Tales Of A RATT

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Authors: Bobby Blotzer

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©Copyright 2010 by Bobby Blotzer.

All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

Cover photo, courtesy of the one and only rock photographer, Mr. Neil Zlozower.

Cover design and layout by Mark Lowe.

Lake Havasu photos by Mark Lowe.

Blotzer Brothers Publishing


Printed in the United States of America.

Second U.S. Edition: August 2010
The text in this publication is registered with the Library of Congress.
ISBN: 978-0-615-36401-8

Dedicated to my proudest achievements…
Michael Robert and Marcus Anthony Blotzer
…the apples of me eye!
I’d like to tip my hat to Robbin, Stephen, Warren and Juan.
In writing this book I was coming from an honest perspective from my memories of life.



Act I: The Birth



Act II: The Death



Act III: The Resurrection


A Quick Note From The Blotz!


My life has been one continuing quest to have fun, and to chase two things...FAME AND FORTUNE!

I've been blessed in many ways. But most of all, by having two great sons, and my on-going great health.

In doing this book, which I've thought about for many years, and listened to many friends tell me, "you need to do a book," I had a lot of fear that it simply would not be interesting enough to the casual reader. I wasn't interested in writing something for those closest to me.

I was finally able to take up the challenge in late 2007 after being introduced to Jim Clayton; the fellow that has assisted me in putting together the pieces of the circus. I don't think I would have had the tenacity to sit and do this solo.

I would also like to just say to anyone that I am friends with or people that know me and of course my family, that in reading this, I pulled back on the reigns and I do hope that no one has any offense to anything I've written in these pages. This is my story, and while I share it with a lot of people, I hold the keys to the memory banks, so it is admittedly one-sided.

I love my family more than anything. I most dedicate this book to them. I'm 51 years of age as of this day of completion, February 28, 2010. But, I will say this, I feel 30, and I plan on staying that way till the eyes close forever, and I'm off to the next level.

One last and most important thing, this book is mainly for my mother who passed away May 7th, 2007. Lois. There will never be a day that I don't think of you Mum and would give it all just to have a simple, "OH, BOBBY!” like you did with glee and excitement when I would call and we talked on phone.

LOVE FOREVER: Michael Blotzer, Marcus Blotzer, Jeni Malara-Blotzer, Carol Blotzer, Michael Schweinberg, Ronnie Blotzer, Jack The River, my dog, and my best friend Leo the Lion - my cat, All the beautiful ex's that I have loved and that have loved me. My nieces and nephews. R.I.P. Pete Schweinberg (1934-2009).

And, a special nod to my Pirates in Crime John Corabi, Carlos Cavazo, Robbie Crane, Jizzy Pearl, and Kerri Kelli.

And also, a special shout out to: Yamaha, Paiste, Promark, DW, Remo.

So sit back, enjoy the book and know one thing…Blotz loves ya baby!!



This book would not be possible without the contributions of two great friends Jim Clayton and Mark Lowe. Without the contributions and professional expertise and time, this would have not been possible. Special thanks to Joey Hundall for introducing me to Jim.

Jim Clayton

Mark Lowe


Introduction: The Debasement Of A Rock God


Cleveland. 1987. It's our third monster tour in as many years, and we are scintillating rock and roll GODS!

The swell of noise from the crowd is testament to that. They have come tonight to worship at the throne of the RATT. And, we have come to receive their sacrifice, in all its various forms.

With my family in the crowd, visiting from Pittsburgh, the arena watches in awe as a monstrous wash of backlight slowly rises. And there, standing on the drum throne with the devil horn's thrown in pride; silhouetted in the coolest rocker machismo possible, is me. Bobby Blotzer, aka.the Blotz. A rock and roll God in person!

The crowd goes ape-shit; yelling and screaming! The sexual energy in the room is flowing like Vesuvius, flooding the people of Pompeii and forever encasing them in it's molten heat.

I prepare for the blast of music already bubbling to the surface in Stephen, Juan, Robbin and Warren. My partners in crime. All they need is my lead. The moment where I’m standing atop of my drum stool, waiting to drop down and start the 4 count into the song.

I'm anticipating the hot sizzle.

All they need is my lead.


The thundering sound of RATT N' Roll motherfucker! Permeating every corner of the building! Creating a frenzy for the masses!

As I jump down from my seat to start, my foot catches the leg of my drum stool.

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