Taming Texanna (26 page)

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Authors: Alyssa Bailey

BOOK: Taming Texanna
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Texanna turned her head toward her husband and seemed mortified and even disbelieving of his words.

“I know you love me, Colton. I… I just am not sure if I understand it.” Her words were hesitant and yet boldly honest.

“I understand, sweetheart. It is hard for you to believe that I love you with the type of love that will be here until we go on to glory and beyond. Therefore, you felt justified in testing me. When I didn’t do as you expected, you seemed to decide that meant you needed to bolt.”

His hand, that had been methodically tattooing her bottom in military precision, changed its beat to consistent slaps over her whole spanking terrain. Her distress was more audible and her breathing was increasing. “And before you say you didn’t know the motivation, you knew it was disobeying me.” He slapped her upper thighs then shifted her to expose her tender sit spots.

“Finally,” punctuating his words now with spanks, “when you got absolutely nothing from me, no response, you took it to be a confirmation of my lack of love or staying power because I didn’t immediately back up what I had said.” The slaps were back to the three in one spot. Texanna was leaking tears now without restraint. Her previous training of not throwing her hands back prevented her covering her bottom but not from twisting some to get away from the torment raining on it.

“I didn’t take you in hand right after this morning’s defiance. That was a mistake. I will not make that mistake again. And if you know what is good for you, neither will you.”

He stopped to rub her cherry red bottom. He soothed her hot nates as he continued. “I will respond to your cries for attention or reassurances with whatever means are best at the time; a spanking, a hug, or more.” He leaned down to kiss her red hot cheeks and then pulled up in chastisement. He could not confuse the punishment with the physical loving.

As he soothed her bottom, she became more in control of her crying. “I know you love me. I just need to be shown. It’s hard for me to think you will be with me forever. No one has been with me forever.” Several sobs released their energy before she could continue. “I still think you could leave even if I say I trust you. It is because I trust that
believe you won’t abandon me, but it could still happen.”

He had moved to soothing the small of her back as she spoke. He continued. “Well, I am going to show you today that this is how it will always be. From now on, I am not going to try to analyze why you run away. I will discipline first, figure it out later.” He stood her up to stand between his legs. Reaching up, he wiped her tears gently before saying, “Save your tears for your final payment dear.” He watched the love of his life wipe at her tears, trying to dry them up.

“Now, you know you’re getting a spanking, right?”

She looked at her husband incredulously. “You already spanked me.”

“No,” he shook his head, “I warmed you up.”

Texanna’s head snapped up and she said, “Again? Why do you always have to ask me that? Yes, all right, I knew you were going to spank me and now I know you are going to do it, again,” she blustered.

Colton raised his eyebrows at the sassiness of his woman in the face of some substantial penalties. “Sure you want to speak to me like that right now?”

“No.” She sighed, chastised and repentant. “I’m sorry.”

He nodded as he saw her sink her head low, her hands having picked up the worrying of her skirt again. He placed his hand on hers, bringing the antsy fingers to his lips before replacing them at her sides and moving her two steps back. Then he slapped his hands on his legs and his behavior was all business now. He stood up and moved her to the side of where she had been over his lap.

Colton strode over to the strap he had hanging on the tack wall. He’d placed it on the table but since she had not raised her head, he didn’t know if she saw it. Next, he gathered the new wooden plug he had finished carving and varnishing this week for the next size up in his training of her brown rosette that he adored so much. Colt knew she loved the play at her back door but with its addition and no sanguinities of sexual satisfaction would make this the punishment he intended it to be. Next, Colt reached over into his carving toolbox and pulled out a lovely, well-varnished and carved paddle that he had also newly made especially for such occasions. It was shaped a bit like the larger canoe paddles he carved when he needed winter entertainment.

“Texanna Rae McFadden, you have been very disobedient and I am not going to have you breaking my rules because you are mad at me and don’t know how to discuss your feelings with your husband. I am going to finish my discussion talking to your bottom. Now kick off your drawers and toss your skirt up then lay across the bale.”

She stood watching him, not leaning over as instructed. He reached over and grabbed a leather cord he had at the ready. He reached for her hands and after a moment of wide-eyed processing, mouth gaping open, Texanna gave her hands to him. She watched as he secured them together, laid her over the bale and placed her hands over her head so that she did not get them in the way. He tossed her skirts up and smiled as he saw her rub her inner thighs together like a praying mantis. Colt was sure she was praying, as well as rubbing the ache. Her bared pink bottom was on display and he had to remember the reason she needed this spanking, not what he wanted to do with her cheeks once again on display. God, he loved this woman.

“Do I need to secure your legs or can you stay where I have you?” He used a gruff tone to prepare both of them for this heaviest of spankings to date.

Trembling words answered, “Will I need it?”

Her tenuous voice was almost his undoing but he said more tenderly, “No, honey, I don’t think so. Now no talking while you are paying for your transgressions today. You have earned every bit of this.”

She nodded her head, took a deep cleansing breath, and then let it out. Colton took that as his cue. “I am starting with my hand.”

The spanking began again slowly. His hand landed solidly on her bottom for one, two, three slaps. He didn’t worry about the chill in the air because she would be pretty fired up soon. Texanna had done really well with the hand spanking earlier and now, with these three swats, she went up on her toes and whimpered but she wasn’t trying to stand up or move.

“I’m proud of you, baby. Now I think the warm up and these last ones take care of this morning’s disobedience. Next, we are going to take care of riding into town without me or letting anyone know. That is two acts of defiance and this is two acts of punishment.”

Colton went to gather the wooden plug and the grease.

“This is because of the pain it causes my heart when you don’t take me at my word and you disobey me.”

Colt lightly coated the very tip of the toy as he chastised, laying it on his handkerchief next to Texanna so she would be able to see it if she looked. He saw her glance over but to her credit, other than taking a few shaky breaths, said nothing. He was proud of her.

“And then if you add to that, my seeing gift of the spirit eye. It makes me restless if you are doing something dangerous.”

Colt then reached down to coat her bottom hole with her own juices he knew would be waiting for him. His little wood sprite was becoming aroused even if she was also repentant. He ran his finger around and then in her little rosette to her loud intake of breath.

When he didn’t hear her exhale, he instructed her, “Breathe, baby.” She did.

He continued as he began to seat the plug. “Or like today when you were in danger, because I feel so in tune with you, I am distracted or worry often.”

The deeper in love he fell, the more connected he found himself. Unfortunately, with Texanna as his wife, it could make for a stressful day. He hoped he would be able to come to a place of familiarity and better discernment of the feelings he got. Colton expected, as his Kaku had instructed him, that he would be able to know if it was a danger that niggled at his insides. He hoped he would soon be able to tell if his gut was rolling over real danger or his wife's naughtiness.

He played a bit longer and then slowly but persistently pushed the plug into the brown flower’s center only to pull it out of that tight opening. Texanna screeched. Colton continued to talk as he pulled it in and out of her tight opening. He pushed in, “I am almost in pain with the fear of you coming to harm.”

He pulled it out. He lectured as he repeated the in and out motion several more times, emphasizing the pain of the fear of losing her. He pushed further and further into her bottom hole. He took his time, enjoying the heat from her scorched ass. He didn't want to hurt her, just teach her that he was not going to put up with the behavior of today. He knew it was a bit painful at its broadest section, and he held it there purposely for that reason.

“Ow, ow, ow. Colton, please it hurts.”

“You need to understand that blatant disobedience calls for painfully brazen punishment. And I want you to remember that you cause pain when you are reckless.”

“Push out, Texanna.” Once fully ensconced, Colt spanked the area right over the plug several times. His little hellion whined, clueing him to continue with the second part of her punishment.

“That was for the deception and sneaking off. This is for going where I said you should not go without an excellent reason to disobey me.”

Colt unbuckled his belt, creating as much sound as he could to raise her anxiety a bit and then had it swish with a flourish as he pulled it from the loops of his pants. She whimpered at the sound and he knew that was part of the punishment. He assessed his playing field and took a swing. He pulled his strength not intending to do more than punish. He would never use even half of his strength with her because there was no need.

The leather cut through the air smacking her upturned, heated and reddened bottom. She wailed and bounced her discomfort and he waited until she could settle again. He landed a perfect stripe on her backside, over the plug. Texanna bent her legs and bounced again for a moment before getting back into place and just as she did, he painted the next line. When he had recolored her cheeks to heighten their brilliance, her whines and squeaks were coming louder.

He had laid eight well-placed lines, as straight as he could get them given the moving target she was presenting. “Two more, baby. Hold still.” The last two were met with more than moans and bouncing.

Texanna burst out crying. “I’m sorry. I was wrong. I promise to listen to you when you are trying to protect me!” Colton stopped and rethreaded his belt back through his loops.

“Take a minute, honey. Are you doing all right?”

He began rubbing her back as he ran his hand over her skin, as well as checking her overall well-being. Colt then had to give himself another talking to about the need to keep her safe. He wanted to take her in his arms and end the session, but they weren’t finished with the punishment yet.


Texanna thought she was going to die. Oh, merciful heavens, she had thought that she was going to expire on the last two belt swings. Even now, when he was taking a break, she didn’t need him to tell her that he was not done. He had not addressed the town behavior and she didn’t know what else he would use but it would not be good. The strikes over the plug were, at first, uncomfortable and then tingly nice until he laid the last few that felt as though he was taking her skin with the belt and the tingly feeling was no longer there, she was blazing all over her bottom area.

“How are you holding up, baby?”

“I hurt.”

“You should hurt for your crazy notions and actions today. You could have been really hurt or dead from running off today. This is nothing compared to that,” Colt’s tone broke her heart. She knew he was right. “Now, we’re going to address the being in town and wandering the streets alone after I asked you to stay put.”

Out came a wooden paddle and it was obvious that her husband was a good craftsman because there was an intricately carved ornate handle and the wood was covered in leather. She didn’t know how that would feel but nothing would feel comfortable, of that she had no doubt, especially over her already warmed bottom. The paddle was shaped just like a boat paddle and she knew it would cover the whole of her bottom with each wallop that fell, but if they were moving on, maybe he would remove the bottom toy.

“Can you take out—?”

“Nope. Six with the paddle. Here it comes, settle yourself.”

He tapped her bottom a few times and then that evil paddle landed on her lower cheeks covering both quite efficiently. Texanna shot up with a loud yell that filled the barn and threatened to reach the house. Colton stopped paddling her and left her side, which was more unnerving than the spanking. He returned quickly and brought a clean cloth for her mouth. At first, she resisted, but when it looked like he would take it away, she knew he wasn’t forcing it on her. He was offering it to her. She accepted it.

“Scream all you want, honey. I know I am getting to you, now.”  Colton quickly laid the paddle again, and again, she yelled in discomfort.  It felt like coals on paper. It started with a slow burn and then her rear ignited.

“When I learned you left without telling anyone, I don’t think I have ever been so mad at you. The anger I felt when I knew you had sneaked out of the barn like a thief stealing the love of my life. I arrest men who do that because they are usually up to no good. For my wife who does it, it is certain she is up to mischief and she will get worn out every time.”

He reached over and removed the cloth.

“Oh, please, I am so sorry.” She breathed hard. “Colton, I never thought of this. I didn’t think that you would take it personally. I was just confused. I needed... you. I needed away, just away. I’m crying and hurting and I get it. Why don’t you think it’s enough?”

The leather on her wrists and the cloth in her mouth in some odd way made her feel secure and oddly, safe. When he removed the cloth, she felt a loss of his care in a way. She figured he wouldn’t want to keep her long subdued unnaturally. She had learned things like that unsettled him usually. He was also telling her, in his own way, that she needed to control her own responses. It was what he had tried to teach her before but she was too stubborn to listen. With new understanding, she did her best to put her noise in crying, not yelling with each contact of the wood on her sore nates. She felt she was in a wildfire with licks of flames biting at her bottom but after six swings of the paddle, Colton was done.

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