Tap Out (12 page)

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Authors: Eric Devine

BOOK: Tap Out
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Charity's dad spits on the ground. “You fucking kidding me? You think I'm outta gas?” He laughs and the other two stand. This was a bad idea. “Run along, Vo-Tec.”
I don't need to be told twice. I turn and take two steps and my heart's pounding up in my temples now. My face is flush and hurts, but I stop. I turn back. I move to the tank and unscrew the cap before any of them registers what I'm doing. “Hey, motherfucker!” Chaz's hand's on my wrist, but I've got the cap off. The other two close in, and we all look down into the empty tank.
“No shit?” Charity's dad shakes his head. “I'll be.” He turns to one of the bikers. “Ed, go get me the can.” He walks to the back of the trailer and returns with the gas, then snakes the neck in and pours the two gallons. Chaz juts his chin for me to screw the cap on. I do and he restraddles the bike. He starts it, but it hesitates. He throttles the gas, and the Hog rumbles to life, throwing that deep,
growl. My heart beats in tempo, and I force myself not to smile.
“Fucking gas! No shit?” Charity's dad turns to me, and he kills the engine. “Well, well. Thank you, Vo-Tec.” He clasps my shoulder. “We've been busy, and fuck,” he throws a hand toward the trailer, “you know, partying, man.”
I want to ask about Charity, because this is the perfect time, but I can't bring myself to speak. It's not because of the pain in my throat, but something else altogether. There's
something up. Something bigger than I can understand. Charity's dad squeezes my bicep.
“I 'ppreciate the help. You need us to take out the fucker who clipped you?” He laughs, a deep gravelly sound and looks to his friends. All three have the same set to their eyes, letting me know it's no joke.
I remember what Rob said about Chaz always being on the lookout for new bodies. I glance at the other two and wonder where he picked them up. This park or another? “No. Thanks. It's not like that. This is from class.” I'm not telling these beasts that Cameron got me. Considering Dave's ties, I don't know what he means to them.
“Class? What class? Gym? You beating the fuck out of each other in gym?”
I don't like how he's taking such an interest in me. It's like with Big O. With interest, comes conditions once they've helped. Whether I've asked for it or not. “No. Fighting class. Outside of school. In town.”
Charity's dad drops his hand, looks me over again. “Down there with Dave Jensen?”
Everything inside clenches, and the sensation is like getting kicked in the ribs again, but I keep my shit together. I can't believe he's talking to me about Dave. Then again, they're all fucked up. “Uh, yeah.” The three look at each other and something unspoken passes between them. My legs go slack, and I'm not sure if I need to run now I'll be able to.
Chaz pats my back. “Well, any friend of Dave's is one of ours.” All three nod, and I try to speak, to say, what, I don't know:
I'm not Dave's friend, but I know he deals for you. Where the fuck is Charity? What are you dealing and is my mom on it?
But nothing comes. I stare at the bike I just helped start and wish I knew how all these pieces fit
together. Chaz pulls me close. “You ever need anything. Cash or whatever. You find me. Or let Dave know.” He looks me in the eye. “I know how things are. I've known your mom forever. And I know Cameron. You need something, let me know. That's what we're here for.”
He lets me go, and I feel sick, like he's just reached down the front of my pants. I want out of this place, not to become a fixture. And I don't like all that he knows because that shit is dangerous. People always hold shit over you. Use you when they can. Kind of like how Big O is with me and Rob. Fuck, is there anyone who will help me without wanting something in return?
Chaz smiles and pats my back. “I'll be seeing you, Vo-Tec.”
I say, “All right,” and move on, and know the answer to my question.
The guys lie dead on the floor, but look up at the chime. “Damn, Tone, what the fuck?” Amir stops stretching. So does Phil. I shake my head. I have no idea how to answer these guys. They don't know me, and no one needs any info about my shit at home.
“What happened?” Phil sits on his heels.
I turn away and kick off my shoes, head to the corner and do not speak. I see them look at Rob, and he cuts his hand across his throat. They nod, look at me, and then return to stretching. I feel a mix of respect and disappointment. These guys could help, I'm sure. Not exactly how, but come on, they're tough as nails. But I can't drag them into the bullshit of my life. Not with them still being cool with me once I have.
Dave walks in while I'm trying to stretch. It hurts too bad to get much out of it, so I watch him. He just kicks off his shit like nothing's different. But why would it be for him? I look away before he notices me. Phil and Amir are speaking low and looking toward Dave as well. Coach Dan crosses over the mat.
“Today's a good day, gentlemen. Beautiful weather. Good day to be alive.” He looks around the room, and I dart my head back to my knees. “Whoa, Tony. Hey, look up here.” I exhale and do as I'm told. “Woof. That's nasty.”
Guys look over and everyone gets a good look. Dave smiles and I tense.
“What happened?”
I keep my eyes on Dave and he laughs. He knows. I bet Cam told him. I turn to Coach Dan. “Nuthin'.” My voice barely scratches out.
Coach's face loses its playfulness. He closes his eyes and sighs. Everyone goes silent. “I do not tolerate being lied to in my gym, so I am going to ask you again, and this time you will tell me the truth.” He opens his eyes and fixes them on me.
I shift my weight so my rib doesn't feel like it's stabbing me. This guy has no fucking idea what he's asking.
“Tony, what happened?”
I look him in the eye when I answer. “Nothing.”
He clenches his jaw and swallows. “I do not allow liars in my gym.”
I'm not smooth about it, but I stand and Coach stops speaking. I'm not going to make him repeat himself, and I sure as shit don't want to hear it. I am not a liar and will not be forced into that position: lie and stay, or be honest and reveal way too much. There are certain things I simply will not do. Like ever ask Chaz for help. Or talk about my piece of
shit life. I've never asked anyone in here about theirs. Wouldn't even think to. That just isn't right.
I look around the room. All eyes are on me, all confused, except for Rob's and Dave's. Coach Dan's face is a mix of frustration and concern. I don't like that he called me out, but I do get his point. He's got principles, and they are good ones. Shit, he took a chance on me based on Big O's word. I respect that more than he could understand. And somehow I hope he'll understand and respect what I'm about to do, because I don't want to do this, and I know it's going to fuck up that offer and all that Rob's worked for, but I don't have another option.
I turn, grab my sneakers, and walk out the door in my bare feet. No one says a word as I go, and I don't wait for anyone to come after me. Rob knows better. I cross the cold asphalt and then slide on my shoes.
I walk for I don't know how long, but long enough so that I know I won't run into Rob when I get back. He waited, no doubt. He probably talked to Coach Dan after, maybe smoothed things over and then waited by my trailer. Or maybe not. He could be fucking pissed enough to finally cut me loose. Big O will keep helping him without me, though. Fuck, maybe I did him a favor?
My trailer's dark. Maybe Mom's working late. But who knows? She could be passed out on the kitchen floor. I just hope Cameron isn't in there.
“What took you so long?” Dave's voice cuts through my heart and scares the shit out of me. He's seated in the shadows on the couch. I turn to run, but arms grab me. The rest of the bodyguard emerges from the dark.
“Easy, now.” He speaks close to my ear. “You don't want me to have to break anything.”
I ease into his hold. Dave flips on a light, and I'm moved
into the recliner. The thug then stands at the arm, hovering over me. My mouth's dry, but I manage to speak. “What the fuck?”
Dave smiles. “I'll cut to the chase. This has nothing to do with the gym, if that's what you're thinking. I don't give a fuck about your big scene with Coach Dan.” He looks around the trailer and raises an eyebrow. “And it's not as if I've enjoyed waiting here for you. I'm here to help, just like I helped Cameron and just like I helped Rob.”
Hold up. What? What the fuck is going on? Cameron
“And now it's your turn.”
I square to Dave. There is no doubt in my mind that Chaz sent him, but I don't know if it's safe to say so. “What are you talking about?”
He leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “It's real simple. I have money, you don't. Neither did those two, and when they needed it, I hooked them up. As payment for a service.”
My head continues to spin. I just got tossed from the gym, and I'm sure shit's fucked up between Rob and me because of it. Who knows what the fuck's going to happen with Big O? Dave's figured this out somehow and is fucking with me. It's that simple. He's lying. Rob wouldn't take anything from him. Cam might, even though he's his uncle. But that's beside the point.
“Let me help you figure this shit out. You hooked up Chaz today. He appreciates the favor and wants to repay. He doesn't like to be in anyone's debt.”
I grow cold, as if I'm back outside. Dave knows too much and is way too calm for this to be bullshit.
“He's had his eye on you ever since we picked up Rob. He knows the two of you are tight. And now that you're fighting
. . .” He pauses. “Or were. Whatever. Chaz figures you're good to go. You follow?”
I nod, because, unfortunately, I do.
“So they don't want Marcus here to hurt you.” Dave looks up at the thug. “But he will if you fuck this up.”
I lick my lips. “What do I have to do?”
“Easy, deliver a package. You'll be paid, of course. The guys believe in making good on their deals. And, honestly, you could use the cash.”
Fuck! How can this be happening? How can Dave have Cam and Rob be under his thumb? And why the fuck am I getting pulled in? I breathe slowly to calm myself. “So why am I talking to you and not Chaz?”
Dave nods. “He tried earlier, but you snubbed him. Not good.” He laughs, and it's evil. “Besides, this is part of my job. I'm the go-between. They're obvious targets and don't want the attention. I fit anywhere.”
Shit, he's got an answer for everything.
“Listen, I don't have all night to convince you, so here it is. You deliver a package tomorrow night, you get one grand.” He looks at me for a moment, his eyes lighting. “You refuse, and things'll get a lot worse round here.”
Marcus shuffles next to me, and my insides go tight. Does he mean for me, or for my mom, or both? Fuck. How much worse can it get? I don't want to find out.
Dave stands. “I'll be back tomorrow, round eight. Be ready.” He pauses. “Not like you'll be at the gym.” Dave laughs and Marcus crosses the room and joins him. Dave looks me over. “Don't be stupid, Tone. This ain't the ring. There ain't no tapping out of this one.”
They leave, and I sit in the semidark, completely drained and thoroughly lost.
t's cold when I wake up, past the nip of fall, feeling more like winter. I pile on layers of clothes because walking to school is going to take at least an hour. There's no way I can see Rob. Not after last night, the gym and the shit with Dave. I have to think. I tried last night, but couldn't figure anything out. What am I going to say to Big O? Coach Dan called him. I know it. Regardless if I figure that out or not, I still need to figure out what to say to Rob. How do I ask him if he's been dealing? If he's been doing the one thing we said we'd never do? And, fuck, what the hell am I going to do about tonight? I'm full of questions without answers. Story of my fucking worthless life.
I head out and brace against the wind. It pricks my skin like a cold shower, and I'm wide awake now. The sun's not yet up, so it could be last night. And wouldn't that be fantastic? I could just skip going to practice and wouldn't be in this mess. No, I would. One way or another, my life would have made me submit.

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