Sweetness (Bold As Love) (4 page)

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Authors: Lindsay Paige

BOOK: Sweetness (Bold As Love)
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Quite a ways to run. Are you sure you weren’t stalking me?”

Heat rushed to my cheeks as I heard the smile in his voice. “N-No. I…I wasn’t.”

He laughed his hearty laugh, “I was just messing Emily. Lighten up.”

I should go,” I said trying to step around him. His hand caught my arm.


I bit my lip and took another leap. I glanced up. “What?”

He smiled. “I have to do some things today. Could you watch Drake for me?”

The mention of the little boy brought a smile to my face. “Of course.”

Thanks!” Jake leaned down and kissed my cheek. “I’ll bring him over around lunch. Later Emily.”

He jogged back across the street, leaving me in a state of shock. I closed my mouth, not realizing it was open. I shook my head and continued my jog.

Two hours later, I returned home. I took a quick shower and went back to into the kitchen where my dad was waiting. “I do wish you would leave a note when you go off on your runs.”

Sorry.” I took out a bowl and started to fix cereal. My dad was reading the paper and eating cereal as well. I liked Cinnamon Toast Crunch, while he was a lover of Cheerios. I ate my breakfast quietly. The only sounds in the house were the occasional turning of a page, clinking of spoons against glass bowls, and the crunch of cereal. Did he really kiss me?

Something wrong with your cheek, honey?”

I glanced up and he nodded to my fingers that were trailing my cheek. I shook my head.

Okay, well I’ll get the dishes today honey.” I nodded and handed him my bowl.

Oh! “Dad, I ran into Jake on my run.”

Oh really?”

I nodded. “He asked me to watch Drake today.” I smiled and continued, “He should be over around lunch time. Are you doing anything today?”

Actually, I was going to go make one last fishing trip with Dan.” Dan was Dad’s best friend. They go fishing all the time.

Have fun.”

Thanks hon.”

I stood up and went to the living room. I was excited about today. I actually had plans. Me and plans. Sure, it was with a seven year old, but it was plans. Dad had to think that was progress, right? Two hours until Drake would be here.

What would I do for two hours? I turned on the TV and found a re-showing of one of the games played that week. Detroit was playing the New York Rangers. Soon, I was captured in hockey and my dad had left already. Detroit was up by two and it was the final period with less than five minutes to go.

A knock on the door took my attention. Drake! I almost forgot about him. I got up and opened the door to see Drake who looked like he was full of excitement. “Hey Drake! Ready to have some fun today?”

Absolutely! What are we going to do?”

Emily will tell you all about that. Go find something on TV so I can talk to Emily real quick,” Jake cut in.

I stepped aside as Drake ran into the living room and Jake stepped in behind him. “I won’t be here long. I just wanted to tell you that he’s hyper today. I shouldn’t be gone too long.”

It’s fine. Take your time.”

Jake nodded. “Thanks again Emily,” he said turning to open the door.

He was halfway out, when I surprised myself again. “Hey Jake?”

He turned. “Yeah?”

After you do whatever it is you have to do, go do something for yourself. I can handle Drake and you look like you could use a break.” I took a deep breath and saw him smile.

Thanks Emily.”

Then he was gone. I went into the living room and sat down beside Drake who was watching Phineas and Ferb. “This is one of my favorite shows,” I confide.

Drake grinned and asked, “Where is Mr. Mike?”

He went fishing. It’s just you and me today. What do you want to do?”

Drake seemed to be in deep thought. Then it was like a light gone off in his head and he broke out a stunning smile. “Well, there is a new movie out that I really want to go see and Jake won’t take me.”

He won’t? What movie?”

Cars 2. Please Emily, can we go? Please!”

I laughed. “Of course we can. I loved Cars, especially Mater. Let me run and get my wallet and we’ll go.” I ran down the hall to my room, bounced across the bed and retrieved my wallet along with my keys from my nightstand drawer.

Alright Drake, let’s go.”


My errands weren’t really errands. I needed to clean the house and it was always harder when Drake was there. I returned home and dad was already drunk. When I started cleaning, of course I made noise. That just pissed dad off.

I wish you would quit making so much damn noise! Your mother never made any noise when she cleaned.” The mumbling continued while I worked my way around the house ignoring him.

Two hours later, the house was clean from top to bottom. I was exhausted but I dragged myself upstairs to shower. I would need to run by the grocery store sometime today too. Feeling refreshed, I headed out taking the card from my dad’s wallet on the kitchen counter.

Maybe I would take Emily’s suggestion and do something for myself. She didn’t seem to mind watching Drake. She actually seemed happier to see him than me. I sighed. I wanted so much to feel her touch again or see her looking at me. I practically drowned in her brown eyes this morning. What was it about her anyway?

I shook my head as I made my way down the aisles, picking up things here and there. Once I had a bunch of frozen foods that would easily go into the microwave and some meat for us to have a real dinner a few nights of the week, I went to check out.

After dropping the groceries off at home, I did as Emily suggested. I was going to take some time for me. I did in the only way I know how. I grabbed my skates and took off for the rink.

As expected, it was empty. Coach always left the doors unlocked incase any of us wanted to come in. I slipped on my skates and began running up and down the ice, occasionally doing a few suicides. I loved the cool sting of the air and the sound of the ice as my blades cut in it. For me, there was nothing like skating around as fast as I could. Once I was exhausted, I went to the locker room and took a quick shower. I changed into some clean clothes that I had in my locker.

Outside I am met with darkness. How long was I in there? I had better get over to Emily’s. Drake could be worried; I was supposed to go back and get him after a few hours. A few minutes later, I park on the curb and go up to the door, knocking three times.

Inside the lights were off. Where were they? I took out my cell just as someone pulled up and parked in the garage. I made my over to see Emily and a laughing Drake getting out of her car. Drake ran over and I picked him up. “What’s up man?”

Today has been the best day
! We went to see Cars 2 and then we went to McDonald’s. No one was in the play room and I wanted to play and guess what?”


Emily went into the play house with me! We played for an hour.” Drake leaned in and whispered in my ear, “I’ve never seen someone laugh so much.”

I smiled and followed Emily into the side door that opened into the kitchen. “I’m glad you guys had fun.”

I’m not finished Jake!”

Well finish. I’m listening.” We settled down on the couch and Drake continued his story. I noticed a big bag sitting in front of Emily.

Then we went to Cold Stone and got ice cream. It was so good Jake! After that, we went to Toys-R-Us! And guess what? Emily let me get some toys!”

Drake hopped off the couch and started taking out various toys, exclaiming over each one. I looked over at Emily who was smiling at Drake’s excitement. “You shouldn’t have.”

Drake lost his smile and looked at me with sad eyes. Three words and he was upset. “I can keep them, right Jake?”

Of course you can,” Emily said. Just like that Drake’s smile was back and he began to take the toys out of their boxes. There was a remote control car, two or three action figures and a video game in there too. It made me uneasy to see the money she spent on Drake today.

Emily, can I have some Pepsi?”

Of course…” Emily went to stand up.

Actually Drake, we probably need to head home,” I cut in. Emily sat back down looking deflated.

Aw. Not yet, Jake. Please! Emily said we could play,” Drake pleaded.

Emily’s soft reserved voice was back. “We can always play Monday after school Drake. If your brother says it’s time to go, then you better listen to him.”

Drake glared at me and got up to hug Emily goodbye. “How about you leave the remote car here until Monday so I can make sure everything is ready,” Emily told him. He nodded and started putting everything back but the car. Seeing the sad look on Emily’s face and the same expression on Drake’s, I felt horrible.

Honey! I’m back,” Mike’s voice boomed into the house. He walked into the living room. “Hey guys, what’s up?”

Just picking Drake up,” I said once it was apparent that Emily and Drake wouldn’t say anything. I did not know if that is expected with Emily or not. I knew that if Drake was mad, he wasn’t going to talk to me.

Seeing that the toys were up, I stood. “C’mon Drake. See you later Mike. Thanks again Emily.” She nodded and Mike waved. Drake sullenly followed me and we headed home. I tried repeatedly to talk to Drake but I received the cold shoulder each time.

Once home, I found dad already asleep. Thank goodness. Drake ran up the stairs to his room and shut the door. I sighed and went to fix myself something to eat. A ham and cheese sandwich with some chips would have to do for tonight. I don’t feel like fixing anything requiring more effort.

I took in the silence of the house and ate quickly. Upstairs, I checked on Drake. He ignored me of course. I went to my room, flopped on my bed, and tried to watch TV. I couldn’t focus and I was exhausted. Soon, I was sleeping.



I rolled over but Drake kept yelling. “What,” I asked.

Can we go to Emily’s today?”

I groaned. “Drake, you spent all day yesterday with her,” I pointed out. It was no use. He made up his mind what he wanted to do.

Please! I want to play with my car! Please, please, PLEASE!”

I rolled over to face him. He already looked excited as if I said yes. “Drake, she probably doesn’t want to spend her Sunday with a little kid hanging around.”

His face fell. “She likes to hang out with
more than she likes to hang out with
,” he yelled running out of the room. What was it with him and her?
Maybe you just don’t like that she rather hang out with Drake than you.
I ignored the thought running through my head.

My phone buzzed on my nightstand and I grabbed it. “Hello,” I answered without looking at who was calling. Something I immediately regretted.

Hey Jake. It’s Claire.”

Hey Claire.”

Anna, Josh, and I are going to the movies today. I was wondering if you wanted to come with.”

Immediately I thought of Drake. I couldn’t leave him here with my dad. I didn’t want to leave him with Emily either. I really didn’t want to go with Claire either. I would probably hear it from Josh if I didn’t go.

What are you guys seeing?” She named some horror movie. “I don’t know Claire. I’ve got Drake.”

Can’t he go to a friend’s?”

Emily’s face popped up again. I shook my head. I would have to give in to someone. It was either Drake, Claire or both. I could spend the day with Drake and Emily…or with Claire.

Sorry Claire. I just remembered I promised to spend the day with Drake. You know, just us brothers.” She sighed and quickly said goodbye. I took a deep breath and called Emily, flopping back onto my pillow.

Her quiet voice answered on the second ring. “Hey Jake.”

Hey Emily, what are you up today?”

Nothing much.”

I hate to ask you this, but Drake has been giving me the cold shoulder since I picked him up. Do you want to hang out with us today?” She was silent on the other end. I checked my phone to make sure I was still connected. Yep, I was. Finally, her sweet voice replied.

Sure. That’s fine, but Jake…I know I’m not the most fun person you could hang out with. You can just drop Drake off and do something you want to do. I don’t want you to just hang around because of Drake.”

So basically, if I don’t want to hang out with you, then I shouldn’t?” Once again, she was quiet for a minute before she answered.


Without knowing how she would react, I decided to say, “Look Emily, if I didn’t want to be there, trust me I wouldn’t be. What makes you think that I wouldn’t want to hang out with you? Drake obviously loves you and I don’t see anything wrong with you. So, tell me, why do you think I wouldn’t want to hang out with you?”

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