Take Me Under (12 page)

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Authors: Rhyannon Byrd

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Fiction

BOOK: Take Me Under
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“That’s what you wanted, isn’t it?” She sank her teeth into her bottom lip, heart pounding so hard it hurt.

The heat in his eyes sent chills racing over her body. “I don’t see the point in having to label everything, but you can call it whatever you want,” he finally responded, the quiet words raw and gritty. “All I care about is that I get to fuck you hard and deep and as often as possible.”

“Then . . . okay. That’s what I want, too. Um, I mean to do to you.” Oh, God. If she’d ever blushed this much, she’d blocked it from her memory.

He started prowling toward her. “You plan on fucking me hard, Reese?”


“I think I can handle that.” The smile that curved his wicked mouth could only be described as dangerous. “But I get to fuck you first.”

Laughing low in his throat, he pulled off his damp T-shirt, caught her around the waist, and jerked her against his hot, sweaty chest. His head swooped down, his mouth taking hers in a kiss that was wild and hard and outrageously explicit, his tongue thrusting in a way that nearly melted her bones. When he finally let her take a breath, he nipped her jaw with his teeth, then put his mouth close to her ear. “Can I use your shower?”


He set her back on her feet and grinned. “Don’t move,” he ordered her, and she stood there in a daze, watching him run over to his house. He disappeared inside, then came rushing back out, a clean pair of sweats thrown over his shoulder . . . and an entire freaking box of condoms in his hand!

Reese knew her mouth was hanging open because he tapped it shut, turned her toward the French doors, and gave a playful swat to her bottom. “Lead the way, sweetheart. And be quick.”

She looked over her shoulder, loving the hunger she could see in those heavy-lidded eyes. “In a hurry, are you?”

“Woman, you have no idea,” he said with a playful growl. “Now go!”

She stifled a nervous laugh as she made her way through the French doors, the rooms of the house cool and shadowed. He’d barely even touched her, and already her breaths were coming in sharp, tight bursts, her pulse racing with excitement. She was still scared to death of the risk she was taking, but needed him too badly to turn back now. He was giving her an outlet for all her pent-up emotions and frustration, and by God, she was going to take it. She no longer cared if it was a smart or stupid move. If she was going to end up hurt or heartbroken. All she wanted was to lose herself in this man and give herself over completely to the need. To this blistering, heady urgency thrumming through her veins, shivering across her skin. She wanted to pull him to her and hold him tight, demanding he fuck her harder, faster. Wanted to be wilder, more outrageous and demanding, than she’d ever been before.

And she wanted him to do the same. Wanted him to let go and really have at her. Wanted him to show her just how badly he deserved his reputation as a man who could make a woman scream in pleasure and forget her own name, reducing her to a quivering mass of erotic sensation.

“Get your clothes off,” he said in that low voice, as soon as they entered the bathroom. “I want to see every inch of you.”

“I will if you will.”

His mouth quirked up at the corner, his dark gaze smoldering and hot as he tossed the condoms and his sweats on the counter, then reached for the waistband of his running shorts and shoved them down. At that moment, Reese was pretty sure her jaw hit the floor, watching him take off his clothes one of the most exciting experiences of her life.

She’d seen pictures of muscular models and athletes. She knew what a powerful male body could look like. But, wow. Just wow. Nothing she’d ever seen in print had prepared her for the sight of a tall, deliciously naked Ben Hudson. The guy was un-freaking-believable. Rugged and hard and tough, but heart-stoppingly beautiful. Lean, but packed with strong, sleek muscles. Broad shoulders, narrow waist, powerful thighs. Ripped abs, perfect pecs. And if she followed that sexy whorl of dark hair around his navel, she got a mouthwatering eyeful. She’d known he was big, had felt him pressed against her, even felt him against her palm, but the visual in her mind hadn’t been anything like this. He was longer . . . broader . . . the dark skin ridged with a thick mapping of veins. He looked . . . well, fairly intimidating, but she refused to cower like a trembling virgin. She knew it was probably going to hurt a bit when he shoved that massive thing inside her, but it would be worth it. She didn’t doubt it for a second.

He jerked his chin toward her frilly tank top and she finally shook herself out of her daze. Wishing she could do this without blushing, she pulled off the tank top, then quickly unhooked her strapless bra before she lost her nerve.

He stared at her breasts, then slowly lifted his gaze. “Now the rest.”

“Okay,” she whispered, watching as he reached into the shower and blindly started the water, his eyes never once leaving her. Her hands shook as she worked her shorts and underwear down her legs, kicking off her sandals before stepping out of the soft-washed denim cutoffs and panties. Slipping the silver hoops from her ears, she set them on the counter then turned to face him, her hands fidgeting at her sides.

His jaw worked as he pushed the shower door open wider, nostrils flaring as he sucked in a sharp breath. “Get in.”

She brushed past him, stepping into the shower, her back pressed against the wall as he followed her in and pulled the frosted door shut.

“It was hell staying away from you last night.” His voice was deep and rough, thick with things she’d never even heard before. But she liked them. A lot.

“It was hell for me, too,” she admitted.

Satisfaction burned like a molten flame in his eyes. “Good.”

She took a quick breath of the damp air, steam rising up around them like a sensual cloud. It felt as if she’d stepped into some kind of provocative dream world, and she hoped to God she didn’t wake up before the finish. “This is probably a good time to tell you that I’ve only ever been with my husband.”


“Right.” She could feel the erotic weight of his gaze like a physical touch as it moved over every inch of her flushed skin, but couldn’t manage to take her own eyes off his stunning erection. “I just wanted you to know . . . I’m not very . . . I mean, you’ll, uh, probably have to teach me . . . some stuff.”

His laugh was low and wicked as he crowded her against the tiled wall. “Christ, you’re trying to kill me, aren’t you?”

She smirked as she tilted her head back, staring up into his gorgeous face. “You look tough enough. I don’t think you’re in any danger of expiring.”

“And that just shows how little you know,” Ben murmured, bracing one forearm beside her head. With his other hand, he grabbed her wrist and lifted, pressing her palm against the center of his chest. “My heart’s beating like a jackhammer, Reese.”

A shy smile bloomed across her mouth, her big eyes dazzling and bright. She was so damn beautiful. So fucking perfect and sweet and soft. He just wanted to fall on her like a madman, but knew the more comfortable she could get with him, the better it would be for her. And, God, did he want it to be good. He wanted her addicted to it, to
, so that he could have her whenever he wanted. He needed that constant access, because who knew how long it would take before this knot of need in his gut finally eased. Before he’d finally have his fill. If he never did . . .

No. He didn’t want to think about that. Not now, when she was staring up at him with those big blue eyes, her cheeks flushed, lips rosy and slick.

Forcing himself to take a step back, he grabbed her shampoo bottle. “Turn around. I’ll do your hair.”

Reese blinked at the unexpected command, but did as he said. She let her head fall back on her shoulders as he started up a rich lather, the coconut scent of the shampoo drifting to her nose. She’d expected things to be hot and fast, but he was obviously trying to ease her into the encounter. She almost thought about lodging a protest, her body so needy she felt like she might combust at any moment, but then he started massaging her scalp with those strong fingers, and she forgot all about complaining. And when he murmured for her to turn around and reached for the body wash, she was more than ready for what came next.

Oh, yeah. This was heavenly. His deliciously hard, hot body vibing with need before her, while his big, skilled hands lathered her up.

But it was the look on his face that really undid her. That hard, thrilling,

Needing to touch him, she started to reach for the body wash, but he caught her wrist. “What?” she asked. “Don’t I get a turn?”

He blew out a ragged breath, letting her wrist go as he shook his head. “It’ll take too long, and I’m nearly at the breaking point already.”

She would have found that difficult to believe, given his experience and the hoards of beautiful women she knew he’d been with, but the hard cast of lust on his face was proof of just how on edge he was. So she simply stood under the water and rinsed off as she watched him quickly lather up that breathtaking body. When he was done, he didn’t bother switching places. He simply stepped under the spray of water with her, lifted her up with his hands around her waist, and pressed his hot face between her breasts.

“Ben?” she breathed out, feeling the tremor that ran through him.

“I’ve waited so damn long to get my hands on you,” he groaned, turning his head to lick one nipple, before shifting his attention to the other. Then he pulled his head back and watched as they pulled tighter, his voice little more than a guttural croak. “You’re so fucking beautiful, Reese.”

She gasped as he suddenly pushed her against the tiled side of the shower, lowered his head, and greedily took one of those sensitive nipples into the blistering heat of his mouth. “My, um, breasts could be bigger,” she whispered, her eyes closing as she turned her head to the side and bit her lip.

“They’re perfect,” he growled, hating the insecurity he could hear in those quiet words. Didn’t the woman know he was fucking starved for her? That he was terrified he would never get enough? That he’d never get his fill?

Keeping her pinned against the wall, Ben licked and sucked and teased until sharp, pleasure-thick cries were climbing up her throat, her hard little nipples throbbing against his tongue. Her hands dug into his hair, pulling him closer, body trembling against him. But she still kept her head turned away, damp strands of hair sticking to her rosy cheek.

“Look at me,” he ground out, his deep voice rough with command. “Look at me, Reese. Right this fucking second.”

She took a shuddering breath, turned her head, and opened eyes that were burning with a need as desperate and urgent and violent as his—and Ben’s control snapped.


pulled Reese out of the shower, quickly snagging a fluffy white towel from the shelf and using it to dry them off. It took no more than a handful of seconds before he was carrying her into the bedroom and tossing her into the center of her mattress, along with a couple of foil packets from the box of condoms.

With the late afternoon sunlight filtering in through the slanted shutters and spilling across the bed, Ben crawled over her, his heart pounding in his chest like a drum. Shoving her legs apart with his knee, he knelt between her sprawled thighs, the sight of her under him, where he’d wanted her for so damn long, making him ache. Holding her heavy-lidded gaze, he reached down and stroked his fingertips over the plump folds of her sex, wanting her to know exactly how juicy and slick she was. Then he pushed two big fingers inside that pink little hole, loving the way she held him. The way her breath hitched and her eyes went wide, that lush lower lip caught in her teeth. She looked like a pagan goddess with all that creamy, freckled skin and silky hair spread out around her head, and all he could think was
. He had to get inside her
, damn it, before he fucking lost it.

Breathing in ragged gusts, Ben sat back on his heels and quickly reached for one of the foil packets. His hands shook as he sheathed his cock in the thin latex, before settling back over her and bracing his weight on one arm again. Then he gripped the heavy, rigid shaft, angling it away from his stomach. Shaking a drop of sweat from his brow, he rubbed the swollen head around her tender opening, getting himself wet, then slowly started to force his way inside, her sharp gasp making him clench his jaw. She was hot and slippery and tight as a fucking fist, and he wanted to slam himself inside her so badly he could taste it. But he had to make this good for her, damn it. Had to control his own primitive urges and make sure she was right there with him.

“You’re so wet,” he growled, watching her juices cream around his thick rod as he worked it in deeper, forcing his way past that deliciously tight resistance. “You’re fucking drenching me.”

“Sorry,” she said breathlessly, hands gripping his biceps in a death grip as he braced his weight on both arms.

“Don’t be. I love you like this. All juicy and shiny and slick.” He lifted his head, eyes locked with hers as he pulled out on a slow slide, and she cried out as he pushed back into her, her hips writhing as she tried to take him deeper.

“Feels incredible,” she moaned, her head tipping back as she closed her eyes. “I feel so

Shit, she was completely undoing him. And she was about to get a hell of a lot fuller. “Take more of me,” he ground out, his body burning with heat, muscles coiled beneath his tight skin as he tried to hold still.

“I’m trying,” she panted, breathing hard. “But I can’t.”

“You can, baby. I know you can.”

She groaned, lifting her knees a little higher as she arched beneath him, and more of his thick flesh slipped inside, throbbing and hard. Gripping her jaw, Ben waited until she’d opened her eyes, before saying, “Now take another inch, Reese. I dare you.”

“You and your damn dares!” she shouted, suddenly laughing as she swatted at his chest.

“Look at you already beating on me. I knew you’d be a little hellion,” he teased, grinning, and just like that, she relaxed enough to take the next three inches of his cock. And oh, God, it was sweet. He’d never known anything like this, the white-hot, blistering lust wrapped up in this tender, unfamiliar emotional thing they had going. She was so goddamn plush inside, so cushiony and snug and wet, he felt like he was sinking his dick into some kind of sexual nirvana, the excitement he could see shimmering in her big blue eyes only intensifying the sensations.

Looking down, Ben watched as he gave her another slow, grinding thrust, his broad shaft stretching her wide. Time passed by in a provocative haze, his entire world narrowing down to this bed and the woman beneath him, his rolling hips working him in inch . . . by inch. Finally, he was packed up deep inside her, only the top two inches of his cock, where he was thickest, still visible. He wanted to grit his teeth and ram them in, feel her hot little cunt hugging every throbbing inch of him as he went balls-deep, but knew it would be too much. He’d already given her even more than he gave most of the women he slept with, and she was the tightest he’d ever had. No matter how good it would feel, he’d rather have his fucking balls crushed than hurt her.

Then she blinked up at him, her beautiful eyes glowing with passion as she whispered,
“I love this.”
And he fucking lost it.

The next thing Ben knew, he had his hands curled around her wrists. Tightening his grip, he lifted them over her head, pinning them against the pillows, and put his face close to hers. “I’m sorry,” he snarled, his hips already pulling back. Then he let go, burying himself in her tight pussy as hard and as fast as he could, his body hammering into hers again . . . and again. He gave her everything but those final inches, thankful for that last scrap of sanity that kept him from going too far. But she was screaming loud enough to wake the dead, and he hoped to God it was in pleasure, because he was bound by this driving rhythm, unable to pull out, to slow down. Then he felt her legs wrapping around his waist, her heels digging into his ass, and Ben knew he was gone. With a hoarse, guttural roar on his lips, he started coming, the pleasure ripping down his fucking spine with such devastating force it nearly turned him inside out. He cursed and shuddered and blasted himself into her until everything went mindless and black, his lungs heaving as his arms gave out and he collapsed, crushing her beneath him.

For a long time he just lay there, wrecked, his mind completely blown. All he knew was the feel of the soft, lush body trapped beneath him, the most mouthwatering scent in the world filling his head with each of his deep, ragged breaths. And then reality slowly started to creep back into the edges of his consciousness, and he thought,
. He’d just completely lost control. Had taken her hard and rough. Even harder and rougher than he normally screwed, and it’d been their first time together. What the fuck had he been thinking?

He hadn’t. At least not with anything but his dick. And that
led to trouble.

Lifting his head, Ben tried to get his bearings, but his damn brain was still spinning. When he’d come, he’d gone into some kind of strange physical state, hyperaware of every wrenching pulse as his cum had blasted into the condom. He’d been riding pure sensation, heart pounding, head thrown back as he’d roared like an animal.

Then he’d lowered his head, staring back down into Reese’s hazy gaze, and the sensations had multiplied in an endless rush, until he’d blacked out like some kind of junkie. What the hell? The woman had turned him into a rutting madman, and with dawning horror, Ben realized he couldn’t recall her own climax. Son of a bitch! Had he missed it? He hoped to God he hadn’t left her hanging. All that intense build up, and he wasn’t even sure if he’d carried through on his talk. What a fucking prick!

“If you give me another chance,” he rasped, letting go of her wrists so that he could brace himself on his elbows, “I swear I can make it better for you.”

She covered her face with her hands, but he knew she was smiling. He could feel it, as if that lighthearted burst of emotion was his own. “Make it any better,” she said in a muffled voice, “and it might kill me.”

Despite the sickening weight of guilt still churning in his gut, Ben suddenly felt like smiling, too. “You liked it that rough?” he asked with surprise, taking her left hand and pressing it to the bed so that he could see her face. A precious, blushing face that made him want to kiss her again.

She lowered the other hand, her soft lips pressed together as she shook with laughter. “Do we really need to have this conversation?”

“’Fraid so,” he said huskily. “I can’t read your mind, honey.”

“Could have fooled me,” she drawled.

A slow smile kicked up the corner of his mouth, his chest tight with emotions he was doing his best to ignore. But there was no ignoring how good this moment felt. “God, I’ve wanted you under me for so damn long.”

She blinked up at him again, and her smile turned deliciously shy. “I never knew,” she whispered, tracing the shape of his brows with a delicate fingertip, before stroking the stubble on his jaw. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“You were another man’s wife,” he said, thinking that he’d never realized how sexy a blush on a woman’s cheeks could be before. Cute little freckled cheeks that he couldn’t resist touching with his mouth. “No matter how badly I wanted you,” he explained, brushing his lips across her smooth skin, “I wasn’t going to butt in where I didn’t belong.”

Her tone was wry. “Trust me. I didn’t belong in that marriage either.”

Drawing his head back, he caught her gaze. “I was hoping you’d figure that out. And when you did, I was planning on making an ass of myself.”

She looked curious. “And just how did you plan to do that?”

“By making sure you noticed me,” he admitted, loving the way she’d started running her fingertips down his back.

Quietly, she said, “I always noticed you, Ben.”

“Bullshit,” he snorted. “You hardly ever said more than two words to me.”

Her long hair slipped over the sheets as she tilted her head and shrugged. “Only because you scared me.”

A crease wedged itself between his brows. “I scared you?”

“Not in a bad way,” she explained, blue eyes dark and serious as she stared back at him. “You just . . . you made me feel things that I wasn’t comfortable feeling.”

A slow smile curved his mouth. “So you
notice me.”

“I even dreamed about you sometimes.” The admission was soft . . . and hesitant. “To be honest, I thought about you a lot, Mr. Hudson.”

“When?” he pressed, his heart starting to beat a little harder.

Her blush got deeper. “When did I think about you?”


A nervous laugh slipped past her lips. “I don’t remember.”

“Then I’ll help jog your memory,” he told her, reaching down to hold the condom in place as he carefully pulled out, loving the way her body fought to hold him inside. She winced a little as he moved onto his side, and he knew she had to be sore after the way he’d lost it. Turning so that he could toss the rubber into the small wastebasket beside the bed, Ben rolled back and braced himself on an elbow, his body pressed along the side of her smaller, delicate one. “You ever touch yourself while thinking about me?” he asked, resting his big hand across the soft swell of her belly.

Her eyes went a little wide as she gazed up at him. “I’m uh . . . not really comfortable talk—”

“I don’t care if you’re comfortable. I only care about making you feel good. About giving you what you need. So answer the question.”

Her disgruntled look was adorable. “How will my answer tell you what I need?”

Stroking his thumb across the sensitive skin just beneath her breast, he said, “If it’s a yes, then I want to know what you thought about. What you pictured in your mind. Moonlight and romance? Or me putting you against a door and giving it to you hard? Did I get my mouth on you? Tongue-fuck you? Cock-fuck you?” Propping his head on his hand, he grinned. “These are things I intend to find out.”

“Well, I don’t think we’ve known each other long enough to—”

“Stop stalling, beautiful, and just answer the damn question.”

“You’re so freaking bossy!” she huffed.

“When it comes to making you come, you’re damn right I am.”

“You have that part covered. Trust me.” She shifted a little, and her eyes went wide again when she felt his already hardening shaft pressed against her hip. “God, Ben. Is that normal?”

“Not usually.” It was a little embarrassing to feel the heat in his face, but she was looking at him like he was some kind of erection mutant. “It must be you.”

“Oh.” She pulled her lower lip through her teeth, and his cock started throbbing, as if he hadn’t just blown like a fucking volcano. “Do you want me to . . . ?”

His mouth twitched as he fought back a smile. “Do I want you to what?”

Her lashes lowered a little, shielding her gaze. “Um, you know.”

“Come on,” he coaxed, his tone teasing and soft. “Say it.”


He leaned down and nipped her chin. “Because I
want to hear you talking about my cock.”

She shoved at his shoulder, choking back an exasperated laugh. “Just answer the question! Do you want head or not?”

“Oh, I want it,” he replied in a husky rumble, catching her hand and pulling it down to his rigid hard-on. He’d expected her to be shy about touching him, but she wasn’t, his breath sucking in on a sharp gasp when she took hold and squeezed, her thumb rubbing a slow circle over the slick head.

With heavy-lidded eyes, Ben watched as she brought her thumb up to her mouth, licking away the drop of pre-cum he’d given her.

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