Taming the Boss Lady [Masters of Submission 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (11 page)

BOOK: Taming the Boss Lady [Masters of Submission 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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Chapter Fifteen


With her head turned to one side so she could breathe, Kelly’s beautiful raven hair spilled over the duvet. Matthew growled in her ear. “Never make the mistake of underestimating your Master.” He looked down into her silver eyes, which were hooded and half closed.

“Yes…Master Matthew.” She barely whimpered the word—“please”—as he began spearing her pussy with his prick. Her head tipped back, and her lips parted with a deep, glorious sigh as he slid fully inside her. Impaled by his length, she squirmed with obvious pleasure beneath him, making his cock harder still.

As he increased the pace, he rumbled in her ear, “It’s clear you need a firm hand.” He closed his eyes, realizing what a lucky guy he was to be in this position with a woman as beautiful and intelligent as Kelly. Her cunt was so deliciously wet and tight. He needed to concentrate.

“Yes…oh yes,” she mewed, as she tried to twist her face fully to his. Savoring her sexy words, Matthew held her hands even tighter above her head, controlling her movements. Mastering her, he powered his length inside her with unrelenting vigor.

Kelly’s tight pussy squeezed his prick in a viselike grip, until he felt as though he’d entered heaven. His words were breathy and urgent. “I’m gonna train you to be even more obedient. As my sub, it’s your duty to bend to my will. I think another flogging is in order, but next time”—he dipped down and kissed the back of her neck, licking the tender flesh up to her ear, savoring her taste and the way she felt beneath him—“next time, I’ll bind you so fucking tightly, you won’t be able to move at all. Understand?”


His words aroused her further, causing her to writhe, twist, and undulate beneath his weight. She panted uncontrollably, and her elegant fingers flexed as she tried in vain to move. Taking total control, he gripped her hands even more tightly with his own. Looking down between their perspiration-soaked bodies, he took immense pride in his achingly hard cock as he pistoned in and out of her. Now covered with her feminine juices, he watched in awe as it disappeared from view between her creamy buttocks.

Feeling all-powerful, he menacingly whispered in her ear, “You might be the great Kelly McCloud in the boardroom, but never forget you belong to me.” Matthew nipped her shoulder twice with his teeth, marking her as his. “You’re mine, whenever, and however I want.”

His words had the desired effect, because she responded by gripping his cock even tighter with her pussy. She whispered through barely parted lips, “Yes…I’m yours.”

Kelly’s raven black hair, combined with her creamy porcelain skin and striking silver eyes, simply took his breath away. She was beautiful beyond compare. He’d make her his. He’d coax the spirited woman to the surface, and insist she surrender all power to him.

Realization suddenly dawned.
I can’t let this woman disappear from my life. I want her—all of her. I want to own every last beautiful inch of her.

Taking hold of both her hands with one of his own, Matthew slid his other hand under her belly and teased a finger over her engorged nub. The clit torture he’d administered earlier had made it supersensitive. Her body writhed ferociously in response to his touch. Matthew knew he was driving her crazy with sexual longing when she turned her head and buried her face in the duvet. Her gorgeous raven hair spilled over her shoulders as he took what was rightfully his. “Please, Master Matthew, please,” her muffled reply came back.

When he’d entered the dungeon, he’d intended to show Kelly that her status and wealth meant nothing to him. He was the Master and she was the sub—end of story. But instead he’d learned a lesson of his own. Kelly was a woman with hidden depths, a wonderful, responsive woman. He figured he’d only just scratched the surface of what she was truly capable of. It was obvious to him that she needed this kind of play as a release from the tremendous work pressures she put herself under. Heading McCloud Energy, and being in charge of so many employees, must be incredibly stressful for a woman on her own.

Feeling like the luckiest guy alive, he pumped harder and faster. When a soul-searching moan came from deep within her before escaping her lips, he knew she was close to letting go, big time.

He teased a finger over her clitoris once again, and she started to come apart right before his very eyes. Her body vibrated and pulsed beneath him. Her sexual spasms were so powerful that this slightly built woman was able to push against and move his two-hundred-and-twenty-pound weight. The incredible undulations pulsed right down to her pussy, which squeezed his cock, milking it as though her life depended on it.

“Dear God…Dear God, oh…my…God.”

“That’s it, my princess. Your Master knows exactly what you need.”

He held her tighter, loving and adoring the woman beneath him, then pumped his shaft inside her one final time. A deep, guttural groan roared from his throat as he reared up and rose above her. A surge of pure pleasure forced its way up his prick and exploded as he jerked his seed inside her with unstoppable force.


* * * *


Kelly lay supine on the bed, feeling totally dazed and spent. Having lost count of how many orgasms she’d enjoyed, she was now experiencing a wonderful deep relaxation, something which had been in short supply recently. When Matthew lifted his weight from her back, she couldn’t help but make a small animal noise in protest.

He gently kissed her between the shoulder blades. “Don’t worry, I’m not leaving you, princess.”

She watched him sit on the edge of the bed and yank the leather cowboy boots from his feet. He pulled down his leather pants and threw them to one side. Standing before her, totally naked and utterly magnificent, he asked, “How do you feel?”

Kelly yawned, a wonderful yawn made up of pure relaxation. “So sleepy, I can’t move a dammed inch.” The flogging had seriously turned her on. She stretched lazily on the bed and let out a long, soft moan. Just remembering the scene made her pussy tighten deliciously with pleasure.

He laughed, a laugh she loved, before leaning over her and smiling into her eyes. “Then allow me, pretty lady.” Matthew gently scooped her into his arms and began carrying her toward the bathroom. Her heart did a double flip when he looked at her in that way of his—all primal and alpha male.

“Mmm, this is nice,” she murmured, dreamily. Totally relaxed, she snuggled into his embrace. Kelly couldn’t resist curling her fingers around his strong, powerful neck, teasing the strands of dark brown hair that fell across the back of her hand.

He gently placed her on the tiled floor in the impressive, purpose-built wet room, then switched on the power. Water immediately gushed from three massive chromed showerheads. Matthew ducked under the torrent, and shook his head, sending sparkling droplets of water flying in every direction. She watched in awe as streaming rivulets ran down his magnificent, muscled body. His skin was tanned, and the dark masculine hairs on his legs matted together, as the deluge of warm water flowed over them.

Completely mesmerized by the image of naked male perfection standing before her, she let out a girlish scream when he took hold of her hand and dragged her under the fast-flowing water. The torrent immediately plastered her hair to her head.

“You’ve just ruined my hairstyle, mister,” she joked.

“I don’t want you falling asleep on me.” He squeezed a dollop of shampoo into his palm, and began massaging it into her scalp. “I haven’t finished with you yet.”

Thoroughly enjoying his undivided attention, Kelly closed her eyes. Matthew clearly knew a lot more about her than she’d realized.

“So you know I’m Kelly McCloud. What else do you know?”

She chanced a surreptitious look through the suds dripping down her face, hoping they didn’t get in her eyes and sting. He playfully tapped her soapy nose. “Don’t worry. I’m not about to tell anyone who you really are. Total discretion is assured here at Club Submission.”

“I’m glad to hear it.”

Matthew carefully positioned her under the shower, and she allowed the water to rinse the shampoo from her hair. Still curious, she asked, “So when did you find out that I’m Digger McCloud’s daughter and CEO of McCloud Energy?”

“Just about a week ago.”

It was too late to do anything about it now. Besides, she believed him when he said he’d keep her identity confidential. Instead, she grabbed the shower gel and began loading it onto his muscled chest, gently smoothing her hands over his pectorals and highly toned abs. The sensuous touch of his skin, and the hard muscle beneath her fingertips kept her fully focused on him.

This was what she craved the most. Being close to a man as powerful and influential as Matthew Strong just felt so right. Matthew made her feel—whole. A deep sigh left her lips as she relaxed into the task of washing her man.

“Why the sigh?” he asked, taking the shower gel from her, turning her around and washing her back.


“I heard you sigh, princess.” He leaned in and smoothed a soapy palm over her buttocks, letting his other hand circle her belly. It felt highly erotic when he washed her pussy from the front and back simultaneously. Her clit was still highly sensitive, and she enjoyed the physical contact.

Kelly smiled. “I was just thinking that this is the most relaxed I’ve been in ages.”

“Dominant play always releases a lot of endorphins, for both Master and sub.”

“Doesn’t it just.” Not to be outdone, Kelly soaped his naked body once more. She drifted her hands around his waist before smoothing them over his achingly tight buns. She lifted her eyes to his. “Like that do you?” Palming his heavy balls, she pulled back his foreskin and soaped his bell end. When his cock hardened fully, doubling in size, she was amazed by his powers of recuperation. The guy possessed superhuman libido. Kelly couldn’t resist teasing his huge prick. It felt like hardened steel, covered by silk. “Tell me how you found out about me, Matthew?”

His eyelids slid shut as she caressed his potent shaft, while palming his balls. “Fucking hell, princess. You certainly know how to get information from a guy. You were featured in some oil industry magazine. I can’t remember what it was called.”

“Go on. I’m waiting.”

He gritted his teeth, and she guessed he was close to coming. “Ethan found it while visiting the dentist.”

“Really?” She remembered the article well. “Dad asked me to do it. He’d already had a couple of heart attacks, and he wanted to introduce me as his successor. My father had been grooming me to run the company since I was knee high to a grasshopper.” She pulled his foreskin back, perhaps a little too hard, because Matthew forcibly removed her hands from his prick.

“Jesus, careful, Kelly. I’m only made of flesh and blood.” He cupped her chin and angled her face to his. She stared into his wonderful, tranquil green eyes. He made her feel so calm. Thoroughly absorbed by her, he smoothed a hand down her cheek, and caressed her lips with his thumb.

The noise seemed deafening as the myriad of warm water cascaded over his head and down his back, spraying out and running in rivulets. She watched spellbound, as his eyes grew ever more heated. Then he said with chilling effect, “Now back to business, sub. Was there anything you didn’t like when we played earlier?”

Her heart immediately skipped a beat, and she was sure her eyes grew wide with surprise. “But, I—”

“What?” he snapped, resurrecting his role as Master with ease.

“I thought we were getting ready to leave.”

“Oh, no, Kelly. Whatever gave you that idea? We’ve only just started.” He pulled her into his arms, sending a thrill of anticipation rocking through her. When his erect cock pressed angrily and provocatively against her belly, she couldn’t resist licking her lips expectantly. “We’re not leaving here until morning, and I intend to have my fill of you. Do I make myself absolutely clear?”

Chapter Sixteen


Three weeks later


Kelly glanced around the boardroom one final time, checking everything was in order for the afternoon meeting. All twelve board members would be attending. There were going to be big changes at McCloud Energy in the next few months, and her members needed to come on side with her. Completely satisfied that everything met her exacting standards, she took her rightful place at the head of the impressive, mahogany table.

The company needed to take a different direction and embrace new technologies in order to thrive in such a competitive sector. Her temples throbbed, fatigue and a headache were taking their toll. Christ, she needed an injection of caffeine, and fast. A strong black coffee, with something sweet and sugary was exactly what was required before finalizing her proposals for the coming year.

In the background, she heard the sound of laughter filtering through from the adjacent office. With her concentration momentarily deserting her, she rested her head in her hands, and attempted to de-stress by massaging her temples. It proved more difficult than expected especially when her cell phone buzzed loudly beside her. She’d distinctly told Eve that she wasn’t to be disturbed under any circumstances.

She grabbed her cell phone from the table, clicked open the connection, and snapped, “Yes, what is it?”

Eve’s tentative reply came back, “Sorry to disturb you, Kelly, but there’s someone in reception to see you.”

BOOK: Taming the Boss Lady [Masters of Submission 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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