Taming the Boss Lady [Masters of Submission 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (14 page)

BOOK: Taming the Boss Lady [Masters of Submission 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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He pulled her into his arms, and she wound her hands into his hair, threading her fingers through the dark strands. Their kiss was deep and spontaneous. Just being held this close made her feel wanted and alive. His hands smoothed down her back and cupped her ass, drawing her closer still until she felt the unmistakable manly bulge in his pants.

Breaking contact with her mouth, Matthew peppered tiny kisses to her ear. “I just can’t get enough of you, Kelly McCloud, but first we must eat.”

Chapter Nineteen


Six weeks later


The early morning sun beckoned enticingly as Kelly collected her mail from the front yard. Inside the mailbox were several assorted letters and a large unaddressed plain brown envelope. She briefly scanned each one as she headed back to the house. There didn’t seem to be anything particularly significant. However, the plain brown envelope intrigued her.

A wonderful aroma of freshly ground coffee greeted her as she pushed open the door, and made her way to the kitchen. She lazily stretched her arms above her head, releasing the last of the tension. Today was Saturday. McCloud Energy could go hang for a while. Later, when she’d pampered herself, she’d go to Matt’s place. They’d made arrangements to spend the entire weekend together. She couldn’t wait. Their relationship had cemented into a deep trust and mutual respect. He continually pushed her boundaries, both physically and emotionally. She now knew she loved him without question. Though neither of them had uttered those three elusive words to one another.

Kelly tossed the mail onto the kitchen table and poured herself a strong black coffee. Cupping the mug in her hands, she lifted it to her nose, and breathed deeply. “Mmm, just what the doctor ordered.” After taking a sip, she settled herself in a chair, and began opening her mail.

The first envelope contained a household utility bill, while two others were filled with annoying junk mail. Jesus, did she really need another sun awning for the back yard, or fancy brick paving for the driveway?

“Nope, not today thank you.” She shook her head and dropped the unwanted advertising straight in the trash.

Taking another welcome sip of the steaming hot coffee, Kelly briefly closed her eyes. “Heaven, sheer heaven.”

The large brown envelope caught her attention and she idly pulled open the seal. “What the hell is this?” Becoming curious, she slid a selection of large black-and-white photographs from the padded bag. They measured about ten inches by eight, and she figured there were about a dozen or so.

With her senses on full alert, she sat bolt upright in the chair. The first pin-sharp image showed her outside the entrance to Club Submission. Matthew was with her, his arm protectively around her shoulder. They both wore big smiles.

Her brows drew together. What the fuck was going on?

The second photograph showed them inside the club, entering the reception area. A queasy sick feeling washed over her. “Oh, please, God, don’t let this be what I think it is.” Like a car crash she couldn’t avoid, she longed to turn away, but couldn’t stop herself looking at the next black-and-white image. It had clearly been taken in the Warm Zone. Matthew held a hand to the small of her back as he guided her amongst the scantily clad members. With an increasing feeling of dread, she quickly flicked through the rest of the photographs. Each one showed them moving deeper into the club. When she looked at one showing her and Matthew entering the Dungeon, she placed a hand to her chest, trying to still her breathing. On the next image she was partially naked and restrained by manacles to the wall. Matthew stood beside her, a whip raised high in the air, ready for action.

Tears slid down her cheeks. “How dare you invade my privacy. You bastards. Fucking bastards.” She felt violated.

Kelly almost vomited as she stared horrified at the final black-and-white image. Totally naked and restrained by leather straps, which spread her wide across a sawhorse, her hair fell in disarray and a look of wild abandon filled her eyes as Matthew took her roughly from behind. With a hand cupping her breast and the other between her legs, he was clearly pleasuring her most intimate parts. She could even see the base of Matthew’s cock filling her pussy. “How dare you.” Kelly seethed with anger.

The sick feeling rose up again, and bile suddenly filled the back of her throat. Clasping both hands to her stomach, she dropped the unsavory photograph to the floor and raced to the bathroom. She only just made it in time. Retching uncontrollably, she vomited up her barely digested breakfast. Her breathing was heavy as she knelt on the floor, with her head resting on the toilet bowl.

“Jesus Christ, who’s doing this to me? What do they want? Think woman, think. Yes, blackmail, blackmail, it has to be blackmail. Who would be able to set up so many hidden cameras in Club Submission? It was impossible. Security was real tight. Matthew and Ethan saw to that.”

With trembling hands, Kelly flushed the toilet, then washed her face and brushed her teeth. She couldn’t stop herself from shaking as she patted her face dry with a warm, soft towel.

Trying to pull herself together, she took a deep breath and returned to the kitchen. She picked up the disgusting brown envelope. No stamp, no postmark, no address. It had obviously been delivered by hand. But by whom? Kelly angrily shook the envelope until a piece of paper fluttered to the kitchen table. Was this the blackmail demand? How much did they want? The white piece of paper reminded her of what she’d seen in the movies. Newspaper clippings in an assortment of colors and sizes had been glued to the page to form a sentence.
Dirty whore, you will pay for this
. Her mind went numb as she stared at the crude note. Who the hell’s doing this to me?

Concentrate, Kelly, concentrate.
She banged her forehead repeatedly with the palm of her hand. Matthew.
She had to warn him, she had to let him know what was happening.
In an almighty hurry, Kelly stuffed the photographs and hateful note back into the brown envelope before grabbing her purse and keys. Barely stopping to lock the front door, she ran from her home. A sudden thought crossed her mind, filling her with terror. The lowlife responsible for this could be watching her right now, hiding somewhere in the undergrowth, relishing her obvious distress.

“Fucker,” she screamed at the top of her voice. “I know who you are. I can see you, you piece of shit.”

With no time to lose, she zapped the remote, and slid inside her Porsche. After tossing the envelope and her purse onto the passenger seat, she then drove away at break neck speed, leaving a trail of dust and tire rubber behind her.

As she sped along the highway, her thoughts centered on Matthew. Surely he’d know if there were cameras in his club? How could someone hide them there without his knowledge? Matthew was a clever guy. He knew every trick in the book. Unless… Kelly gripped the steering wheel even more tightly as a sudden, horrible, unthinkable thought overwhelmed her. Was Matthew in on it? Did he know about it? Had he set the whole thing up with that brother of his? After all, she was an extremely wealthy woman, and only Matthew and his brother Ethan knew her true identity.

Angry with herself, Kelly shook her head. Her thoughts were random and completely off the wall. She was just clutching at straws. Short straws at best. Deep down she knew Matthew was not involved. He was a good man. She loved him.

Forty minutes later, she arrived at his impressive home. She sounded the horn impatiently several times, banging the steering wheel in frustration with her fist. “Come on, come on, Matthew. Let me in.” After what seemed an eternity, the wrought iron security gates slowly started to open. With barely enough room to pass, she floored the gas pedal and drove through.

Wanting answers in a hurry, she snaked to a stop and parked the Porsche at an awkward angle across his driveway. Grabbing her purse and the brown envelope, she headed for the front door.

Dressed casually in jeans and a white T-shirt, Matthew greeted her on the threshold. His brows immediately drew together as he studied her panicked demeanor. “Whatever’s wrong, princess?”

“As if you didn’t know. This is what’s wrong, mister.” Kelly shook the envelope in his face. “This trash was in my mailbox.” She pushed the brown envelope into his chest, and demanded, “Go on I dare you. Tell me you’re not responsible for this.” Why had she just said that? Was she crazy? Instinctively, she knew Matthew had nothing to do with it, but anger and irrational thinking had replaced the initial shock. She needed someone to vent her rage on, even if that meant alienating the man she loved.

Clearly annoyed by her confrontational manner, Matthew’s mouth firmed into a thin line of disapproval. “Since I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about, I can categorically say I had nothing to do with it. Satisfied?” He snatched the envelope from her. “Kelly, you need to calm down, before you say something you might later regret.”

Although she heard the warning in his voice, she couldn’t stop herself from screaming, “Then if it’s not you, it’s that no-good brother of yours. Ethan must have done it.” Emotion overwhelmed her, and tears streamed down her face. “It’s someone I know. It has to be. It has to be you or Ethan.”

Matthew took hold of her hand and dragged her inside. “You’ve said enough, lady. Now go sit in the living room, and don’t say another word. I’ll make you a coffee, and check out this envelope that seems to have fucked with your brain.”

Chapter Twenty


Grim-faced, Matthew handed Kelly a steaming hot coffee. Her hands shook as she took it from him.

“Thanks,” she whispered, looking pale and worried. For a brief moment she glanced at him, then squeezed her eyes tightly shut. It was obvious her mind was in complete turmoil. “I’m sorry, Matthew. I know it isn’t you, but I was so shocked and scared, I just needed someone to blame.”

He’d already opened the envelope, and seen for himself the damaging pictures. Whoever sent them had been very thorough. It looked like a professional job to him. The photographs were meant to scare her, and they had. He saw her hand shaking as she lifted the coffee cup to her lips. He moved behind her and began massaging her neck, trying to restore her equilibrium. “Shhh, it’s okay, princess,” he soothed. “After seeing what was in the envelope, I fully understand why you’re so jumpy, so I’ll forgive you for acting so disrespectfully toward me. But only for now.” He leaned forward, and whispered close to her ear, “I’ll find some suitable punishment for your lack of trust later on.”

“You wouldn’t dare!”

“Wouldn’t I? Try me. You’re on a warning, my slave. I won’t allow you to disrespect your Master in such a way ever again. Engage your brain before you open your mouth in future.” He walked around and sat beside her. “But first we need to find out what the hell’s going on.” Matthew lifted the troublesome envelope from the coffee table, and slapped it hard against the palm of his other hand. “Have you received anything besides this?”

“No, nothing. It was there waiting for me in the mailbox.” She looked at the envelope in his hand before turning her head away. “I hate that package with a vengeance, Matthew.”

Things just didn’t add up. Whoever was responsible hadn’t asked for a payoff. Kelly was a very wealthy woman. Surely they’d want to benefit financially? Perhaps they simply weren’t interested in money. She was a powerful businesswoman and as such, would have amassed her fair share of enemies over the years. Maybe it was a business rival who held a personal grudge against her. He sighed resignedly. There were some sick fuckers out there, who got their kicks from making decent people squirm.

Matthew tossed the brown envelope back on the coffee table. At present there were no clues to follow up. “Hmm, although there’s no demand for money yet, there may be in the future.”

“Oh, God, no.” Kelly’s hand trembled as she finished the last of her coffee.

Matthew lifted the telephone receiver from its cradle and began dialing.

“Don’t call the police, Matt. I don’t want them involved. What am I gonna say anyway. Here’s some pictures of the head of McCloud Energy inside a BDSM club with no clothes on, getting flogged.”

He could certainly see her point. “The cops and Club Submission don’t mix. We’re like oil and water. They’re the last guys I’d call. They nearly closed us down a while back. I’m calling Ethan. We need to shut down the club until we find every goddamned camera that’s hidden there. You’re angry, but I’m even more pissed than you are. When I find out who’s responsible for this invasion of our privacy, then I’ll—” He clenched his fists. “I’ll rip them a new fucking asshole.”

“You’re not going to show Ethan the photographs are you?”

“I have to, otherwise he won’t know what he’s dealing with. Besides, the photographs give a good indication of where the cameras are hidden.”

Her lower lip quivered. “But…the ones of us in the Dungeon. Please don’t show him those. I couldn’t bear it”

Matthew leaned forward and squeezed her hand. It felt so small and fragile in his. He made an attempt at a smile. “I won’t show him those. I promise. I’ll check the Dungeon out myself. The hidden cameras are gonna be tiny. That’s the thing with technology these days. They can make ’em so small you can barely see ’em.” Even though he owned a BDSM club, the pictures of Kelly and himself being intimate were for his eyes only. He figured he’d fallen in love with her and didn’t want to share her, or even pictures of her. What they had together was special, a connection and understanding flowed between them, and them alone.

BOOK: Taming the Boss Lady [Masters of Submission 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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