Tapestries 03 - Woven Dreams (19 page)

Read Tapestries 03 - Woven Dreams Online

Authors: N. J. Walters

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: Tapestries 03 - Woven Dreams
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It was a fair-sized bedroom, dominated by a huge four-poster bed. Long, dark blue bed curtains had been pulled back to expose the cozy nest of pillows and blankets.

Several fur throws were tossed across the bottom. They wouldn’t be necessary this time of year, but when it turned cold outside, their warmth and comfort would be welcome.

She’d never seen such luxury up close. It was such a contrast to her own stark room that she’d slept in for years.

A window allowed light into the room and from what Genny could tell, the afternoon had waned and evening had arrived. The last dying rays of the sun shone through the stained-glass window, spreading its color on the floor. She stepped into the soft light, letting the reds, blues and greens of the glass reflect on her bare toes. A bench beneath the window was piled with pillows, inviting one to sit and enjoy the view beyond, or perhaps work on some needlepoint project.

What had really amazed Genny, though, had been the small bathing room off the bedroom. Only her two eldest brothers had a private bath. She’d always had to drag a tub to her own room and then haul buckets of water up the winding stairs herself. It had made taking a bath hard work, but she’d done it. She might not have had much, but at least she’d been clean.

Jane had been a font of information as she’d bustled around taking care of getting the bathtub filled with steaming hot water, fetching one of her own robes for Genny to wear and seeing to the food. From what little she had observed, all the servants in the castle adored Jane, smiling and laughing with her. And Jane knew them all by name, inquiring about health problems or family.

It was a revelation to Genny as the servants at Craddock Keep were a frightened, beaten-down lot. Much like herself, she ruefully admitted. No! She at least had gotten 98

away. She paced over to the side of the bed and ran her fingers through the thick fur of one of the throws at the end. It tickled her fingers, making her smile.

The door opened at that moment, freezing the smile on her face. Grabbing one of the wooden posts for support, she held on as Garrik strode in, followed by Jarmon. Both men wore only their pants, having left off their vests, boots and armbands. Their bronze skin seemed to glow in the fading light. Muscles rippled as they entered, but they both stopped suddenly.

Their eyes flickered around the room. Garrik was frowning, but Jarmon’s expression was one of concern. She realized that standing on the far side of the bed, one of the bed curtains partially blocked her from view. The long evening shadows extended to this part of the room so that they couldn’t see her.

She pushed away from the bed, letting the smooth, dark wood slide from beneath her fingers as she released the post. Their heads jerked toward her. She tried to offer a smile, but she feared it fell short when their expressions didn’t change.

Jarmon closed and bolted the door before moving further into the room. “You have bathed and eaten? Jane has seen to all your needs?”

“Yes.” It came out as a croak, so she cleared her throat and tried again. “Yes. Jane is quite wonderful actually.”

Garrik’s shoulders relaxed and a slow smile spread across his face. “Jane is quite a treasure.”

Once again, she was reminded of just what a handsome man he was. His long blond hair was still damp and the dark shadow of stubble on his chin was gone, suggesting that while she’d been busy bathing, they’d taken the opportunity to do the same.

Jarmon sauntered across the floor to where she stood. His fingers played along the edge of the soft robe that she wore, moving lower to where it formed a V between her breasts. The edge of his hand barely grazed her skin, but that slight brush made her blood thicken as her body immediately responded to his touch.

“This robe is Jane’s, I think.”

She could barely answer as he began to stroke his finger up the other side of the lapel to cup the side of her neck. “It is,” she began breathlessly. “She was kind enough to let me borrow it.”

“You shall have your own by tomorrow night,” he promised as he leaned closer.

His mouth grazed hers, moving slowly back and forth. Her lips parted and her tongue darted out to taste his. He tasted of warm, yeasty ale and hot male. Genny could have stood there and kissed him all night.

Hands slid from behind her, encircling her waist. Garrik’s warmth seeped through the thin fabric of the robe, heating her already flushed skin. He pushed her hair aside and placed a soft kiss on her nape.


Her nervousness had vanished the instant they’d touched her. This felt right and natural. She loved them both and wanted to take them both into her body, to feel them pleasuring her hard and deep, to hear them as they shouted their release. She trusted them completely. But most of all, she loved them.

“I love you both.” The whispered words escaped as Jarmon released her lips.

Garrik’s hands froze on the ties of her robe. “Genny.” He didn’t say anything but her name, but it was enough. She could hear the unspoken emotion in his voice.

Jarmon didn’t utter a word, but the expression of sheer adoration on his face almost made her weep. Fate had sent her into the path of these two wonderful men and she would never take them or the caring and acceptance they gave so freely for granted.

Garrik’s hands began to move again and the robe loosened and opened. She was naked beneath and Jarmon’s breath caught as he cupped her breasts in his hands. “You are so beautiful. I adore the way your breasts fit perfectly in my hands, the way your nipples pucker when I do this.” He rubbed his thumbs over the tips, making them tighten even harder.

She felt the robe being slid down her arms and the fabric pooled around her feet.

Garrik slipped his hands around her again, his large palms skimming her sides before coming to rest on her belly. “I love your curves. All the hills and valleys that hide such marvelous delights.”

One of his hands moved lower, caressing her belly as it continued its downward descent. His fingers skimmed through her pubic hair, the tip of his index finger brushing the swollen bundle of nerves at the apex of her sex. She moaned and parted her legs of her own accord. “That’s it,” he praised. “Let me in. I want to feel your cream coat my fingers as I slip them inside you.” He suited his actions to his words and Genny gave him what he’d asked for. She could feel the moisture seeping from her core as he inserted one long finger inside her.

Jarmon nuzzled the sensitive curve of her ear, raising goose bumps on her skin.

Working his way downward, he placed hot, openmouthed kisses against her neck. Her hands tangled in his long hair, clutching his head, tugging him closer. She sensed his pleasure just before he nipped her flesh where her shoulder and neck met. More liquid flowed from her core as he licked away the small sting.

As Garrik continued to stoke his finger slowly in and out, coaxing more and more cream from her sex, Jarmon continued his own brand of sensual torture. His tongue stroked along the curve of her clavicle and then lower. Her breasts swelled in anticipation. His breath heated her skin as his tongue traced around first one nipple and then over to the other.

Using her grip on his head, she tugged him closer. He laughed and the low, pleased sound warmed her heart even as it pushed her desire higher. Her body was tightening in a way that had become very familiar the past few days. Giving in to her unspoken demand, he rasped her nipple with his tongue. Genny’s entire body jerked as she cried out.


Jarmon opened his mouth over her tight, aching nipple, covering it and suckling.

Garrik held her slick sex open with one hand, teasing her clitoris with soft and then harder strokes as he continued to plunge his finger in and out.

Her thighs trembled. She gasped for breath, her lungs working furiously. Her skin felt stretched tight. All sensation was centered at her breast and her sex.

“Come for us.” Garrik pressed hard on her clit, shoving his finger deep. Jarmon chose that moment to capture the tip of her nipple between his teeth and gently tug.

Genny came apart in their arms. Her hips jerked as she cried out, her words incoherent. She came in a long, liquid gush that flowed from her core, spilling over Garrik’s hand.

Jarmon abandoned her breasts and surged upward, capturing her mouth with his.

Thrusting his tongue deep, he stole her breath away. The room seemed to spin when he released her lips. He caught her when she started to crumple, sweeping her up into his arms and depositing her in the middle of the bed.

She sprawled naked against the pillows, but she didn’t care. She felt too good to care that her legs were wide open. She wanted them to feel welcome. Opening her arms, she beckoned them. “Come.” She wanted to say something more eloquent, but speech was beyond her as her lungs struggled for breath. Her heart pounded, not only because of the intense orgasm she’d just experienced, but also because of what she knew would come.

It was time for both of them to claim her.

Both men appeared huge as they loomed over her. Garrik was on the right side of the bed and Jarmon on the other. Garrik leaned over to the small table that flanked the bed and took the time to light a candle. Its dim glow flickered, driving back some of the shadows as night swallowed the remains of the day.

Garrik’s hands went to the ties of his pants and he quickly unlaced them and shoved them down, kicking them away. His cock, long and thick, sprang forward.

Kneeling up onto the bed beside her, he picked up her hand and wrapped it around his shaft. Her fingers tightened, drawing a groan.

The mattress on her left side depressed and she turned to find Jarmon kneeling next to her, his erection also proudly displayed. She reached out and grasped him as well, stroking her hand over him.

She was suddenly overcome with the need to touch them, to pleasure them as they did her. Releasing them, she scooted up until she was kneeling between them. She turned toward Garrik and placed her hand on his chest. It was warm and hard beneath her fingers. She ran her fingers through the dark blond hair that was sprinkled between his nipples. Taking her time, she circled one, then the other before leaning down to lap at it with her tongue. Garrik groaned as she nipped it carefully. Reaching down between his spread thighs, she cupped the heavy sac, massaging his balls. When he groaned again, she sat back. Satisfaction surged through her.


Turning, she faced Jarmon. The candlelight illuminated his face. His features were tight, his lips parted as he breathed deeply and heavily, and his scar stood out in relief.

Smiling wickedly, she ran her fingers through his chest hair, allowing her nails to scrape gently over his skin and his nipples. Pleased, she continued on much as she had with Garrik, teasing the flat brown discs with her tongue and teeth while she caressed his balls with her hand. A low growl of pleasure came from deep inside his chest and she smiled.

There was such pleasure for her in pleasing them. She felt powerful and sensual and wanton as she touched these two brawny warriors and made them groan.

“Enough.” Jarmon moved just beyond her reach, his pale eyes burning with lust as well as humor. “You are learning quickly, Genny. I think you enjoy teasing us.” She giggled and nodded, unable to hold in her satisfaction any longer.

Garrik’s hands wrapped around her and tumbled her against his chest. “You’d best remember that teasing works both ways.” Capturing her breast in his hand, he held it as he lowered his head. His tongue twirled around her nipple, not quite touching it. This time it was she who groaned and he who laughed.

Jarmon stretched out on the mattress, his head and upper back supported by the small mound of pillows, and held out his arms. “Come to me. Take me inside your body.”

Garrik helped her straddle Jarmon. Her knees barely touched the mattress, throwing her off balance. Jarmon caught her waist and lifted her until her slit was positioned right over his cock as it strained upward, reaching for her. He inserted the tip and held her suspended. She squirmed, trying to take him deeper. Needing him.

“Do you want me?” Jarmon demanded.

“Yes,” she cried.

“Then have me.” He thrust hard, pulling her down to meet his hips. She threw back her head and hissed out a breath as he filled her, stretching the sensitized muscles. She could feel her body quiver around his hard length as it struggled to accept him.

She placed her hands on his chest, her fingers digging into the hard, rippling muscles. Garrik steadied her from behind, his hands low on her hips as Jarmon shifted his grasp on her. His fingers cupped her breasts, shaping them as he teased her already swollen nipples.

“Bend down.” He plucked at her puckered nipples. “Give me your breast.” As she leaned forward, his cock pushed even further inside her. She’d thought he was a deep as he could go, but she’d been mistaken. Because he wasn’t flat on his back, he didn’t have far to reach to capture her breast in his mouth.

Garrik’s hands disappeared from her body and she could hear the bedclothes shuffling as he moved across the bed. His long arm came into view as he snatched a container from the bedside table. She didn’t know what it was and didn’t care. What Jarmon was doing to her was absolutely delicious.


She jumped when something cold and slick stoked over the tight opening of her ass.

Jarmon lay back and steadied her with his large hands.

“Relax, Genny. This will help,” Garrik crooned as he slipped the tip of his finger past the knot of muscles. She was surprised at how easily it slid inward. It still stung slightly, but that began to fade, replaced by a sensation of pleasure.

“Oh,” she moaned as she pushed her ass back against his hand. “That feels…” She wasn’t quite sure how it felt. Cool and slick, yet it made her ass feel warmer and that sensation was quickly spreading to her pussy.

“It’s an herbal mixture that will relax your muscles and make it easier for Garrik to take you from behind,” Jarmon explained. “It will also add to your pleasure.” Reaching his hand down, he cupped her behind. When Garrik slid his finger from her, Jarmon rubbed his finger along the puckered opening. Withdrawing, he brought his hand back to the front. One of his fingers glistened slightly and she realized he had some of the jellylike substance on it. He stroked his finger over her clit. Within seconds it began to heat up and she undulated her hips, trying to appease the growing ache.

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