Taking Care of Business (15 page)

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Authors: Megan & Dane Hart,Megan & Dane Hart

BOOK: Taking Care of Business
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He knocked on his office door and waited for an answer before he went in. Inside, Dixon was sitting on the edge of the desk glaring at Carlina, while Leah stood with crossed arms in the corner. The silence in the room was enough to deafen him.

'The people you need to see are here,' Brandon said.

Dixon looked up. 'Thanks.' He went back to staring at Carlina, who wasn't saying anything.

Brandon eased past Leah to put the carafe and the mug on the desk. He put the tea bag in the mug and poured the water over it, then handed it to her. She looked at him with an expression of faint surprise.

'I thought you could use this.'

Her expression turned steady and assessing. 'Thank you.'

He smiled at her. 'You're welcome.'

It took her a few seconds, but she smiled back.

'Should I send them down here or tell them you'll be up?' Brandon had no idea what, exactly, was going on, just that none of the three looked happy about it. At least the cops hadn't shown up yet.

'Don't tell them to come here. We need to get this squared away first,' Dixon said sharply.

'Brandon, I need to print some documents from my laptop. Can I use your printer?' Leah's gaze had gone cool and professional again.

'Of course. Absolutely.'

She reached into the pocket of her suit jacket and pulled out a keycard. 'My laptop is in my room on the desk.'

'I'll get it for you.' He took the keycard. Their fingers brushed. It was the wrong time to be thinking about being in her room

and what he'd rather be doing there than fetching a computer, but he thought it anyway.

The small flash of interest in her eyes led him to believe she was thinking it too, but Brandon simply took the keycard and left the room. Once in her room, he found the computer, including the case with all the necessary cords that had been shoved on to the floor by the chair, without a problem and returned to his office in less than fifteen minutes.

Now Leah sat at his desk while Carlina remained in the other chair and Dixon had taken a place in the corner. Their conversation hadn't even paused when he came in. Dixon was outlining some sort of list of actions and Carlina was agreeing, sullenly. Leah had an occasional comment.

Brandon didn't need to get in the way. He set up Leah's laptop for her on his desk and plugged in all the cords, making sure the USB cable reached to his ancient printer. It only took a few minutes, but, by the time he'd finished, all three of them were staring at him.

'Let's get on with it,' Carlina said irritably.

'For someone who's in possession of stolen documents with a threat of police involvement hanging over her head, you're pretty demanding,' Dixon said.

Carlina launched into a litany of complaints to which Dixon only laughed and that meant nothing to Brandon. He paid attention only to Leah, who looked over her computer set-up, then at him.

'Thank you,' she said.

There was a wealth of meaning in that simple phrase.

'You're welcome,' he answered.

She met his gaze. From behind them, Carlina let out another string of muttered accusations, each met squarely by Dixon. Leah looked over at them, then back at Brandon.

'We'll need some more time here. Fifteen minutes, at least.'

'I'll come back then.'

She nodded and bent her head over the keyboard, her fingers tap-tapping away. Brandon made himself scarce again, heading upstairs to check once more on the conference facilities. The food had been devoured like a scourge of locusts had gone through it, and he used his walkie-talkie to call down to housekeeping to come and clean up the mess. He looked for the three big bosses and spotted them sitting together in the cluster of armchairs at the far end of the conference area.

Fifteen minutes hadn't yet passed. He didn't know exactly what was happening in his office, only that she'd asked for some time before facing the trio of bosses now sipping coffee and talking so seriously about stuff Brandon knew had to be so boring he'd poke out his eardrums if he had to deal with it for longer than a few minutes.

'Can I bring you anything else? More coffee?' He'd been a waiter during college and the skills had come in unexpectedly handy in conference-services management. 'Hot tea?'

'No thanks.' Bob, the oldest of the three, looked at his watch. 'Listen, what's taking them so long? We need to get this show on the road.'

'Just take us to the office,' Roger said. 'This is ridiculous.'

Brandon glanced at his watch. It was cutting it close, and he didn't owe these people anything. However, he wasn't about to let them into his office if Leah wasn't prepared to handle them.

He didn't have to worry about figuring out a way to keep them there, though, because Leah and Dixon showed up, both looking ready to do battle. Not for the first time, Brandon was glad he'd chosen a career far, far away from the hassles of the corporate battlefield. His job might not have a lot of prestige or a big salary, and he might have to do a bit more bowing and scraping than he liked, but at the end of the day he went home and didn't have to think very much about anything.

'Thank you, Brandon,' Leah said. 'For everything.'

'Anything you need,' Brandon told her and, after a second, she nodded.

It was a promise.


Kate took the call with a frown as Dix stalked away with Band Boy.

'Katherine? It's Chandra Pulliam.'

The senior partner who'd been her liaison through the transfer.

'Hi, Chandra. What can I do for you?'

'I received a rather interesting phone call a while ago. A woman told me she'd come upon you and Charles Dixon having sex in a public place this morning.'

Ice slid down Kate's spine.
That fucking bitch.

'I'm sorry? Did you just say sex in a public place?' All those years as an attorney and she found it wasn't that hard to sound stunned. She was stunned.

'That's what she said.'

'I saw Charles Dixon this morning. I've worked with him rather closely on this issue. He's their legal counsel. I didn't have sex with him this morning.' Which, well, OK was a slight lie depending on your definition of 'sex' and 'with'.

She had no words to express just how pissed off she was at Dix's psycho assistant. She wasn't in trouble. Not per se. But having a senior partner receive a call, even from someone with an obvious angle like that stupid cow Carlina, wasn't a good thing.

'Let me hazard a guess here. Was your caller Carlina Southam by any chance?'

'Yes. You're familiar with her, then I take it?'

'She's Dix's assistant. He and I were in the parking lot earlier today. I'd gone out to retrieve a file he'd left in his car. She approached and went off. She didn't want to let me pass when I tried to leave. Made odd threats. I suppose now I know what she meant. Chandra, I am friendly with Dix, you should know that.'

'Being in a parking garage isn't a crime. And unless you meant retrieving a file as a reference for public sex, I'm not worried.'

Walking a thin line here, she was playing a silly game of words, but Kate wasn't going down for what Carlina thought she saw or, hell, for what happened. Not without a fight. What she'd done was stupid, yes. But the call to her boss by that bimbo was ridiculous.

'No, Chandra, it wasn't a reference. He did have a file in his car and I did retrieve it from him and left him out there with her.' All true.

'Fine then. As for you being friendly, well, look, there's no problem with you having, um, relations with Charles Dixon.

You're both adults and you're not technically employed by the same people. But this sort of thing, public sexual activity, you could be arrested, lose your licence to practise here before you even start working. It's not good for the firm.' Chandra paused. 'Now, all the stuff needed to be said has been said. What is going on with this woman anyway? She didn't sound particularly together when she called.'

Kate let go of a bit of her internal tension. Chandra was a good person and had the potential to be a friend. She'd been given a reprieve and there was no way she'd find herself in a compromising situation like that again. She had to keep her head around Charles Dixon and her panties in place.

'I don't think she is. Apparently she made some sort of threat so it's no surprise she called you, I suppose. I've spoken with Dix about this particular employee. I understand she may have attempted to remove documents from Allied's system. There's a meeting right now between Dix, Allied's HR manager and Southam.'

Chandra blew out an obviously disgusted breath. 'An unreliable witness then, isn't she? Damned loosey-goosey system they've got at Allied,' Chandra grumbled into the phone. 'I've got faith in you. But if you're in a room with her, just know where the nearest exit is.'

Sad but true. Contracts attorneys didn't deal with as many insane people as some others did, but Kate agreed Carlina was a potential threat. 'Well, that's why they hired us. They did use the non-compete and confidentiality documents I drew up for them. The woman signed them as well as the whole legal department. I don't know about the rest of the company. This is on the agenda for today. Their out-of-town big power is coming in this morning.' Kate kept her voice low but she did notice when the bigwigs came into the room.

Kate made her goodbyes and quickly finished reading over the papers she'd been sent. She had a feeling she'd be needed soon enough.

Nausea roiled through her as she tried not to think about how stupid she'd been downstairs. She never should have let him touch her much less shove his hand in her panties. And what possessed her to jerk him off out there afterwards? It could have waited but, no, she had to do it out there. In public and look what happened!

It was her own fault and an error in judgement she couldn't afford to repeat. That road meant the loss of her career. She loved what she did and was damned if she'd let her pussy take control because, unless she radically changed her work conditions, her pussy couldn't pay her mortgage.

Kate had managed to get through the papers and to get herself together by the time Leah came out some moments later, Dix at her side. Leah motioned her over.

'I know you've met via phone and through correspondence but let me do the official introductions here. Katherine Edwards, this is Bob Adams, CEO of Allied, Roger Santiago, CFO, and Lara Conrad, Senior Vice President. Katherine is our of counsel on the matter of the confidentiality and non-compete employment contract issues.' Leah's voice was cool but Kate knew her friend enough to see the strain around her eyes.

She shook hands and demurred a bit when Roger gave her a few compliments. Kate noticed the gaze at her breasts and was glad she wore a suit jacket. It was time to get hard on these people.

'On that topic, we've got a problem.' Dix straightened his tie.

'I'll get Walt started working on the other sessions while we discuss the Carlina situation,' Leah said. She excused herself as Brandon showed them down a long hallway to one of the breakout rooms.

'You can meet in here. It's private. I'll have some beverages sent in momentarily.' Brandon was gone quickly.

Kate moved to the table and pulled her laptop out, readying herself.

'What in the hell is going on, Dix?' Bob asked.

'My assistant resigned this morning.' Dix paused. 'She also helped herself to several confidential production and distribution plans and other related information.'

'She what?' Roger pounded the desk and Kate held in a sigh. The man was a bag of hot air.

'It's handled now. She's returned what she printed and two memory sticks of data. She signed the confidentiality and non-compete clauses three weeks ago. She can go elsewhere, but they can't use whatever she may bring them. I've made that very clear to her. If anyone uses that data, I'll make it my life's work to make them sorry.' Dix's posture was relaxed but the feral gleam in his eye convinced Kate he was quite serious.

Well now, that was very sexy. An intelligent man who used his strength the way Dix just had made Kate want to fan herself right there at the table.

Leah came back and Brandon was right behind her with carafes of hot coffee and tea and some pastries. He left again after making sure there was nothing else they needed.

Dix had been going back and forth with the bigwigs who continued to dither and not make any real decisions.

At the end of her rope, Kate interrupted. 'Frankly, this conference couldn't have come at a better time. This issue is a time bomb. As I've said multiple times, Bob.' Yes, yes, it was sort of petty to rub it in but he'd given her so much grief over something so simple she couldn't just let it go. For months they'd been stonewalling her at the top, arguing over what were relatively small sums of money for the new contract addendums while paying her hourly fee and wasting her time.

'I take full responsibility for what happened,' Leah said.

Kate turned to her friend. 'Leah, it's not your fault there weren't any protocols in place. She worked the system because she knew she could, and she had an agenda -'

'That's enough, Ms Edwards.' Roger looked stern. 'The fact that an employee almost walked out of here with half a million dollars' worth of packaging secrets is disturbing.'

Oh no, he did not just shush her when she'd been telling this gasbag the same fucking thing for months and months. She turned to him and levelled her best lawyer stare –the one she learned from the federal judge she clerked for –his way. She pushed her glasses up her nose and narrowed her eyes just a bit.

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