Take the Cake (40 page)

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Authors: Sandra Wright

BOOK: Take the Cake
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Kate cocked her head in the bedroom, listening to him typing and then turned her attention back to the magazine. She felt rested enough, and she had flicked through most of it already. Michael had plenty of books in the living room, but she was reluctant to intrude, especially when she had only just gotten into bed. Rolling onto her back, she stared up at the ceiling and huffed out a quiet breath. She was in the middle of reading a really good book, but it was back at her apartment. Rolling back over, she leaned over the side of the bed and picked up the discarded magazine, flicking through the pages with a desultory hand after a quick glance at the clock. Michael had said he wouldn’t be long.

An hour later, Kate closed the magazine with a soft yawn. She had read articles about politics, the economic situation in Iceland, a Proust questionnaire, she had even re-read the puff piece about the latest Hollywood sensation, and she could hear that Michael was still typing. She leaned over the side of the bed again and peered around for her bag that she had left at the foot of the bedside table. Retrieving her iPod, she put in her ear-buds and scrolled through until she’d found the meditation podcast. Getting comfortable once more, she closed her eyes and let the gentle voice guide her away.

At his desk, Michael kept typing, and the words kept coming.


Chapter 22

Black Holes and Invisible Girls

Something had awoken her. Kate opened her eyes and saw that the room was dark. The mattress dipped again, and she turned her head to see Michael easing himself into bed.

“Sorry,” Michael whispered as he moved closer to curl his body around hers. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“What time is it?” she asked in a drowsy voice as she shifted back a little and lifted an arm so that Michael could slide a hand around her waist and pull her closer still. At some stage during sleep, her ear-buds had come loose, and she fished about in the bed to pull them out and stuffed them under her pillow.

“Sometime after two,” Michael admitted after a careful pause.

Kate rolled over so that they were face to face. “You wrote for that long?”

“I didn’t mean to, but the words kept coming,” Michael apologized, leaning forward to give her a soft kiss and then rested his forehead against hers.

He hadn’t meant to work for so long. When at last he had leaned back in his chair and discovered he had a stiff back, he had looked at the time and realized he’d left Kate alone all evening. Shutting everything down for the night, he had made his way into the bedroom to see Kate fast asleep with a discarded magazine on the floor beside the bed.

Kate gave a sleepy hum of pleasure and tucked her head under his chin as she fisted his shirt in one hand, listening to the steady thump of his heart. She could smell the slight dampness of his skin and realized that he had showered before joining her.

“I’m sorry.” Michael kissed the top of her head. “I really didn’t think—”

“S’okay,” Kate mumbled as she began to slip back into sleep. “But we’re going to have to do something … about …”

The room was quiet and still while Michael waited.

“Something about what?” he prompted in a whisper, but his only answer was Kate’s steady breathing. Moving carefully so as not to disturb her again, he settled his arm around her waist and stared sightlessly into the darkened room, wondering what she had been about to say before sleep claimed him too.

When Michael woke up the next morning, it was to the steady swish of turning pages. Cracking open an eye, he saw Kate sitting propped up against her pillows with a comic book on her knees. The bedside lamp was on, giving her face a golden hue. Her face was intent as she read, so it took a few minutes before she realized that Michael was lying awake beside her.

“Hey.” He smiled and moved closer to rub his leg against hers.

“Hey,” she answered, carefully leaning down to give him a kiss.

“What time is it?” he asked as he rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands. His voice sounded raspy with sleep.

“Sorry.” Now it was Kate’s turn to sound guilty. “My body clock is still on work time, so it’s a little before six.”

Michael groaned and rolled over so that he could snuggle his head on her lap. Kate held the comic book out of the way until he was comfortable, and then rested it on his shoulder.

“What are you reading?” he mumbled into the covers as he snaked an arm around her hips. He could feel the warmth of her thighs and his body reacted accordingly.

“New Mutants,” Kate replied as she went back to her reading. “I haven’t read these in years, and I found some on one of your bookshelves when I was up earlier.”

“They’re good,” Michael mumbled again. His eyes felt heavy, and he chuffed out a content sigh as Kate began to stroke his hair while she read. He woke some time later when Kate shifted, and he lifted his head to see her regarding him apologetically.

“I have to get up,” she whispered. “Gotta get to work.”

Michael frowned at this. He’d liked having her with him yesterday and wanted to make it up to her for leaving her to her own devices all evening. “How are you feeling?”

“Okay, maybe a little tired,” she answered after a quick self-inventory. “But much better than I was.”

“Stay another day,” Michael said as he dropped his head back onto her lap and squeezed his eyes shut, trying to hide his grin as Kate gave a gurgle of laughter.

“Easy for you to say,” she protested, “but you know the drill. I own the store, I run the store.”

“You’ve got backup,” he rejoined, hooking her legs with one of his and holding her tight. “And you don’t want to force yourself back to work too soon or you’ll just burn out again.”

“Mmph.” Kate snorted although she had to admit Michael’s argument had a certain amount of merit. “How about I go in and see how I’m feeling?”

“You’ll get caught up and then you’ll be exhausted by the end of the day.”

“Maybe, but I’ve got to go in all the same.” She squirmed and wriggled until Michael released her with a mournful sigh. Struggling out of bed, she swayed for a moment and almost fell back onto the mattress before she righted herself and walked into the bathroom with a determined air. Michael watched her go, and thinking of the tight ache in his groin, sighed again. He burrowed into her pillow and breathed in her scent. The shower started, and Michael lay listening to the sound of the water running until he drifted back into a light doze. The next time he opened his eyes, Kate was standing in front of his closet, looking at his shirts in thoughtful consideration.

“Something you need?” he asked, admiring the lace covered swell of Kate’s breasts as she turned toward his voice.

“A shirt,” she commented. “I just need a fresh one, and I’ve realized I need to do laundry.”

“Something you could do if you weren’t going into work today,” Michael commented from the bed as he rolled onto one side and propped his head on his hand.

Kate shook her head and kept searching until she found what looked to be an old college shirt. She tweaked the sleeve enough to pull the shirt out slightly and, without looking back, asked, “May I?” She heard the sheets rustle a little as Michael sat up to see her selection and agreed with a slight chuckle.

“No objections at all,” Michael said.

Kate slipped it on over her head and, seeing it fall almost to her knees, began to roll and twist the excess fabric into a knot that sat in the small of her back. The sleeves were rolled up as well, and then she darted back into the bathroom to check her reflection. Satisfied that she looked presentable enough, she walked back into the bedroom to see Michael regarding her with the kind of bare-chested, lazy grin that could surely be the downfall of saints. Her mouth went dry.

“See something else you like?” He raised an eyebrow.

“You could say that.” Kate managed at last as she tried to pick up her bag and keys while at the same time finding it very hard to tear her gaze away from him. She caught her purse strap on the third try and started to back away into the living room.

“No kiss?” Michael looked disappointed.

“I think we both know what will happen if I go anywhere near that bed. I know that look in your eye, Forrester.”

“And I know that look in
eye, Shannon,” he countered.

“Maybe so,” she acknowledged, “but I really do have to go in today.”

“Fine,” Michael sighed, and then threw back the sheet and got out of bed.

Kate’s eyes were drawn to the tell-tale bulge in his pajama pants, and she swallowed before resolutely turning her back and heading for the hall closet where Michael had hung their coats. She was just about to pull on her new coat when Michael appeared to help her into it. As soon as the coat was settled on her shoulders, he pulled her back against his chest and held her there as he did up the buttons he could reach and knotted the belt. Positioned as she was, she could feel his arousal against the small of her back and the warm puffs of his breath against her neck. She closed her eyes and chanted,
Duty … Responsibility.

“Have you eaten?” he asked as he gently propelled her around to face him.

“I’ll have something at the store,” she reassured him, watching as a small line appeared between his eyebrows. “Don’t fuss so. I’ll be fine.”

“If you’re sure,” he said, trying to keep the doubt out of his voice.

“If I feel unwell, I’ll leave,” Kate offered as she lifted the strap of her bag over her head so that it crossed her body and rested against one hip.

“And you’ll call?” Michael pressed.

“I’ll call,” she said soothingly as she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him. Now that she was bundled up for work, she felt safe enough to hug him, although the feel of his warm bare skin beneath her fingertips had her closing her eyes and reminding herself about duty once more.

“Mmm.” Michael snuffed her neck. “You smell so good.”

“So do you,” Kate countered as she rubbed her cheek against his chest. “But I’ve
to go.”

“Heartbreaker,” Michael sighed as she turned toward the door.

“Oh, hush.” She smiled and offered herself up for another kiss before she stepped through the door and closed it behind her.

After she had gone, Michael leaned against the heavy wooden door for a moment before strolling back to bed, yawning and scratching his hair as he went. The bed seemed bigger than ever now that Kate wasn’t in it.

Kate waited until the elevator doors had closed before slumping against the rear wall and puffing out a loud sigh. Michael had looked so
and had smelled even better. There was something about his natural musky smell that her body responded to every single time. Watching the floor numbers count down, she dug in her coat pockets and drew out her gloves, pulling them on and settling her scarf around her neck. The doors opened with a soft chime, and she strode across the foyer and out into the gray morning.

There were already people on the street making their way to work or wherever, dressed up in grays and blacks for the most part. For a moment, she felt conspicuous in her warm red coat, but when a passing woman eyed it and gave Kate a quick nod of approval, she felt flattered and pleased all at once.


Emily rounded the corner and squinted ahead, her eyes widening in disbelief. There was no one waiting. She’d done it: she’d managed to be the first one there. She picked up her pace, but then huffed with amused disappointment when she saw a small figure sprinting along the pavement from the other direction. By the time Emily had reached the store, Wren had gotten her breath back and was endeavoring to act casual.

“Morning, boss,” Wren said from her casual stance against the wall.

“Nice try, Wren, but I saw you
not a moment ago.” Emily laughed as she got out the keys and unlocked the security grill.

“Running? Moi?” Wren gave her a wide-eyed look before giving up and helping Emily with the grill. “David and I got to talking this morning, and it made me a little late.”

“Talking?” Emily raised an eyebrow at this as she unlocked the main door and pushed it open.

“Yes.” Wren pursed her lips and gave a prim nod. “

“If you say so,” Emily said as she waved for Wren to enter the store, “you were talking.”

“Shut up, boss, and make me coffee,” Wren retorted.

The two women hung up their coats and bags and were waiting for the coffee machine to warm up when Kate arrived, flushed but pleased to be back.

“Hey,” Wren said in mild surprise, “I wasn’t sure if we’d be seeing you today.”

“Oh, I can feel the love.” Kate grinned as she good-naturedly nudged Wren with her hip as she walked past her into the kitchen.

“You know what I mean,” Wren called after her. “How are you feeling, boss?”

“I’ll live,” Kate called back. Her coat was carefully hung up, and she grabbed at her apron and tied it on as she walked out into the front of the store. “How was yesterday?”

Wren and Emily glanced at each other and shrugged.

“Fine,” Emily said. “No problems.”

“Really?” Kate was surprised.

“What, you didn’t think we could handle it?” Wren stepped aside from the coffee machine and gave Kate a meaningful look as she slid three empty cups across the counter.

“Not that,” Kate corrected her as she stepped up to the machine and slipped into the routine of making the morning coffee. “But I feel bad about not coming in.”

“Sometimes the best way to learn is under pressure.” Emily shrugged. “I won’t lie. I was terrified for a while there, but we managed okay.”

Emily leaned back against the workbench and watched Kate make the coffee with practiced ease. She had been exhausted when she had arrived home the night before, but Brad had been pre-warned and had looked after her all evening—and the next morning, now that she thought about it with a slight flush. The day had certainly been tiring, but she had felt a rush of pride on her way home that she had risen to the challenge so well.

“Well …” Kate emptied the coffee filter with a few sharp bangs and gave it a quick rinse before accepting the jug of milk that Wren passed her and began to steam it. “As long as you were okay. How was business?”

“Good, no different really,” Wren replied. “Emily here made some Jack’s Favorite cupcakes, and the day went well.”

“Good to hear.” Kate smiled with relief.

“Everything’s cashed out and in the safe out back,” Emily added, “so you can check it later before you do the bank drop.”

“Sure,” Kate answered. She slid two cups toward the waiting women. “But for now, what I’m really wanting to know is …” She arched an eyebrow at Wren who reached for her chalk.

“Oh, I’m well ahead of you on that one,” Wren retorted. She sipped at her coffee and leaned against the counter, looking pleased with herself.

“Okay.” Kate tasted her coffee. Michael was right; her coffee was much nicer than the stuff he had at home. She made a mental note to take a bag home for him soon. “Don’t let me rush you.”

“By the way, boss,” Emily interrupted with a slight smile. “That’s a … uh … nice shirt you’ve got on there.”

“What, this?” Kate glanced down at herself. “It’s one of—”

“Michael’s, we know,” Wren chimed in.

Kate looked from Wren to Emily and then back again. “How did you know that?”

“Likes to mark his territory, does he?” Emily went on, her smile getting bigger.

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