Tapestries 03 - Woven Dreams (20 page)

Read Tapestries 03 - Woven Dreams Online

Authors: N. J. Walters

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: Tapestries 03 - Woven Dreams
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“That’s it, Genny. You’re ready to take Garrik now, aren’t you?”

“Gods, yes!” she cried.

Jarmon reached behind her again, this time spreading her ass cheeks wide as Garrik pushed the tip of his cock past the snug ring of muscles. They tightened and then relaxed, drawing him a tiny bit deeper. His shaft felt huge as he pushed slowly forward.

With Jarmon’s cock already filling her pussy, she felt stretched to the limit.

It burned slightly and when she cried out, Garrik froze. She forced herself to breathe deeply and relax. When she felt ready, she pushed her behind back toward him.

“Do it, Garrik.” She clenched her teeth and dug her fingers into Jarmon as Garrik continued to stretch her ass with his cock.

Jarmon eased her down further on his chest and she grabbed the blankets covering the bed. He slipped his hand between their joined bodies and stroked her clit. Pleasure shot through her core, making it spasm. When she relaxed, Garrik eased deeper.

Sweat rolled down her body. She could see that Jarmon was perspiring as well as he held himself steady. Garrik’s breath was hot on her back and she could hear him panting as he worked to control the depth of his thrust. They stayed like that for quite some time, all of them just concentrating on breathing. The burning in her ass eased and pleasure began to take its place.

Releasing one of her hands from its death grip on the blankets, she cupped Jarmon’s cheek. Raw need was etched on his face. His mouth was open slightly as he gritted his teeth to keep from moving. “It’s okay now,” she promised. “It’s time.” Pulling herself slightly upward, she then pushed back. Both of their erections slid partially out before being pushed deep again.

That was all the permission either man needed. Jarmon held her waist and Garrik gripped her hips as they began to rock her gently. Easing her forward before pulling her 103

back. They were all so on the edge it only took a few easy strokes before Genny felt herself start to come.

She felt filled to overflowing with them. Even though it was happening to her, she wasn’t quite sure how she was accommodating them both. They felt massive inside her, her body stretched to capacity. Heat flowed around her sex and her ass, helped by the herbal cream they’d used to ease their passage.

One more gentle thrust and she came. Her entire body jerked, beyond her control.

Garrik’s fingers dug into her hips and then she felt the hot jet of his semen release.

Before he was finished, Jarmon yelled and flooded her sheath with his seed. The heat from their releases sent more spasms rocking through her. When it was over, she slumped down onto Jarmon’s chest, unable to hold herself up any longer.

Her cheek was dampened by the perspiration coating his chest. She moved up and down with each breath he sucked into his lungs. Garrik had slumped heavily against her. She could feel the pounding of his heart against her back. Eventually, he pulled away from her, slipping his semi-erect cock from her behind. Her muscles protested slightly, causing her to flinch, but it was over quickly.

When Garrik moved from behind her, Jarmon rolled her over to her side and slid from her body. Genny allowed herself to fall over onto her back, her eyes closing. She raised her hand to swipe at the sweat beading down her temple, but dropped it again. It was too much trouble. She just didn’t have the strength.

Her eyes snapped open when hands pushed beneath her, lifting her. Garrik smiled down at her as he carried her across the bedroom to the bathing chamber beyond. She could hear Jarmon padding behind them.

The water was cool as he lowered her into it, but she sighed, welcoming it against her hot and damp body. Both men crouched down beside the tub and leisurely washed the sweat and cum from her. It was a good thing they had energy, because all she could do was loll in the water and enjoy it. When they finished washing her, they grabbed washcloths and began to bathe themselves. She thought about offering to get out of the tub. Instead, she relaxed and enjoyed watching them run the cloths over their muscular bodies.

When they were done, Jarmon lifted her from the tub, holding her while Garrik dried her with a towel. When he was satisfied, he tossed the towel away and Jarmon carried her back to bed.

She snuggled into the pillows, yawning as they flanked her. Her eyes fluttered shut as Garrik rolled over long enough to blow out the candle before turning back to her. She felt utterly sated and, although they hadn’t said the words, she felt entirely loved.


Chapter Thirteen

Shouting woke her from a sound sleep. She stretched as she rolled over, her stiff muscles protesting. The sheets beside her were cool. Jarmon and Garrik had managed to slip out of bed without her waking. And no wonder. A secret smile played at her lips as memories of last night replayed in her mind. Both men had awakened her more than once last night. Hugging her pillow to her chest, she sighed contentedly.

The shouting came again, this time louder and more angry-sounding. Rolling out of bed, she headed toward the window. Her blue robe was draped across the end of the bed, so she grabbed it and yanked it on, wrapping the belt tight around her waist.

Kneeling up onto the bench below the window, she peered between the panes of stained glass. Frustrated that she couldn’t see much, she found the latch and pushed the window open.

“It is my right to issue a challenge!” All the blood drained from her face as she recognized Leon’s bellow. “If you have taken Genita’s virginity, then she is no longer of much value.”

Hurt and anger flowed through her, making her feel slightly numb. She hated the fact that he was saying such hateful things about her in front of Jarmon and Garrik and indeed the entire castle.

“I accept the challenge.” The voice was so low and controlled she almost didn’t hear it. Her heart stopped and then began to pound furiously. He couldn’t. She wouldn’t allow it.

Forgetting that she was only wearing a thin robe, she raced from the room. The cold from the stone steps seeped into her feet, but she barely felt it. Her hair fluttered like a banner behind her as she practically flew down the staircase and across the great hall toward the huge front door. Grabbing the large metal handle, she pulled. The heavy door slowly opened enough for her to slip through. Holding the robe together with one hand, she hurried outside.

Her feet had barely touched the outside steps when a strong arm captured her from behind. Before she could cry out, a large hand covered her mouth. “Don’t say anything, Genny.” She didn’t know what was happening, but she did recognize Bador’s voice.

She nodded frantically and he slowly removed his hand from her mouth but kept his arm banded around her waist.

“What’s going on? I heard Leon issue a challenge.” It was hard to catch her breath from her mad dash down the stairs. She tried to see around the crowd that had gathered, but it was difficult.


“Your brother certainly does like to bellow.” As if on cue, Leon’s roar could be heard once again over the muttering of the crowd. Genny couldn’t quite make out the words, but there was no misinterpreting the anger.

There was a gleam of humor in Bador’s eye that made Genny furious. This was no laughing matter. Gripping the edges of his vest in her hands, she shook him. Or at least she tried to. It was like trying to move a large oak tree. “This isn’t funny. Leon has challenged and Jarmon has accepted.”

“Aye. Leon has issued a challenge, as is his right. Garrik and Jarmon claimed you without your family’s permission. They either had to accept the challenge or give you back.”

Maybe there was a way to avert this fight. She just couldn’t allow Jarmon to face Leon again. Her brother had almost killed him the last time they’d met. Although Jarmon had recovered, he was still at a disadvantage because of the injuries to his left arm and leg. She swallowed the bile that pushed up her throat from her churning stomach. “I could go with them.” The words were barely a whisper, but Bador heard them and froze. “Jarmon doesn’t have to fight.” Bador shook his head slowly as he pushed a lock of hair out of her face. “No, little one. If you left with your brothers, you might as well shove a sword through Jarmon’s heart. It would kill him.” She started to protest, but he ignored it. “I know what you are trying to do. It is a noble thing, but misguided. Have faith in both Jarmon and Garrik to see this through.”

“They are your brothers. How can you risk them like this? Especially Jarmon.”

“How can I not support them?” he countered. “They are my brothers and they are fighting for the woman they love.”

The negotiations had obviously finished as the people began to disperse. Genny whipped her head around, searching the crowd for her men. And they were hers. She loved them both more than she’d thought it possible to ever love any man. When she saw them striding toward her, she broke away from Bador’s hold and ran to meet them.

Their older brother Zaren was beside them, but she only had eyes for Garrik and Jarmon.

She hesitated for the briefest of seconds before throwing herself into Jarmon’s arms.

He caught her easily, lifting her high into his arms without breaking his stride.

Continuing inside, he carried her over to the sitting area and lowered her into one of the chairs. She popped right back up again, her fingers twisting in the fabric of his vest.

“What has happened? Why have you accepted Leon’s challenge?” Jarmon’s face hardened, the scar pulling his lip up into a sneer. “Of course I accepted the challenge. How could you expect otherwise?” Genny prayed for patience. Were all men this dense? She gentled her voice, not wanting to insult him. “After what happened last time…” She trailed off, not quite sure how to continue.


His entire body jerked as if she’d struck him. “You think that I cannot defeat him.

You think he will beat me.”

“Yes. No. I don’t know!” she wailed. “I don’t want anything to happen to you.” Every muscle on his body was tight and the vein in his temple pounding. “I see.”

“No, you don’t see.” She whirled around to look for Garrik. The entire family and some of the servants were watching them. Some of the men looked insulted, others amused. Jane’s face was pale but composed. Several older women shot her a sympathetic glance but said nothing. “Why do you have to fight? Why does he have to fight?”

A part of her knew she was acting irrationally. She knew the laws of the land as well as any of them did. It was her brothers’ right to challenge and as the oldest, it was Leon’s choice of who issued the challenge. The only reason he was doing it himself was because of his hatred for Jarmon. “He’s going to try to kill him,” she whispered. Why didn’t anyone else understand?

Jarmon caught her chin in his hand and turned her face back to him. His scar was white against his slightly flushed cheek. His pale eyes bore into her, calm and cold. “I will not lose. You will be free.” He dropped his hand, turned and walked away without a backward glance. And what did he mean by that? She would be free?

She started after him, but Garrik stopped her. “Let him go, Genny. You have hurt his pride and gravely insulted his honor.”

She bit her bottom lip so hard that it began to bleed. She’d never meant to insult him. Tears pricked her eyes. What was she supposed to do? Let him face her brother who’d already maimed him in battle?

“Genny.” Garrik’s soft voice, filled with understanding, almost made her lose her composure totally. She swallowed convulsively. She would not cry in front of all these people.

Pulling away from his grasp, she raced back toward the stairs, her bare feet slapping against the stone. She held it together as she dashed back up the steps and into the bedroom where she’d known such joy only hours before. Throwing herself onto the bed, she buried her face in the pillows and sobbed.

Her head pounded and her stomach hurt. Her actions had started something she couldn’t stop. How would she be able to live with herself if something happened to Jarmon? She knew that Garrik would act as his second, but it was Jarmon who would have to face Leon.

She cried so long and hard that she began to gag. Slapping her hand over her mouth, she raced to the small bathing chamber where she knew there was a bucket. She knelt on the stone floor, supporting herself on shaking arms as she heaved. When it was over, she lowered herself to the floor, letting the coolness seep into her perspiring body.

Calmness descended upon her. There was really nothing she could do. These events were unfolding and all she could do was watch them and pray. No, that wasn’t quite 107

true. The one thing she could do was to show Jarmon and Garrik that she supported them.

Jarmon was laying down his life for her. For that alone she owed him her respect and her loyalty. Because she loved him, she needed to be with him, needed him to know that she believed in him. She didn’t want him facing Leon thinking that she didn’t have faith in him or his abilities.

Pushing herself to her feet, she stumbled over to the washstand where there was a pitcher of fresh water. It was cold, but that didn’t matter. Pouring it into the bowl, she grabbed a washcloth and cleaned away the evidence of her tears. Quickly, she combed her hair and braided it, fastening it with the leather thong that she’d removed yesterday during her bath. She took another moment to rinse her mouth before heading back into the bedroom.

Her satchel lay near the table and she scooped it up and laid it on the table. Her other clothing was gone, but she still had her older dress. Her fingers closed around a familiar piece of cloth. Unable to resist its lure, she pulled the tapestry from the cloth bag. Unrolling it, she laid it on the table. The vibrant colors seemed to dance in front of her and she traced her finger over the faces of the warriors. Her warriors.

A knock came on the door, but before Genny could answer it, the door opened. Jane peeked inside. “I thought you might need some clothing.”

“Come in.” She could see the other woman staring at her red eyes, but thankfully she made no comment on them. Genny was extremely grateful to her for that. She was also glad she wouldn’t have to wear her old, threadbare dress in front of everyone.

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