Taming Texanna (17 page)

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Authors: Alyssa Bailey

BOOK: Taming Texanna
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As she laid snuggled up to Colton, she could now say he had been right. She loved what he did to her and here he was again, asking for more. She gave him more, and she accepted more of his teasing and enticing caresses. When her nips, as he called them, were so taut they hurt, and her pulsing button was stiff with yet another aching need to release, she moaned as he moved between her legs, bringing them up to reside on his shoulders. Opening her wider for easier access, he brought his finger into her flooding nectar and carried it down instead of back up to her button.

This was a new direction, and she was already slick again with sweat and her juices. Where else could he go?

“No. No, you can’t. Colton, it is wrong, you can’t touch me there.”

“Texanna, I’m your husband and in our bed, nothing is forbidden.” He began to remove her hands from his forearms. “Let go and lie down. I’ll make it satisfying for you, I promise. I have been truthful so far.”

“It isn’t right. It will hurt.”

His answer was to continue to hold her hands away and then lean down to kiss her nips, to suckle slowly and deliberately as he brought his other hand back to her quim. Anna felt him as he traced down until he found her little brown starflower and circled it with her juices. She wanted to stop him, but he wouldn’t allow it and stretching her legs up higher to lie one on each shoulder, he leaned forward taking them with him as he moved. Colton leaned down to kiss her and slapped the back of her thigh, rubbing with one hand as he brought his finger back down to her starred entrance. Her tummy was tingling as her body flushed with the rise in her excitement.

He pressed at the entrance of her brown star and then he slipped in, stilling for a moment and then slowly worked his way deeper. Finally, he began to mimic the in and out motion of his manhood, when in her cunny. As the pressure of the strangeness of his entering her backside and his tweaking of her breasts was bringing her higher, he released her nip and brought his hand to touch her on that vibrating spot. The violence she felt in her completion was almost overwhelming.

He entered her channel swiftly adding to the burning bliss she felt in the back by adding a second finger. She ached and moaned with the pain and incredibly good feeling from the next slap on her thigh, followed by the tweak of his mouth on her breasts and the movement in her cunny as well as her darkly private hole. She could feel the trickle of heated fluid from his manhood and heard the grunt of his need discharged as a gun. She cried out her loss of control and was lost in the flood of sensation overwhelming her senses.

Exhausted yet sated, she fell back asleep in his arms. The next waking was to an empty room and bacon sizzling in a hot pan with a teasing scent calling like a siren to any still sleeping, to come to breakfast. Texanna moved and let out a moan. She was so very sore she was not sure she could get up easily. She wondered if this is what love was about or was what they experienced just to satisfy the body. She knew she wasn’t knowledgeable but she prayed there was more to this physical thing.

She looked over at the refilled tin buckets near the fire and gave herself a pep talk. There were guests, and she never heard what the plan was, or how things would work today or anything else for that matter. Besides, she would have to get up to get to the warm, soothing water so she purposed to get out of the warmth of the comfortable bed. She rolled over with another aching whimper and sat up.

Carefully, she slid her sore body out of bed and stood up on the cold wood floor. She walked naked over to the chamberpot so she could relieve herself. Done, she was reaching for her gown to cover her nakedness, reassured the door was closed solidly when in walked Colton, whistling. She clutched tighter to the nightgown in her surprise before responding caustically.

“Sure you’re happy, I bet you’re not sore a bit.”

“Fortunately, you’re right for I have brought you breakfast in bed, my sweet wife and as you eat, I’ll bring you more hot water for a long soak. You will feel so much better.”

She stood and hastily tossed her gown on her body as she walked toward Colton, who laughed and swatted her bottom just as the material fell over it.

“I have seen you, Texanna, all of you. Why are you covering up?”

“I have some modesty and I would like to keep it.”

“Fine with me but don’t think it will stop me from tasting your sweetness whenever I can. I prefer it without the cloth covering, but I can do it with it just as well.” He leaned down and kissed his bride with confidence creating a growing hunger in her.

Texanna groaned. Her body had already surrendered to her husband but he seemed determined to make her feel good before allowing her a bath. She decided she would be hungry for more than her breakfast soon but prayed he wouldn’t enter her again until her soreness was gone. “Please, Colton, I’m so very sore.”

“I know, baby, I just need a touch and taste. I won’t come inside. Pia gave me some herbs and salts to steam in the water before pouring it in the bathtub. See, I have already brought the tub into the room. Here, eat your breakfast.” He settled her plate on her lap after he settled her on the bed and he waited for his bride to begin eating. As she put the fluffy eggs in her mouth, he went under the covers.

“What are you doing?” she asked trying not to spit out her breakfast on the quilt. I still think that this is most likely sinful.” She said with her mouth still partially full. “And it is morning,” She whispered urgently for him to hear her. “It’s light out.” She frantically tried to keep herself covered and even looked to the door while trying to push him away from her muff. What must he be thinking to try to touch her in the brightness of the day? Surely wives and husbands only touched under the cover of darkness.

“There is nothing we do wrong in our marriage bed if we both agree to it. And I’m having my second helping of breakfast. You have your first helping. I’ll just occupy myself with this second taste.” She started to squeal and giggle. “And Texanna?”

“Hmm?” she responded trying to swallow the mouthful of egg quickly and not spew it everywhere but choked and had to drink plenty of coffee to clear her throat. He was definitely the devil incarnate.

“The children are up.”

He laughed as she screeched her alarm. He waited until she was breathing normally again before returning to his treat of pink bits now swimming in honey, his second breakfast.

“Oh, Colton McFadden, you’re pure evil.”

“Well, hold on a minute and let me see if I can redeem myself.”

Squirms, sighs, giggles, and moans were all muffled for fear of being heard, as Colton did just that.


Chapter Nine

A week after she became a married woman, Texanna woke to find her husband gone into town early. Colt said the judge would be back today and the new courthouse would be ready to move into as well. She knew that he was more than ready to get his own space again. Not that he minded sharing with the sheriff evidently, but the prisoners were smelling the place up. She laughed at his facial expression. He was rather cute, really, for a large, self-assured man.

Because of Colt’s earlier than normal morning,  she didn’t get the chance to ask him if she could drive the wagon, but she figured he wouldn’t mind. She didn’t have a lot of experience handling a team but enough to manage. She had a list of provisions she needed to purchase and would stop and ask her husband for anything he needed before heading over to the Josephs to help with the baking for the social. Colton had said he had an account at the mercantile on this end of town so she would go there. Since Pia and Kaku were not socializers, for reasons her husband had explained but she wasn’t happy about, she’d decided to bake and then take away from the house would rude. She would bake extra and bring the extra home to share. She was happier with that outcome.

Her self-created morning chore list completed and the children set with their mother who seemed better than she had since arriving, Texanna decided she was ready to go. On her way to change, she stopped to watch Nada play and cuddle her children. Texanna longed to be able to do that someday. Nada smiled and her face lit up. Such a beautiful woman and mother. With a sigh, Texanna left the room.

She decided to change into her visiting company clothes and cleaned up before going out to the wagon. With Mark’s help, the team was hitched. He then assisted her to climb into the wagon and handed her the reins. As she left, she wondered what Mark did all day for he was rarely indoors. Men find things I guess, she told herself as she carefully left the property.

She had not driven a team in a while and it took a few moments to orient herself again. It was a well-established path once she came up from the property so she was soon rattling along without having to straddle any potholes. The rain had brought enough mud to make it difficult in some places, but Colton had a good team, and they didn’t falter. Driving them carefully, she arrived in town with the sun at her back and the mercantile ahead.

She had decided to get her dry goods taken care of first since the sun was high and hot without a sign of rain. Then she would see if her husband would like to take his wife to get a little lunch at Mae’s. She was singing a cute ditty before she walked into the pleasantly warm and bright store. Texanna was greeted by several women, and one woman asked her how married life was going. Texanna’s face turned bright red, and she mumbled something about it being wonderful and completed her order before turning around.

“I hear tell you married that handsome marshal, Texanna. Is it true?”

“Yes,” she answered in a subdued way but feeling her heart pound. They thought her husband was handsome. It was even possible that they thought she had made a good catch.

“Yeah, well too bad he’s a half-breed. I’m shocked your pa let you marry him.”

“Oh, didn’t you hear, her pa set it up. Texanna, did the marshal actually spank you?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Colton wanted to marry me and Pa agreed. That is all there is to it. Just ask him yourself if you don’t believe me. But I might not do it if he’s in a mood. He’ll scalp you.” Texanna laughed a kind of painful laugh at the sick joke, and her stomach felt tight for using her husband’s stout heritage as a tease.

“Yeah, Betsy,” said the woman standing next to Texanna, “or he might spank you!” The women thought that a better joke and laughed with lightly veiled sarcasm.

“Girls, I have to go now. I’m going to go to lunch with my husband, and then I need to drive home to cook supper soon.” She made sure they heard the distinction between her married self and the unmarried women by calling them girls when they were her contemporaries in age.

“Uh, okay. See you.” The girls either didn’t hear the jab or didn’t know how to react and so Texanna left before they had time to think about it.

Chastising herself over her terrible words about her husband and the women, she knew if it got back to him, he would be hurt. She would rather be standing for dinners than hurt his feelings. She knew he'd been able to see something was wrong if she kept thinking on it but her guilt was strong.The very fact that she was trying to stop from telling caused her to think of nothing else. It was no use. She pulled up in front of the recently built courthouse, where her husband had his new office and went in for the first time.

It possessed a grand entryway and looked vitally important. She asked for where Colton had his office and was directed to the end of the hall. She peeked in. Nope, no Colton. She wandered around his office for a bit longer before stepping out into the hallway again. A different clerk saw her and asked if he could help her.

“Yes, I’m looking for my husband, Marshal McFadden.”

She shook her full mane of thick auburn hair and enjoyed watching the man stutter for a quick moment before gaining control again. When had she become a tease? It must have been the confidence she felt as Mrs. Colton McFadden.

“Oh, well you just missed him. A woman came to fetch him for lunch. If you want to catch them, they haven’t been gone long too. I think they mentioned Mae’s because the marshal likes to eat there.”

The man was as innocent and guileless as he could be, thought Texanna, to tell a man’s wife that her husband went to lunch with another woman unless it was a relative. Texanna gathered her things and put on her coat again. Mae’s was just a few buildings away so she decided to walk. She left her wagon hitched to the post and made her way down to the well-populated café. As she approached, she saw the back of Colton’s head leaning across the table and looked to see the companion he had.

Colton’s hand was on that woman’s and he was patting it. Not wonderful but not terrible either. Colt had a soft heart sometimes, so maybe there was a reason, a real good reason. She got a better look at the woman and saw she was older than Colton but not a great deal older. Not like elderly aunt older, with a comely look about her. Pleasant.

Then as Texanna was pulling open the door, she saw him lean in and kiss the woman’s cheek. Now there was going to be trouble. Colt didn’t have a sister and his mother was at home so there was not going to be a good reason to kiss another woman, in public, while holding her hand, that she was going to be satisfied with and that was the truth.

She swung around quickly, and her hair caught her in the face, causing her to stumble and hit the partially open door head on. She was so furious and emotionally hurt that the physical pain of the impact didn’t register. Texanna grabbed the handle and swung it wide, desperate to get away from the scene. In her frantic attempt to leave, blinded by tears she couldn’t stem, the momentum she created made the door hit the outside wall and then crash as it was slammed closed on the return swing. Colton turned and saw what he thought was the back of his wife and stood to be sure.

“Yep,” he answered the woman he was with, “that little hellion, running for all she’s worth across the road in a rage, is my Texanna. She’s hot and going to get hotter when I catch her.” He tipped his hat to his lunch companion, dropped money on the table, and left out after his wife. His companion’s laughter could be heard following him as he strode out the door.

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