Tananguard 02 - To Love a Lord (13 page)

BOOK: Tananguard 02 - To Love a Lord
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Lucas watched him. “Have you bedded her yet?” he asked suddenly. There was no more time for subtly.

Connor jerked to a halt. “No, and I do not intend to tonight either.”

“Good, then I will come with you,” Lucas said pleasantly. “I think we need to talk anyway.”

Connor sighed. “I would prefer it if you didn’t come.”

“Objection noted and ignored. I am coming.”

Connor sighed again, but didn’t argue further.

The two men rode in silence. Finally, Lucas spoke. “I think you’re getting too close, Connor.”

“Why would you think that?”

“You spend too much time with her, and you enjoy it. It has turned into more than just a game with this one.”

“Perhaps because it always has been more,” Connor said quietly.

“Be serious, man,” Lucas said irritably. “I don’t think she is everything she says she is.”

“She isn’t. She’s far more.”

“Connor, listen to yourself. You sound as if you’re already in love with her. Bed her, and be done with it,” Lucas said in disgust.

Connor stared at Lucas intently. “No. I will not do that to her. She deserves more, and I intend to give her more.”

“Give her more? What more are you talking of?” Lucas cried.

“Marriage, Lucas. I do love her. And I intend to make her my wife if she will have me,” Connor replied.

“Have you lost your senses? She is nothing but a servant! You can’t settle for that.”

“I’m not,” Connor answered simply. “I would not be settling at all. I would be gaining everything I could ever want.”

Lucas cursed. “Is this why you didn’t want me to come tonight?” he asked angrily. “So you could propose to that…that whore?” Lucas’s head whipped to the side as Connor punched him hard in the face. He missed his noise, but blood still oozed from Lucas’s lips. “Damn it, Connor. What the hell was that for?”

Connor had a fistful of Lucas’s collar, pulling him close and seething in anger. “Never call her that again,” he growled. He shoved Lucas away and scowled out the carriage window.

“Do you have any idea what you’ve gotten yourself into?” Lucas asked, wiping at his lip tenderly. “What you’re getting yourself into? Do you really know enough about her? She is playing you, Connor. She has to be.”

The carriage rolled to a halt. “It does not concern you, Lucas. Perhaps you should just go.”

“No, I’ve come this far. I’m going to see this little house of hers and make certain you don’t do anything foolish,” Lucas grumbled.


Connor shook his head and climbed out of the carriage. He didn’t want to deal with Lucas right then. He had to see Sophia, see if she was all right, and speak with her of important matters.

Four men stood outside her home. Three of the men lounged at the bottom of the three steps leading to the front door while one man, the youngest of the four, stood near the front door arguing with Sophia. As Connor drew near, he noticed the younger man was quite young, barely old enough to be called a man. He was dark haired like Sophia with dark eyes and a shorter build than Connor’s, but still taller than Sophia. This must be Sophia’s brother.

“No! You have done enough tonight. You may not…,” her words trailed off as her eyes met Connor’s.

Four other set of eyes turned to see what she was staring at. “Can we help you?” one of them asked casually, feeling the knife at his belt as he eyed Connor.

“Do you know this man?” the young man asked Sophia. Then his eyes spotted Lucas. “You,” he said darkly.

“Wait. That’s Tananguard,” one of the other men said, pointing at Connor. He moved toward Connor in excitement. “You’re Tananguard, aren’t you? You were fantastic tonight!” the man exclaimed. He reached out to clasp Connor’s hand.

Connor smiled faintly, shaking the man’s hand. “Thank you.”

“The way you dropped those first three men, then the fourth…simply amazing,” the man grinned, shaking Connor’s hand vigorously.

“Aye. I’d agree with that,” a man with a thick Scottish accent said. “Garret bet everything we had on you. When they brought that fourth man out, I thought we were out a year’s pay.”

All four men were flanking Connor excitedly now, including the young man. All were reaching out to grasp his hand and shake it.

“I told you he was good,” the young man said to the

Connor had a hard time seeing him as a man at all. Now that he had a very good look at the boy, that is what he looked like, a boy. Of course, Sophia had told him her brother was merely eighteen.

The boy turned to Connor. “I watched you fight that Italian a while back. Brutal fellow, that man was, but you beat him quicker than you did the first man tonight.” The boy punched at the air a number of times as though replaying the event. He swung one final fierce swing and said, “Boom! Just like that, the man was down.” He grinned widely, shaking his head in amazement. The three other men joined in the grin, nodding in approval. Then the boy said curiously, “What are you doing here and with him?”

Grins slipped as an uncomfortable silence spread.

“I wanted to make certain the lady returned home safely,” Connor said honestly.

The boy raised an eyebrow. “A man of honor?” he asked innocently. His face furrowed darkly. “Or a man after my sister’s innocence?”

“Enough, Garret,” Sophia said in disgust. “Mr. Tananguard is an honorable man and you are embarrassing me.”

“And what of the other man? I’ve heard tales of a man whose description could fit him perfectly. I would not want my sister near that man,” Garret defended.

“Oh really?” Lucas asked curiously. “What sort of tales?” He grinned wickedly at Garret.

Garret whipped his sword out of its scabbard, pointing it at Lucas. “Are you claiming to be him? I am certain many brothers and fathers would thank me for ending your life now if you are?”

Lucas laughed. “I’m not claiming anything.”

Sophia sighed. “You are still such a boy, aren’t you? Those rumors
probably about Mr. Hoffman, but I doubt he will let you end his life so easily. Put it away, Garret.”

Garret scowled, insulted by her comment, but obeyed her words.

“I believe those are the kindest words you have said about me, Sophia,” Lucas said, bowing pleasantly.

“Sophia?” Garret asked. “You realize you dishonor our father by forswearing your true name. You were named for him and Mother both, yet you throw only his name away?” Garret asked pained.

“I do not do it to dishonor our father. I do it because I claim no relation to that man you call uncle,” she replied with spite.

“He is a good man, Josephine,” Garret said. The other three men nodded in agreement.

“Of course you would think that. You were too young to remember—”

“I remember enough. I am only two years younger than you,” Garret argued.

Sophia sighed. “I don’t want to argue about this right now. I am home safely. Thank you, Mr. Tananguard, for doing your duty and making certain it was so. And thank you, Garret, Thomas, Erik, and Isaac for your escort. It has been a long night, so I am going inside. Goodnight,” with those words, Sophia excused herself and went inside her home, shutting the rest of them out.

Connor sighed inside in frustration. Another day would pass before he could speak with her again.

“Well,” the Scot said. “The night is still young. I bet you could use a good drink after that beatin’ you took earlier.” He eyed Connor.

Connor smiled wryly, and Lucas grinned.

“Shall we go find us a pub then?” the Scot finished, slapping Connor on the back. The other men cheered in agreement.


The night was late. Lucas played cards with a group of men, Garret’s three companions included. And Garret and Connor sat at a small table chatting idly. Garret was quite drunk, but Connor was not.

“You are a good man, Connor Tananguard,” Garret slurred.

Connor smiled, taking a sip of the same drink he had had in front of him all night. “How’s that?”

“You have paid for every drink for my men and me, and you made me a rich man tonight.” Garret patted Connor’s shoulder.

Connor laughed. “
made you a rich man tonight.”

“Ah! So I did,” he laughed. “No, but seriously,” he paused growing
serious. “You genuinely care for my sister, don’t you?”

This startled Connor. The boy had had much to drink tonight, but his words rang with soberness.
The boy
…Connor had to stop thinking of him that way. As the night wore on, he had shown wisdom beyond his years. “I…yes, I do.”

“I thought so. But what are your intentions?
I do not wish to see her hurt,” he replied. He eyed Connor intently.

Connor laughed lightly. “I would not hurt her, Garret. That I promise.”

“See? A good man. You have my blessing, but if you do hurt her? You will pay,” the young man threatened. Then he laughed and passed out right there.

Connor shook his head. He paid for a room for Garret, assisting Thomas in carrying him upstairs before leaving the tavern alone.

It was very late, but Connor did not go home. Instead, he found himself standing in front of Sophia’s home.

“What am I doing here?” he asked aloud. He was exhausted. He should be in his own bed healing.

He ran a hand through his hair in frustration. He had to stop wandering here. He paced in front of her house, debating on knocking on the door or simply going home.

“Damn it,” he said as he found himself walking to the front door. He stood outside it for a moment. She would probably think he was drunk again, coming here so late. It was four in the morning. He’d told her he wouldn’t do this again. But this time he wasn’t drunk. Would it be breaking his promise if he stayed? He raised his hand to knock, but let it fall back down by his side. He could wait until tomorrow to see her again. He turned and walked back down the path when he heard the door open behind him.

“Connor?” her sweet voice asked.

He turned around and
took in the sight of her. Her black hair was loose, dangling around her shoulders and spilling down her back. She was in a white nightdress that hung off her left shoulder. She had a shawl draped around her, but that shoulder was still very exposed. Her lovely skin glowed beneath the night-light. She looked like an angel. He hesitated, staring longingly at the woman he knew he loved.

“Don’t go,” she whispered.

Her plea snapped something inside of him. He strode to her purposefully. Her eyes filled with heat, and they reached for each other in unison. He swept her into his arms and kissed her long and hard. Passion flooded through their embrace with the kiss, desire burning in every ounce of Connor’s body. Sophia wrapped her arms around him tightly, pulling their bodies as close as she could. She kissed him as hungrily as he did her. She was inviting in all ways, and Connor realized he could take her if he wanted to. The desire raged inside of him. He reached for the door behind her, thinking to take her inside and stopped. He could not do this to her. He would do what he had been planning for over a week now instead.

Sophia stared up at him in surprise as he pulled away. A confused look entered her eyes as he got down on one knee. Then they flew open in alarm.

“Marry me, Sophia,” Connor said quietly.

“Connor, you do not have to do this,” she said in a whisper. Her breathing quickened, and she dropped her gaze. “You may have me without it.”

He stared at her in awe, the desire to take her with those words washing over him in a torrent of passion. He fought to keep control. He wanted her more than anything right then, and those inviting words were so tempting. “No,” he said aloud, the word meant more for himself than for her. “I will not do that to you. I am in love with you, Sophia. I love you, and I want you for my wife if you will have me.”

Tears slipped down her cheeks, and she swallowed hard.

Connor reached up and cupped her cheek with his hand, caressing it with his thumb. “Sophia Murrieta, Josephine Meredith, will you marry me?” he asked again.

Her eyes met his. “Yes,” she whispered.

He smiled up at her. “You will?”

She cupped his face in her beautiful hand and bent down and kissed him, tears falling even harder as she laughed through the kisses. “Yes, Connor.”

He stood and scooped her into his arms, kissing her hard.

“Tomorrow,” he said. “Marry me tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow?” she asked with a smile.

“Do not make me wait any longer,” he begged.

“Very well. Tomorrow it is.”

He smiled, placing her back down. “I will be back in a few hours
, then, to get you.”

“Wait. You mean today?”

He laughed. “Yes, I suppose it would be today. Is that a problem?”

She shook her head. “No, it is not.”

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