Tales Of A RATT (50 page)

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Authors: Bobby Blotzer

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I can’t believe that Road Runner held out for us that long. It’s amazing, and something that NEVER happens in this business. I’m stunned we kept that deal. They threatened many times to pull the offer if we didn’t get it together and get on board. Thankfully, those guys are really long suffering, and they hung out for us.

It was the little issues that became the real sticking points. There were things in the Operating Agreement that I refused to sign; likewise with Warren and Stephen. It was crazy assed stuff that would threaten my co-ownership of the RATT name. No chance I’m agreeing to that. Warren wouldn’t agree to give Stephen his full shares of the company stock, despite the fact that Stephen still gets a third of every dollar the company makes. The list goes on and on. I honestly thought the band was going to break up.

There were just too many issues to solve RATT’s problems overnight. John Corabi couldn’t hang with the dissension between Stephen, Warren and myself anymore. It came to a head, and he bailed. So, that made things even more difficult. In the midst of all this organizational bullshit, we were out a rhythm guitarist.

So, it was hell getting it worked out, yet, here we are! Agreement signed! Deal done! New album done! New member found!

Carlos Cavazo, he of Quiet Riot fame and fortune, stepped in as RATT’s new six-string God. That’s a little weird, since Carlos is more of a lead guitarist than a hard assed, grinding rhythm guy, but Warren really pushed him to us.

Don’t get me wrong. I absolutely love the guy, and he’s been a long time friend, despite all the nonsense with Kevin DuBrow and the guys in Quiet Riot back in the day. It’s just an odd adjustment. Sort of a “two roosters in the hen house” kind of thing. I know that Robbie Crane and Stephen both had reservations about it, but Stephen came around. Two-to-one vote. Hey, Carlos! Welcome to the party, bro!

The good news is that Carlos is as good a guy as you can hope to find in this business. He’s got this loose, pacifist style that makes him really easy to work with, and while the chemistry of RATT has changed, his contribution to the creative aspects and sound are off the charts. The guy has mountains of talent. Moreover, he’s eager to use it to further the future of RATT.

All in all, we’re in a good place as a band. “Infestation” hit the shelves in April of ’10. The first studio album from the band in eleven years, and the new single, “Best of Me,” is setting the standard for downloads at the label. The buzz for this thing is better than anything we’ve had since the Round and Round album. The label is as excited as they could be, seeing the possibility of a hit album on their hands.

That’s a great feeling, one that we haven’t had in a very long time..

Carlos Cavazo actually penned, “Best of Me” with Stephen. As I write this, the video is scheduled to shoot in a couple of weeks. I can’t wait. It’s a breath of fresh air for the RATT boys. We’re all writing new stuff, and getting into road shape. It’s as if the glory days have never left us, we just misplaced them for a minute.

Thank God, because our rock and roll life is still out there, waiting on us. We’ve seen it. All we have to do is honor it.

Back in 2007, we had a huge year. Stephen was back, and the crowds really responded to it.

2008, wasn’t as good, but we still did well. We just had so much baggage to deal with, and the tour with Extreme wasn’t without it’s dramas. It slowed everything down.

As usual, I’m still in debt. It’s almost a source of amusement to me. Almost.

I still tend to spend too much; on the house (in the midst of a remodel as we speak); on entertainment; on my women; plus, this housing market in California is murdering us! There’s nothing like watching the value of your home plummet 25% in nine months. It’ll drain the color from your face, that’s a fucking guarantee, my friend!

Stephen is still his nutty self. Warren is still the torture master. Robbie still needs Ritalin. Carlos, that pacifist gunslinger, is settling into his new role with ease.

And me? I’m just the Blotz; dubious backbone of the greatest underachievers in rock and roll…and I love my life because of it.

The new album is rock solid; some of the best stuff we’ve ever done. This summer, we hope to tag up with my flying fish buddy, Matthias Jabs and the Scorpions. Sounds like a lot of fun.

Here’s to a 51-city run! One city for each of my illustrious years on this floating rock!

Wow. That’s sobering. I’m 51. If you figure that I can avoid the big pitfalls of cancer, ticker-issues, or an out of control driver on the 405, I might have another 30 years to go! It’s not a lot of time; especially when you consider I’m well over half finished with this particular journey! And, the time is going by faster. It seems like yesterday that my Mum left us, and it’s been almost two years.

Before my ashes are dropped in the deep blues of Havasu, I might have a few more things to get done. Rest assured, I’ll get them done colorfully! Then, in a handful of years, we’ll see where RATT and I have gone, and I’ll write it all down again.

Just for you. The loyal “give-a-shit” crowd!

According to the Chinese calendar, things born of the Year of the Rat are noted for their charm and attraction for the opposite sex. They work hard to achieve their goals, acquire possessions, and are likely to be perfectionists. Rat people are easily angered; their ambitions are big, and they are usually very successful.

Sounds good to me, bro!

If all goes well, we'll sit down in 2020 for a sequel to this book. We'll call it "THE YEARS OF THE RATT: PLUNDERING THE HIGH SEAS IN THE NAME OF RATT 'N' ROLL". My brothers, Stephen, Warren, Robbie, Carlos, and, yes even Juan, John and Jizzy will have taken their roles and split the booty of our conquests. All this under the watchful spirit of the Pi-RATT King, standing in all his Viking-like glory, and shredding his King V through whatever existence is next!

And, to you, our loyal give-a-shit crowd, I make the following promise. RATT N Roll will continue until music dies, and the Blotz's ashes are floating in my five favorite coves of Lake Havasu. Until that time, we will continue to raid and plunder and pillage your cities!

After all, a Pi-RATT can only do what a Pi-RATT does.

Peace Out!

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