Authors: R. Richard

Tags: #Erotica


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After the audition, the Director wants to use me in the role of the runaway daughter.
However, I have no acting experience.
The Director, the Producer and the investors have a meeting.

We ladies also have our own meeting.
Due to the economy, most of the ladies are about one paycheck away from sleeping under a bridge.
Several of the ladies are very concerned about the possibility of using a complete unknown with no acting experience in a key role.

Miss. Hollywood tells the ladies that I can act.
She also tells them that I have done a lot of research for the stripper role.
She then tells them that they also need me to coordinate the dancing.

Finally the ladies agree that there's really no other choice.

Miss. Hollywood and I have a brief, private conversation.
It turns out that Miss. Hollywood is, like some of the other ladies, about one paycheque away from walking the streets.
Her career is in tatters and she desperately needs the job.
Apparently, the studio financing the film is also in desperate financial shape.
If we can turn out a good selling movie, everybody survives.
If not, there's only a search for a good bridge to sleep under.
(Can you say 'desperation' here?)

Fortunately, Miss. Hollywood has an in with the Director.
She and I are able to jazz the story up a bit.

In the original story, the runaway daughter dances in several clubs as the mother searches for her.
We convince the Director to show a progression.
The daughter and, of course, the mother will dance in a series of clubs.
The clubs become steadily more upscale as the daughter is succeeding with her career.

We start out with me, as the daughter, dancing in just a g-string and bra in a grubby little club with mostly grubby dancers.
Since the club is a movie set, we are able to make the first club fairly grubby appearing.

Via the magic of makeup, I get better looking and the other dancers get better looking at each new club.
Of course, the movie set is upgraded as the daughter supposedly moves to better clubs,

Of course, the daughter is always on the edge of getting raped.
At first it's just being chased around a club Manager’s office.
Then, it escalates to some scary scenes where the daughter is just about to be raped when someone comes into the room or something happens and the daughter escapes.

The original script then has a club Manager rip off the daughter’s bra and then chase her through the club.
Miss. Hollywood and I convince the Director to change things so that I run out of the club and into a back alley, instead of just through the club.
The daughter then evades the Manager and sneaks back into the club.

The daughter is topless after the Manager rips off her bra; however, with clever use of camera angles, the audience sees only my back as I, playing the daughter, run topless through and out of the club.
Then, as I sneak back in to the club it's almost too dark to see that I'm topless.
I say almost too dark.
The audience can debate if they really saw bare tits or not.
The little controversy should definitely help ticket sales.
Mystery sells in the stripping business and tits definitely sell!

At a point in the story, the daughter gets a job in an upscale strip bar and has to shop for the fetish gear that's now required for her new job.

We do a shopping trip (Taken from real life here fans!) where the daughter almost learns about lesbian sex.
Once again, the lighting and camera angles leave it to the imagination of the audience if any lesbian contact actually took place.

Of course, the daughter has to keep trying on stuff in dressing rooms during the shopping trip.
Once again, the audience almost sees tits and almost sees pussy.
However, not quite!

As the film daughter goes upscale, I take my dancing to new levels.
In the early dances, I danced reasonably well, but restricted my moves.
As the film daughter gets more experience, I add more moves to my dances.
As I see the nightly screenings of the scenes, I can see that the improvement in the daughter’s dancing is a part of the development of the daughter’s character.
The whole experience is a part of my learning how to act.

I also have to teach the other dancers some stripper moves.
They're at least as good at dancing as I am.
However, none of them have the nude dancing/strip tease experience I have.
I'm able to add some realism to their presentation.
Unfortunately, some of the new stuff is a bit too raunchy for a general release
However, we do add some realism.

As Miss. Hollywood, in the role of the daughter’s mother, moves in on her wayward daughter, the daughter is getting closer and closer to the edge.

Miss. Hollywood and I talk the Director into a real strip sequence that I saw at The Pussycat Lounge.
I wear a pair of panties over my g-string.
I then flash the panties as if I'm flashing my pussy, however, only the g-string is revealed.
The scene is really hot!
However, we don’t know if it'll get past the censors.

By now the film daughter is dancing in some pretty upscale places.
She's in full fetish gear and we show little tricks like having flesh coloured stripes down the outside of the tiny g-strings the daughter wears.
The flesh coloured strips make the g-string appear to be impossibly tiny.
The daughter’s bras are also pared down to absolute minimum coverage.

Meanwhile, Miss. Hollywood, as the mother, is having her own troubles.
She's also being pressured for sex by club Managers.
She has one scene in which she has just removed her bra when the male Manager comes strolling in.
Of course, since she's playing a real adult lady, Miss. Hollywood puts the guy down verbally and he leaves.
Of course, the camera shows only her back.

As the script nears its end, Miss. Hollywood, as the mother, finally finds her daughter.
However, they don't meet until they both show up for work the same night at the same upscale club.

The mother walks into the ladies dressing room to find her long lost daughter squaring off for a cat fight with another stripper.
Of course, the mother pitches in and the two ladies defeat the other stripper and throw the defeated lady out of the dressing room and into the club, while she's wearing only a garter belt and ripped and torn nylons!
Of course, the camera angles are such that the audience doesn't quite see the defeated lady’s tits or pussy.

The Manager of the club is furious about the aftermath of the cat fight and the daughter then has her big scene.
The daughter first dances on the stage and then is called into the Manager’s office.

The daughter walks into the Manager’s office wearing only her bra, g-string, garter belt, fancy nylons and stiletto heels.

The Manger tells her that she stripped one of his girls and threw her out into the club.
He then tells the daughter that she's going to find out what that's like herself.
With that, the Manager rips off the daughter’s bra and then begins to chase her around his office with the intention of also ripping off her g-string and then throwing her out of the office nude.

Despite being in a small office and wearing stiletto heels, the daughter manages to keep away from the Manager until her mother barges in and whacks the Manager with a table leg.

With the Manager down, the mother and the topless daughter walk out of the Manger’s office and into the club.
Of course, in a general release
film, the daughter is only shown with her back to the audience.
However, the faces of the male patrons are shown as they enjoy the daughter’s tit display.

OK, the mother and daughter are reunited at last.
However, the mother has spent all her money searching for the daughter.
The daughter is really just starting her career and has very little money saved.

The two ladies talk things over and decide that there's only one thing to do.
They have to continue to work as strippers, at least until they can build up their bank accounts.

The final scene of the movie shows the daughter dancing in yet another strip bar.
The daughter is wearing the usual bra, g-string, garter belt, fancy nylons, stiletto heels and a top hat.
After a bit, the daughter takes off the hat and holds it in front of the pale blue g-string she is wearing.
Then, the daughter pulls the hat away to reveal a gold, sequined g-string.
Several repetitions alternately reveal blue and gold g-strings.

One of the drunken customers jumps up and yells, “How is she doing that?”

The film ends after the daughter throws away the hat and then dances facing the camera and the customers with her bra on.
The daughter then turns from the camera and removes the bra.
The movie ends with the daughter dancing topless, facing the customers, with her back to the camera.

The Director does a really good job here.
Since he can't show the daughter’s tits, he scans the camera across the faces of the men in the audience and catches the facial expressions.

We finish the filming and the movie is released.
It does fairly well after a sort of slow start.
Fortunately, someone starts a crusade to ban, “This, vile, immoral film!”
After that publicity from the ‘ban the boob’ group, the film does pretty well.
In fact, the film becomes something of a cult classic as the younger fans debate the issue of the possible view of my tits as I try to sneak back into the club.

Miss. Hollywood makes enough to put her back on her feet financially.
She also resurrects her career and she has new movie offers coming in.

Miss. Hollywood doesn't forget Nocturne.
I'm hooked up with a good agent and he gets me into the kind of acting classes I need if I'm to be a real actress.
I also have some movie offers coming in because I'm the newest starlet around!
Some of the movie offers are obvious exploitation things with a lot of nudity.
However, some of the movies are actual acting jobs that just might lead me to a future in the movies!

I have enough money coming in from my stock investments that I really don't have to work.
However, I have a golden opportunity and I decide to try to sort of ease back in to working, however with my clothes on this time!

OK, I have a new career.
I'll have to take acting classes, but the ladies I worked with tell me that I have what it takes.
However, another problem hits me like a hammer.

For some time now, I have not had or needed a boyfriend.
I got all the attention and sex I needed at The Pussycat Lounge.
The Pussycat Lounge is now history and my life style is gonna have to change.

For the first time in a long time I stop and think that I have been more or less a whore.
What will happen when I try to react to a boyfriend?
Will he be able to tell what I have been in the past?
How will I react to a man who is my boyfriend, not my customer?

I'm panicked!
Then I remember that I'm training to become an actress.

I already have my first role to play, even before I get another job.

I may succeed with a boyfriend, or I may not.
However, I won't fail because of sex!


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