Sweetness (Bold As Love) (9 page)

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Authors: Lindsay Paige

BOOK: Sweetness (Bold As Love)
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Why thank you! I try my best.”

We were getting closer to her house when I spoke again. “Would it be too much for me to ask you out on a date?” Emily looked over at me and the surprise was clear on her face.

She gazed ahead for a few seconds and said, “Ask me and we’ll see.”

I smiled as we walked up the walkway to her house. When we were standing face to face at her door, I asked, “Emily, would you like to go on a date with me? A date where we have nothing but fun; no serious talk. Just good old fun.”

She smiled up at me and pretended to think. “I think that is exactly what I need.” For the third time that night, Emily surprised me. She stood on her tiptoes and leaned in to kiss me. I pull her to me and deepen the kiss. That probably wasn’t what she had in mind, but I couldn’t resist.

Her body was warm and fit. It seemed to melt into my own. Her hair was so soft as I ran my hand up to grasp the back of her neck. Her hands ran up my chest and rested on my shoulders. All too soon, it was over and she stepped back with her cheeks blushing. “I’ll see you tomorrow Jake.”

Sweet dreams Emily.”

Sweet dreams.” She went inside and I made the walk back to my house. I grinned the whole way. I had a date. With Emily. I couldn’t wait. For the first time in a long time, I went to bed with a smile on my face.


Today was a repeat of yesterday for the most part. Papers are turned in. Teachers gave lectures. Boring day as usual. I was a little excited about lunch, but mostly anxious. Would Jake sit with me again today?

The answer was yes. I pushed all the doubt out of my head while I was in school and focused on our “session”. With his eyes closed, I talked to him. Instead of him asking questions, I did the talking. We had our presentation next period and I asked him to do all the talking. He popped open one green eye and I tried not to giggle. He just looked too funny when he did that. “I don’t know. I think you should try to talk some. It would be good for you.”

I can’t do that Jake.”

Both eyes were open now and I was trying my hardest not to look away. “You can talk to me and Drake easily.”

Yeah, but I won’t be talking to people I’m comfortable with. I’ll be talking to a class full of people who think I’m a quiet freak.”

His smile faded. “They don’t think you are a freak. They just think you aren’t very social.” He cracked a smile and I rolled my eyes.

It’s the same thing. Please, don’t make me do this Jake.” I bit my lip while I waited for him to answer.

He took a bite of his burger and said, “Okay, I’ll talk. But. You owe me.”

Owe you what?” I was mostly curious, but there was no telling what he would say, which scared me a little.

He leaned forward and stared me in eyes. My gaze dropped to his lips and he smiled. I looked back into his eyes and he said, “Seems like you already know.”

I could feel heat creeping up my neck and into my cheeks. Jake chuckled and I ignored it. The bell rang and we walked to my locker. I spun the dial and was very conscious of Jake standing close by. I grabbed the right book and the rolled up poster and turned to Jake. He went to reach for the poster but I pulled it away. “No way. I’ll keep this. I have to make sure you don’t try and go back on your word.”

He grinned and leaned in close. “You don’t have to worry about that.” He stood back straight and I took a deep breath.

Let’s go,” I said stepping around him. I heard him chuckle behind me. I liked the sound of it but at the same time I felt as if he was laughing at me.

While we waited for our turn, I kept biting my lip. I really didn’t want to do this. The familiar knot churned my stomach and my head started to pound. “Jake, Emily. You’re up.” I grabbed the poster and with shaky hands took the rubber band off. I walked up to the front of the class where Jake was waiting. I held the poster up, covering my face and let Jake do the talking. The three-minute presentation seemed to last three hours. How did people do this? It was as if I could feel everyone’s stares through the poster.

With a deep breath, I sank into my seat once we were done. I was relieved as I put my head down on my desk. My heart felt like it was still racing a hundred miles a minute. I tried to take deep, slow, quiet breaths to calm myself. I felt a hand on my shoulder and then a whisper, “Are you okay Emily?”

I turned my head to look at Jake. “I’m fine.” I gave a weak smile but he didn’t seem to buy it. “I’m fine. Go. Sit down before we get in trouble.” However, it seemed that the teacher knew he was back there. I sat up and pointed to his empty chair, silently telling him to go sit down.

After a moment, he did as I wished. I didn’t put my head back down as I was feeling a bit better. Jake kept glancing back at me and I would offer a wave. Class was over and I was relieved. Since I didn’t have to get Drake today, I thought it would be good to walk home.

After making the necessary stops, I walked out of school and made my way to the sidewalk. “Emily!” I turned to see Jake standing by his car. “Do you want a ride?”

If I wanted a ride, wouldn’t I have driven my own car?”

He laughed and said, “Good point.”

I turned around and began my walk home. While I was feeling better about my mom calling, I was worried she would call again. Or what if she showed up at my house? A cold shiver of terror went down my spine. Arriving home, I locked the door behind me. I sat down at the table and realized how empty the house was.

Without Drake or my dad here, the house was quiet and eerily empty. Silence meant my thoughts are coming full force like a train and crashing into me. I couldn’t go through with this. Whatever this was. After the game Thursday, life would go back to normal. I wouldn’t have to be around Jake. I wouldn’t have to wonder why he’s around. I wouldn’t have to wonder why some random person like Jake Benson would want to be around me when my own mother despised me.

Tired of the trail of thoughts, I push my chair back and walk over to the radio that is installed under the cabinets over the counter. I found one of my favorites stations, Bob 93.3 and turned it up. Returning to my seat, I felt better with some noise.

I finished my homework two hours later. My dad came in the door as I was packing my things up. “Hey hon. How was your day?”

Pretty good. Yours?”

Tiring. I’m going to have to work this weekend. Will you be okay here?”

Of course.” Dad started to get various items out of the fridge and pantry for supper. “Oh, Jake wants us to go to his game tonight. We can just grab a bite later.”

He begins to put everything back, “Alrighty then. What time does it start?”

In about thirty minutes. We should go ahead and find seats.”

Okay, I’ll drive. Just let me change out of my suit.” He left me in the kitchen to dress. I went to my room with my bag in hand and dropped it beside my dresser. I checked myself in the mirror…whoa, where did that come from? I haven‘t cared what I looked like in a long time. “Let’s go Emily.”

No time to think about it. With my phone in my jacket pocket, I headed out the door and to the game. We met the chilly air as we entered the rink. “Emily! Over here!” I looked towards the bench and saw Drake waving at me. My dad and I made our way to him. He gave me a hug.

Hey buddy.”

Hey Emily. Hey Mr. Mike. Can we get ice cream after the game?”

My dad was the one who answered. “If Jake wins, we can.” Drake smiled a huge smile. “He will win then. I saved you guys a seat!” He pointed to two seats next to the bench and in front of the glass.

The players were starting to come out and skate around the ice. “Well, I have to go.” Drake waved goodbye and went to go to the bench. We took our seats and the game began a few minutes later. Already the Ravens were doing well.

My eyes followed Jake around the ice and when he was on the bench, I tried to focus on the entire team. My dad and I rooted and cheered them on. I was having a fantastic time. There was five minutes in the 3
period and we were leading 3-1 when I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket.

Who in the world was calling me? Taking it out I looked at the screen and it was as if everything around me fell away. My hands began to shake as I saw the word Mom popping up on the screen. “Emily? What’s wrong,” I vaguely hear my dad say. I show him the phone and I see his face turn to ice with anger. He takes the phone and walks outside.

I plop into my seat and bury my face in my hands. Why does she keep doing this to me? “Emily!” I ignored the voice but it called out to me again. I looked over to where the voice was coming from and saw Jake standing at the glass in the bench area. I stood and walked over. “Are you okay? You’re pale,” his voice is full of concern.

My mom,” is all I manage to say. His eyes show conflicting emotions of rage and sadness. “Benson! Let’s go! NOW!” He turns to look at his coach and gives me an apologetic smile. Then he was gone. A hand touches my shoulder and I jump, turning to see my dad.

C’mon. Let’s go outside and talk for a minute.”

I follow him outside and relish the cool air as it brushes over my skin. We walk away from the door a bit and my dad embraces me in a bear hug. “I’m so sorry honey.” I take in the comfort that is my dad.

She called last night. I should have told you. I just didn’t know what to think. I was just hoping she would leave me alone.”

You should have come to me hon. But it’s alright. She shouldn’t bother you anymore.”

I still miss her Daddy,” I barely manage to choke out.

Oh honey, I know. Sometimes I miss her too. She isn’t the same person anymore so we have to remember that.” He sighed. “I just want you to remember that I love you so much and that I’m
here for you no matter what. You can come and talk to me about anything. If you just want to talk and get something out, you can. I won’t say a word if you don’t want me to. Just know that I’m here for you honey.”

I squeezed him in reassurance. “I know Daddy. I love you too.” He held me in his arms as if he let go I would dissolve and blow away in the breeze. I knew right then that my Dad
love me and he meant what he said. I don’t know what I did to be worthy of his love, but I had it and I would try and try to become a woman he would be proud of. Maybe I could do the same thing for Jake and Drake.

Emily! We won. We get to go get ice cream now, right?” I turned around to see Drake rushing to me. It seemed everyone was gone or was leaving. “Of course buddy. It won’t be like what we had Saturday, but it’ll still be good,” I tell him.

He’s so excited and it brings a smile to my face. “Emily? Everything okay?” Jake comes up to me and gives me a one armed hug and a kiss on the forehead.

Yes. Dad and I talked about it.”

Good.” He visibly seemed to relax.

Sorry I missed the end of the game.”

It’s fine. I hear we are going out for ice cream?”

I smile over at Drake, “Yes we are.”

Jake, can I ride with Mr. Mike?” Drake looks at Jake with pleading eyes.

If you ride with Mr. Mike, then Emily has to ride with me,” he says pulling me a little closer. I’ve yet to look over at my dad. I’m too nervous to see his reaction.

Well, let’s go then,” I say. We break away from my dad and Drake and head over to Jake’s Mustang. “You smell good,” I giggle.

Jake chuckles and says, “Of course I do. I took a quick shower after the game once I found out about going out for ice cream.” He opens my door for me, then walks around, and gets inside himself.

The Dairy Queen is about ten minutes from the school. Jake wastes no time. “What did Mike say about your mom?”

Just that she wouldn’t call me anymore. I hope he’s right.” Jake reaches over and takes a firm grasp of my hand, intertwining our fingers. I look over at him brightly, “So, when is this date we are supposed to go on?”

He grins. “I was thinking about Friday.”

I nod and say, “Sounds good to me. I haven’t told my dad yet.”

Jake looks over at me, “It’ll be fine. I can tell him if you want me too.”

I shake my head and look out the window. “Where are we going to go?”

It’s a surprise,” he says with a mischievous grin. I groan which makes him laugh. “I’m glad you are excited. I, for one, can’t wait to have you to myself when it’s daylight. This thing at night is killing my beauty sleep.”

I burst out laughing. “You do not need beauty sleep. You are a natural hottie,” I tell him as we park.

He leans over and looks at me with a smirk. “You think I’m a hottie, do you?” His perfect full lips are

A sigh leaks out and that just cracks Jake up. “C’mon. Dad and Drake are waiting,” I say getting out of the car and away from his oh so kissable lips.

Dad and Drake are waiting by the door and Jake is right behind me. We walk in. The tiny space is packed for eight at night. “Honey, why don’t you and Drake find a seat and we’ll order. The usual, right?” I nod and take Drake’s hand. We find a booth near a window.

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