Read Swerve: Boosted Hearts (Volume 1) Online

Authors: Sherilee Gray,Rba Designs

Swerve: Boosted Hearts (Volume 1) (18 page)

BOOK: Swerve: Boosted Hearts (Volume 1)
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“Hugh,” she moaned softly. “Please.”

“You wet enough to take me?’


He yanked open his jeans and groaned when he felt her against his bare skin, felt just how hot and wet she was against the underside of his dick through her panties. “You need this as much as I do, don’t you, baby?”


She tightened her arms around his neck and pressed in, tight, pointy little nipples digging into his chest. Warm, panted breaths brushed his throat as she placed an open-mouthed kiss there.

“Please,” she added.

He dug his fingers into her ass, angled back and shoved her underwear aside. Fisting his erection, he rubbed the fat head through her drenched lips, grazing her hard, little clit, dipping back down. “Now?”

She sucked harder on his skin, nipped. “Please, now,” she whimpered.

He pushed inside slowly, hissing at how tight and hot she was, how goddamn good she felt. Swallowing his cock inch by painstaking inch. “This pretty pussy was made for me,” he rasped. “All of you. Nothing feels this good, no one.” Then he slammed up inside her the rest of the way until he completely filled her.

He held still, trying to get his shit together, but she wrapped her arms tighter around him, thighs hugging his hips and lips brushing his skin, begging him to move. He was powerless to take it slowly after that, and holding her ass in his hands, he started thrusting into her. That mouth at this throat stayed open against his skin, letting him feel every moan, every cry, every word, asking for more, asking him to give it to her harder.

“Shit, baby, you’re so wet. You love it when I lose control, when I fuck you hard, don’t you?”

She lifted her head and looked at him through half-lidded eyes, mouth slightly open, lush body jarring, tits bouncing each time he thrust into her brutally. He almost came.

“Yes, I love it,” she whispered.

Her hand slid over his shoulder to the spot she’d been sucking and kissing on his neck then into his hair, fisting, making his scalp tingle.

“I-I can’t get enough of you,” she told him.

He slammed his mouth down on hers and kissed her deeply, swallowing her moans, her cries as he pounded her.

She tore her mouth away, making the sexiest sound he’d ever heard in his life, completely uninhibited, letting him know how good she felt with him moving inside her. Then she tightened around him, inner muscles clamping down on his cock repeatedly as she came. Her nails were biting into his shoulders, nipples dark cherry, straining above the top of her dress. Thighs wrapped around him so tight, he knew he’d feel them there long after they were gone.

His cock swelled and pulsed, balls drawing up so tight it hurt, and then he blew, pumping her full of him until she collapsed against his chest.

He held her close, kissed her. “Time for bed, princess,” he said into her sweet-smelling hair. “I need more of you.”

The way he was feeling right now, he didn’t think he’d ever get enough.

Chapter Eighteen


Tonight, Woody’s had a live band—they did most Saturdays—and the place was pumping, but Shay barely noticed. She’d woken up this morning early, early enough it was still dark outside, and Hugh had still been there, wrapped around her. She thought he was asleep, but as soon as she moved, he’d rolled her to her back, kissing her until her head spun, then he’d pushed inside her, making love to her, slow and perfect.

She’d tried to tell herself repeatedly that wasn’t what they’d done—they hadn’t
made love—
and that she was being ridiculous to even think it. But this time had been different somehow. Hugh was an intense man, always, but this morning—she’d never experienced anything like it. There’d been a fervency in the way he’d thrust into her, kissed her, as if he was trying to communicate something to her without words. As if he was trying to tell her what they were doing held significance.

God, the way he’d looked into her eyes when he’d pounded deep, the sounds he’d made as he’d pinned her to the mattress and taken her.

Taken her.

There were no other words to describe it.

He’d been jealous when she’d gotten home. Possessive. Why would he act that way if he only thought of her as casual, someone to pass the time with?

Only me.

The way he’d said it. The way he’d made her promise to see only him. His words and actions had sent her on an emotional tailspin. Confused her. Excited her.

He’d made love to her. He had. She couldn’t believe anything else, but then, like the last few nights, he’d left before the sun came up.

“Shay? Your order.” Branden, the barman on tonight, stared at her, eyebrow raised.

“Oh, sorry! Right.” She felt like an idiot, getting caught daydreaming while the bar was pandemonium around her. “I’ll just”—she smiled at him and slid her tray off the bar—“deliver these.”

Her shift went fast and without a hitch after she finally got her head in the game. It was two in the morning, and the place had thinned out considerably, when the door opened and Travis walked in. He didn’t bother pretending he was there for any other reason than to annoy her and walked straight over.

As soon as he stopped in front of her, she held up a hand, halting whatever it was he intended to say. “I don’t know why you’re here, but whatever the reason, you’ve wasted your time.”

He wrapped his fingers around her biceps and pulled her closer. “You keep hanging up on me. You’ve given me no choice.”

She needed this to be over, needed it to end. She’d promised Hugh she wouldn’t talk to her ex, but it was the only way to make him understand it was over between them, for good. She led him down the short hall off the side of the bar, just past the toilets. Where it was quieter.

When she looked up at him, his eyes softened and he moved closer.

She placed her hands on his chest to keep him back. “Trav.” Her tummy churned using the shortened version of his name, what she’d always called him, but she needed to get through to him, needed him to see she meant what she said. “You can’t keep doing this. You can’t keep calling and showing up. You and me, we’re over, and that’s not going to change.”

He flinched. “You don’t mean that, honey. You can’t.”

“I can, and I do. I cared for you once, a lot, but you destroyed those feelings, annihilated them. We’re not good for each other. I’d never fit in with your family or the world you come from, and we both know it.” She didn’t care about his family or what they thought of her, but she’d use anything at her disposal to make her point. “It has to end. The phone calls, the texts, they have to end, Travis.”

He grabbed her upper arms and yanked her forward. “I don’t want it to. I made a mistake, letting you go. I messed up; you need to forgive me.”

“I won’t compromise myself to please someone else. You don’t really want me. You want a slim, polished version of me. That version doesn’t exist; she never will. This is me, and I like me the way I am.”

As she said the words, she realized they were true. Hugh made her feel beautiful just the way she was, made her feel comfortable, desirable in her own skin. Hugh made her feel a lot of things she was finding harder and harder to deny…or ignore.

“Don’t do this,” he gritted out.


He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and smashed her chest into his, then his mouth came down on hers before she had a chance to draw breath and tell him to let her the hell go. She shoved at his chest.

“Shay?” A deep voice sounded from behind her.

Travis lifted his head, and she used the opportunity to step away from him. Adam stepped forward. Hugh’s friend watched her with narrowed eyes, a gorgeous, barely dressed blonde wrapped around him. He’d obviously been there for the band, because he was holding a beer tightly in his fist, but she’d missed him in the crowd.

“You okay?” he asked.

She swallowed and took another step back. “Yes, I’m fine. Travis was just leaving, weren’t you?”

“Shay…” Travis reached for her again.

She shook her head. “I have to get back to work.” Then she rushed away, face hot with humiliation. Would Adam tell Hugh what he’d seen? It wasn’t as if she’d had much choice; she’d had to talk to him. And she sure as hell hadn’t initiated that kiss. Would Hugh believe her, would he care, or had he just said those things in the heat of the moment?

Not wanting to think about it right then, she got back to work, clearing and wiping down tables. She spotted Adam the moment he walked out of the bathroom. His hair was messy, lips darker, and the top three buttons of his shirt were undone. The blonde followed, hair wild, lipstick completely gone and a small smile playing on her puffy lips. He didn’t spare her a backward glance as he headed for the door. The woman didn’t seem worried about him, either, and strode to a group of women across the bar.

Her stomach twisted in a tight knot. She didn’t know what was between her and Hugh, but she did know things had changed, and she could admit to herself, she wanted to know where they might go. Before she could think better of it, she chased after Adam, grabbing his arm before he opened the door.

“Please, I need to talk to you.”

He stared at her, no outward sign of emotion on his handsome face. He definitely didn’t look like a guy who’d just gotten his rocks off with a hot babe in a bathroom stall.

He speared his fingers through his mussed hair, a bored expression now front and center. “What is it?”

Shay started to feel a little panicked. Would he believe her? “What you saw, there’s an explanation…”

“There always is, honey.” He crossed his arms. “Don’t tell me… It’s not what it looked like?”

Her spine stiffened. “It’s not.”

“Look, I’m the last person to pass judgment. Who you screw’s your business.”

She took a startled step back. “I wasn’t going to…”

“Like I said, not my business.”

He looked in a hurry to leave, gaze darting to the door.

“Please, just don’t tell Hugh.”

His eyes narrowed again.

She grabbed his arm. “Please, Adam.”

He let out a rough breath. “I have no plans to rain on his parade. The man’s been fucked over enough in his life.” He did a sweep of her body, from head to toe. “Can’t say I’m not surprised, though. Thought you might be good for him. But then I’ve never been a very good judge of character.” Then he pulled his arm free of her hold and walked out the door.

Before she could fully explain.

She barely knew the man, but she hated that he thought badly of her, that he thought she was the kind of woman who would carelessly hurt someone else without a second thought.

The man’s been fucked over enough in his life.

She pushed Adam’s words from her mind. The main thing was that Hugh wouldn’t find out.

The last thing she wanted was to destroy his trust before she fully had it—before she fully had him.

* * *

Shay pulled up outside her trailer and glanced at the clock.
1:15 a.m.
Another long shift. It had been exactly a week since the incident with Travis in the hallway. Since she’d begged Adam to keep what he saw to himself. Hugh had come to her every night, still arriving and leaving when it was dark. She hadn’t been back to his place; he hadn’t asked, and she hadn’t mentioned it. She didn’t know why that was and tried not to think too much about it.

At least Adam had been true to his word and hadn’t told Hugh what Adam thought he’d seen.

They’d grown closer, spending all their night hours together, enjoying each other, talking quietly in the dark. She’d been disappointed she wouldn’t see him tonight because she was working so late. The last thing she expected to see was light glowing from behind the curtains in her living room when she got home, the car Hugh had been using while his truck was getting work done parked outside her place.

Happy flutters started up in her belly, a smile curling the corners of her mouth automatically.

Shutting off the engine, she climbed out, opened the door to her trailer and went inside. She didn’t see him, but she could hear the shower running. Stripping in her bedroom, she headed to her small bathroom, excitement curling in her belly, and eased open the door.

Hugh filled the small stall, big, wide shoulders nearly reaching right across. He had his head down, rinsing his hair. Her mouth went dry when he slicked it back, his biceps bulging.

She stepped closer, and he caught her movement. He twisted his head toward her, looking at her through the glass. Her breath seized in her throat as his gaze dropped, doing a sweep of her naked body. She had no urge to cover herself, felt no shame over the way her body looked. Not anymore. Her abundant curves no longer made her feel unattractive. How could she feel that way when he looked at her like that? Even through the steam, she could see the way his eyes darkened, the way he licked his lips as if he could already taste her skin.

Pulling open the door, she stepped in behind him. “Hey.” She wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing her breasts against his muscled back.

He groaned, and his abs tightened under her palms, the ridges bunching hard. He felt amazing. Euphoria buzzed through her, and it caused equal parts excitement and terror to pump through her veins. This feeling, when she was with Hugh, it was uncharted territory. She’d never felt anything like it before. She thought she’d loved Travis at one point, but she never felt for him even a quarter of what she did for Hugh.

It scared her half to death.

But she couldn’t back off, couldn’t push him away. She had no choice now but to ride this out and see where it led. If it led anywhere.

He wrapped his thick fingers around her wrists and held her there. “Hey, princess.”

His deep, rough voice moved through her, over her. She pushed the fear away and kissed the smooth skin of his back, licking a trail up his spine. The man was like candy, and she couldn’t get enough.

“This is a surprise. I wasn’t expecting to find a big, wet, naked guy in my shower when I got home.” She trailed her lips over his warm skin. “But I like it.”

He chuckled, and the sound vibrated through her, teasing her hard nipples. “I was over this way, decided to save time and come straight here instead of showering at my place. I’ll make sure I do it more often if this is what I get when I do.”

She slid her hands lower, finding him already incredibly hard. She took his thick erection in her hand, sliding her palm along his soapy length. He throbbed and pulsed under her fingers.

“I like that idea. Getting all sudsy with you is one of my new favorite things to do.”

“Yeah?” He tugged her around to his front, which meant she was pressed tight against him in the small space.

His heavy cock was trapped between them, and she shivered at the feel of how hard he was for her.

“And what else do you like?” He slid his hands down to her butt and gave her a squeeze.

She reached between their bodies and massaged his thick, heated flesh. “I like this.”

His eyes blazed, burned into her. “Tell me what you like about it?”

Her heart started to pound harder. When she was with him like this, she felt a million miles away from the woman she’d been that first night he came home with her. He made her feel safe—to say what she felt, what she wanted. “I like how hard it gets. That sometimes I have to struggle to take it all. I like how full it makes me.” She pushed closer, making him groan. “How when it’s moving inside me, I can’t think straight. All I can do is take it. Lose myself to how good you feel.”

He hissed out a breath, and his cock jumped under her fingers. “What else?”

His hands moved restlessly over her wet skin.

“I like the way it feels sliding into my mouth, against my tongue… I love the way you taste.”

His nostrils flared, and a rough growl escaped his lips. “You wanna taste now, princess?”


He placed his hands on the wall, arms outstretched, supporting himself, and widened his stance. “Show me.”

Her mouth went dry, her skin flushing hot with hunger. There was something so empowering about making this huge man tremble and groan. It turned her on, excited her. Made her feel beautiful. Dipping her head, she did what she’d wanted to do since she first saw it and traced the cross on his ribs with her tongue. His fingers tangled in her hair, and she felt his chest expand on a sharp, indrawn breath when she sucked and licked.

BOOK: Swerve: Boosted Hearts (Volume 1)
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