Sweetness (16 page)

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Authors: S Gonzalez

BOOK: Sweetness
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Dominic Ross
To: Emma Hill
Subject: Pictures

Check your picture file. You will see that while you were
in the shower, I uploaded some pictures of us together.
HMA hired a photographer to take photos of the show
and I asked him to forward me any that had you in them.

There is a very nice one of you looking in the mirror in
my dressing room while leaning over to get closer look at
yourself. I took that one myself.

It’s for my eyes only.

I miss you, too! xoxo

When did he take pictures of me? And I am the
stalker? I open my picture file and see ten photos, one of
me backstage watching him, a few while I was on stage
sitting on the black box, one of us kissing on stage, and
the one he took. I hate pictures of myself. The
professional ones aren’t bad but the one he took himself
shows me how he sees me. I am leaning over the counter
to fix my lipstick. My legs are closed and my dress is a bit
shorter in the back due to me bending slightly. You can
see down my dress showing off a exaggerated view of
my cleavage in the reflection. The reflection in the mirror
is of an awkward girl completely out place and scared to
death. It is almost as though he captured the seventeen
year old me in the mirror looking back at the twenty-two
year old me. It’s truly amazing.

I turn off my computer and climb into bed so I can
text Dom before I go to bed:
Thank you for the pictures. The one you
took is great.
I mean it. For my eyes only!
Of course. It is very intimate and I wouldn’t
dream of showing any else.
You’re right. It is intimate, that’s why it’s
my favorite. You looked so beautiful.
The one of me watching you is my favorite.
Is that when I got you wet?
Ha ha. I’m sure it was.
Dominic: Good.

Night baby. I am physically and
emotionally burnt out. All this sex talk is

Lol. Ok, get some rest. Nite, Sweetness. <3
No matter how people saw me when I was
younger I was always just wearing a mask, to fake
normal. I
faked normal. I never felt like I belonged
anywhere before. When I was a kid my father was
always gone or busy with work and the family I lived
with was dysfunctional to say the least. When I met Max
and Wanda, they didn’t know me. I didn’t have to
pretend to be someone else because they had no idea
who I was in the first place. I was a blank slate and it was
a great feeling to come out of my shell. I can be myself
with them.

With Dominic, I can be the me I want to be. He
makes me feel safe, and special, and worthy of his
affection. His words and actions aren’t harsh or depraved
but instead caring and gentle. I can feel his words in my
soul when he speaks to me. When he sings, his lyrics
touch me in places physical touch could never reach.
Places I didn’t know I had inside of me. Good places,
which have been shadowed by the darkness of what
Glen, did to me. It’s nice to show the world the girl
behind the mask. I kind of like her.

Chapter 9
“Daddy!” I shriek
as I walk across the lobby. When he
turns toward me his face lights up as he embraces me.

Martin Hill is a powerful man. He always has this
stoic disposition that warms over every time he sees his
kids. He is a loving and caring man who would tie the
world in a bow and lay it at our feet if we asked him to.
He’s a beautiful man inside and out.

I mean, he is my father, but I am not blind. I have
seen woman half his age throw themselves at his feet.
Standing a little over six foot tall with a thick mat of
brown hair, that is starting to grey slightly, and the same
blue eyes I see every time I look in the mirror; he
definitely is a catch. Always the CEO, he is clean-shaven
and well dressed, as usual, in a designer suit. It is a rarity
to see him out of his signature suit and tie.

I know everything Gabe and I talked about
yesterday, acting the part of the bosses’ daughter and all,
will go double for my father. With that in mind, this
morning I very carefully thought out my wardrobe
choice. Dressed smartly in a black pencil skirt, white
sleeveless, silk blouse and black heals, all courtesy of
Mia, I think I am the picture of a professional woman.

Gabe is also dressed in a designer suit which
probably cost more than most people make in a week. I
have to say he can sure pull off tight-ass like its no ones
business. I’m subtly trying to catch Gabe’s attention for
approval but he doesn’t even glance in my direction. I
can see him standing behind my father looking at his
phone and ignoring my existence. Intentionally, no

“Darling, you look lovely,” Daddy says admiring
me at arms length, “and your hair is wonderful. I see you
took advantage of the spa day Mia insisted on.”
As he paid his complements I run my fingers
through my now shoulder length hair with platinum
blond highlights. I have to admit spa day was wonderful.
Wanda and I had manicures, pedicures, body scrubs,
haircuts, and a massage. Mark and Max had haircuts and
massages before they retreated to the bar across the street
and waited for us to finish. Spa day is definitely going to
be part of my monthly routine.
“Thank you, Daddy. I appreciate everything you
and Mia have done for me. The apartment is amazing.
Everything you arranged allowed for a smooth move.” I
smile at him and kiss his cheek while looking over his
shoulder to see if Gabe is going to remain part of the
lobby scenery, or acknowledge me like a normal person.
“Martin, it’s getting late. We should head out.”
Gabe speaks up. I notice him giving me a once over as if
he just realized I was here. I don’t know why I feel the
need to seek his approval. But he is my boss, so I better
play nice.
“Yes, once second. I have to make a quick call
first,” my father murmured before excusing himself.
“Emma, you look nice. Sure glad you didn’t opt
for leather and lace in the office.” Gabe’s face is
emotionless so I’m not sure if he’s kidding or serious.
Just as I open my mouth to respond my father motions
me towards the door so we could leave.
“After you,” Gabe mutters while waving me to
move in front of him. I narrow my eyes at him. It looks
like that was the reaction he was going for because I can
see a twitch of a smile curl up on his lips. When I don’t
smile back his expression changes in an instant; back to
the glaring hard ass I have come to know. I could feel his
eyes on me as we walked out the front of the building
and I could swear I caught him looking at my ass when I
turned around.
When I stepped out onto the sidewalk the warm
summer morning air hit me like a ton of bricks. A
definite contrast to the air conditioned lobby. The first
thing I saw was my father’s new toy idling at the front
curb. The brand new Mercedes-Benz S600 Pullman limo
was a sight to be seen. The car was white on white with
clean lines and uber stylish curves. When we all climbed
in first took notice of the soft white leather bucket seats.
They luxurious leather feels like warm butter caressing
my skin. The whole car was like an office on wheels
equipped with TV’s, small laptop tables, mini bar,
multiple USB ports in every console for any electronic
device one would need. It has ever amenity one could
expect in a high-end car such as this.
After I express my admiration of such an
extravagant means of transportation, my father
immediately begins talking business. I know the work
day had begun. I see the transition from loving father to
serious CEO, in a flash.
“Emma, I understand that some issues have arisen
since I have been away. Originally, I spoke to Gabe
about having you join his team because he is focusing on
bringing a younger market to HMA. I
you two
would work well together. I called Gabe on Saturday
morning, to express my concerns over some photos I saw
of you on stage at the show on Friday night. I am
alarmed by the way you conducted yourself. It seems
that your on stage presence didn’t go unnoticed to the
press. It wasn’t until Gabe informed me your act was all
part of the show and you graciously volunteered to be a
part of it, for the sake of the campaign, that I gave this
arrangement a second thought. He assured me this little
show you were putting on, would certainly create a buzz
for their new album,” Daddy said sternly looking me
directly in the eye.
His eyes then flickered over to Gabe then back to
me to see if there was a crack in this story Gabe cooked
up. “I will firmly convey to you both that although I am
not 100% comfortable with this, I trust that Gabe knows
what he is doing and I will agree to allow it as long as
you can manage to do it in a professional manner. Which
brings me to my next question,” he exhales audibly and
stops for a second. It looks as though he is thinking of
how to approach his next inquiry. “Gabe tells me this
young man is an old friend of yours. What is the nature
of your relationship?”
I was shocked that Gabe would stick his neck out
to protect me from my father. My personal relationship
with Dominic shouldn’t be their business. I know I
screwed up and I am appreciative Gabe cleaned it up, but
I am not going to let them run my life. Who I date or
sleep with, and what I do isn’t any of their damn
“Daddy, Dominic Ross and I have been friends for
many years. I had no idea HMA was representing his
band until Wednesday when I saw him. The song he
wrote, Sweetness, is my song. He wrote it for me. That is
why I volunteered to be part of the show. As for our
romantic relationship, that really isn’t anyone’s business.
He will be traveling so our personal relationship is
casual, but we do care for each other.”
I am holding my ground so far and to be honest a
bit annoyed that my father was talking to me like a child
in front of Gabe. If I am ever going to get Gabe to respect
me he can’t treat me any differently than other
employees from HMA. But since he is setting a
precedence of favoritism, here goes nothing.
“You should also know that Dominic has put his
foot down and stated to me that as much of a success the
set was, he will not sing that song like he did on stage
Friday night with anyone but me. Which means, for
promotional intentions, I should make myself available,
for the bigger shows at least, to recreate the whole thing
and make sure this single gets the proper exposure it
deserves. That may mean more time traveling, then
originally intended.”
This is a bold move, I know. I sort of feel bad for
making this declaration after finding out Gabe worked
over my father to save my hide. I glance over at Gabe
who looks displeased. His head is slightly shaking in the
negative as he draws his eyes downward and takes a
deep sigh. I can see that my father is mulling this over in
his head. For a split second I think I just may come out
the victor in this.
“I see. Emma, this is a business. You will need to
keep your professional life and your personal life
separate, however since they have collided
unintentionally, I don’t see a reason you couldn’t see this
through. Gabe is in charge of this whole division so I will
not overstep. I will leave the decisions up to him
regarding your need to be at certain shows. Gabe is
extremely competent in his job and I will leave you in his
hands to do with as he pleases. If he allows you to go to
these shows, that will be at his discretion and you will
answer to him, not me. I am your father but Gabe is your
boss. Is that clear?” Gabe gives me a tight smile and nods
his head in agreement. When my father says Gabe can do
with me as he pleases my groin pulls and I shift in my
seat. I don’t what to think about Gabe as anything other
then jerk sitting in front of me but my body is not on the
same page.
How the hell did this go so wrong?
“Of course, Daddy-,” My father cuts me off before
another word is spoken.
“That’s another thing. In the office I am Mr. Hill. I
don’t mind people knowing you are my daughter, but
you will need to give me the same respect I expect from
all my employees.” My mouth hangs open; shocked by
his insinuation that I would expect special treatment
when I specifically told him time and again that is the
last thing I want. If he recalls it was me who told him to
treat me like everyone else, and him who said I was
being silly because I am not like everyone else. I don’t
mind showing him the proper respect but when he feels
he needs to remind me where my place is, I take offence.
“As I was saying, I completely understand,
Daddy, I wouldn’t dream of overstepping my place in
HMA. I am privileged to work with Mr. Hernandez and I
acknowledge that I have a lot to learn. I was just merely
expressing Dominic’s wishes. As for our personal
relationship, it will be kept as discreet as I can manage.
Work first. Always.” Gabe glares at me with narrowed
eyes. He is trying to figure out what my angle is. He
doesn’t realize I have had my father wrapped around my
little finger since I was born. If I have to pull out the big
guns I will.
“Good, that’s settled. I am sure Gabe will be
happy to show you up to your office and help you get
settled in.”
My father turns his head to Gabe who nods in
agreement but remains silent until we arrive at HMA.
My father stays behind in the car to make a private call
and Gabe ushers me through the lobby and into a private
elevator that is used primarily for executives. As soon as
the doors close I see Gabe staring me down through my
reflection in the door. We are the only ones in the
elevator, and that’s a good thing because there is a lot of
tension in this confined space. The way he smells and
even the way he breathes is completely sensual. Mix that
with the angry vibe he is giving off and that’s the recipe
for a lust sandwich.
Jesus Hill, get it together. He is your boss for god
sakes, I scold myself.
“I hope you learned your lesson, Emma. You will
not go around me. It will only backfire. I thought we
came to an agreement yesterday regarding what your
role will be on my team. As we have clearly discussed,
against my better judgment, I have allowed you to be on
the promotional tour for several shows. However, if you
continue to act like a spoiled child I will treat you like
one and kick spoiled ass down to the mailroom.”
“I wasn’t trying-“
“I know what you were doing. You are testing me.
You think just because, Martin Hill, is your father, he will
overrule my decisions. That’s not the case as you can see.
You will be wise to sit, listen, pay attention, and keep
your mouth shut. Are we clear?” I turn my eyes
downward, wanting to shrink in the corner and die.
“Yes, Mr. Hernandez. I’m sorry. I will not
disappoint.” The elevator doors opened and I follow
Gabe out of the car.
“Too late,” he murmurs to me as I follow him
dutifully, hot on his heal. I see a small seating area to the
right and a reception desk front and center. A very
attractive redhead says good morning to Gabe, to which
he simply nods in acceptance.
We are on the top floor, where only the executive
suites are located. The space is vast and each corner has a
large office made up of darkened black glass walls with
chrome trimmings. The middle of the room is a large box
like floor plan made up of sleek low walls and glass
desks with top of the line computers. The floor is busy
with ringing phones and people moving about dutifully.
I follow Gabe to the far right corner of the floor, to
what I assume is his office. When we arrive Gabe
introduces me to Stephanie Westley, his assistant.
Stephanie is about 35 years old with short brown hair
and brown eyes. She has a no-nonsense façade but seems
nice and is very kind when she gives me the tour of the
floor, as instructed my his majesty. She tells me about her
two children and a husband. She seems pleased that I
will be taking over her travel requirements as part of my
job duties. She introduces me to all the people on the
floor and shows me to my desk. It is on the far right
corner of the square; closest to her own desk. I get settled
in and work with a guy from the IT department to get my
log on and screen names sorted. Just as we are done my
phone rings. I see that it is Gabe from my phone ID.
“Yes, Mr. Hernandez, how-“ he cuts me off before
I can properly greet him.
“Get in here,” he barks into the phone and hangs
up immediately. I flinch at his snappiness before quickly
grabbing a pen and notebook from my desk drawer. I let
out a deep breath and Stephanie smiles at me when I
knock on the door before entering.
“You wanted to see me, Sir,” I say in a small voice.
I can see Gabe’s office is similar to my apartment with
clear glass walls looking out onto the city below, which
wrap all the way around the two exterior walls. His desk
is in front of the exterior glass wall I face when I enter.
There is a seating area to the left side with two, leather
sofa’s facing each other and a glass table between them.
To the right of his desk there is a bar area with a flat
screen TV and two closed doors behind it. I move toward
the desk and take a seat on one of the two white club
chairs with chrome feet facing it.
“Yes Emma, have a seat. Are you finding
everything ok?” He asks me with a genuine smile.
Moody sonuvabitch isn’t he.
His tone is nicer then it was a minute ago. One
minute he hates me then he likes me. He is rude to me
then he is nothing but manners. He hates what I do but
then defends me to my father. Pick a side nut job.
“Yes, Sir.”
“Good. Stephanie is working on your schedule as
we speak. I will need you to get started on ordering the
promotional items and work on the press releases.
Nothing goes to print without my approval. I will email
you a list of contacts that I want you to send the press
releases to, once they are finalized. Also, I have thought
about it, and I think that you should also handle all the
expense reporting for this project. That should keep you
out of trouble and free up Stephanie. I will have a
corporate card ordered for you, but I repeat, nothing gets
ordered or sent to press without my written approval.”
“Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. Is there anything else?”
“Coffee. Skim milk, one sugar,” he murmurs as he
looks back at his computer. There he goes, hot and cold
again. It is going to take some time for me to understand
The rest of the day goes smoothly and at quitting
time I ask Stephanie if there is anything else I need to do
before I leave. I see her packing up and she tells me I did
well on my first day as we walk out to the elevators
Once outside I see Luke standing next to my
father’s car. “Need a ride, Emma?”

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