Read Talon's Heart Online

Authors: Jordan Silver

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College

Talon's Heart (15 page)

BOOK: Talon's Heart
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Fuck, my ass is in trouble, my thoughts are jumbled, my heart can't find its rhythm and my dick has taken over all cognizant thought.

I tormented her with a feather, trailing it along her body as I suckled at her nipples.

Her clit was swollen and hungry for my touch, I dropped the feather and used my fingers to pleasure her, digging deep with the fingers I had buried to the hilt.

As she came, her scent drifted up to me.

I kept finger fucking her until her juices covered my hand, the taste of her was sweet with a touch of her own personal spice as I sucked her essence from my fingers.

"Hurry Talon."

She pulled on me until I covered her body with mine.

I went easy as much as I wanted to just plunge into her the way she was begging me to with her hot little whispers, never forgetting that she was new to this. I was reminded once more of how delicate her body is, so much smaller than I am, so much softer.

It called forth feelings of protection and tenderness, of love and forever.

"Why can't I get enough, it's never enough... you're making me crazy." I was as deep inside her as it were possible to go and yet I wanted more.

Her hands ran over my back lovingly as I moved inside her, her body moved under mine sweetly, head arched, legs wrapped tightly around my hips. I looked down at the look on her face, pure bliss.

She took my breath away.

It was hard for me to hold back my release, everything that she was pulled it from me. I barely had the presence of mine to tease her clit to bring her off with me.

"Fuck babydoll." As I came my mind was already looking forward to the next time. Mom was gong to have to wait on that help in the kitchen it will be a long time before I let her go.

"We're not done, not even close." I stayed buried inside her as we both came down together.

I expected her to get all huffy on me and insist on going downstairs but my girl and I were on the same page.

"My turn..."




She playfully rolled me over so our positions were reversed. I laid back and enjoyed as she nipped and nibbled her way down my body, my wet cock caught fast in one of her hands as she stroked me.

As she knelt over me to take me into her mouth, I knew exactly what I wanted to do to her next.

While she pleasured me with her mouth I retrieved the cuffs from beside the bed and rearing up, caught her hands behind her back.

"Uhm..." She hummed around my dick making it jump on her tongue, her head bobbed up and down as she sucked me back to fullness.


I cuffed her hands behind her back and sat her on my raging cock. With both ass cheeks in my hands I pulled her up and down on my monster.

My jizz from round one was oozing out around my meat along with her juices. With her hands behind her like that her tits were pushed forward like an offering.

"Feed me your tits baby."

She leaned forward with a little difficulty until her nipple brushed against my lips.

I bit into it before sucking it in and using my tongue to ease the sting from my teeth.

"If you ride my cock really good, I promise to ass fuck you till you pass out would you like that, huh?"

My baby loves dirty talk, it drives her crazy which in turn makes me just want to fuck the shit out of her.

She started cumming at my lascivious words I think my girl is going to be a back door queen. She sure loves having her ass teased.

"You want me to put your little toy in there while I fuck you?" I whispered in her ear as I pulled her up and down on my rod.

"Yes please." Her voice was breathy and sexy as fuck and just spurred me on even more.

With her hips held tight in my hands I bounced her on my cock while sucking her tits one after the other.

She was going nuts on my cock now, bouncing and grinding, I teased her ass hole with my fingertips, testing her readiness.

Reaching over to the night table I got her little toy, putting it in her mouth so she could wet it, I then eased it into her ass. She squeezed my dick and screamed as she came.

I hurriedly removed the cuffs before throwing her onto her back in the bed and pounding into her, her legs thrown over my shoulders as I lost myself in her. If I could, I would've bonded our bodies together so we'd never be apart again.

 Those were the type of fucked up thoughts running through my head, along with one question.

How the fuck did the men in my family ever leave their women to go off to work or for any reason at all? At this moment it felt like I would die without her, like I needed her just to breathe.


I couldn't get deep enough even though I bottomed out I still wanted to go deeper, harder.

"Oh shit." She bit into my neck to hide her screams as I felt her hot juices shower my cock.

My eyes rolled back in my head as I emptied myself deep inside her a second time.




If these smarmy fucks don't stop grinning at me I’m going to knock some heads together. My glower didn't seem to be working however and I knew it was only a matter of time before one of them opened their big mouth.

"So Talon looks like you've sealed the deal."

The fuck! Everyone started laughing at Ryder's nitwitted joke, I was tempted to smash his face in but I was sure babydoll would hand my ass to me if I spoiled our first holiday together.

"No point in getting all bent out of shape son, it's written all over your face."

"Bullshit dad."

What the hell was he talking about? I'd studied my face in the mirror before I came down here for this very reason. I knew these fucks would be all in my business, so I'd practiced in the mirror. I'm sure I was wearing my stoic expression.

"Boy you're hanging all over the poor girl even more than usual, it's like you can actually see the string leading from her to you." Nonna had to put in her two cents.

I'd avoided them all day now I know why.

As Skylar had been helping out in the kitchen, my ass had been knocked out upstairs.

I was going to have to change up my vitamins or something if Skye was going to keep hitting me with the one two knock out punch pussy.

No wonder everybody knew what the fuck we'd been up to, it's embarrassing as fuck though. She gets up and moves around like she's got a second wind, while I'm laid the fuck out can't hardly move.

I’m glad she waited until after that embarrassment to enter the room. I gave the rest of them a glare that they’d better heed; if any one of them embarrassed her it will be their ass. Idiots.




Nonna changed the subject by once again bringing up the team and making me feel like a shit for quitting.

She dredged up every illustrious member of my family who'd played the game at my university, apparently since the stone-ages.

There was no point in arguing with her but I was going to do what the fuck I wanted to in the end, which I’m sure the old bat knew. Just any excuse to ride my ass, that’s her favorite pastime.

 When she mentioned the fact that Damien had some info but that she'd put him off until after the holiday I wasn't too pleased.

Damien was looking into the whole marriage contract thing, not to mention looking into the situation with the mold and how I could hang those two skanks once I proved their guilt.

It wouldn't be in good form to choke the shit out of my grandmother at the dinner table so I tried to rein that shit in.

"Nonna exactly what is it that he has information about?"

I guess this attachment thing works both ways because Skylar grabbed my knee under the table.

She'd picked up on the underlying menace in my voice.

"Son it'll keep, I know you're chomping at the bit but this is your first holiday together, nothing should mar that. Let's enjoy the rest of the day and tomorrow if you can control yourself, then the day after we'll do whatever is needed."


"Leave it Talon, let's just enjoy our dinner okay." I didn’t like the tone of Skye’s voice just then or the way she tried to avoid my eyes.

What the fuck, why was she so nervous, did she know something I didn't, was she keeping something from me? How the fuck was I supposed to eat with this shit hanging over my head?

"Excuse us."

I didn't wait for anyone's permission, just took her by the hand and left the room.

The study was good enough, far enough away so no one could overhear the nosy fucks.




"Why are you nervous?"

"I'm not...."

"Don't fucking lie to me, what do you know that you're not telling me?"

"Nothing, I's just...I'm afraid..."

"Afraid of what?" I grabbed her shoulders as if there was an imminent threat though there was no danger here.

"That I'm too happy."

"What, what does that mean?" She actually had tears in her eyes, oh shit. My first instinct at the sight of those big wet turquoise orbs was to fuck somebody's shit up, I'm thinking tears are a no no.

I pulled her to me as if my nearness could take away the fear.

"It's crazy, but every time I'm too happy something always goes wrong."

"That's fucked babe, happy is happy, enjoy happy while it's here. I plan to see that you stay happy for a long fucking time, now what the hell's got you so nervous?"

I looked down into her eyes as the first tear fell, now who the fuck could I beat the shit out of for this? my girl isn't supposed to cry dammit.

"What if there's something that I don't know about?"

"Like what?" I tried soothing her by running my hands up and down her back.

"I don't know, what if my dad was wrong about the agreement being null and void? What if there’s a way that they can hold me to it, force me...?"

I could see that she was really worried about this shit and to be quite honest I'd have to admit that up until last night I had a few moments stressing it myself. But now I knew without a shadow of a doubt, no one will ever take her away from me.

Not that they stood a chance before, but now, fuck that shit, I'd like to see them try.

First of all, if by some miracle their piece of shit contract held up in a court of law I would keep that shit in litigation for the next fifty fucking years.

I'm sure I have more money than Stark the fuck, and if I had to sell off my inheritance to fight the fuckers even though I know it would never come to that, I would do whatever it took to keep her with me.

Besides, I would never give that fucking mutt a dime and if her father tried to hold her to that shit he could kiss her goodbye.

I pulled her close again, the wild beating of her heart confirming for me just how scared she really was.

Now I understood what my grandmother meant, I didn't want this blemish on our day.

How did you get someone to stop worrying about something? just telling them not to wasn't going to do it, that shit never worked.

I could tell her a million times not to worry but there was no guarantee she was going to listen, and I'd be damned if she was going to be stressing over this shit another day.

 It took less than five minutes to come up with the only solution; there really was only one thing to be done in this situation, why I hadn't thought of it before was beyond me.

I have to get shit moving if I was going to pull this off it was already evening but what the fuck.


Chapter 17




"Let's go babe." I pulled her along behind me.

"Where are we going?"

"To get the family moving or they're gonna miss our wedding."

"What, what are you talking about, what wedding, Talon are you okay?" She tried to stop short but I was a man on a mission, I should’ve done this shit weeks ago.

I pulled her along with me back to the dining room where my family had gone on with their dinner, or at least that's the way it seemed.

"Well boy what's the verdict?"

"Let's go nonna you have some calls to make."

"And who pray tell will I be calling?"

"Whoever can get us a marriage license, I was thinking Vegas but nah, I want to do it here in the garden go harass whoever you need to so we can get this done and eliminate any threat..."


"Stay out of it Skye."

"Son, uh, how can she stay out of it, isn't she your intended bride?"

"Yeah dad but she likes to argue me to death and we don't have time right now. If Damien is going to give me bullshit news I want to have my ring on her finger, nothing and no one can come between us then."

"What if there is a contract and we’re breaking the law?"

"I give a..."

"Talon Avery you watch your mouth."

"Sorry mom, look are you guys gonna help me or not because if you're not going to Vegas is looking real good."

"Of course we're gonna help you boy keep your shorts on, can't a body finish their turkey in peace?"

"Nonna get the lead out, Skylar let's go."

She rolled her eyes at me but I just took her hand and left the room at a run, if Stark thought he was getting his fucking hands on what's mine he was sorely mistaken the fuck.

"Talon don't you think you're being a little hasty?" I chose to ignore her as I dragged her into our room.

"We don't have time babe, if you want to have a peaceful weekend then we have to get this shit done I don't want you spending another second worrying about that piece a shit and that's that."

"But this is a life changing decision we can't just get married because of that."

"You plan on going somewhere babe?" I looked around the room not sure of what I was looking for.

"No but you're acting crazy again."

"Get use to it, now why are we up here again I forgot."

"How should I know you told me to stay out of it remember?"

"Oh, something white, we have to do at least that much, don't worry babe, we'll have the wedding of your dreams someday soon but for now let's do this so I can have a peace of mind. So we can both have peace of mind."

BOOK: Talon's Heart
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