Taboo Kisses (10 page)

Read Taboo Kisses Online

Authors: Gracen Miller

Tags: #Fantasy, #Adult, #Vampires

BOOK: Taboo Kisses
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“Don’t tell me how to treat my mate, Kat.” A gruff statement
to keep Sameya guessing. He wouldn’t
her, but
more could be gained if she didn’t know it yet.
Besides, he figured she’d consider an orgasm detrimental to her
well being
, especially in light of what she’d just revealed
. “Follow me.”

Maximus tugged on the collar and led her out of the room. “Lucky for you we had a
vault installed in our floor
.” They’d used it several times to lock their bounty into after capture before transporting
them to their employer. He’d never thought to use it against his lover. “Otherwise,
I’d probably be dead.”

“Lucky for you, don’t you mean?”

Employing his vampyr speed,
Maximus spun and
her against the wall. A hand captured her hip
and he elevated her until they were at eye-level.
he fingers hooked in her choker
released and encircled her throat. “Spread your legs, Sameya.”

“Don’t,” her voice trembled.

“Do it.”

obeyed, but turned her head aside as she
the movement. Maximus moved into place between her thighs and released the pressure
on her hip, so her pussy snuggled against his cock
. His pelvis
was all that held her in place. She gasped, eyes rounding before clenching
the lids

“Look at me.”

She whimpered, but turned her head
. H
er eyelids flickered upward.
Wary amethyst returned his perusal. Such a unique and amazing color, coupled with
her dark complexion and red and black striped hair, she was stunning. Her lush figure
was made for seduction. Maximus could not wait to sink into her body.

“You ever turn Gabriel against me again and I’ll
beat you

“You try it, leech, and I’ll annihilate you.”

“Forgetting so soon who is in control?” He tweaked her collar. She blanched. “If I
told you to go to your knees and suck my cock, you’d do it without a blink.”

“No gentleman would force a woman to perform sexual acts.”

“Don’t make the mistake of comparing me to your elite Atlantis society, my fuckable
reaper. I’m no gentleman. In fact…
” he ran his thumb along the pulse in her neck; it beat wildly against his pad. “Allow
yourself to pretend my mouth is between your legs. Feel my tongue licking you, as
if I am really there. Get very close to climaxing, but stop before going over the
with him and Gabriel, but not because of some

Sameya blinked. She shifted and froze with a tiny squeal when his erection nestled
perfectly against her folds.

“Are you pretending?”

“No.” Staring at his mouth, she licked her lips. “I can’t. I have nothing to compare
your suggestion to.”

“Pity.” He’d rectify that immediately. Maximus stepped away from her and watched her
down the wall. Her shaky legs almost g
out when her feet touched the floor. He
’d rattled her
and that pleased him. Withholding a
, he
wrapped his fingers in her jewelry
once more
and led her back to his bedroom.
nside the room, he slammed and locked the door. “Sit on the bed.”

She hesitated, but they both knew she couldn’t challenge him. Back ramrod straight,
she settled on the
edge of the
king-sized bed. Maximus watched her for a moment. In the next twenty-four hours, she’d
be well and truly fucked on that
. In sleep, they’d sandwich her between them and wake her—the tiger’s roars coming
the vault jerked him back to reality.

“Release Gabriel from your enchantment.”

Her lips compressed into a line of
, but a second later, she said, “Done.”

“Are you lying to me?”

“I cannot lie.”

Right. He’d forgotten.
Lying was one of the few
to a siren’s excessive talents.

Maximus went to the vault’s door, unlocked it
and twisted the handle. Once opened, Gabriel prowled out in tiger form. White Bengal
and large. Intimidating, but the siren notched her chin a little higher
, mutiny blazing from her eyes
even when she was outplayed. Fuck him,
that was hot

Gabriel went straight to her and knocked her flat on her back. Chuffing, he leapt
onto the bed and caught her throat between his teeth…purring. Ruined the aggression
with the satisfied noise.

joined them
and met her wide-eyed gaze. Maybe the aggressive move hadn’t been
by Gabriel’s purring. He’d forgotten Sameya didn’t know the many sounds of
his lover’s

“He’s displeased with you.” Maximus climbed onto the bed beside her.
And a lot turned on by her
Mary tactic. They both were.

Fingers clenched in the comforter, she said nothing. A few heartbeats later, she flinched.
The wet rasping sounds told Maximus that Gabriel had begun to lick her flesh.

“Is he licking you?”

“Yes.” Not more than a whisper.

“I’ll remove your boots and pants so he can
tongue you
elsewhere.” The tiger’s purring rumbled loud and Sameya’s breathing stuttered.


“I’m in control, reaper.
can do anything

My pants
and boots
won’t give for anyone but me.”

Interesting. Maximus still tugged against her
. When it remained in place, he slid his hands up her legs and cupped her pussy, rubbing.
She gasped and
tried to squirm away, but with the way Gabriel contained
she went nowhere

“Release her Gabriel, so she can remove her clothing for you.” Golden
eyes blinked at Maximus. “Do
you want to lick her pussy
or not

Two breaths puffed from the tiger’s nostrils. That was a yes.

“Remove your pants and boots, Sameya,” Maximus said as Gabriel laid a final lick to
her throat and sat back on his haunches, his yellow eyes focused on their mate. In
tiger form, she’d be his sole concentration.

Her hands shook as she sat up and ran her fingertip down the side of one boot. The
movement opened up the odd material to the ankle. “Don’t make me beg.”

Ignoring her plea, he changed the subject.
“What are the
made of?” He
the shoe from her and studied it. Sharp, but soft.

“Dragon scales.” The other foot ornament hit the floor. Maximus elevated an eyebrow,
surprised to discover dragons still remained. Only in Atlantis. “Please don’t force
me. I cannot bear enslavement.”

He scrutinized her
. Tears shimmered in her eyes, turning their amethyst color into glittering orbs like
the stone
when it sparkled in light
. “You’re only enslaved if you climax, right?”

A brief nod. He would’ve missed the movement if he hadn’t been watching her with such

She’d stalled on the removal of her clothing. Maximus allowed the transgression. “And
only your mate can make you come, right?”


“Do you believe either of us
your mate?”

Her bottom lip trembled
rubbed her temples.

“You cannot lie,” he reminded, running his finger along the side of her knee.

“I—I believe it’s…possible.”
Sameya met his gaze
, hesitation turning them over bright
. “I know enough about both your breeds to know you wouldn’t…at least the shifter
wouldn’t”—she tilted her head toward Gabriel—“be able to tolerate forcing his mate
into submission.”

Maximus arched an eyebrow. “Then you also know that
a shifter
finds his spouse, he often
her for the first time without
the female’s consent.” The act of non-consent was heavy in the paranormal world.
It was even more pronounced in the shifter race.
He pinched her chin to force her to maintain eye contact. “Tigers like to dominate,
but that doesn’t mean he’ll want to keep you enslaved.”

“And you?”

“I’ll keep you enslaved until you admit you’re ours and better off with us.”

“What if that never happens?”

The very idea made his stomach sink and his fangs drop. He licked the incisors. “We’ll
remove your pants together, Sameya.” Her lips parted
and before she could speak he said, “No further arguments or pleas.
You’re better than that



Maximus held her
as they slid her pants off. Sameya wanted to scream in frustration. Yet…there was
something intoxicating about these two men. They intrigued her and incited unfamiliar
feelings. Scary and fascinating.

“What type of pants are these?”

Why all the
interest in
her clothing? “

“Did you kill the
” The article hit the floor with a thud and his palm slid up her leg.

“No.” Breath stuttered in
her lungs
and congealed in a knot

It’s of reptile origins and
sheds its skin. Those sheddings come at a high”—her voice squeaked when
his palm neared the juncture of her thighs, but the direction altered at the most
crucial moment—“price.”
She couldn’t deny she liked his touch. But liking and wanting
were two very different things. “I’m under
the sanctuary of Empress E’Nesk
Her last cowardly ditch to save her life
and she blamed him for reducing her to such a

“That holds no power here, Sameya.
And not even in Atlantis against one’s mate…or
in your situation
He placed an emphasis on the plurality of the word as h
is hand smoothed over her hip. “And the shirt?”

“Human origins.”

“Good.” He quickly unlaced the
corset and drew it over her head.

Maximus took a step back and h
is eyes went from silver-blue to vampyr green in a breath.
Chill bumps
invaded her flesh
, which had nothing to do with
the room’s temperature, but
of his
as he
her naked flesh.

Gabriel’s sudden purring startled her
. S
he glanced at the huge feline as he rose and leapt off the bed in a graceful move.
Maximus palmed the tiger’s head and stroked him, pausing to scratch behind his ears.
“I’m jealous you’ll taste her first, Gabriel.”

Sameya covered her face. “
, help me!”

The bed jostled and Maximus pulled her hands away from her face, his
. “Do not hide from either of us. You want us.”

“No.” She damn sure did not! To want them ensured her slavery.

“I thought you couldn’t lie? I smell your arousal.”

Was that why she felt hot down below? “My body yearns. I do not.”

“We’ll alter that state of mind.”
Maximus kissed her, his tongue flicking along her lips. The ability to breathe evaporated.
She resisted his embrace by clamping her teeth together. A slow lick along the column
of her leg
from the tiger
shocked her and drew forth a gasp. Against her lips Maximus chuckled and plunged his
tongue into her mouth.

“Spread your legs
for Gabriel.” He nipped at her bottom lip
, soothing away the sting.

Sameya parted them slightly, resisting the urge to
away from the lick Gabriel placed against her calve. The cat’s tongue was abrasive,
but not distasteful.

“Wide,” Maximus whispered against her

She whimpered, but followed his instruction. Another
set of
searing kiss
as his hand slid down between her breasts, across her belly, along her hip, to clamp
his palm on the inside of her thigh. His fingers slipped beneath her knee and pulled
her leg up until her kneecap was braced against his hip.
She could only imagine how open she was to Gabriel. No one had ever seen her so exposed.
Not emotionally or

Licks to the sensitive flesh where her legs united with her body. Maximus mimicked
the same movement against a nipple. Sameya
bit her bottom lip to restrain her cry
. Too much sensation and not what she wanted.

“I’m afraid she’ll climax quickly, Gabriel.” Abandoning the teasing licks,
suckled on the nipple. She clamped a hand on his head,
tangled her fingers in his hair with the intention of pulling his mouth off her breast.
She’d yank him bald if necessary…but the
was so strong, she forgot her purpose and instead held his head in position.

Teeth grazed along her flesh, starting at her knee and taking a path straight up the
inside of her thigh. A tiny moan escaped before she could suppress it.

“Stop,” her voice broke. “Something’s wrong.” Heat flashed across her body, but
cooled her skin. She ached all over, but wanted more. She felt balanced on the
of something powerful,
so extreme she wouldn’t
survive. And if she did
, she wouldn’t come out the other side the same woman.

lifted his head. “Shh…relax. Nothing is wrong.” He disengaged her fingers from his
hair and pressed kisses against her knuckles.

The feline’s tongue swiped through her folds without any forewarning. Sameya yelped,
her hips jerking.

“Fuck, you’re extra sensitive to touch.” He sucked one of her fingers into his mouth.

The short breaths of the shifter puffed against her skin as his tongue moved over
her hot flesh with repetition.
aught up in the sensations, Sameya couldn’t rip her sights off Maximus. His green
eyes burned into hers as the fur between her thighs dissipated and was replaced with
the man. Gabriel’s oral bliss changed, he probed her opening, pushing into her with
his tongue over and over again. His fingers teased the outer edges of her labia as
’s face blurred in her vision.

kissed her as Gabriel’s thumbs spread her lower lips. Softer than the cat’s, the
curl of his tongue felt different from the tiger’s but no less amazing.

“She has
a fat clit
.” Gabriel kissed
the nub
d her lips to look at
him between her thighs
. The shifter kissed
her clitoris
once more

What does she taste like, Gabriel?

’s da
rk voice
licked across her body

Gabriel thrust a finger into her and she cried out. Nothing painful about his intrusion,
the pleasure was more than she could’ve anticipated.

“You’re a virgin?” Gabriel executed small thrusting motions with his digit.

“No.” Were those noises coming from her?
smiled at her, so she guessed they were. “
lovers.” What was the point when
of others had
sickened her? She’d only taken a lover when necessary in her line of work. Usually
only as a political move to aid the Empress and she’d barely tolerated the intrusion
then. Her first l
over she had foolishly hoped
was her mate. Feeling nothing but revulsion as he rutted her, she’d sworn off sex
for a very long time.

Yet…with these men, she enjoyed both of their touch

“She’s terribly tight, Maximus.” Gabriel swirled his tongue around her clitoris and
Sameya almost catapulted off the bed.

“No wonder she’s so sensitive to touch.” Maximus rubbed her belly with his palm. “She’s
not experienced.”

She detested being
. Except for now.

More swirls against her clit and she curled her fingers in Gabriel’s spiky hair. One
of them hooked her legs over
the tiger’s
broad shoulders as his mouth worked against her flesh
his finger pumped into her.

Panting in between the moans and sighs, she became lost in the
centered at the nexus of her thighs. Only vaguely was she aware she had begun to
grind her hips against his face
and pull him against her with her hand

This couldn’t bode well. Not for her at least. Her bell
y cramped and a
whimper crashed through her lips.

Fingers tangled in her hair and Maximus drew her head up just enough her gaze locked
on Gabriel nestled between her legs. “Oh


Sameya crashed with a scream. Her body shuddered and it felt as if her molecules melted.
Gabriel’s tonguing grew more aggressive as a flood of warmth exited her body.

Maximus ran a fingertip around her lips.
“You’re even more beautiful when you come, my little reaper.”

Sameya blinked, but could manage
no coherent
response. Dear
that was spectacular.

“You’re turn, Maximus.” Gabriel rose from between her thighs, his finger still pumping
into her very moist pussy. So wet, there were sucking noises where his digit
met her body

“I’m going to fuck you, Sameya.” Maximus pinched a nipple, staring at her as if he
expected a complaint. Her tongue—right along with her body—had dissolved into such
an uncaring state of completeness, she couldn’t summon the urge to complain if she’d

“Taste her first.” Gabriel removed his finger and offered it to Maximus. The vampyr
sucked the other man’s finger into his mouth, his cheeks hollowing.

“Perfection,” Maximus said before he kissed the shifter.

Sameya watched them in fascination. Maximus licked her release
before devouring his mouth in a kiss.
Gabriel was already nude from the shift, so he
, slow and thorough
as they fondled
one another. She ached at their obvious
each other
She’d never anticipated having such
with anyone and to have it this close to her grasp…I don’t want it.
To be that committed to someone else scared her to death.

A serpent tattoo flanked
right arm. The tail of a white Bengal tiger began on his ribcage and spread across
his back.
front claws ripp
into his
shoulder blades
the marks were so realistic she almost believed
the ink
tiger instead of a tattoo
. A
spiraled upward to stop
mid-way up
his neck.

The shifter kissed down Maximus’s throat and then lower when he jerked the vampyr’s
shirt over his head. Angled away from her, she thought she caught a twinkle of something
foreign on Maximus’s chest. Sameya sat up and slipped off the bed, sidling closer
to Gabriel for a better

“Don’t go anywhere.” Gabriel palmed the back of her head and she flicked a glance
at him. He wasn’t as tall as Maximus, but they both dwarfed her. She felt tiny standing
next to them.

Gabriel’s yellow eyes held her pinned in place, while fascinating her with their odd
color…at least odd on a white Bengal. But they fit him.

“He’s pierced.” She indicated Maximus’s nipples.

“Want to lick them?” Gabriel made the offer, but Maximus didn’t retract the

Sameya shook her head.

“So shy,”
the tiger
remarked. “We’ll change that.”

She wasn’t altogether certain she wanted her
to be altered. Her entire life would change if she accepted them. Where would they
live? Atlantis was her home and—

“I have other piercings.” Maximus ran his fingers through her hair as Gabriel disengaged
the vampyr’s belt buckle.
A few moments later, the button
leather pants
were open and the shifter was shoving the vampyr’s
to the floor.

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