Tamed by Love (Agent Lovers Series Book 2) (25 page)

Read Tamed by Love (Agent Lovers Series Book 2) Online

Authors: Harper Steen,Lesley Schuldt

BOOK: Tamed by Love (Agent Lovers Series Book 2)
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“And what about here?” he asked, breathing just as heavily as he pushed deeply into her with a finger. She cried out and pressed her forehead against his shoulder.

“Especially there. Stop torturing me and do it!” she said and he finally showed her some compassion. Gray let go of her arms, pulled his hand out of her lap and grabbed her by the waist. Then he lifted her off of him and set her in a kneeling position on the bed. Quickly he got behind her and spread her legs wide. He guided his hard shaft into her and pushed his hips forward. He pushed into her unbelievably slowly and heard Liz gasp.

“Gray. Please!” He bent over her back, bit her gently on the shoulder, kissed her ear and reached for her hands. He released one after the other from the bed, pulled them up and put them on the dark, cold, metal bars at the head of the bed so her body was partially erect.

“Hold tight,” he whispered then pushed aside her hair and kissed her neck. He twined the other arm around her body and held her tightly while he pushed his hips slowly forward.

Liz clasped the bars, tilted her head back and closed her eyes as Gray pressed deeply into her. She moaned when his hands stroked her sensitive breasts, her stomach and her lower abdomen, and roamed farther down to the spot between her spread legs.

Gray’s fingers teased the sensitive flesh, found the small knob and rubbed it in an alluring rhythm to drive her to the peak of passion. She greeted each of his thrusts with a small sigh, which increased to a passionate moan, the closer she came to her climax.

When Liz tensed in his arms, cried out and her muscles jerked around his hot, hard, flesh, Gray paused, breathing heavily. His heart pounded and seemed to want to burst, as he savored the waves of her orgasm with closed eyes. When her tightness gradually eased, he grabbed her hair, turned her head slightly to the side, bent over and kissed her deeply. Still fully aroused he gasped, “That was just the beginning, dear. Do you want more?”

Instead of answering, she made small circular movements with her hips. That was more than enough for him. He grabbed her hands, pulled them from the bars and set them on the mattress again. Then he began to move inside her, pushed his hips forward in a slow, controlled motion while his hands explored her body. Gray stroked her back, across her shoulders, leaned forward and caressed her round breasts, rubbed the hard nipples with his thumbs and kissed Liz’s neck. His slow and restrained movements drove her over the edge. She arched her back against him and begged him in no uncertain terms to give her what she wanted.

“Take me, Gray!” she said, again poised to climax. “Lose control, and take me dammit!”

Gray sat up, grabbed her hair, pulled Liz’s head back and pushed forcefully into her so she moaned.

“Like this?” he said, penetrating her forcefully and deeply, still with his hands buried in her hair. “You want it like this?”

“Exactly like that, Gray!” she cried out and could hardly wait to feel him buried deep within her again. He was only too happy to grant her wish as he couldn’t hold himself back much longer anyway.

With a strong grip, he seized her hips and penetrated her fiercely. Her sighs incited him, drove him crazy and he increased his tempo more.

Liz’s breasts swung back and forth in the same rhythm as Gray’s thrusts and she sighed at the sensual feelings he released in her. It was unbelievably erotic how his testicles slapped gently against her swollen, sensitive flesh and stimulated her further. Softly Liz groaned as she felt another orgasm building and rising. Shivers permeated her body, she trembled and tensed. Her muscles contracted and drew him deeper into her.

Gray’s thrusts became more urgent. He took her almost brutally, to get his release after she had climaxed. His breathing was choppy, his heart pounded. He thrust his hips forward one last time, closed his eyes, threw his head back and moaned loudly as he poured into her.

He stayed in this position for several minutes, struggling for breath and realized with delight and satisfaction that Liz had climaxed a third time. Exhausted he sank to the bed with her in his arms, snuggled closely to her sweat-dampened back, still joined to Liz with his legs twisted in hers. Tenderly Gray kissed Liz on the shoulder, swept her hair aside and pressed his lips on her neck, over her racing pulse.

“Did you ever imagine such tender loving care?” he asked and laughed when she agreed with a catlike purr.

“Um hm.” Liz turned her head to the side, pressed a small kiss on the corner of his mouth and murmured, “That’s exactly how.” Then she shifted out of his embrace and turned around to him so she could look right at him. Liz ran her fingertips gently over his mouth. Dreamily she smiled at Gray and whispered, “I love you.”

She didn’t have to wait long for an answer. He closed her tightly in his arms, kissed the tip of her nose and enjoyed this precious moment of intimacy. Suddenly Liz shifted. She struggled intensely and tried to shove him from her.

“What is it?” Confused, Gray partially sat up, looked down at her and was horrified. All of a sudden she turned pale. He let go of her and sat up with a jerk. “Liz?” he asked fearfully, concerned that he had maybe hurt her or could have injured the baby with their rough lovemaking.

But she didn’t answer, rather jumped off the bed, held a hand to her mouth and disappeared into the bathroom. Gray quickly followed her and found her bent over the toilet. He bent down, swept the hair out of her face and held it back while she threw up.

After her stomach had calmed down, he helped Liz up and asked her, “Was that my fault? Was I too rough?” He looked uncertainly at her face, which was slowly beginning to regain some color. She smiled faintly and shook her head.

“Don’t worry. That didn’t have anything to do with it.” Liz rinsed out her mouth and said, “I think I need another shower now.”

“But not alone!” said Gray, still concerned. Then he opened the shower door, turned the faucets on and checked the stream so she wouldn’t be scalded. Without paying any attention to her objections, he pushed her into the stall and followed her.

“And what do you think will happen if we’re both in here?” she said as she stroked his chest seductively, while the refreshing water ran over her body.

“Certainly not what you have in mind.” Even though Gray adopted a gentle tone, it wasn’t any less decisive. Liz purred when he began to lather her body. She snuggled up to him, pressed against his hands, let her own wander over his powerful chest and tried to persuade him. But Gray held her wrists tightly, pulled them from his body and looked at her seriously. “Stop that! I won’t take you inside here so soon after you were sick.”

“But I feel fine.”

“Obviously not! Otherwise you wouldn’t have thrown up. As soon as we’ve had breakfast, I’m taking you to the doctor so he can examine you. Something isn’t right.” He wouldn’t tolerate any dissent.

“I’m fine, Gray. I don’t need a doctor. And let me go. I want to touch you.”

He let go of her wrists, blinked, and looked at her doubtfully. Then he raised both hands and showed her how they trembled. “You scared the hell out of me.”

Liz looked from his hands to his face and put her hand on his cheek, a slight smile coming over her. “Then you should brace yourself for me to scare you more often like this. It’s pretty common for pregnant women to have morning sickness. I’m fine. Really.” She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him. “I’m wondering how you’ll react at the birth if you act so crazy at something as mundane as this.” Then she giggled at his shocked expression, kissed him again and got out of the shower. She closed the door behind her and reached for a towel.

Gray watched as she dried off and tried to get his feelings under control again. Liz was right. If he already went crazy when she got sick, he would probably go postal at the birth. The doctor would undoubtedly have to give him some kind of a shot to calm him so he could stand by her. Just great! If Jeff knew that, he would laugh himself silly because his usually unflappable brother showed such weakness. Inwardly he cursed the negative phenomena that pregnancy brought with it and hated that it was Liz who suffered, because he knew, he would rather die a thousand times than watch her in pain. Gray turned the water to cold and shivered. He needed the cold to brace against his desire to ravage Liz again.




With the towel wrapped around his hips, Gray joined Liz in the bedroom a few minutes later. Liz sat cross-legged on the bed, the sheet draped loosely around her body with the tray in front of her. She patted the mattress next to her. “Will you come to bed again? For breakfast.” She could imagine what had been going through his mind over the past few minutes. He would try to keep his distance from her. But Gray hadn’t counted on her. She smiled at him, already envisioning how she would seduce him again.

Quickly she looked at the tray to hide the desire she felt. She acted like she was looking for another strawberry. With two fingers, she grabbed one of the larger pieces of fruit and looked at him innocently.

Gray sat next to her and made sure he didn’t get too close. The towel had given way to a bathrobe with its belt tightly knotted. As if a silly knot would keep her from getting what she wanted.

“Do you feel better?” she asked.

She was asking him? Apparently she had forgotten who had their head in the toilet, or she wanted to tease him. That was just like her. But he wouldn’t fall for that, because then she would be lying on her back within minutes with him as her blanket. And he wanted to prevent that, at least until he was absolutely certain she was okay. “Splendid!” he said, reached for a roll, cut it and smeared it with honey. Gray gulped, because it reminded him of what Liz had done earlier with the honey. Furtively he peeked at his wife who was noisily licking the strawberry juice running down her fingers. Her tongue moved over her full lower lip. Pure temptation.

“Mmm. Really delicious. You truly made this with love.”

Gray broke into a sweat and regretted he hadn’t stood under the ice-cold shower longer. Resolutely he put down the knife and looked at her. “Stop trying to seduce me, Liz! I won’t sleep with you until I’m sure everything’s okay.”

“Of course! If that’s what you want.”

He had expected resistance. But what the hell! She seemed to understand and that alone counted. Letting his guard down, he changed his position and sat right across from her.

Together they ate breakfast, during which Liz told him everything she and Jennifer had learned from the two prisoners the day before. And again the feeling crept over him that there was something they hadn’t thought about. It was the same feeling he had the morning Jeff had told him the news. They were overlooking something. But what?

Eddie T. The name was familiar, even though none of the people who had access to the information had that name. He decided he would worry about this later and blocked it out for now. At present, he wanted to be with Liz. She had to take it easy and he would see to that.

Liz peeked over the edge of her cup of tea and watched Gray’s facial expression. Aha! He had temporarily shelved the topic of “Eddie” and turned to her. And it was time to prove to him how weak his will was when it came to her. She bit back a grin and stretched after she had put the empty cup back on the tray. “I think I should sleep a little more,” she said and added in her mind:
with you.
Then she took the tray, set it on the small table next to the bed and snuggled into the pillows. “Will you keep me company?”

He couldn’t resist her pleading look. Besides, there wasn’t anything wrong with taking holding her. Gray lay down next to Liz, kissed her forehead and nestled his cheek against the crown of her head. Then he closed his eyes and relaxed. When he felt her hand under the bathrobe, he yanked it up again and tried to get out of her reach.

“Liz!” he said and slid away from her. His penis had gone erect again. “I told you I won’t sleep with you now and I mean it. You need rest. So leave your hands where they are!” When he saw her smile, he quickly corrected himself. “I don’t mean under my bathrobe.”


“Yes. Really.” Gray slid further back toward the edge of the bed. Just a little more and with a shocked cry, he rolled off the bed and landed on the thick carpeting.

Before he could react, Liz sat naked on him, opened the thick, fluffy bathrobe and took him deeply into her.

“Don’t Liz” he begged, closed his eyes, and began to thrust his hips against her.

“Oh yes! I want you and what a pregnant woman wants, she gets. Take note of that!” Then her hips circled more powerfully, she undid the belt on his bathrobe, and took it off him. Liz caressed his chest, leaned over and pressed her mouth against his. Only too willingly, Gray got carried away and he plunged deeply into her. He needed her.




Hours later they again lay in bed and this time Liz really did sleep. She lay on her side, her face turned toward him, her legs drawn up as usual. Pensively Gray watched her sleep, his head propped on the palm of his hand and he swept a meddlesome strand of hair out of her face. After she had basically convinced him that she was feeling great, he was only too happy to be seduced by her. And he had enjoyed every second. Gray had never thought Liz would be so insatiable when she was pregnant. And it made him so happy. Not, that she had been anything else before. Not that. But now she seemed to get tired more quickly and he knew why that was.

He had intended to handle her more carefully to keep her happy. Obviously, however, he had to endure her whims under other circumstances. Smiling he reminded himself that she could still very well change when her body began to become more rounded, her stomach bulged more visibly and she wasn’t as flexible anymore. And that would stick in her craw with a vengeance.

But that was alright by him too. Gray had already pictured to a T how he could take her mind off things in the later stages of pregnancy. In fact, he couldn’t wait to see how his child grew in her. If only the moment of birth and the hours beforehand weren’t full of pain he really couldn’t help her with. Together they would weather these hard times. Gray leaned over and kissed his wife gently on the forehead. Then he slid closer to her, put his arm around her body and fell asleep.

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