Tabitha's Guardian (2 page)

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Authors: Blushing Books

Tags: #spanking, #dominance and submission, #judgment, #guardian, #dominant male, #over the knee, #alpha male, #spanking romance, #discipline spanking adult, #susie daniel

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“You dare to threaten me?” The look on his
face was filled with incredulity.

“I am not threatening you, Guardian Owen. I
am making a promise, so remember it carefully when you think to
strike me. You will be paid in kind for treating me unfairly.”

“It is going to be a long year if you
persist in outbursts such as this, young lady. I suggest you remain
quiet and sit still until I am finished, or you may find yourself
bent over this desk for a sharp reminder that you are not in
charge.” His voice was hard and cold.

Owen could not recall the last time he was
provoked into losing his temper with a ward, but this young woman
was pushing buttons he did not know he had. She was too pretty for
words, and he simply could not see her doing some of the things she
was accused of. She seemed confident that he would regret punishing
her, but she was obviously used to getting her way, and she did
need to learn some respect. Owen turned his attention to the
paperwork and wanted to curse at all the questions he had to answer
before he was given electronic permission to leave the facility
with Tabitha Tatiana.

Tabitha was beyond angry, and she wanted
privacy in the worst way so that she could indulge in a good, long
cry. It seemed to take him hours to complete the forms to gain her
release, and she began to suspect he was going as slowly as
possible just to keep her bottom planted on the wooden seat of the
chair! Her poor backside was stinging furiously, and she suspected
she would have bruises from the unpleasant experience.

“Very well. If you walk through that door,
you will find your own clothing hanging on a hook. Please dress so
that we may leave.”

Tabitha did not need to be told twice. She
was only too pleased to give her bottom some relief. But, a few
seconds later she called out to him. “There is some mistake. This
is not my dress.” It was much too short!

“Your stepmother brought the clothing from
your own closet this morning,” Guardian Owen said quietly.

“But look! Can you not see that the hem has
been shortened? I cannot wear this! It is inappropriate!”

“It is one of the accusations made against
you,” Guardian Owen said. “You will need to make more clothing that
is the required length.”

“She did this! I will not walk out of this
room wearing this dress! Look! These are too sloppy to be my
stitching!” Tabitha felt anger surge through her. “Why does she
hate me so?”

“Stop carrying on, Tabitha Tatiana, and get
dressed. In addition to the spanking you have earned when we get
home, you will also write an essay on modesty, and why laws were
passed protecting young women from wickedness.”

“My dresses were all at the required length!
Wait until we get home and you will see!”

“You may be sure that I will. If I find that
you are lying, I will punish you even more firmly.”

“I cannot leave in this garment! People will
think me immodest!” Her cheeks were burning with scalding

“Why are you pretending to a modesty that
you do not feel, Tabitha Tatiana? Get dressed, now!” He shut the
door to the dressing room with a bang.

Tabitha found tears streaming down her face
as she put on the dress that was now ruined. It came above her
knees, and was much, much too short! She would prefer to leave in
the uniform she had been given when she was placed into the holding
room. Better that than the hemmed dress! “May I keep this uniform
until I am home? Please?” she begged through the closed door.

Owen did not wish to draw attention. “You
will remain here, Tabitha.” He left the room, and returned a few
minutes later with the dress that she wore when she was arrested.
It was considered evidence, although Owen could not imagine why. He
tapped on the changing room door and when she cracked it open he
pushed the dress through the opening. “I asked to have the evidence
released, and the magistrate agreed. Please change quickly.” He
wanted to see how this dress looked on her.

Tabitha was relieved. This dress was one of
her favorites. She donned it and then stepped through the door,
carrying the other dress. She could see the puzzlement in Owen’s
dark eyes when he saw her in her dress with the hem the proper
length, no more than seven inches above the floor. “Please look,
Guardian Owen. This is the hem she sewed; this is my sewing!”
Tabitha turned up her hem. “I did not sew that hem in that dress;
she did!”

“Why would your stepmother do such a

“Why would she attempt to poison my father,
but she is!”

“You should not make false statements, young
lady.” Owen did not know what to think. On one hand, Tabitha
Tatiana was sassy and disrespectful. But, she was telling the truth
about the hems in the garments. Something was going on, and while
he would not shirk his duty by the Courts, he would try to figure
out what was happening.

Tabitha looked at Guardian Owen in disbelief
when she saw the vehicle he was planning to use to drive them to
her home. “You are not serious, are you? You expect me to ride in
this?” It looked like something leftover from the turn of the
century and worst of all, it did not appear to be safe.

“I live within my means,” the man answered
in his calm voice. He opened the passenger door for her, and
warned. “Sit fully on your backside, Tabitha Tatiana. I want you to
think about the spanking you will receive when we arrive at your
home. In time, you will learn to obey me when I tell you to do

“Even if it is morally wrong?” she demanded.
“You know that what you asked of me was not proper for an unmarried
woman. I am modest of my person.” She insisted.

“You have no say over yourself for the next
year, Tabitha Tatiana,” he informed her once again.

“My father is too ill to speak for me, but
when he is better, you will wish you had never been born, for
mistreating me so.”

The look in her eyes was so serious that
Owen found himself believing her; a huge mistake in his profession.
He did not answer her, but instead turned on his old vehicle and
set the restraints. Hers was so tight it made movement impossible.
She gasped, but refused to give him any outward show of

Tabitha wished herself home. She longed for
a bath in her large antique soaking tub, with some lavender bathing
oil. She was positive a soak would relieve her sore bottom, and it
would also take away the stress from the last few days. She never
again wished to see the inside of the institution where the holding
cells were kept.

“I was so afraid this incorrigible child
gave you trouble, dear Owen,” that woman said in her shrill voice
as she greeted them at the door of the large home.

“Where is my father?” Tabitha asked, looking
for him.

“He is too ill to deal with your presence.
Go on to your room.”

“Not until I see my father,” Tabitha
answered in a polite tone of voice. “I have worried about him, and
need to see for myself how he fares.”

“It is your miserable fault that he is doing
so poorly!” that woman angrily exclaimed.

“Stop with that, Glory,” Owen said quietly,
his voice soothing in spite of the underlying scold. “It is not
unusual for a daughter to wish to see her father.”

“Very well, but only for a few seconds. I
will not have Jenson upset by that impossible girl.”

Owen did not like the way Glory treated
Tabitha, and he was surprised that the redhead was able to control
her temper with the woman. He followed along as Glory led the way
through the huge turn of the millennium home. Jenson Burnside was
lying in bed, holding his stomach and sweating profusely. His eyes
lit up when he saw Tabitha, and she went right to him to tenderly
kiss his cheek.

“Where have you been, Tabby?” he asked

Tabitha knew that he had no idea of the
ordeal she had suffered at the whim of his wife. “Oh, I have been
around, Daddy. How are you feeling?”

“I cannot seem to rid myself of this

“Have you had tests?” she asked yet

“There is nothing to be found, daughter.”

“That is enough, Tabitha Tatiana. Your
father is too ill for meaningless conversation.”

“No conversation with Tabby is meaningless,
Glory. And, who is this young man?” Jenson asked. “I am Jenson
Burnside, and you are?”

“Owen Patrick,” Owen replied, shaking hands
with the man. He gave Glory a look and then said, “Glory and I will
leave Tabitha Tatiana here with you to visit while we have a bit of
a chat.”

“I do not believe that to be a good idea.”
Glory was angry and it showed upon her face.

“Nonsense! I have missed my Tabby.” Jenson
waved them from the large room. “Is that young man courting you,
daughter?” Jenson asked the moment they were left alone.

“No, Daddy. He is more Glory’s friend than
he is mine.”

“Oh?” It was easy to see that Jenson did not
approve of that, and the last thing Tabitha wanted was to upset him
in his fragile state of health.

“Daddy, you have been ill far too long for
this to be a simple virus. I believe that you are suffering from an
allergy to something you are adding to your food. I think we should
hire a cook to prepare and serve the food family style. I do not
think that your wife’s cooking agrees with your delicate

“You could be right, honey. I will speak to
Glory about this.”

“She has already refused me the other times I
have mentioned it, Daddy.”

“I do not understand Glory, daughter. I will
insist she hire a cook immediately.”

“I like the idea of serving family style,
Daddy. Glory does not know our tastes, and we are capable of
filling our own plates,” Tabitha insisted with a smile.

“I agree. I have asked Glory why she insists
upon doing this, and she feels she is taking care of me. I do not
like to be waited on in this manner. Thank you for bringing the
matter to my attention, child.”

* * * * *

“I was under the impression that Jenson
Burnside brought the matter of his daughter’s disobedience before
the magistrate,” Owen said to Glory the moment they were out of the

“Owen allows that brat to walk all over him,
and he is too ill to deal with her properly. She needs a firm
guardian who will ensure she behaves and does not bring distress to
her parent. I acted in my husband’s best interests, as I am sure
you can understand.”

“I think the magistrate will not be pleased
when she learns she has been duped, Glory.”

“Do not be preposterous, Owen. Surely you
can see that Tabitha Tatiana is concerned for only herself. I am so
relieved you are here, and I ask that you restrain her in her room
and away from my husband.”

“Why would you ask that?” Owen was surprised
at the request.

“Because that brat accuses me of terrible
things, such as poisoning my husband! I’ll not tolerate having this
home thrown into chaos on the whims of an irresponsible child.”

Owen was a good judge of character, and he
did not doubt that Glory falsely accused Tabitha. Until he had
proof, however, he would need to treat Tabitha as his ward. He was
sure she would be safer with his protection.

Glory left Owen without another word and
stomped into her husband’s bedroom, plastering a false smile on her
face. “I must insist you let your father rest now, Tabitha


Chapter Two

“Nonsense, Glory! I have been resting too
much, and I am happy to see my daughter. You must not try to keep
Tabby from me or I will have to punish you!” He said the latter
with a smile, doing his best to take away the sting, but it was
obvious that Glory was offended and blamed Tabitha. “Since you are
already angered, I will tell you that I have asked Tabitha to make
soup for our lunch, and that will give you the time necessary to
call an agency and hire a live-in cook to prepare our meals. I do
not think your cooking agrees with my stomach, and I am anxious to
be on my feet again so that I may return to work. The meals will be
served family style from now on, Glory. That is my final word on
the subject.”

“You are home for less than fifteen minutes
and you have already usurped my authority in this household!” Glory
spat the irate accusation at the pretty little redhead.

“That is not so, Glory,” Jenson spoke
firmly. “I will be done with this antagonism between you two women.
I love you both, and there is no competition for my affections.” He
looked at his daughter and winked. “I fear I am in for a rebuke
from your stepmother, honey. You run along now and we shall discuss
your vacation this afternoon. I cannot wait to hear all of the
details, but, in the future, I expect you to discuss your plans
ahead of time with me.”

“Yes, Daddy. I will do so,” Tabitha
promised. Glory glared at her as she and Owen left the room.


“Come along to your bedroom, Tabitha. We
have a matter of punishment to finish.”

“But, why? You have now met her and
witnessed for yourself that she lies!”

“This punishment was earned by your refusal
to accept a spanking with grace.”

“Why should I accept a spanking that I did
not earn in the first place?” she demanded, stopping to put her
hands on her hips.

“This spanking is going to happen, young
lady. If you protest too much more, you will earn another spanking
at bedtime.” She was immediately quiet, and Owen nodded in
satisfaction. He was positive that her bottom was already very
tender and it would not take much of a spanking to make her regret
her lack of cooperation.

Her bedroom was a pleasant surprise to Owen.
She had a small sewing area set up in the corner of the room, and
he was positive it was not for show. There were two rocking chairs
in front of a window that looked out upon a beautiful rose garden.
The bed was attractive and covered with a quilt. “Did you make the
quilt upon your bed?” he asked.

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