Tabitha's Guardian (6 page)

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Authors: Blushing Books

Tags: #spanking, #dominance and submission, #judgment, #guardian, #dominant male, #over the knee, #alpha male, #spanking romance, #discipline spanking adult, #susie daniel

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Her parent’s expression said that he was not
so grateful.

“Daddy, please listen to me; Owen refrained
from reporting Glory in order to help me protect you. Your health
was precarious when we arrived, and you had slipped downhill while
I was away for those few days; the news of my arrest would have
shocked you so badly we were afraid you would not survive. Please
accept that Owen was acting in our best interests as a family. He
also wanted to give that woman an opportunity to reveal herself for
the hateful, evil woman she is. He needed proof to refute her
accusations against me.”

“Sir, at first I was guilty of believing
everything I was told about Tabitha. I thought she was another
spoiled little girl whose parents did not care enough for her to
make her mind. But, things did not add up. Why would a young woman
who was brought forth on modesty charges vehemently refuse to put
on a dress that she supposedly hemmed to such a short length? Why
would the dress held in evidence when she was arrested be the
proper length? Yes, Tabby showed me her temper, but in her place, I
would have been angry, too.”

“Is there a reason I should demand marriage,
child?” Jenson asked his daughter, carefully watching her green
eyes to see what they would reveal.

“No, Daddy. I know what you have heard about
Guardians, but Owen is a decent and moral man whose parents raised
him to respect others. The only time he spanked me that I was
undeserving, was the one he gave me in the holding room. He did not
know then that the charges were false. I have forgiven him,” she

“Sir, while I would be honored to offer for
Tabby, it would not be to correct a wrong that was committed. It
would be because each of us loves the other, but it is much too
soon for declarations of that sort.”

“I do have romantic feelings for you, Owen,”
Tabitha candidly admitted, shocking her father, and causing Owen to
smile in relief. “However, I could never marry a man who worked as
a Guardian. You would never be around,” she pointed out. “And, I am
too selfish to share you with others on such an intimate basis. I
would not be able to live with your job of spanking other women; it
is too intimate and personal when you have a wife.”

“You would ask me to change my career before
I can spend time with you and court you properly?” Owen was
surprised; first of all because she was actually interested in him
and spoke her mind so freely, without being coy, second of all
because she had such strong opinions about his career.

“I already care about you, Owen, but I do
not care for your career. Is there no other career that interests
you?” she asked, her tone of voice hopeful.

“There is,” he admitted. “I have been
attending school, and my studies are nearly complete. Once I pass
the State’s Exam, I wish to represent those who have been falsely
accused, just as you have been, Tabby. The court system is not
perfect, and there are plenty of people who are like Glory. I wish
to protect the innocent.”

“You will be a representative of the law?”
Tabitha asked.

“Yes, as soon as I pass the Exam. I did not
wish to be a glorified babysitter for difficult children for the
rest of my life,” he told her, smiling at her expression. “I am
hopeful that this case will be my last.”

“Good! Oh, really, Owen, I am so pleased
that we think alike on this one thing. I did not wish to come
across as bossy, or as a spoiled child who needs to have her way
all of the time.”

“You are not like that, honey,” Jenson told
his daughter. “I can see that the two of you are infatuated with
each other right now, but it is too soon to start making plans for
the future. I hope that you will date each other, and do some
courting. Meet each other’s relatives and friends, and make sure
you both want the same things out of life. I thought I had done
those things with Glory, but she fooled me.”

“She was a wicked woman, Daddy.”

“She, and others like her, is the reason I
am taking on a new profession.” Owen spoke his mind. He smiled when
Tabitha gave him an admiring look. “Sir, may I have your permission
to call on Tabby? I assure you that my intentions are honorable,
and I will do nothing to dishonor her or bring shame upon either of

Jenson could see the young man was serious.
He finally nodded, giving his formal consent for them to spend time
together. “I am of the opinion that simple, at home dates are best
for talking and discovering more about each other.”

“Daddy! I am not a fourteen-year-old little
girl who needs supervising!” Tabitha felt her cheeks turn rosy with

“I agree with you, sir. I know that you also
need time to assure yourself that I am who I say I am.”

“Thank you, Owen.” Jenson was most pleased,
even though his daughter was glaring at him.

* * * * *

Jenson was a man of his word, and papers
dissolving his marriage to Glory and returning her given name to
her, were completed first thing the next morning. Glory tried to
appeal to him to pay for a representative of the law to defend her
in court, but Jenson refused. He also promised to make himself
available to testify for the prosecution. He learned that his
daughter would also be called, unless he had a valid reason to see
her exempted. Jenson’s reply was that Tabitha would testify. They
learned that Owen was required to testify, regardless of his change
in career. This did not seem to upset Owen.

Since Glory’s trial was for attempted
murder, she was put in a holding room for several months to give
both sides an opportunity to review the charges and read the
statements of the witnesses. During this time, Owen took the
extensive exam, and passed with honors. He quickly learned that he
would not lack for clients, but he made sure to keep enough time
free so that he could be with Tabitha.

Tabby was delighted that Owen took great joy
in the simple things. He enjoyed eating dinner with them when he
was invited. And they spent many evenings watching an entertainment
on the large viewing screen. Jenson spent some of those evenings
with them, but he was also intelligent enough to know that they
needed time alone to allow their feelings to develop.

Glory was sentenced to prison for the rest
of her natural life, and Tabitha knew the news was difficult for
her parent to accept. Jenson had loved Glory at one time, and to
learn that she deliberately married him to gain control of his
money was hurtful, and it made Jenson more suspicious of Owen. He
did not often give them permission to leave the house for a date,
but when he did, he was concise with his instructions on how long
his daughter could stay out. He had to credit Owen with earning his
trust and respect. He followed the guidelines Jenson gave his
daughter to a tee.

“Sir?” Owen spoke up at the dinner table
while Tabitha was in the process of dishing dessert to plates to
bring to the table.

“Yes, Owen?” Jenson replied.

“I would like your permission to openly date
Tabby, to take her places, and to discuss our future together. I
feel that we know each other well by now, and know our minds.”

“I am satisfied that you and Tabby are
respectful of each other, and I agree it is time for you to move
forward with your plans to date, and move toward marriage if this
is what you both wish.” Jenson was pleased to give his

Owen seemed surprised and delighted; and
Tabitha put her arms around her father from behind and hugged him
tightly. “Thank you, Daddy! I am sure of my feelings for Owen,” she
stated. “There is only one thing making me sad right now; I miss my
Mama so much.”

“I understand, baby. I know I am a poor
substitute for your mother, but I will do whatever I can to help
you with your plans,” Jenson said hoarsely, hurting for his only
child. “Maybe your Aunt Janice could come and help?” he suggested,
knowing full well that he would be biting his tongue many times a
day if his deceased wife’s youngest sister came for a visit. But,
if it would help his Tabby, he would tolerate the woman.

“I think that would be perfect, Daddy.”

“I miss my mom, too, Tabby," said Owen. "One
of my sisters will be happy to help with our plans, if you

“We will do this together, Owen,” she said,
beaming at him.

“Do you know what you like for a wedding
dress?” Jenson asked.

“I will need you and Aunt Janice to accompany
me shopping!”

* * * * *

The day of the wedding arrived, and Tabitha
was awake several hours before she needed to rise. It was exciting
to know that this night she would be with Owen and share his bed as
his wife. She was a bit afraid of making love the first time,
although both her daddy and Aunt Janice assured her she would be
fine. Owen promised her he would be gentle, and he told her that if
she needed more time, he would give it to her. He did not want her
to feel pressured. If Tabitha did not love him before he spoke that
promise, she was positive his loving nature would have won her
over. Owen was a kind, gentle man.

But, one thing did bother her. Owen was very
frank with her regarding discipline. He believed in spanking, and
there were two or three times while they were dating that he told
her that if they were married she would be going over his knee for
a good spanking. She made the mistake of challenging Owen one time
after their engagement was announced, and since her father was in
the room, she told Owen that he would not dare spank her! Her
father promptly spoke up and told Owen not to mind his presence. It
was Jenson’s opinion that Tabby needed a sound spanking to deal
with her attitude. Tabitha quickly recanted and toned down her
attitude. She did not wish a spanking in front of her father, and
especially not so close to their wedding date. Owen told her later,
when her father was not present, that he was of the opinion she
still needed a spanking, but he would give her a reprieve until
after they married. Then she had best behave or she would feel his
palm. Tabitha also was sure that he would bare her first, and the
thought of that was totally embarrassing and humiliating.

Some brides wanted an old-fashioned wedding,
which gave the wife the same rights as the husband, but Tabitha and
Owen wanted a modern ceremony that embodied the vows they wished to
make to each other and live by for the rest of their lives. Owen
vowed to love, cherish, protect, and serve his beautiful wife, and
Tabitha promised to obey her new husband, as well as love, cherish,
and serve him.

Jenson was proud to walk his daughter down
the aisle to the man he had come to love and respect. When asked
‘who gives the bride’, he said, “I give this bride for her mother
and myself.” He had tears in his eyes as he placed Tabitha’s small
hand into Owen’s large hand. Jenson truly believed his darling wife
was with them in spirit and watching as their only child was

The rest of the ceremony was beautiful, and
the guests at the reception afterwards celebrated with Tabitha and
Owen until the wee hours. It was very late when Owen swept Tabitha
off her feet and headed toward the exit. They had already said
goodbye to everyone, and Owen put Tabby into his vehicle and drove
off, their destination a big secret. Only one person knew where to
reach them in case of an emergency, and that was Owen’s brother,

“Do not worry, Tabby.” It was as though Owen
knew she was struggling not to appear nervous and frightened.
“Nothing has changed between us; I will be gentle with you and
protect you.”

“In the past, women grew up giving
themselves freely; they knew what to expect when they married.”

“Is that who you are deep inside, Tabby?”

“No, but now I am afraid I will not please

“You will please me, wife mine.”

“But, if I do not?” she asked timidly.

“Then I will spank you and insist you try
again and again and again,” he teased, and his laughing eyes made
her giggle. “It is just us, honey. I am the same man you have spent
time with for nearly a year now. We will be fine.”

He drove to the travel center, and her eyes
grew large when he said, “We have air transport awaiting, Tabby.
Come along now.”

Tabitha felt as though she was walking in a
dream as Owen checked them in, and they were driven though the
center to the point where they would board their transport. They
were greeted by a steward named Ushman who ushered them aboard and
showed them where they were to sit until they were safely in the
air. He also politely requested that they fasten their safety
harnesses. Owen gently tapped Tabitha’s hand when she went to
fasten her harness. “I shall do this for you, little wife. I am to
protect you, is this not true?” Owen reminded her with a smile. “I
take my role as husband seriously.

She thanked him when she felt tightly
secured and it reminded her of the first time she rode in his ugly
old vehicle. That thought brought about a giggle.

“What is so funny?” Owen asked as he
tightened his own safety harness.

“I was thinking of the first time you
wrapped me in a safety harness. The one in your vehicle was so
tight I could scarcely breathe!”

“I am afraid my temper was in full swing at
that moment,” he confessed. “I thought you the spoiled child the
court claimed you were. I still feel terrible for that,” he

“No, do not waste time on those feelings,”
Tabitha insisted. “You took the time to learn the truth about me,
and you gave me your protection even then. And, I never felt
righteous anger against you; it was only for that woman.”

“You gave me some attitude,” he reminded
her, smiling.

“It was attitude at the situation, and
because I did not think you were listening to me and heeding my
words as trustworthy.”

“I always listened to you, Tabby,” he
admitted. “Your voice is compelling.”

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