Tamed by Love (Agent Lovers Series Book 2) (29 page)

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Authors: Harper Steen,Lesley Schuldt

BOOK: Tamed by Love (Agent Lovers Series Book 2)
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“He still doesn’t like me,” said Jeff pointing at Liz’s fat red cat.

“Be happy he doesn’t attack you anymore.” Gray took a large cup off the kitchen shelf, put a bag of cherry tea in it and poured the hot water from the kettle into the cup. As if on cue, Liz appeared. She greeted Jeff with a smile, saw that her son was fast asleep, turned to Gray and wrapped her arms around his waist. Purring she huddled against his back.

“Good morning! I could really use a cup of coffee.”

“Sorry, sweetheart.” Gray turned around, kissed her gently on the mouth and then the tip of her nose, before he scrutinized her. She was still a little pale and like hell would he put a cup of coffee in her hand. When she sulked, took a breath and was about to object, he quickly put a finger to her lips. “There’s no way you’re going to get any coffee from me. In your condition, a cup of tea’s the ticket. A cup of tea and some toast so your stomach will settle.”

Helplessly Liz looked at Jeff who bit his lower lip to suppress a laugh and shrugged
Irritated, Liz looked at the ceiling, sighed and looked at Gray again.

“We’ll see what the doctor says. It’s just a bug that’s going around. When I’m back from my appointment, I’m going to indulge in a double espresso to make up for the caffeine you’re denying me!”

“You’re going to have to wait about seven or eight months for that espresso dear. You’re pregnant. How do you not see it? It’s so obvious.”

Sullenly she punched his broad chest. “Do you always have to take that tone with me? I was pregnant once already. Don’t you think I’d realize if I was again?”

“I adopt this tone with you only when you disagree with the obvious. So much for
realizing that you’re pregnant. It didn’t even cross your mind you could be in labor, even though you had contractions.”

“Are you going to start in on that again? How was I to know that what I thought was a backache, wasn’t, because that’s what it felt like, at least in the beginning. Besides, at that point, I still had a month to go before my due date. Anyone can make that mistake.”

“It wasn’t just a simple mistake. You had labor pains. Instead of telling me what was wrong, you stood next to Annie as if you had all the time in the world and waited until the ceremony was over.”

He still couldn’t believe the confusion she had caused when six months earlier—during John and Annie’s wedding—her water broke.

Betty had run around like a flushed chicken and Gray’s father-in-law, on one hand, was beside himself with joy; on the other hand, concerned because there wasn’t a doctor around. Of course, the doctor they had called didn’t get to them before the baby was born. Why should it be any different? So it was up to him, Gray, and Betty, who quickly regained her composure and her determined attitude, to help little Tony into the world. Luckily the birth had gone off without any problems, if you disregarded the names Liz had called him. Even Betty got red in the face at the colorful and thoroughly imaginative vocabulary she heard from Liz.

Gray had known exactly how to keep Liz moving when her strength began to wane. Namely, he adopted a tone of command she loathed. Mercilessly he had driven her. Stubbornly and in pain, Liz had struggled to bring their baby into the world. And when the doctor finally arrived, Tony was already lying wrapped in a fluffy blanket in Liz’s arms. He dozed peacefully after he had made his arrival known with a loud bawl.

The wedding and birth had happened six months ago. And Gray would see to it that their second child came into the world in a hospital.

When he said that to Liz and she again started to protest, he kissed her tenderly on the lips to nip it in the bud.

“It isn’t a bug, sweetheart. You’re clearly pregnant. And you can be damn sure I’m not going to allow something like what happened in your father’s house, to happen again. Even if I have to drag you to the doctor every day to play it safe that you aren’t having contractions.” He gave her a plate with two slices of toast and sat in the chair next to her, across from Jeff, who had been following the dispute.

Sullenly Liz picked at her breakfast and pushed the plate away. Gray put it in front of her again. “Eat that now, or you’ll only be sick again later.”

“I don’t want to!” She emphasized every single word, pushed the plate away again and challenged him with blazing eyes. Jeff hadn’t counted on what happened next, and certainly neither had Liz, judging by her surprised expression.

“Okay, sweetheart. How do you feel about making a deal?”

“What kind of deal?” she asked suspiciously because she wasn’t used to this approach.

“You eat the toast now.” When she immediately started to protest, he raised a hand and Liz closed her mouth. “Let me finish! You eat the toast down to the last crumb. Then we’ll go to the doctor. Either he’ll confirm my suspicion or he’ll refute it. If I’m right, you won’t touch a drop of coffee in the coming months and won’t even ask for one—except for maybe decaf. If I’m wrong, I’ll get you the largest, strongest espresso in the city.”

“And that’s the deal? I thought I’d get more out of it,” said Liz.

“Deal?” said Gray, smiling as he set the plate down in front of her again.

“Yes. I agree, although I had hoped for a larger reward.” She took one of the pieces of toast and shoved it into her mouth. When Tony suddenly woke up and began to wail, Furball vacated the area. Jeff leaned over and picked up his nephew.

“Whew! Someone badly needs a clean diaper!” he said softly and stood up. He went upstairs to the nursery with Tony in his arms. When he returned, Liz had disappeared from the kitchen, her plate still unfinished. “She didn’t stick to the agreement?”

Gray pointed toward the bathroom. “I’ll make sure she does. But from the looks of it, her stomach can’t tolerate even a little toast.”

“I believe you already have this little deal in your pocket.”

“I think so too. Would you watch Tony until we get back?”

“Of course! Do you even have to ask? We’re the best of buddies, isn’t that right, little man?” he directed the question at his nephew, who began to gurgle and thumped Jeff on the nose. “See, we understand each other.”

Gray laughed, kissed Tony’s forehead and checked on Liz who was pale as she came out of the bathroom. Without a word he led her out of the house and to the car.


An hour and a half later Liz left the treatment room and sighed. Gray set aside the newspaper he had been reading in the waiting room, stood up and walked toward her. “Well?”

“Let’s just say, in the next seven months, I won’t ask for coffee, except the occasional decaf,” she said, wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his head down to her. He laughed and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back.

His life was perfect. Together with his beautiful, intelligent, witty wife, he had a healthy, good-looking son. His marriage might be tumultuous, but he couldn’t imagine anything more wonderful, than his little skirmishes with Liz. And in the not too distant future he would get a little closer to his own personal goal: the Blackwood dozen.


The End

Dear Reader

Dear Reader,

I hope you’ve enjoyed book 2 of the Agent Lover Series,
Tamed by Love.


You are the reason I keep writing and I love feedback from my readers. Please write to me at [email protected] and tell me what you like and don’t like about the Agent Lovers Series. You can also visit me on my FaceBook page at


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Thank you so much for reading
Tamed by Love
and taking the time to review it or contact me about it.


Happy reading,

Harper Steen

Read more in:


Catching Love


Agent Lovers


by Harper Steen & Lesley Schuldt



Jeffrey Blackwood wanted to give up his job as a special agent and slow down. He only had to finish one last assignment, and it looked like a slam dunk. A quick trip to Mexico City to find, collect and bring his boss’s niece back home. Piece of cake … or so Jeff thought.

Everything changed the moment he came face to face with Lesley Townsend for the first time. The boss’s niece was determined to enjoy her freedom to the fullest and didn’t have any intention of dutifully following her “babysitter” back home.

Blackwood took chase. If she wanted fun, he would give it to her. Lesley needed to learn what it meant to have a hard-nosed agent on her heels. And he wouldn’t give up until he had what he wanted – the woman of his dreams in his arms, in his bed and with a ring on her finger...

Available in all major ebook stores!


Copyright © 2015 by Latos-Publishing

1st edition 2015

Editor: Girl Friday Productions

Translator: Lesley Schuldt

Cover Design: Grittany Design

Cover Image: © kiuikson – Fotolia.com, © rabbit75_fot – Fotolia.com

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