came back at last,’ Sam said quietly.

‘Yeah, I came back at last,’ Kate replied, still looking at him deadpan. ‘And look what I found.’ Her voice was coolly neutral but the words sounded ominous.

Sam took a deep breath and held it, bracing himself for the verbal assault he feared was coming next.

Instead Kate broke into a radiant smile. ‘I have to say, it makes a very arousing sight,’ she said, her voice dipping an octave. ‘Stand up and let me have a proper look at you.’

Sam let out his breath in small gasps, physically experiencing his relief at her reaction. ‘Yes, darling,’ he said and got to his feet.

nice,’ Kate said.

‘Thank you so much,’ Sam said, his pulse pounding.

‘Have you ever cross-dressed before?’ Kate asked.

‘Never,’ he said.

‘Not even in secret?’ She raised an eyebrow. ‘Come on, ’fess up. You know what they say: “confession is good for the soul”.’

‘Never,’ he repeated.

‘So, wearing my underwear and putting on my make-up like this is a first for you?’

‘Yes, it is,’ Sam said. ‘And I’m sorry for doing it without asking permission. That was wrong of me. It’s just that I got thoroughly carried away.’

‘I don’t mind,’ Kate told him. ‘It’s not a problem.’

‘Are you sure?’ Sam asked, his voice uncertain.

‘Think nothing of it,’ Kate said. ‘I don’t mind at all, honestly. You can use any clothing or make-up of mine any time you like, as far as I’m concerned. Do you know why I say that, my love?’

‘No, I don’t,’ Sam admitted.

‘Because I really,
like the new you,’ she said. ‘It’s as simple as that.’

Kate then put her hand behind Sam’s neck. She pulled him towards her and kissed him passionately, her full lips pressed firmly against his. Her mouth was warm and her tongue probing as it searched for his. Sam delighted in the kiss, which seemed to last for a blissful age.

Eventually Kate let go of his neck and pulled away from the kiss. ‘How do you feel now you’ve discovered your inner woman?’ she said.

‘Wonderful,’ he replied, his eyes shining.

‘And you’re very excited, aren’t you?’ she said. ‘Sexually excited.’

‘Very,’ Sam gasped.

‘Let’s see what we can do about that,’ Kate said, reaching out and touching his shaft through the tight, black panties. Its head was dripping with sticky fluid that had soaked through the shiny material. She rubbed along the length of Sam’s erection through the panties for a while before pulling them to one side of it. The feel of her fingers on his erection through the black silk panties had been exquisite but the feel of them directly on his hard flesh was ecstasy. She began to rub slowly up and down. ‘You like that?’ she asked huskily.

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