Sweetness (Bold As Love) (11 page)

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Authors: Lindsay Paige

BOOK: Sweetness (Bold As Love)
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But it doesn’t matter now. Let’s not talk about it anymore.” She ends the conversation with that and begins to trail her fingers over my stomach, which tenses from the sensation. After a few minutes, I can’t take it anymore and I grab her hand. “What,” she giggles.

I intertwine our hands and tell her, “You keep doing that and you will definitely not go home.” She looks up at me and I kiss her.

My hands glide down her body until I reach her hips. I pull her closer to me as her fingers rake through my hair. Her skin feels unbearably hot under her shirt. Abruptly she stops and looks at me. Our breathing is slightly heavy. She looks at me for a minute before she rolls over and stares at the ceiling. I roll onto my side and look at her.

What’s the matter?”

She sighs. “Nothing. I just…I should probably head home.”

You sure?”

She looks over at me and nods. I stand up and hold my hand out to her. She grasps it and stands up. We quietly make our way downstairs and outside. Emily shivers and I pull her closer to me. The walk to her house is filled with silence until I decide to break it. “Hey, why so quiet?” I ask bumping her shoulder.

She looks at me and smiles. All my uneasiness fades away. “Just thinking.”

About,” I ask.

She wraps an arm around my waist and says, “About how I can’t wait for our date.” I’m not completely sure I believe her, but I don’t say so. Soon we are at her house and she’s standing in front of me. I lean down and give her a short and sweet kiss.

I’ll see you later Jake,” she says and then she’s gone.


Wednesday was just another day. I went through my classes and had lunch with Jake, who had both eyes open today. It was getting easier to make eye contact. Well, with Jake and my dad it was. I couldn’t help but thinking about how Conrad once again invaded my thoughts last night while I was kissing Jake.

No. Conrad was not going to take over again. He was long gone and even though I missed him sometimes, the fact is still the same. He was at college and I was here. With Jake. With a sigh, I push Conrad out of my mind for good.

I spend all afternoon working on homework and wondering how the game is going. My dad comes home in a great mood and starts on supper. I take a break from my work and we eat dinner. Dad goes on and on about his work and the things he is working on.

He cleans up our dirty dishes and I continue writing my papers. I finally finish around nine and I go to take a shower. The hot water splashes my body and it relaxes me. Once I’m squeaky clean, I dry off and change into my pajamas. I just crawled under the sheets when Jake calls.

Hello,” I say.

Hey Emily. How was homework?”

Torture. How was the game?”

Great. We won 3-2.”

That’s great.”

Are you coming over tonight?”

Probably not. I’m exhausted and would like nothing better than to sleep.”

Aw, c’mon Emily. I want to see you.”

I rolled onto my stomach and propped myself up on my elbows. “You do,” I feign surprise.

Of course I do,” he says with a chuckle. “My arms need to wrap around you and my lips need to find yours,” he continues.

I giggle, “So your body wants to see me? Well…I don’t know.”

Emily, every fiber of my body and mind wants to see you. Instead of talking and whatnot, you can sleep here and then I’ll take you back home. C’mon. Please?”

How could I say no to that? “Fine, but I’m wearing my pjs.”

He chuckles, “I’ll be there at eleven. I’ll see you soon.”

Bye,” I say. I go into the bathroom and see that my hair looks like a big mess. I grab a hair bow and throw it up in a ponytail. Satisfied, I go lay down until eleven rolls around.


Good thing I was wearing pajama pants because it was cold. Bad thing that I was wearing them with a tank top. Good thing that I brought a jacket. I snuck out and jog to wear Jake is waiting. He grins when he sees me and wraps his arms around me planting a kiss on the lips.

Hello to you too,” I tell him.

Hello,” he says in a husky voice. Hearing his deep voice sound like that sends a shiver through my body. He takes my hand and we head to his house.

Sorry for the bed look, but I was already changed and comfy,” I say.

He wraps an arm around my shoulder and says, “You look fine. I actually think I like it.”

Yeah, right.” I laugh.

I do,” he says with a kiss to my forehead. I lean into him and silence fills the walk to his house. We sneak inside and up to his room. While he checks on Drake, I slip off my shoes and jacket and set them aside. I climb under the covers of his bed getting myself comfortable. He comes in with a hint of surprise on his face.

What? You told me I could sleep when I got here.”

He chuckles and takes off his hoodie revealing a muscular and lean body. He slips off his shoes leaving him wearing black basketball shorts and black socks. He climbs in beside of me and we lay facing each other. He leans in and gives me the best kiss ever.

His body radiates heat and I can’t help but reach out and run my fingers over his torso. His hands pull me closer and run down my body. Being pressed up against his bare chest makes me dizzy. Reluctantly I pull away before I get carried away and say, “Hey, I supposed to be sleeping.” He laughs and closes his eyes.

What are you doing?”

I’m going to sleep,” he says without opening his eyes.

I don’t want you to go to sleep. I don’t even want to go to sleep now.”

Well, too bad,” he says with a smile.

Will you open your eyes and look at me?”

He does. I grab his face and pull him to me. I kiss him hard and passionately. Just when he places a hand behind my neck to pull me even closer, I pull away and close my eyes. “Night,” I tell him with a smile.

He groans and says, “Sweet dreams.”

I wrap my arms around his waist and let his body heat wrap around me leading me to sleep.


I awake with my head buried in Jake’s chest and my legs tangled in his. I’m so comfortable, warm, and peaceful. I don’t want to move, much less face the cold air outside and go home. I kiss the place where his heart is and lean back to see Jake smiling at me.

Hey sleepy head,” he whispers.

Hey. What time is it?”

About four. I should probably get you home.”

I bury my face in his chest and say, “Maybe in a few minutes.” His arms tighten around me and I feel a kiss on my head. I almost fall back asleep but Jake reminds me that I should probably get back home. “No. I like it here.”

I like it here too, but unless you want to wake up here in the morning you should probably get home.” He stands up and pulls me with him. He hands me my jacket and shoes. While he puts his hoodie and shoes back on, I do the same. Once ready, we head to my house. I double-checked that I would get Drake once we were in front of my house.

Or I can. I don’t have practice tomorrow so either one of us could get him.”

I will. I miss him.” He smiles and gives me a kiss.

I’ll see you tomorrow Emily. Sweet dreams.”

Sweet dreams Jake.” I walk inside and wave goodbye to him.


I awake to rain pelting on the roof. I get ready for school and smile as I remember last night. I leave for school shortly after. I park my car and thought about running into the school to avoid getting soaked. Instead I walk and twirl in circles with my arms out. I turn my face up to the sky and close my eyes.

Emily, what are you doing?”

I look to see Jake running towards me. “I’m enjoying the rain,” I say wanting to kiss him. His hair is stuck to his head and raindrops are hanging off the ends of some.

He smiles and says, “Well you need to get inside before you catch a cold or have to wear wet clothes all day.”

He wraps an arm around my waist and leads me inside. He keeps glancing over at me and finally I ask, “What?”

I’ve never seen you like that before. So carefree and bursting with life,” he says with a smile.

I smile loving the feeling coursing through me. “I like it,” he adds. We reach my locker and he gives me a kiss on the forehead before heading to his own. I grab the books I will need and put the ones I don’t back in my locker. “Well, look who can actually smile.”

I turn to see Claire and two other girls standing behind me. The hate is evident in their eyes and I look away. “What do you want,” I ask.

I want to know what a guy like Jake is doing with a girl like you,” she says. Surprise flints across her eyes as I feel a body behind me with arms circled around my waist.

I knew it was Jake and he said, “Why don’t you ask me yourself?” Claire’s face brightens with anger. “Well?” Jake asks. She turns around and stalks off with her friends following her. “Sorry,” Jake says resting his chin on my shoulder.

I lean into him and take a deep breath. “It’s nothing,” I say.

He kisses my neck and says, “Right. Claire is just Claire. It’s best to ignore her.”

I should probably get going,” I say stepping away from him and slinging my bag on my shoulder. I shut my locker and return the lock.

I’ll see you at lunch,” he says. I nod and walk away.

I have a little time before class and I head towards the bathroom. Two seconds after I’m in there, someone pushes me on the ground. I feel the skin breaking on my hands as I fall onto the cement floor. I turn around and see Claire and the two girls hovering over me. I stumble standing up, noticing they have me backed into a corner.

Wh-what do you wa-want?”

Claire laughs. “Aw, she’s sccc-cared.”

I try to hold back the tears as my eyes see the hate. She pokes a finger in my chest and with each word pokes. “You need to leave Jake alone. He’s mine. I can make your life a living hell. Got it? You’re nothing but garbage and Jake deserves better. He deserves someone like me not you.”

Okay,” I say quietly, looking at the floor. She laughs and shoves me again before leaving. The bell rings making me tardy. I don’t care. I take my time in the bathroom. I splash water on my face to refresh. My mood from earlier disappeared and was replaced with an ominous cloud hanging inches from my head.

I walk slowly to class, digging my nails in my hand so I can feel physical pain over the emotional pain. I don’t even try to pain attention and my teacher notices. I don’t answer when she calls on me. I just turn the volume up on my iPod.

I feel torn. Everything my mom ever said to me slammed into my like a cannon ball. Seeing the hate in Claire’s eyes brought it all back full force. Between that and the past few days with Jake, Drake, and my dad, I felt like I was being tugged between believing my mom or the guys. I tried not the think about it as I sat down at the lunch table.

I bit my lip and stared at my food. “Emily?” I look up to see Jake sitting across from me. “Everything okay?” I avoid his eyes, just in case. I don’t speak because I don’t trust what could come out. Instead I opt for shaking my head. He stands, walks around the table and sits beside me. “Em, what’s the matter? Claire,” he asks wrapping an arm around my shoulders and bringing me to him.

I don’t answer him and he takes that as a yes. His voice comes out as a stern whisper. “Claire is just jealous. Either way, it doesn’t matter. Anything bad anyone could think about you wouldn’t be true. Emily, you have to believe that. Otherwise, you won’t ever be…well, you.”

You…you don‘t know what she said, what she did.”

He looks at me curiously, waiting for me to continue. “What‘d she say?” he asks quietly. I told him about what happened in the bathroom and he was outraged. “I can’t believe her. I’ll be right back,” he says standing up.

I get a sinking feeling in my stomach. “Where are you going?”

To talk to Claire.”

Jake,” I object, but he walks off anyway. I watch him as he motions for the person next to him to move. He sits beside Claire whose face lights up at seeing that Jake is looking at her. She glances my way with success written all over her face. Jake curls his fingers under her chin, as he has done to me so many times. He makes her look at him. I see his lips moving and the anger cover his face.

I don’t know what he is saying but Claire objects to it by the flailing of her hands. She set him off because he abruptly stands and yells, “I don’t want you! You’re a self-centered bitch who hates on people you know nothing about. So drop it!”

He storms over to my table and plops into his seat. The entire cafeteria is quiet. Even the teachers seem speechless. “Well, I feel better. Do you?” Jake asks, his deep voice echoing in the cafeteria. I shook my head. Claire jumps out of her seat and runs out. The cafeteria begins to mumble with voices talking over what happened.

Jake,” I say cautiously. His outburst scared me. “Why did you do that?”

She deserved it. She knows nothing about you Emily and she shouldn’t do that to you.”

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