Tainted Bride (32 page)

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Authors: A.S. Fenichel

BOOK: Tainted Bride
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Sophia allowed her tears to flow and even Daniel’s eyes misted a bit. They said farewell to everyone and started up the steps.

Fenton loudly cleared his throat. “Excuse me, my lord.”

“What is it, Fenton?”

Fenton gripped a footman by the arm.

Jasper clutched the man’s other arm.

“My lord, as requested by her ladyship, I have found the snitch. This is Colby.” He gave the footman’s arm a shake. “He’s been selling information to the papers. He was approached first by the man who attacked her ladyship and then realized he could make a bit more from the papers.”

Daniel returned to the foyer. “Colby, is it? Have you been unfairly treated while you worked here?”

Colby’s cheek was smudged with dirt. He looked his employer in the eye. “No, sir.”

“Why then, would you jeopardize your position?”

“The money was good.” His voice was gruff and unrepentant.

Daniel sighed. “Give him a month’s wages and put him out on the street, Fenton.”

Fenton stared wide eyed for a long beat. Straightening, he jerked Colby’s arm. “As you wish, my lord.”

Daniel returned to Sophia.

“That was generous of you, Daniel.”

He shook his head. “Without references, he will be hard pressed to find decent employment. I was not as kind as you might think.”

“Still, I’m not sure I would have given him a penny.”

“He was lured in by Pundington just as your father and brother were. He will pay dearly for that, but it will not be by my hand.” Daniel took her hand and they climbed the steps.

* * * *

When they reached the top, Sophia let go of his hand and proceeded into her own chamber. Too tired to argue, he watched her go and moved to his own door. A steaming bath stood in the corner. Daniel sighed. He must remember to thank his valet.

He rubbed his face, but a shave would have to wait, so he stripped out of his filthy clothes. They wouldn’t be salvageable. When he sank into the tub, his whole body screamed in both pain and pleasure.

As he dozed, a gentle hand caressed his face. He grabbed it and opened his eyes. “You are in my room.”

She tried to pull away, but he held her. “I thought it was our room.”

“It should be. But when last I saw you, that was not your desire.”

“A lot has happened since you were taken from me.” She gulped for breath.

His own breathing came in short gasps and his heart thundered. “Tell me.”

She looked at him and then at the bath. “It’s a rather long story. You will wrinkle up and the water will go cold before I can tell you half. Would you like to finish your bath and then I’ll explain as much as I can?”

“Will you help me?” He handed her the washcloth.

She took it and her cheeks turned the brightest shade of red.

His wife was stunning and his body teemed with desire for her.

They remained silent throughout the bath, and she blushed but didn’t turn her head as she handed him a towel and then his dressing robe.

She walked to the bed and sat. In her nightgown and wrapper, with her hair brushed out so it fell around her shoulders, she was irresistibly beautiful. Her voice remained just above a whisper. “If you would prefer me to go to my own room, I will, Daniel.”

He came and sat next to her. “Why would I want that?”

“I have not been a good wife to you.” Her hands twisted into tight fists in her lap.

He pried her fingers open, cradled her hand, and rubbed the tension out of her palm. “Why do you think you have not been a good wife?”

“I sent you from my bed.”

“Why did you do it?”

Her brows drew together. “After my father died, I had dreams that disturbed me.”

“Tell me about the dreams.” He massaged her hand and wrist.

She explained how he’d somehow replaced Alistair in her recurring nightmares.

Daniel’s hand stilled. He’d become the villain in her dreams. The only woman he’d ever loved feared him. His heart was breaking. “You know I would never harm you.”

“I believe you will never intentionally hurt me.” She tried to pull her hand away.

He held it firmly but gently, not allowing her to run from the conversation. “What is it you are afraid of?”

She pulled away and dashed across the room. She hugged her waist and stomped one foot. “I tried Daniel. I really did. I know it does not seem as though I made an effort, but I have been thinking of little else since you disappeared. And I did not know where you were. So, really, it’s not so sudden.”

“Sophie, what are you talking about?”

“Your mistress.” She rolled her pretty eyes as if it should have been obvious. “I really thought I could be a good wife and tolerate you keeping a mistress, but honestly, I cannot. If you must have her, then I shall go to the country and we shall go out in public when absolutely necessary. It is not exactly the life I had in mind, but I think I can live with it. What I cannot live with is the glaring jeers of London society and the whispering in ballrooms as I walk in. I’ll not tolerate their pity. Poor Lady Marlton, whose husband pays her no mind.” She mimicked in a high English accent.

“My, you have thought about this a lot.” He struggled to stifle a laugh, but at least the pain in his heart eased.

She glared at him.

Still smiling, he held up one hand in a sign of peace. “May I ask you what kind of life you did have in mind?”

She sighed and her shoulders slumped. “I’m a dreamer. I love you and I had dreamed you would love me. We would live in the country with the baby and come to London for the season. You would adore our children and never think of another woman. I thought I would be a good enough wife to you that you would not want a mistress. Then Papa died and I was so…sad…and I was not a good wife and you were so sweet but then you went away all the time to do…I don’t know what…”

“What baby?”

She touched her stomach. “Our baby, Daniel.”

His brain turned to mush. He stood open-mouthed staring at his wife. Joy as great as the day she’d agreed to marry him flooded in. He rushed forward, dropping to his knees before her and wrapping his arms around her. His head rested against her stomach. Their child rested inside this perfect body.

“Our baby,” he repeated, through a tight throat.

“You’re happy about the child?” She let out a breath.

“I’m happy.” He kissed her abdomen. He wished he could feel the child growing within her and he pressed closer.

“I thought we discussed this already.” He stood and lifted her into his arms. With her in his lap, he sat in the chair by the hearth.

“I know, but I was so happy when I learned I was to have a child and when we spoke you seemed only tolerant of the idea. I just wanted you to be as happy as I am and now I can see that you are, so everything is all right.” She babbled on, grinning and frowning with each new thought.

He laughed. “I do love when you do that. Sophie, I’m thrilled the woman I love and married will give me a child.”

“You love me?” Her eyes were wide.

“More than anything on earth.”

She hugged his neck.

“Do not strangle me now.” He laughed.

“I’m sorry. I just never thought you would say those words to me.”

His expression sobered. “I think there are a few things we should discuss.”

She tried to get off of his lap, but he wrapped his hands around her bottom and pulled her in tighter. “I think we can discuss these things sitting as we are. In fact, I think all of our serious discussions should be had in just this way.”

“You are impossible. What do you want to discuss?”

“I do not have a mistress, Sophie. Nor, will I take one.”

A smile lit her eyes.

“You have not been a bad wife. You were distraught after your father’s death. That was completely understandable. I’ll not lie to you. It hurt me when you left our bed, but I never thought you a bad wife and I certainly have never for a moment regretted our marriage. I love you and I’ll endeavor to make you happy for the rest of our lives. I’ll care for you and our children, and we shall have a life as close to your dream as possible.”

“Do you promise?” she asked.

He traced a path along her cheek to her full lips. “I already did, on that wonderful day when we said our vows. I promised you all of those things and more, my love. You’re the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.”

He meant every word, even as tears ran down her face and her eyes grew puffy and her nose red.

“Thank you.” Sophia was crying and laughing at the same time.

“May I take you to bed, Lady Marlton?”

“You may, my lord.” She used the edge of her wrap to wipe her nose. “But, I think I should go and wash my face first.”

He roared with laughter.

* * * *

His lips were warm and seductive against the nape of her neck, while his hand caressed just under her breast. A smile lifted the corners of her mouth and her heart soared. She turned into him and kissed him boldly.

Groaning, he deepened the kiss, wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tight against him. “I thought I was lost to you forever.”

“I believed you had left me for another.”

He caressed between her legs.

Tiny gasps escaped her lips as the now familiar joy of making love to Daniel stirred inside her.

“There can be no other for me, Sophie. I want only you every day for the rest of my life.”

He rubbed her sensitive bud and her hips arched off the bed.

She dug her nails into his shoulders holding back the delight, which came too fast. She wanted to enjoy him slowly.

He kissed her mouth and his tongue demanded entry. Willingly, she opened to him and he made love to her mouth in the same manner he would plunge into her core. She trembled with need. With the lightest touch, she traced a path along the taut skin of his shaft.

He groaned deep in his chest.

She repeated the gentle tickling then gripped his rod.

He sucked in a sharp breath. “Sophie.” His fingers worried her delicate folds and rubbed her sensitive button. Perched at her entrance, he glided in slowly, inch by torturous inch until he filled her.

Her cries mixed with his. She rose higher as she met every plunging thrust with the rise of her hips. Her pleasure intensified and cascaded.

Eyes closed, Daniel cradled her head. “Look at me, Sophie.”

She stared up into his passion-filled gaze. Love was so plain in his eyes, it shook her. A scream escaped her lips as an orgasm shattered around her.

Daniel pumped once, twice and then emptied himself into her in a series of grunts and moans. His ecstasy increased hers and another wave of pleasure coursed through her.

He collapsed on top of her. His weight was a blanket of safety.

She wrapped her arms around him. “I’m so happy you’re home safe, Daniel.”

“I’ll never leave you again.”

* * * *

Daniel was in his dressing room and Sophia rose from the bed and pulled her nightgown over her head. Sun streamed through the windows, catching something metallic on the table.

She walked over and picked up the small gold butterfly. Intricately etched it was a pretty little thing. Beside it were two pieces of wire. “What is this?”

He moved next to her. “It belongs to a girl named Susan, a child really. Pundington held her captive too. She gave it to me to help initiate our escape. It belonged to her mother. I had hoped to have it repaired and return it to her.”

Sophia’s throat tightened. What that poor girl must have suffered. She was probably misused. She shivered. To have given up the one reminder of her mother to a stranger, she must be a brave girl. Sophia wished she had just some small token of papa’s to hold onto. She handed the treasure to him. “You should have it repaired immediately, Daniel. How will you find her?”

“Thomas told me she worked at a pub near the docks when she was abducted. I plan to start there.”

“A pub? Oh, Daniel, that is no place for a girl especially after all she has been through. Can’t we do something for her? There must be a position here in the house or in the country. Susan could work as a maid or helping in the kitchen might suit her.”

He nodded, tucked the hairpin in the pocket of his waistcoat and kissed her cheek. “I’ll see if she is inclined to changed professions.”





“I do love a house party.” Elinor flounced her skirts as she sat on one of the chairs under a large oak tree.

Sophia took a spot on the picnic blanket. “I’m so glad. I’m planning to have one every year.” She picked her squealing son from the blanket. Arms and legs in constant motion, he smiled. Her own eyes and Daniel’s chin looked back at her, as he made a bubbling sound and dribbled all over her. She hugged him and patted his back. “It is good to get out of London for a while.”

“It is also good to get away from the marriage market.” Dory’s voice held contempt, normal when she spoke of such things.

“Is your mother being very difficult?” Elinor asked.

“You are my biggest problem.” Dory pointed at Elinor.

Her hand went to her chest. “Me, what have I done?”

“Not a single day goes by I do not hear how you have managed to catch Sir Michael and why can I not follow your example and lure in a suitable husband?” She made a poor imitation of her stern mother.

Elinor’s bright blue eyes were wide and her mouth hung open. “You make me sound quite mercenary.”

“Not me, my mother.”

Sophia laughed. “Be careful. They will join us for tea shortly.”

They ignored her. “I did not lure, or catch, Sir Michael.”

“No, what did you do then?” Dorothea asked.

Elinor smiled and acted as if she were smoothing a wrinkle in her dress. “I did nothing. We fell in love, as you well know. Now stop trying to send me into fits. I have known you long enough to be quite used to this game.”

“I do so love it when you go into fits.”

“Well, it is too fine a day and I’ll not take the bait.” She sat up straighter and looked pleased with herself.

“Good for you, Elinor. And Dory, it was a good try.” Sophia made an attempt at diplomacy.

The baby squealed again.

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