Taking What's His (Entangled Brazen) (15 page)

BOOK: Taking What's His (Entangled Brazen)
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Chapter Nineteen

Holt caught her mouth, deepening the kiss while reacquainting himself with her soft curves. Nothing stopped him from having her this time, and nothing stood between him and their happily ever after, so he planned to take his damn time. No matter how hard it might be. He didn’t want to miss a moment, a single caress, or moan, or sigh.

Not this time. Never again.

Her fingers flexed on his cheeks, and he softened his kiss. This wasn’t about rushing, or dominance, or anything but cementing their love for one another. And he didn’t want to ruin it by being too eager, or too fast, or too hard—

“Holt,” she whispered against his lips.


“I’m going to die if you don’t take me. Stop thinking so much, and
kiss me
.” She curled her hands into his shirt. “Take what’s yours.”

His. All fucking his

He melded his mouth to hers, shutting off his mind. She’d fallen for him because he was, well, him. He shouldn’t have to change a damn thing to make her stay in love with him, right? That’s what love was.

The person loved you for you—faults, good things, and all.

Slipping his hands under her ass, he cupped her and lifted her slightly so he could fit even better where he wanted to be. She wore a short dress, so all that separated him from what he needed was a thin strip of satin. With a twist of his wrist, he ripped it off, tossing the useless scrap over his shoulder. Her hips moved restlessly until he slid a finger inside her wet heat. Her tongue dueled with his as he pulled his finger out, and thrust two inside, crooking them just right.

Crying out, she broke off the kiss and arched her neck, her mouth in a delicious little
. “God, yes.”

“Nope.” Grinning, he latched onto her neck, biting with just enough pressure to sting. “Still just me.”

“Holt…” She rolled her hips, breaths coming out in little spurts. “I need you. Inside me. Now.”

“No.” He stepped back, letting her legs hit the floor. She collapsed against the door, her mouth pressed into a tight, perfect line. “Not yet.”

As she watched, he tugged his shirt over his head. She bit down on her plump lower lip—those lips he loved so damn much. Without glancing away, she gripped her dress and yanked it over her head, too. She only had on a bra and heels. It made him think of the other day, when she’d come to his house in a trench coat…and nothing else.

“Why are you staring at me?”

“Because you’re beautiful.” He gripped his belt tightly. “And I’ll never grow tired of looking at you.”

She blinked rapidly. “Holt…”

He swallowed hard, the empty pain he’d seen in her eyes still haunting him. “I have a lot to make up for, and today is only the start.” He undid his belt. “We have our whole lives.”

She smiled and undid her bra. “Oh, I plan to hold you to that. You can start by hurrying the hell up and getting over here…naked.”

He chuckled and dropped his pants. He headed toward her, his boxer briefs growing increasingly tight on his hard cock. Halfway there, he bent and picked up his belt, tossing it back and forth in his hands. “You know, you almost got your wish. But you forgot something.”

She rested against the door, hugging her unclasped bra to her chest. Her breaths quickened as she watched his hands. “What’s that?”

“I’m in charge.” He cradled the back of her neck possessively. “And I say when, and how, we fuck. No matter how much I love you.”

Her cheeks flushed. “Yes, sir.”

“Good girl.” He kissed her gently, and then spun her around so she faced the door. She rested her palms against it, spreading her legs slightly. “You know what happens to good girls…”

“They finish last?” she asked breathlessly.

“Not in my world.” He dropped to his knees behind her, kneading her bare ass. Leaning in, he kissed the spot right above her hip. “In my world, you always finish first.”

She curled her hands into fists against the door. “You keep saying that, but I’m still standing here…waiting…

“That’s because”—he lifted his hand and slapped her with the belt gently—“I’m taking my time. I have a lot to make up for, and I’ll be damned if I miss a damn thing.”

.” Squeezing her thighs together, she let out a strangled groan when he ran the belt between her legs, teasing, but not touching. “

“Patience, my love, patience.”

Pulling his wrist back, he brought the belt down on her smooth skin again, rubbing the sting away immediately after. Red suffused the pale skin, making his cock twitch even harder. He’d done that. Marked her. Made her his. Held onto her tightly.

And he was never letting go again.

He smacked her one more time with the leather belt before throwing it on the floor. With firm hands, he spun her again and sunk to his knees in front of her. Her smooth stomach was directly in front of him, so he placed a kiss right above the tiny patch of curls above her core. And then his mouth was on her, tasting her, and circling over her in wide, sweeping strokes.

She cried out and lifted a leg, resting it over his shoulder, and jerked on his hair. “Oh my—

His tongue moved over her clit, sucking and pushing and licking until she was screaming out and writhing against the door. And when she came apart in his arms, he was there, holding her up. When she stopped shivering and shaking, he stood and picked her up, carrying her to the bedroom.

After gently laying her down on the bed, he slid the last article of clothing he wore off and opened her nightstand. Closing his fist around a condom, he tore it open and rolled it on, never taking his gaze off her naked, glorious body. She curved in all the right places and dipped in the others.

She was perfection, and he’d never get sick of looking at her. Loving her. Touching her. Making her scream—both with pleasure and frustration.

A smile tipped up her lips. “You’re staring at me again.”

“Can you blame me?” He crawled up her body, dropping kisses every few inches. When he reached her rosy nipple, he flicked his tongue over it. “Look at you. All pink and pretty and mine.”

She curled her legs around his waist. “I’d rather look at you.”

“Then you’re crazy.” He kissed her and pulled back. “Simply.” Another quick kiss. “Crazy.”

This time when he kissed her, he didn’t let go. She moaned into his mouth, and he lifted her hips up before driving inside of her with one fast movement. When she cried out into his mouth, her nails digging into his shoulders, he didn’t stop or pause.

He couldn’t have even if he tried.

Now that he was buried inside her tight body, there was no going back. Not until he’d come…and made her come a few more times, too. His mouth moved over hers as he made love to her, and he felt her smooth skin. Her shoulders. Her hips. The gentle swell of her breasts.

When he closed his hands over her breasts, squeezing her nipples between his fingers, she arched her back and cried out, her breathing coming in frantic spurts. Her body clamped down on his cock, and he groaned. She was going to kill him. Fucking. Kill. Him. Digging her heels in, she let out another cry. “
I need you

Reaching between their bodies, he rocked his hips into her and pressed his fingers against her clit. She started screaming and thrashing about like a wild woman, and she came again. This time, he let go of the tight hold he had on himself. Growling, he moved his hips as hard and as fast as he could, tipping her up so he hit her G-Spot with each thrust. As he moved inside of her, he whispered words in her ear.

Dirty ones. Sweet ones. Whatever came to his mind.

He didn’t even fucking know what he said. “—Fucking love you. I love you so much. Come for me, love. I need you to come.”

She parted her lips, a look of rapture taking over her as she did as he asked. He groaned and moved inside of her once, twice, and on the third time…he came, too. Stars exploded in front of him, and he collapsed on top of her, making sure to keep his weight off of her.

“Oh my God,” she whispered. “I didn’t think that could ever get any better…but it did. You made it better.”

He rolled off of her, hauling her with him. She ended up sprawled across his chest, one of her legs over his. “That’s because I love you, and will love you for the rest of our lives. I swear it to you, here and now.”

“Holt…” She placed her hand over his heart. “I swear it, too. No more running. No more fear. Just us.”

“Just us,” he repeated. Resting his hand over hers, he squeezed and turned to face her. “You’ve owned this for longer than you’ll ever know.” He patted her hand to show her that he meant his heart. “The moment you sat next to me in the bar, I was lost. I’d been trying to avoid people, but you sat next to me…and I was lost. Or maybe I was found.”

She smiled and kissed his shoulder. “I almost didn’t sit next to you, but then I saw my ex, and it gave me the strength to walk up to say hello to the guy I’d been watching for five minutes.”

“Thank God.” He tipped her face up, memorizing every single detail of this moment. He never wanted to forget it. “Because I love you, Lydia. I love you so damn much.”

Tears filled her eyes. “I love you, too.”

He took a deep breath and leaned in, sealing their words with a kiss. It might have taken a lot of work, and a bit of pain, and a huge leap of faith…

But he’d gotten it. They both had.

They’d gotten their happy ending after all.


Six months later

The timer went off in the kitchen, and Lydia cuddled into the pillow on the couch. It was nine o’clock on Saturday night, and she and Holt were late for their weekly date…with
Doctor Who
. The season finale was on, and he was still in the other room messing around. Sighing, she hit pause on the opening sequence. “It’s on! Hurry up!”

“Calm yourself, woman,” he called out. “Perfection takes time.”

She sniffed the air, and her stomach flipped with an odd mixture of nausea and hunger. A feeling that had become way too familiar over the last two days or so. “That smells delicious. What are you making out there?”

“Apple pie with a hint of cinnamon.” He came out of the kitchen wearing a pair of sweats, messy hair—which she’d messed up, thank you very much—and his glasses. No shirt, thank the Lord. In his hands were two plates topped with the treats he’d promised her. “Made from scratch, of course, because I love you so much.”

“Have I told you how much
lately?” she asked, watching him as he came across the room. “Because I do.”

Setting down the plates, he snorted. “You’re only saying that because I bake you delicious things.”

“That’s not true,” she protested. “You’re also amazing in bed.”

And out of it.

He laughed. “Well…I can’t argue with that.” Kneeling beside her, he rested his hand on her forehead. “I really shouldn’t have touched you tonight, though. How are you doing? Still feeling sick?”

“Um…yeah.” She swallowed hard and fidgeted with the blanket he’d pulled over her before going into the kitchen. “But don’t worry. I’m okay. I’ll feel better soon, I’m sure. The pie will help.”

Something flashed across his eyes, and he cocked his head to the side. She still loved it when he did that. “What was that look?”

“What look?” She lowered her head. “I don’t know what look you mean.”

“You hesitated. And there it was again.” He cupped her cheek and studied her. “What’s wrong, Lyd?”

Crap, he was on to her. But she hadn’t wanted to tell him like this. “N-Nothing. I was just thinking before answering, is all.”

“Okay…if you say so. But when you change your mind, I’ll be right here waiting.” He stood up and sat on the couch, lifting her feet so he could slide underneath them. As soon as he was situated, he picked up the plates and handed one off to her. “I’m ready to start the show, if you are.”

She took the pie and stared at the TV. But she didn’t hit play. He was so patient and sweet and— “Okay, fine. You’re right, there’s something I need to tell you. I don’t want to stress you out, or make you think you owe me anything, or that we have to change anything. But…I’m…we’re…”

“I already know.” He locked gazes with her, set his treat down, and he took hers from her limp fingers. Resting his hands on hers, he smiled. She turned them over, and they held onto one another. Funny, how something so simple could make her feel so much better. “I think I knew before you did, Lyd.”

“Wait, what?”

“You’re pregnant, with our baby. And I couldn’t be happier about it.” He grinned and crawled over her body, covering her with his length. “Why do you think I brought us both decaf tea instead of our normal wine?”

“I just thought you wanted tea.” She pouted. “When did you figure it out?”

“When you started puking every day,” he said drily. “It didn’t take rocket science to put two and two together. Plus, you missed your period. It was due last week.”

She rolled her eyes. “Considering we don’t even live together, you know way too much about my menstrual cycle.”

“It’s the only time I can’t make love to you. Of course I know it.” He kissed her gently. “And what the hell did you mean when you said that I don’t ‘owe you anything?’”

Biting down on her lip, she shrugged. “I didn’t know if you’d be happy. I mean, this wasn’t exactly planned.”

“I don’t give a damn if it was planned or not.” He shook his head and let out a little laugh. “You’re having my baby, and you love me. You saved my life. Made me whole. I owe you everything, Lyd.

“Aww, Holt. I—” She blinked back tears, but it was useless. They came pouring out anyway. “Damn these hormones.”

Laughing, he swiped them off her cheeks. “I believe you were going to say, ‘I love you.’”

“I was.” She nodded. “I totally was.”

“I love you, too.” He kissed her again, keeping it sweet and soft. When he pulled back, he stared down at her, a bright smile lighting up his face. “And we should fix that.”

Blinking, she pursed her lips. “Fix what?”

“The whole you not living with me thing.” He swallowed hard. “Lydia, will you move in with me?”

She wanted to. There was no doubt in her mind that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with this man. But… “You don’t have to ask just because I’m pregnant.”

“I’m not.” He frowned at her. “And the fact that you’d think I was is insulting. You know I love you, and I’m going to marry you one day.”

The breath caught in her throat. “W-What?”

“That wasn’t a proposal.” He kissed her again. “When I propose, there will be a dinner, and
Doctor Who
references, and a big romantic moment. And maybe a TARDIS, too. But have no doubt: it’ll happen. And it’ll be spectacular.”

She laughed, and then covered her mouth. “A

“Hell yeah. A motherfucking TARDIS.” He mock-glared at her. “Now…are you going to answer my question, or are you going to leave me hanging forever?”

She grinned. “Of course I’ll move in with you. Are you crazy?”

“About you. I’m crazy about you.” Glancing down, he rested a hand on her belly. “And about this little guy or girl. We have our own little family now, and I couldn’t be happier. Because of you. I love you, Lyd.”

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she smiled up at him, her heart near to bursting with love. “I love you, too. So much.”

“I know.” Grinning, he rolled her on top of him. “And I’m the luckiest—”

“—Guy in all the continuum,” she finished, before kissing him. And she didn’t stop. Because this was true love. Right here. Right now.


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BOOK: Taking What's His (Entangled Brazen)
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