Read Talon's Heart Online

Authors: Jordan Silver

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College

Talon's Heart (17 page)

BOOK: Talon's Heart
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The Avery women, of which I am now one, are crazy, especially nonna. They dragged me off back into the house as soon as the ceremony was over and I was still in semi shock. I had no idea what was about to transpire, maybe some motherly advice but no. I was taken into a room with a vault and safes from which Olivia proceeded to remove trays upon trays of jewelry.

"These were set aside for Talon's bride." She said as she fought back tears. There was literally millions of dollars worth of gems laid out on the table.

"I can't take that, that's not mine...." I felt my legs start to tremble, was she insane, this had to be a joke right?

"Of course it is dear, now come along and let's see which pieces need resetting and what not, some of this mess is as old as dirt." Nonna was perusing the pieces fondly.

"Oh mother it is not, maybe a few hundred years old at least but not much more than that." Olivia chided her mother in law.

"A few..." I started to back up towards the door but Bianca and Kinsley blocked my exit.

"I told you she was a runner." Bianca smirked.

"Did they do this to you?" I half whispered to her.

Kinsley snorted at that which earned her an elbow jab from Bianca.

"She wore half of hers to the wedding, couldn't wait. Can't you tell she's a jewelry hog?"

"Hey watch it, I seem to recall you wearing enough diamonds to choke a horse at your wedding."

"Yes and if my grandson had any manners or patience you would've been wearing yours on your special day as well Skylar but this will work just as well. Now come along dear, we haven't got all night and I'm sure your husband will be here to drag you off any second now."

She shared a sly smile with Olivia before turning back to me.

"Who knows maybe before long we might hear the pitter patter of little feet around here, please let it happen before I get too old to run around behind it."

She's incorrigible but you gotta love her, still, this was all too much. First the rushed wedding that I'm still not sure how they pulled it off; these people were a bit scary with the power they wielded. I mean I think the guy who married us was a judge and not just any judge, like one of the highest in the land. But they just called him up like it was nothing on Thanksgiving no less and he dropped everything and came running.

The truth is that didn't scare me as much as it helped to assuage some of my anxiety over the Starks. I can't believe my dad. When Talon and I spoke to him before he said there was nothing to worry about. I guess he lied or he thought he could fix the situation; and how William could think that I would want to marry his philandering son after everything that had happened was just preposterous. I was beginning to think I'd never really known any of these people including my dad.




They'd been gone long enough, whatever hoodoo they had going on should be done by now, I was missing my girl, besides I had a union to consummate. Shit I wonder if we had time to take a few days somewhere for a honeymoon. No, better not, let me deal with the bullshit first and then we could think about going away somewhere together.


Chapter 20




"Talon did we just get married?"

I'd dragged her away from the gaggle of clucking hens that is my female relatives. If you think the guys are merciless in their teasing then you have yet to meet the likes of nonna and Olivia Avery. I didn't even know my own mother thought like that and my sisters, forget it. I have to remember to have a talk with my brother about his wife.

Right now Skye's looking at me like I'm a foreign species, I think the shock was finally wearing off.

"Yep, we sure did." I wasn't expecting the slug to the arm that followed my reply.

"Hey babe what the hell?"

"Are you insane? how could we be married we only just met, what if we hate each other, what if the past few weeks have just been a fluke and you wake up tomorrow morning and realize you've made the biggest mistake of your life? oh my word I'm going to be a teenage divorcee."

"Babe your cheese fall off your cracker or something what the hell were you women talking about in there anyway?"

"And that's another thing what's with the millions of dollars worth of jewelry are you insane?"

I was busy getting undressed while she had her mini meltdown because no matter what at the end of this tirade I was taking my wife to bed. Fuck that felt good; my wife, she was going on and on about Robin egg sized diamonds and I was down to pants and nothing else. I walked over to her, took her beautiful fucking amazing face in my hands and shut her up with my tongue. She seemed to melt into me; I loved that shit, loved knowing that I could do that to her because she sure as fuck did it to me.

"You calm now babydoll? because I could do this all night."

She rested her head against my chest and took a deep breath.

"Talon you make me crazy."

"Nah babe I think maybe you were a little touched before I came along I just didn't realize it. It was those eyes of yours; you zapped me with one look and then the Avery legend kicked in and my ass was toast."

"But what if the legend was wrong what if you misunderstood something?"

"Yeah sure, I misunderstood my dick and my heart moving in tandem."

"Your dick always reacts to a pretty face." She had jokes.

"That might've been true but it never did shit for my heart, now you own both so let's get your paranoia out of the way so we can get on with the wedding night, and since you just took a few years off my life with your bullshit you better add some new tricks to the mix."

I knew talking to her like that would work to sidetrack her from her trip down crazy street.

"What new tricks? we've done pretty much everything there is to do haven't we, I mean what else is there for you to violate?"

"I can think of a few things."

"Oh no you don't mister the last time you said that I almost put my back out."

"Come on baby it wasn't that bad and besides you enjoyed it."

She blushed and hid her face against me again; always so shy and sweet I hope she never loses that, that nothing in this life ever robs her of that innocence that I loved so much. My fucking wife.

"Talon you ass put me down."

"No never." I twirled her around the room making her giggle out loud and fling her arms in the air like the reigning champ.

"That's right baby we win."




I left it there because I'd be damned if I brought those fuckers into our bedroom especially on this night. I looked up at her smiling face and my knees almost buckled with the overpowering emotion that took hold of me. She was so much everything that I wanted and needed it was almost scary. How am I going to keep her happy, how can I get through our life together and never once bring her sorrow or disappointment? If I could I would stand guard over her all her days, that's how much I loved this girl how much she meant to me. I wanted to slay all her dragons and keep the bad at bay.

"You okay now babydoll you sure?" I kissed her hair inhaling her sweet scent as I hugged her close.

"Yes I just had a little freak out there but I believe in us it's just that everything happened so fast you know; it feels like we just met and now we're married and I have to deal with my father's craziness and who knows what's going to happen there and..."

"Oh no babydoll no way, I told you, I put that ring on your finger the problems are all mine. I know it's hard for you not to stress but please try, today of all days we do not think about that shit okay. Oh yeah, sorry that your anniversary is going to be around thanksgiving every year but I'll make it up to you."

She gave me a look like she'd just realized that same thing but I was over the talking shit already. It was time for some action. I helped her out of the wedding dress that seemed to have a million buttons, the fuck. Some twisted fucker probably designed this shit to drive men out of their minds on their wedding night. My dick was already straining against my zipper and I was only halfway down her back.

"Shit baby." I pulled her ass back against my front so she could feel the evidence of my need.

"Feel that?"

She reached back with her hand and stroked me through my pants, my boy jumped at the contact; oh he knew her touch.

"You keep that shit up I'm gonna cum in my pants."

"So?" She giggled and kept up her attack while I fumbled with buttons.

"Fuck this." I pulled the dress apart, buttons went flying and Skye screeched.

"Your mom's going to be pissed."

"She'll get over it, after the way she was talking earlier I think she might've done this shit on purpose. Fuck babydoll what're you wearing under there? sweet mercy..." My voice broke off as I took in the beauty of her in a see through white body hugging number that showed off everything in all the right places.

"You like?" She smiled at me all coy and shit.

"You attached to this shit...never mind I'll get you another one."

"Talon don't...."

Too late, I tore that shit to shreds, my horny ass didn't even make it to the bed I just dropped to my knees in front of her and buried my tongue in her sweet pussy making her cry out.




I lifted one of her legs in my hand so I could get at her and ate her to my heart's content. She dug her nails into my scalp as she rocked back and forth in my mouth. I had to fight to get my zipper over my hard on and release my leaking cock. I couldn't even sneak a few strokes of my meat because I would blow, so I just let him get some air.

"Talon please."

"I know baby, I know."

I wanted to take her to the bed that was the gentlemanly thing to do right, but my legs wouldn't cooperate. I stood and dropped my pants but before I could get all the way out of them my wife was on her knees taking me into her mouth. I threw my head back and gritted my teeth trying to hold on to my sanity as she worked me over with her mouth. My hips of their own volition thrust back and forth as I enjoyed the sensation of her throat swallowing around my hard cock.

"Release me babe." Her mouth pulled off with a pop.

"Hop up here." I lifted her up so her legs went around my waist, turning to the nearest wall I leaned her back as I surged up inside her going deep. She came and trembled on my much for making it to the bed.

I kept thrusting into her nice and deep angling my cock so it would hit her sweet spot, her pussy had a strangle hold on my cock and all the clenching she was doing seemed to be drawing the cum up my shaft way too soon but I couldn't control that shit.

"I love your pussy Skylar, it feels so good baby, like it was made for me, only me. I'm the only one who'll ever have you, who'll ever know how fucking sweet you are...fuck." My knees shook and my vision blurred as I spewed inside her, jet after jet of hot cum going deep.

"Kiss me." I didn't wait for her but took her lips with mine sucking her tongue into my mouth even as I emptied my seed inside her.

Mine, she was mine now and forever.


Chapter 21




We finally got everything squared away before heading back to school. Skye was able to talk to her mom once more to get a handle on what was going on with the Starks and Damien was making sure everything was air tight on our end. We still didn't know what if any official documents existed between her father and William Stark but I pretty much didn't give a fuck anyway. She had pleaded with me not to tell her parents about our marriage yet, something about wanting to enjoy it first before there was any more drama. I gave in but I wasn’t too sure, I wanted them to know, I wanted that fucking monkey off my back. But she gave me the doe eyes and sulky lips and I caved, what a sap.

The skank brigade was fit to be tied when they saw the rock on my girl's finger. I had my platoon keeping an eye on her when we weren't together on campus though so there were no mishaps. Now with the situation with her ex pretty much taken care of for now I turned my attention to the other matter at hand. My guy had pretty much said it was a lost cause figuring out who’d planted the washcloth that had been found under her bed in the shared dorm room. Although there was no way of fingerprinting the shit there were other ways for me to drag out the guilty party. Nothing that evil can be kept under wraps for too long, not if I put pressure on the ones involved and I knew just what to do. I’d had time to think and come up with a strategy on the flight home.

"Cunning come here dude." I cornered him in the cafeteria before he could pummel poor Donner to death. Those two were worst than an old married couple.

"What's up Cap?" He sat in the chair across from me out of breath and grinning like a simpleton. I looked around to make sure no nosy fucks were within hearing distance, I didn’t need this shit getting back to the wrong ears, namely my wife.

"That Robyn chick still trying to get on your dick?"

"Everybody knows it's you she's really after, she just sees me as a stepping stone; then again anyone will do."

"We know she's a skeeze but that might work fine for my purposes, I need a solid bro."

"Name it." I told him my idea, all my guys pretty much knew my suspicions on what had gone down; in fact they had kept me from going after those two more than once so of course Ty was on board.

"You get where I'm going with this shit?"

"Yep, divide and conquer."


"But do you really think she's going to fall for my sudden interest? I mean you've been giving her death glare kill looks for a while now and she knows we're tight."

"We'll make it look good, she wants in so bad she'll fall for it; I'll let my displeasure be known of course but in a way that she thinks there's a chance I might give in. Trust me after a while she'll let her defenses down and that's when I'll strike."




"What are you two up to looking so serious over here?"

BOOK: Talon's Heart
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