Taboo Kisses (5 page)

Read Taboo Kisses Online

Authors: Gracen Miller

Tags: #Fantasy, #Adult, #Vampires

BOOK: Taboo Kisses
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“Fuck.” A tremor went through Maximus when
swirled his tongue around the slit
the vampyr’s
waning erection

Gabriel’s head back and yanked him to his feet. They embraced to a loud ovation.





From across the street
, Sameya watched Gabriel and the dark haired male
make love
in front of everyone.
Even with her superior hearing,
coupled with
noise of the
Bourbon Street revelry, she couldn’t catch most of their conversation. She’d heard
only one thing. They were searching for someone. A female.

Following Gabriel from the pub to his hotel room was either
. She hadn’t decided which, but she
leaned more toward a serious miscalculation even if she
liked what she saw.

Sameya had
only a handful of lovers
during her life, none of them making it beyond a
. What was the point when enjoying sex wasn’t an option except for with her mate?
Damn unfair. Sirens were the only
incapable of climaxing without their
significant other
All of her sexual encounters had been for

But what Gabriel shared with this other man…it was revealing.
Love and respect guided
the act, and damn
shifter had growled when he came. Had bitten into the shoulder of the dark haired
, too
, right over the
mating mark
she assumed he’d left long ago

Envious of their relationship, she should’ve walked away. Before she became enamored
and serenaded
into slavery. She hadn’t kept a pet in a long time.
But she wanted
Gabriel. If she
them both
into her pets
, she could have them perform for her
entertainment whenever she liked
The thought appealed to her.

The smack of her palm against the brick building drew little attention. Frustrated
with herself for dallying over a shifter, she told herself to leave
this moment. Not another minute should be wasted on Gabriel and his lover. Regardless
that he was
material, her preoccupation with him waylaid her
mission. She needed to focus and fast. No matter how many times she thought that,
her feet remained rooted to the sidewalk.

omething about that
shifter compelled her to remain. She’d held her breath when she suspected he positioned
himself to enter the other male. That’d been when she caught the features of the dark-haired
one. Wavy, chin-length hair. Scruff along his jaw
square chin, and
Every bit a
as Gabriel.
His eyes were a m
ixture between blue and silver that shifted unexpectedly to
ibrant green that glowed

What do the mortals think of that?

straight at her as he parlayed a thumbs up to the crowd and winked at Sameya. Vampyr.
He knew she hid in the shadows. She allowed a small smile to ti
her lips
and he returned her grin.

Can’t serenade a vampyr. I’ll have to be
careful to charm him with magic

the vampyr
in a hard thrust
that wrenched a
from him.
Those kissable lips
had rounded
a moan
and her clit had throbbed as if Gabriel were in her

Holy fucking Empress!

Orgasms weren’t her commodity, just theirs, but the
on their faces…she envied what they had.

Instead of hightailing it like she should,
Sameya leaned against the wall
and watched
She suspected
had a hard time controlling the were-shifter inside him.
And more than once she thought she saw the imprint of a beast glimmering over his
humanity, but it was so minor she couldn’t gauge his breed.

What will he look like in his animal state? She had no idea what type of animal he
even was.
His vibe was of the ‘don’t
fuck with me’ variety, which le
d her to believe he was either a large-breed cat or a wolf.

Gabriel came with a growl and buried his very obvious shifter fangs into the other
man’s neck. Not that the vampyr seemed to mind, but rather his
and the way his eyes rolled until on
the white’s of his eyes were visible suggested he enjoyed the bite.
A lot.
Probably even the man coming inside him.

A few moments later, Gabriel turned
his lover
and went to his knees
. A hot flush swept Sameya’s body as he
the other man’s penis into his mouth.

Heat engulfed her and her channel clenched. Her knees shook
and she swiped her hand through her hair.

What is wrong with me?

Sex never affected her like this. Not when she
participated in the boring act or even when she watched. But these two me
n had her squirming. S
he stepped a little deeper into the shadows as the vampyr turned his head to gaze
in her direction.
That species
had the vision of an eagle. And she sensed his awareness of her. He verified that
theory when he licked his lips, blew her a kiss
and clamped his hand on the back of Gabriel’s head, guiding the blowjob.

Sameya tried to swallow past the thick knot forming in her throat.
Nothing alleviated the obstruction. Breathing grew impossible
and her lungs burned from lack of oxygen.
Empress E’Neskha counted on her
while she wasted time watching two men get one another off in a very public display.
Time for games was over.

She stepped a little further down the side street into the dark shadows. The vampyr
shook his head and mouthed, “Stay. Watch.”

Her retreat died as a gasp exited her lungs.

His m
outh parted, she could just make out the dark-haired male’s raspy
. Flexing his hips, he drove his erection in
Gabriel’s mouth. A lo
and he clenched the railing with his free hand.
Angled so he could maintain eye contact with her, his
head tilted backward and
buzzed the air

The sound hummed
across her skin
centered between her thighs.

Is that moisture leaking from my body?

Indifferent to Bourbon Street patrons, Sameya shoved
away from the wall and thrust
a hand
inside her pants
between her thighs.


She bit her lip and stared at the couple on the balcony. The vampyr smiled as Gabriel’s
purr rent the air. The dark haired male came, hard, his entire body vibrating. Through
it all his eyes remained locked on Sameya
…as if he invited her into their web of intimacy. Her knees
at the ramifications of her response
It was likely one of them was her mate.

The vampyr jerked Gabriel’s head back and yanked him to his feet. They embraced to
a loud
from the street gawkers.

Sameya collapsed against the building
once more
, unable to drag in a breath or tear her focus off the men.
Rattled by her reaction to their coupling, she wasn’t sure how to proceed.

After r
emoving her hand from her pants, she spread the moisture along her lips. What a novelty.
She ached where her fingers had been. Wet from watching them…
holy shit
he’d given up hope of finding her mate.
With the likelihood that
found him
, she wasn’t certain it was a blessing.
She’d been alone for so long,
accepted her fate as an
old maid
. She was sure to fuck up a
s weren’t an option in the mystic world
Once m
was for life.

Besides, i
t was unheard of for a siren to
with a vampyr or a shifter. Just as taboo as a vampyr or shifter mating outside their
own breed.
What an odd combination nature had put together.

Holy hell
.” She sucked her fingers into her mouth, noting the sugary taste of her arousal.

What would the
taste like?

She flinched.
So n
ot thinking about that.
in this instance would
d to a whole boatload of trouble.
And she had a job to do.

The men broke the kiss and the vampyr traced a finger along Gabriel’s jaw. Words were
spoken, but she couldn’t make them out. They both ignored the hoots and hollers of
the audience beneath them.

Sameya couldn’t
yank herself away from the carnal display
. She might be a loner, but she couldn’t deny she
their closeness. What they shared was special
and only mated pairs ever looked at one another like that.

The vampyr turned his head
, his eyes silver-blue once again. Like a homing beacon
, he
tagged her exact spot
with his
. He crooked his finger at her to come to them. She shook her head.

Gabriel left the vampyr’s embrace to white-knuckle the railing. “Where?”

“There. In the shadows. Come to us,
Once more, h
his finger at her. The mortals began to notice, a few swiveling to see who the men
wanted to join them.

As Sameya pushed away from the side of the building, she went invisible and strode
down the street, careful not to bump into any tourists and draw
attention. Legs rubbery, her stride wasn’t nearly as confident as she
’d like for it to be
. She
a right, then a left on the next street until she came up on the backside of Jackson
Square, making a beeline for the wharf. Water had a way of calming her.

“Vacate the premises.” The hobos jerked at her command and
about. Sameya went solid. One of them spewed misinformed propaganda about voodoo priestesses
and the other prayed to the Christian
. “Be gone!” They tripped over one another to evacuate
the bench
she wanted
Not that
there weren’t
other seats to pick from,
this particular
. It was at the end of the wharf with the least amount of visitors.

Sameya collapsed on the wood, ignoring the discomfort. The lap of water failed to
soothe her frayed nerves. This complication in her life wasn’t welcome. Not now.
She was happy with the status quo of her life. And she’d made a promise to the Atlanti
Her Empress had handpicked her as security at the dawn of the other woman’s reign
Good at her job, more powerful than
other known
sirens, diversions
had never been
a problem for her.
But then there was
o purpose in being social when she
might reap a friend tomorrow at a
word from the Empress.
Not that anyone wanted to be her friend. They were all too scared of her to initiate
a rapport.
Most of the sirens she knew had become pampered anomalies. Like a wild tiger among
unsuspecting mortals,
if motivated,
they could turn on the mystics at any given moment with little provocation.

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