Tamed by Love (Agent Lovers Series Book 2) (20 page)

Read Tamed by Love (Agent Lovers Series Book 2) Online

Authors: Harper Steen,Lesley Schuldt

BOOK: Tamed by Love (Agent Lovers Series Book 2)
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“But that can’t be! I get the birth control shot.”

“Apparently it doesn’t work all that well.” Something that he didn’t find out until he had a long conversation with her doctor. The drug hadn’t been tested enough but had nevertheless been put on the market.

“There must be some mistake. Maybe they made a mistake in my file? Mix-ups happen all the time. I’m definitely not pregnant.”

He was saddened that Liz hadn’t warmed up to this news. “Liz! They haven’t made a mistake. I spoke with your doctor and he said you are definitely pregnant. Can’t you be at least a little pleased?”

“How is it that Jennifer and I got pregnant at almost the same time, even though we both got shots? Something isn’t right about this!”

“I’m practically bursting with joy at being a father, Liz. But I wasn’t ready for a discussion about how it happened.” Gray stood up and paced back and forth. He took a deep breath and explained what he had learned from the doctor. “This long-term protection had only done its job to a limited extent. About two months after you get your dose, it loses its effectiveness. The exact moment can’t be determined.”

“So Jennifer, I and all the other women who’ve used it are just guinea pigs?”

“That’s not yet been determined. They’re investigating the pharmaceutical company. From the looks of it, no gynecologists knew about it. They recommended this form of birth control because it seemed to be exceedingly effective according to the test results, without any side effects.”

“Without side effects?” she said in disbelief, before she snarled at him. “So what do you call getting pregnant while taking supposedly perfect birth control? A side effect.”

“Liz. Calm down. Getting upset isn’t good for you or the baby. Besides, you sustained some injuries. You’re still rather weak.”

“I should calm down? If this isn’t something to get upset about, what is?” Liz looked as if she wanted to go for Gray’s throat. A woman faced with the prospective joy of motherhood, undoubtedly looked different. But the unconcealed anger in her face didn’t shake Gray. Her next question, though, really struck a chord.

“Did you know about this defect before I got pregnant?”

Shocked, he stood at the foot of the bed and looked at her. She may have come to love him, but Liz still didn’t put her trust in him.

He would never have denied wanting Liz to become pregnant with his child. But he would never have deceived her in such a rotten way.

“We’ll talk about it when you can think clearly,” he finally said and turned away. With a last regretful look at Liz, Gray walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.

Gray ran into Jeff in the hallway. “Hey! What’s wrong? I thought you’d be beside yourself with joy at the good news. You look like you just lost your best friend.”

Gray ran a hand through his hair and sighed. “I feel awful.”

“Hm. So maybe it would be better if I set these aside for later.” With a meaningful glance, Jeff indicated the flowers in his hand in the middle of which sat a cute ornamental baby, sucking on his fist.




With her gaze trained on the whitewashed wall, Liz stared into space. She couldn’t forget the hurt in Gray’s eyes. She had wrongly attacked him; that was clear. Actually she should have known that he would never deceive her. Not again. Not like that. But somehow, at first glance, everything had fit together.

If the birth control shot had already lost its effectiveness after two months, then they had already slept together without protection before the wedding. She suddenly thought of his hopeful look at the wedding reception. And inevitably, the suspicion had thrust itself on her that Gray could already have known at that moment.

Just as she was about to burst into tears at his betrayal, Liz realized he couldn’t have known because on their wedding day, she had surprised him with the news that she couldn’t get pregnant because she used long-term birth control.

Liz wiped a hand over her eyes and sniffled. The next second she laughed and didn’t know why. Was that the infamous mood swings of a pregnant woman? Liz figured she might as well expect the worst as she wiped the tears away and laughed. She had barely learned she was pregnant and she was already displaying the first obvious symptoms. The only thing missing…

“Oh no.” She retched and pressed a hand over her mouth as sickness hit her like a hard punch in the gut. Liz almost fell out of bed when she tried to stand up too quickly, got tangled in the sheets and then her injured leg gave way. Gripping the bed for support, she moved as quickly as her crippled condition allowed and hobbled to the adjacent bathroom.

A short time later she came out of the bathroom with a relieved sigh and saw her family standing in the middle of her hospital room. Liz’s gaze wandered from her father to John and then to Annie who ran to her with outstretched arms. Her eyes went wide and another urge to gag came over her. Liz pressed her hand over her mouth once more and hopped into the bathroom.

Chapter 16

Liz had disclosed her little secret to her family a week earlier. It hadn’t needed any explanation. Liz’s unmistakable retching in the bathroom at the hospital apparently explained everything. Her father had fussed over her like a baby and Annie was beside herself. She was as happy as if she were the one expecting.

John had been the only exception. Her brother had leaned against the wall with his arms crossed and a gloating grin. Several times Liz had glanced at him looking for help, but each time he just shook his head and enjoyed the unfortunate situation his sister was in.

At that, she glared at him, to which he responded by blowing her a kiss. So in the end there wasn’t anything else for her to do so she had feigned exhaustion to get rid of her family.

“Everything okay, dear?” Gray glanced at her before he looked again at the traffic. They had left the hospital parking lot ten minutes ago and Gray hadn’t managed to stick to the deal she had made with him right after they had climbed into the SUV. She told him she would let him know immediately when she felt sick. Gray had promised not to baby her, but that hadn’t lasted long.

“Hm, A-okay.” Liz decided she would just close her eyes and sleep. And that’s exactly what she did. After she used her jacket like a blanket, Liz closed her eyes and breathed deeply. Minutes later she was sleeping soundly and didn’t wake up until Gray turned off the car in front of their house.

Liz sat up, rubbed her eyes and looked at Gray. When he started to speak, she leaned over and quickly put a finger to his mouth. “I’m fine, okay?”

He nodded and grinned. Then Gray kissed Liz’s fingertips. This behavior was completely uncharacteristic of him; he knew that himself. But he couldn’t help it, he had to have Liz keep assuring him that she was fine.

“By the way, you
eagerly awaited, dear,” said Gray, reaching for her hand and brushing a kiss over Liz’s palm.

“I’m assuming Dad’s here?”

“And Betty. And Jennifer’s parents too.”

“Well then, into the fray!”

“Do you think you can stand them all for a few hours?” Gray asked.

“I’ve told you, I’m fine.” She pulled her hand out of his grasp and stroked his cheek. Gray hadn’t shaved yet. The dark stubble tickled her skin and sent pleasant shudders down her body.

Caught by the tender look in his steel-gray eyes, Liz leaned further forward. “I’m really fine,” she assured him again and kissed him.

A minute later Gray wrapped his arms around Liz and pulled her from her seat onto his lap on the driver’s side. He kissed her hungrily, letting her know how much she meant to him. “I missed you.” He panted between two kisses. “I could barely sleep because you weren’t next to me.” He buried his hands in her soft hair, held her head and looked deep in her eyes. “I love you so much that the thought of losing you frightens me to death.”

They were interrupted by loud knocking against the window. “Hey you two love birds.” Jeff said amused. “You’ve got a bedroom for that. It’s certainly more comfortable.”

“Get lost! We’re just talking.”

“That’s what you call that, big brother?” Jeff hung on the hood like a paparazzi and waved at them.

“Would you mind much if I save the world from this idiot, darling?” Gray asked Liz casually. “Unless you want to keep him as a brother-in-law.”

“I don’t know. Well…,” Liz pursed her lips and glanced at Jeff, who gave her a pitiful look. “…he
useful for some things, like as a clothes rack, for example.”

“I haven’t forgotten about the mall and
Victoria’s Secret,
Liz! Be happy you’re pregnant with my nephew, otherwise I’d have to exact an awful revenge on you.” Jeff slid off the hood, ripped open the driver’s side door and pulled Liz off Gray’s lap. He pressed her to his broad chest and planted a loud smooch on her cheek before he carefully set her on the ground. “It’ll be a boy, won’t it?”

Liz laughed and punched Jeff in the side. “You’ll be the first to find out, promise!”


“Who’d you bet?” she asked. Liz suspected that was why he was asking.

“Bet? Me?” To be on the safe side, he took a step back while Gray climbed out of the car, put an arm around Liz’s waist and looked at Jeff. “Well…,” Jeff shoved his hands into his pants and teetered back and forth. “Harold said it would be a boy, and I think so, too.”

“My father said that?”

“John and Terence think it’s going to be a girl.”

“You made a bet with my brother and father about who could guess the sex of our child?”

“Betty did too. She swears it’s twins.”

It was all over for Gray. Liz put her fists on her hips outraged, and Gray burst into intense laughter. Even a jab to his ribs didn’t calm him down.

“That’s not funny!”

“Sure it is, sweetheart. It’s funny. Most definitely!”

She shook her head and mumbled, “Men! All idiots.” And hobbled to the front door. It was inconceivable that the guys had cajoled Betty into betting.




Exhausted, Liz sat on a chair, stretched her left leg out in front of her and watched the fairly serious dispute looming between Jennifer and Chris. After everyone there had hugged her—some several times—she was happy to relax on the patio with Furball purring on her lap as she ruffled his head.

“You shouldn’t be drinking any coffee,” said Chris and he moved the cup out of Jennifer’s reach. He ignored the poisonous look he got for it.

“Chris is right, little one.” Robert took his son-in-law’s side.

“The doctor said I can drink as much coffee as I want. By the gallons.” That was a lie, but a cup of coffee wouldn’t hurt either Jennifer or the baby. Everyone was behaving like idiots and didn’t even realize it. Absurd. She was grown up. Determinedly Jennifer snatched the cup from the table. She wouldn’t let herself be treated like a child.

“I hardly think so,” said Claire with a smile and she took the cup away from Jennifer. With a snort, Jennifer gave up, leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms over her chest. She would get her cup of coffee as soon as her parents were out the door.

When she became aware of Liz’s feigned sympathetic look, Jennifer glared at her. Her dark eyebrows shot up high as she watched Liz take a sip of coffee. This can’t be happening! She was being badgered, and Liz, who was also pregnant, was slurping strong coffee uncontested.

Jennifer searched Gray’s eyes and then looked challengingly at Liz. Gray took the cup from Liz and put it back on the table.

“You can’t be serious?” Liz said, sitting up so abruptly that Furball shot from her lap in fright.

“Of course, darling, I’m completely serious. For the time being, no more coffee. Unless it’s decaffeinated. And that definitely isn’t.”

Liz took a deep breath, ready to vent her displeasure, but was stopped by a look from Betty. Betty was still able to make Liz feel like a child. A child who didn’t know what she was doing. Slowly Liz exhaled and pouted. This was absurd. They had survived the most difficult assignments, yet couldn’t have their way with their families? They had all teamed up against Liz and Jennifer. The next few months would probably be hell…




When their families finally left, both women breathed a sigh of relief. After a quick goodbye, they hurried into the kitchen.

“Well, come on!” Jennifer urged Liz to hurry.

“I only have two hands! If it’s not fast enough for you, pour your own coffee.”

“It’s okay! Just hurry before they come back.” While Liz filled the cups with coffee, Jennifer added the milk. Then they each grabbed a cup and disappeared onto the patio, out of Gray and Chris’s close field of vision. To get the maximum distance from their husbands, they went around the pool and sat on the lounge chairs.

“I needed that,” said Liz after she had taken her first sip. She leaned back, relaxed, rubbed the bandage on her leg and swept a strand of hair behind her ear.

“Me too! That’s my first cup in days. Chris watches me like a hawk.”

“You know they’ll drive us crazy with their excessive care, don’t you?”

“Probably. We’ll just have to deal with it.”

Liz exhaled deeply. Then she pointed toward the door and took another quick sip before Gray could take the cup away. Quickly Jennifer emptied her cup in a few gulps, her gaze trained on Chris who hurried around the pool toward her.

“This is unreal! We turn our backs for a second and you’re already up to no good,” said Chris as he reached for Jennifer’s cup. He looked at her reproachfully when he noticed it was empty.

“Maybe I should ask Betty to stay with us for a while,” Gray said. She would definitely keep their wives under control. He hadn’t missed how Betty had discouraged Liz from further protest with a single look.

“Don’t you dare!” threatened Liz as she stood up. She liked Betty a lot, but her former nanny could be a huge nuisance if she put her mind to it.

“For Christ’s sake, Liz, you two are pregnant!”

“It’s not like we don’t know that, Gray. We’re fine. Really. We’re pregnant, not invalids. At some point you need to get that through your thick heads.”

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