Taking a Chance (14 page)

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Authors: KC Ann Wright

BOOK: Taking a Chance
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On the back patio, she saw Tim stretching.

“Going for a run this morning?” Maddie asked.

Tim turned as Maddie walked up the path through the garden.

“Well, I see you beat me to it.” He grinned at her. “I don’t suppose you want to go on another run with me?”

“I would love to, but I need to get back inside and finish a few things before everyone starts arriving this afternoon. I would say tomorrow, but I think we both know I’ll have many other things going on.”

“That is true. Thanks for really being there for Amanda. I know it means a lot to her. It makes me and Dad feel better knowing she always has you around. I know how bad she wants our mom to be here, but she finds comfort having you. Now, I am out of here before I start crying in front of you.”

He gave her a quick hug and turned to run down the path. Maddie watched him fade away. When she walked into the mansion, the aroma of breakfast greeted her and she followed the smell to the gourmet kitchen. Amanda and the families were sitting around the huge rustic oak table and two chefs were behind the stove cooking omelets and a variety of pancakes and waffles. The table was covered with drinks and food, including fresh squeezed orange juice, fruit, muffins, biscuits, bacon and anything else you could think of for breakfast.

“Hey, Maddie, have you eaten yet?”

“I had a little bit to eat earlier, but how can I resist all of this gorgeous food?”

Maddie and Amanda discussed what they needed to get done for the day, which included name cards, table numbers and getting all of the baskets for the guest rooms set up and ready. They were also meeting with the florist in the afternoon to review the bouquets and table arrangements for the wedding one last time.

• • •

he girls took the baskets over to the B&B, so the staff could hand them out as the guests checked in. When they went back to the mansion, they finished the name cards and table numbers. They were also arranging a few things upstairs for the rehearsal dinner, special linens and a few other personal touches in the room. They placed photos around of Amanda and Steve and some shots that included people in the wedding party.

Just as they were finishing, Maddie’s phone rang. “I’ll be right back.” She stepped into the hallway as she answered her phone with a smile. “Hello. How are you?”

“Good. Just sitting on the plane waiting to take off.”

“I was hoping you were still going to make it. How is Anthony doing?”

“He’s hanging in there. It will be tough for a few days, but they can make it without me. I am looking forward to a couple of days of rest and relaxation with you. Well, maybe a wedding isn’t so relaxing, but we’ll have fun.”

Austin had six hours in a plane and then almost another two hours in a car once he landed. Maddie knew he was going to be exhausted from traveling, but at least she would get to see him for a few minutes before she had to go up with Amanda. She was looking forward to tomorrow night and Sunday with him. They would have all day Sunday to hang out with just the two of them, which was the motivation that kept Maddie going right now.

“You’re right. Maybe not a relaxing event, but I promise we will have fun. Call me the moment you land, so I know you’re in the same state. I may not be able to pick up, but I will keep my phone with me just in case. I really can’t wait to see you.”

“It feels like a lifetime since I saw you last.”

“It has been a lifetime. Have a good flight.”

“Thanks. I’ll be thinking about you. See you soon, Mad.”

As she hung her phone up, she leaned her head back against the wall. Just knowing she would feel Austin’s arms around her soon made the pressure around her heart tighten a little more. Although she trusted Austin completely, the overwhelming need she felt for him scared her. The last thing she wanted right now was to need him.
Want him? Yes. Desire him? Yes. But,
him to breathe, to go on with her life? No
. It was too soon for her to give over her heart to him unconditionally. She did not even know if he felt the same way and that fear was practically strangling her. Maddie closed her eyes and pushed aside her feelings of fear. She just needed to get through these next twenty-four hours and then she could figure out what was happening between them.

• • •

manda and Maddie had gone back to the B&B to hang out with friends for the rest of the afternoon and when the girls finally arrived back at the mansion they only had an hour to get ready. Maddie assured Amanda she would be ready early and downstairs to greet everyone. She could see Amanda was nervous already.

“Relax. Tonight is just a rehearsal. Have fun, no need to worry about anything. I will make sure everything is taken care of.”

“Thanks. I’ll see you downstairs in about an hour.”

Maddie wore wearing a simple but elegant black and white dress, sleeveless with a V-neck and scoop back. The dress fit to Maddie’s body, showing off her slender curves. Her hair was down in loose curls. She pinned back the left side and tucked a pink flower in. Each bridesmaid was wearing a pink flower and Amanda was wearing a white one. She slid on a pair of black sequined peep-toe heels.

Maddie made her way downstairs a few minutes early, just as the first group of friends arrived. The rehearsal itself was quick, and the dinner was just as incredible as the night before. The group enjoyed five food and wine pairings. Before they served dessert, Amanda and Steve gave a toast to everyone and handed out the customary gifts to the wedding party and family.

Maddie was thrilled with the beautiful necklace Amanda gave her. Maddie had collected items with four-leaf clovers her entire life due a bit to her mother’s Irish heritage and also to the fact that it made her happy to think she had a little extra good luck. The necklace was silver with a pink four-leaf clover charm. The edge was trimmed with a row of small diamonds. Maddie did not have any pink clovers and fell in love instantly.

“I absolutely love it! You didn’t have to get me such a big gift,” Maddie exclaimed.

“It’s the least we can do. You’re the best friend ever and I couldn’t have planned this without you. I want to thank you for everything you’ve done. Steve and I think the world of you.”

“Well, thank you. I really appreciate the thoughtful gift,” she said with tears in her eyes. Amanda offered to put the necklace on her so Maddie had her head tilted down when Austin walked up the stairs. She looked up to see him standing in the doorway, watching her. He slowly raised his hand to wave at her and smiled.

Her heart rate instantly sped up and she smiled back. “I’ll be right back, Amanda. I’m going to show Austin his room, so he can put his luggage in there. We’ll be right back.”

“Hey, Austin,” Maddie whispered as she approached him.

“Mad. It’s great to see you.”

As she was sure all eyes were on them, she embraced him quickly.

“I’ll show you where you’re staying tonight. We’ll both move over to the B&B tomorrow night. Okay?” Maddie turned back as she finished the comment and he nodded as they continued toward her room just down the hall.

She opened the door and let him walk in first with his stuff.

“I just need to get a few things out of here later …”

Before she could continue, he grabbed her arm and pulled her in to him. He held her tight as he dropped his mouth hard to hers. The kiss was hungry and urgent. His tongue searched her mouth and she melted in to him.

He finally pulled away. “God, Maddie, I’ve wanted to do that since I saw you last.” His voice had become husky.

“I know, it’s hard not being able to see you. I’m glad you came this weekend. It means a lot to me and I need you here.” She gently laid her hand on his cheek then leaned in and kissed him again, this time with passion and tenderness.

After a moment, he backed away. “You’d better not tempt me any further if you want to get back to that party any time soon,” he said, and she stood back to let him open his luggage to pull out a fresh shirt.

Less than five minutes later, he had on a different shirt and had freshened up a bit in the bathroom. As they left her room and walked down the hallway, he took her hand in his. Maddie squeezed his hand back and looked at him.

“God, you look gorgeous. And I forgot how tall you are in heels. I love it.”

He kissed her quickly before they got to the room. When they went back in, Maddie introduced Austin to everyone. There were a few comments about him being a rock star, but overall they handled it as Maddie had expected and Austin fit in as one of them in no time. The party carried on for a while longer, but Maddie knew Amanda wanted to go up soon so she could get as much sleep as possible.

Amanda, Molly, Rachel and Maddie moved across the room to discuss a few details for the morning. Maddie left Austin with Steve and Travis while she went with the girls.

Hating to be away from him even for a few minutes Maddie couldn’t help but to look up at Austin constantly. After the first couple of times they locked eyes, he winked and it put her at ease. As they finished up, the girls hugged and started to go their separate ways. Maddie wanted to say goodnight to Austin and get a few things from her room before she went up to Amanda’s room.

“I’ll be up soon. When are you going up?” Maddie asked.

“I think I’m going to head up in about fifteen minutes.”

“Sounds perfect. I’ll see you then.”

As Maddie walked over to get Austin, she thought she saw a spark of anger in his eyes. He would not make eye contact long enough for her to be sure, but she could see the muscles twitching in his jaw. Maddie and Austin said goodnight to everyone. On the way to her room, Austin did not reach for her hand. Her heart sank and her stomach dropped.
Please don’t let this be happening.

She opened the door to her room and stepped in.

“I just need to get a few things and then you’ll have peace and quiet. I’m sure you’re exhausted from a long day of travel.” She turned to him. “Thanks again for coming, I really need …”

“What the hell is going on, Maddie?” Austin’s stance was rigid and his jaw was clenched tight.

Now she knew she had correctly detected anger. Her heart sank further.

“What are you talking about?”

Austin moved toward her unexpectedly causing her to squeeze her eyes tight as she turned her head to the side. Austin didn’t acknowledge it or touch her.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about. My God, Maddie. I felt like a fool when those guys asked me how you were handling everything and if tomorrow was going to be difficult for you. I had no idea what they were talking about! I casually brushed it off but then started to put it together. If I’m correct, you lied to me about your past!”

She knew he would be upset and he had every right to be. They had talked about everything over the last month, but she had failed to be one hundred percent honest about George. All she wanted was for one person not to look at her tomorrow with those pathetic eyes wondering when she was going to crack. Austin was the one person who would treat her normally and now she didn’t know if he would even forgive her.

“I didn’t lie. I just didn’t get into the entire story about George. I know you’re angry and you may not believe me, but I planned to tell you the whole story tomorrow after the wedding.”

“Like I’m going to believe anything you tell me right now. Imagine how you would feel. It sounds like it was not that long ago, and if I was a betting man I would guess it was the Saturday I flew to Chicago. I mean, with the sadness in your voice on that Friday night and the tears on Saturday. Wow, was I a fool to think any of those emotions had anything to do with me! I believed you when you said you felt comforted just being in my arms. At least now I know we are definitely not on the same page. Do you have any idea how much that hurts?”

His voice cracked on the last question, but had risen while he spoke. He was angrier than she had anticipated. He was hurt and she had been the person to hurt him. She felt like she was going to be sick. The last thing she wanted to do was hurt Austin. How would she get through tomorrow without him?
Oh my God, what have I done?

“Austin, we
on the same page,” she begged. “Please understand, I’ve told you every single thing about me other than the full truth about my relationship with George. The only reason I wanted to wait until after the wedding was because I wanted one person to treat me normally tomorrow. Everyone has been handling me with kid gloves and is so worried I won’t be able to get through it. All I want is to move on with my life and forget about everything that happened in my past. I wanted to have fun with you and not have you worry about me all day, wondering at what moment I might break. It’s the truth, Austin. I know you’re upset with me and I understand if you want to leave, but just know all I wanted was for us to enjoy the day in our own world. I didn’t want you tainted with the truth until after tomorrow.”

He didn’t respond but just stood with anger burning in his eyes. She reached to place her hand on his arm, but he pulled back and turned away from her. Maddie gathered up the stuff she needed. Tears freely flowing down her face she turned to face him before leaving. She did not know how to get through tomorrow without him by her side, but she would need to find a way because he had shut down.

“Austin, I’m sorry for not telling you the full story about George. I never meant to hurt you.” Maddie walked out the door and looked back just before closing it. He had turned back to face her direction, but his eyes had not softened.

“Bye, Maddie.”

With that, she knew he was leaving and it was not as if she would ever see him again. They lived in two different worlds. The door clicked shut.

Chapter 14

etermined not to impose her own drama on Amanda, Maddie had simply told her that Austin had been called away suddenly and wouldn’t be able to stay for the wedding after all. Amanda, having no idea how close Maddie and Austin had become over the past month, accepted her explanation without question and they’d gone to bed.

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