Targeted (22 page)

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Authors: Katie Reus

Tags: #love_contemporary

BOOK: Targeted
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“Miami Children’s Hospital,” a female voice answered after three rings.
“Hi, is Hannah Young in yet? This is a family emergency.”
“I’m sorry but Hannah called in sick tonight.”
“When did she call?”
“Who is this?”
Sophie disconnected without answering. They weren’t allowed to give out personal information at the hospital. Something she understood, but she didn’t feel like getting into a drawn-out conversation with someone who would never give her the answer she wanted.
“Is everything okay?” Jack asked.
“The woman who answered said Hannah called in sick.”
“That’s a good thing, Sophie. If she simply hadn’t shown up, then you’d need to be worried.”
“You’re right.” She tried to give the appearance that she was satisfied, but couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. Hannah wasn’t a flake. She should have called by now.
The closer they got to SBMS, the more tension built up in the back of her neck. Surprising her, Jack reached out and put a reassuring hand on her arm. He stroked her for a second with his thumb, the move slow, a little sensual, and so much like the way Sam used to comfort her, it was like a slap to her senses, pulsing through her like a wave. She couldn’t breathe for a moment as memories of the way her first love had done more than comfort her. She’d never felt so emotionally raw in her entire life as she had these past couple of days. Add to that these strange, conflicting feelings she experienced every time Jack looked at her or touched her in a far too familiar way and she felt herself starting to split at the seams.
At least he looked just as startled as she felt. Maybe he was experiencing the same electric . . . whatever was going on between them. Jack stared at his hand for a second before pulling it back as if she’d scorched him. God, she wasn’t going to bite. Unless he asked nicely. Then she’d definitely oblige him. She could feel heat creeping up her neck at the inappropriate thought, but she was helpless to stop those internal needs. She wasn’t sure if it was because Jack reminded her of Sam or not, but her draw to him was making her edgy, hungry for his touch. Luckily they were at their destination. Which shouldn’t be a relief considering what she was about to do. But it was. Anything to distract herself from the hundred different thoughts running through her head.
“Left here.” She pointed.
There were two parking garages, so she directed him to the older one. In order to enter the new one, they would have to get a ticket and wait for a small mechanical arm to lift. Not to mention, there were security cameras in the new garage. Technically they weren’t supposed to use the old one, but a lot of the employees did, especially if there was an early meeting and some of them wanted to dip out without being noticed. No one enforced the rules, so it didn’t matter anyway.
Instead of parking on one of the top floors, Jack wound down the ramp until they were at the basement-level garage. Not surprising, no one else was parked there.
“What are you doing?” she asked as he put the SUV in park.
“We’re going in through the basement entrance.”
“So you knew about this garage?”
He nodded and opened his door.
She sighed as she exited the vehicle. Why he hadn’t just told her instead of letting her give him directions, she didn’t understand.
Jack rounded the SUV and motioned for her to follow. When they came to the door that led to the stairs, Jack tried opening it. It was locked, so he pulled out a small black kit and worked the lock until the door swung open.
“Why am I not surprised?” she said as he held open the door for her. She’d seen him hot-wire cars. This had taken him a lot less time.
He winked at her and her stomach flipped. Just like that. Oh yeah, she was completely lacking all common sense when it came to this man. The man was walking sex appeal. Not in an overt way, but after seeing him without a shirt this morning, she hadn’t been able to get the image of his sculpted arms and chest out of her mind. She’d felt how powerful he was when he was carrying her through that icy water, and actually seeing him half-clothed only added to her desire for him. It was so easy to imagine what it would be like to have his body over hers, pumping into her while she—
“Stay behind me.” His words echoed in the stairwell, cutting her fantasy short.
Which was probably best. She needed to stay focused even if being distracted by thoughts of Jack was oddly helpful with the rest of the worries she couldn’t shake. Once they reached the sixth floor, the panic she’d been expecting settled in full force. Most people would be gone for the day, but it was possible she might run into someone she knew. They had to cross an overpass from the old parking garage to the building. There weren’t any cameras, but someone could be exiting the building and they would have nowhere to hide.
“You ready?” he asked before opening the door.
He eased open the door. There were a few cars in the upper level of the garage, but no one was around, so they hurried across the overpass.
The halls were eerily empty as they made their way to her office. Mandy and the other assistants had of course gone home for the day, increasing Sophie’s sense of isolation. Anyone could walk in on them and Jack didn’t seem the least bit affected.
Without asking, Jack sat at her desk and turned on her computer.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m checking your files.” He didn’t even look up.
He shot her a quick glance. “I want to see if someone has been tracking your movements on here. Someone knew you’d taken those pictures—which explains the gunmen the day we were out to lunch. But it happened damn fast. I want to find out if someone planted a back door on your computer. I’m pretty sure they did, but I want confirmation.”
She blinked. “Back door?”
“It would give them remote access to your files if set up right.” His fingers clacked away on the keyboard at rapid speed, as if he was barely aware of her presence.
Okay, then. She scrubbed a hand over her face, but when the doorknob rattled, Sophie completely froze. As the door swung open it was as if everything around her moved in slow motion. Benson, one of her coworkers, walked in. His face turned a dark shade of crimson when he spotted her.
Immediately her gaze riveted back to the desk, but Jack was gone.
What the hell?
“Sophie, what are you doing here?” Benson asked.
“This is my office.” She took a few steps backward and leaned against the edge of the desk, hoping her action seemed casual.
“Ronald said you were out sick.”
She ignored the comment. “Did you need something?”
“Oh, no, I didn’t mean . . . That is . . .” He cleared his throat and held out some sort of postcard. “I just wanted to invite you to see my band play this weekend.”
She stared dumbly at what he was offering. “Your band?”
“Yeah, I thought maybe we could have a couple drinks before my show,” he mumbled.
Oh no. No, no, no. She did not have time for this. “I actually have plans this weekend, but I should let you know that I’m dating someone.”
“Of course you are,” he mumbled, the crimson flush spreading all the way to his neck and ears.
“Listen, Benson, I don’t date coworkers anyway, so—”
Looking away, he took a step back toward the door. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll see ya around.”
Before she could respond, he’d shut the door behind him. She quickly locked it, then sagged against the solid door. “Jack?” she whispered.
He popped up from behind the desk. “Did you lock the door?”
Jack pulled a flash stick out of his pocket and plugged it in. Then he glanced at his watch. “I found a very well-hidden back door. It’s closed now, but I’m taking everything from your computer.”
“Do you know who planted it?”
“Nope, but I
find out.” There was a steely edge to his voice that left no doubt in her mind that he would. “And it’s time to call Weller.”
She pulled the phone from her back pocket and cursed her trembling hand. “What if he won’t move the meeting time?”
“Make him do it.” He didn’t even look up from her computer as he spoke, which made her feel a little better.
Jack acted as if she should have no problem getting Ronald to agree. Which meant her sexy spy trusted her. Except he wasn’t hers and she needed to stop thinking like that.
She glanced at the wall clock behind Jack’s head. Almost seven. With a shaking hand she dialed Ronald’s office number. After three rings, she frowned. Maybe he wasn’t even there.
When he finally answered, his voice sounded odd. “Hello?”
“Ronald, it’s me.”
There was a long pause. “What do you want?”
She frowned at his brusque tone. “We need to meet now.”
“Now? Are you in the building?” There was a note of panic in his voice.
“No, but I will be soon. I’ll be in your office in five.” She disconnected before he could argue.
“Something’s not right,” Sophie said to Jack.
He stood as he pulled the flash drive from her computer. “What do you mean?”
“He sounded . . . funny. I can’t explain it.”
Jack pulled a gun from his shoulder holster. “We’re going to do things a little differently, then.”
As he headed for the door, she placed what she hoped was a firm hand on his chest. “You won’t need a gun with Ronald.”
“Sophie, we’re doing this my way. I need to know you won’t question any decisions I make in the next twenty minutes. I can’t do my job if I’m worrying about you.”
She glared at him. “I can’t believe you think you even have to say that.”
“Well, you’ve refused one of my orders. Twice.”
She gritted her teeth. “It’s because that order is asinine. You need to let that shit go.” After everything they’d been through, she trusted Jack with her life. He might be a little intimidating, and okay, scary, when he wanted to be—she still couldn’t get over how calm he’d been when he shot those two men—but it was clear he knew what he was doing and wanted to protect her. Hell, he’d kept them alive this long.
He blinked once, as if she’d surprised him, but didn’t respond as he unlocked the door. Sophie stayed close to him as they entered the outer office area.
As they crept down the hallway toward Ronald’s office, sweat trickled down her spine. The door was closed, so Jack pressed his back against the wall and motioned to her.
“If anything happens, I’m right here.” His quiet voice was so soothing it stilled all the nerves running rampant inside her. She could do this.
Trust didn’t come easy for her—never had—but the longer she was around this man, the more she found she actually wanted to trust everything he said to her. She connected with him on a fundamental level that almost defied logic. The only other person she’d felt that way about was Sam. Her protector and lover. And Jack was only one of those at this point.
Nodding once, Sophie knocked and opened the door at the same time, hoping her fear wasn’t showing. Jack stood to the right of the door, unseen to anyone inside, but his presence made her feel better. Safer. She stepped in and gasped.
The blinds were drawn, Ronald sat in his chair behind the desk, and her assistant, Mandy, stood two feet away from him. And she was holding a gun.
“Mandy? Why do you have a gun?” Sophie asked loudly.
“Shut the door.” Her assistant trained the gun in Sophie’s direction.
By the firm way she held it, Sophie guessed she knew how to use it too. She paused but did as she said.
“Now move over next to him.”
“What are you doing?” Sophie asked.
Mandy, no longer the sweet assistant Sophie had come to enjoy working with, rolled her eyes. Suddenly she looked older, her gaze remote and icy. “Making a lot of money, that’s what.”
She glanced at Ronald for confirmation, but he simply shook his head as if he was confused by this.
“Stand up, Ronald,” Mandy ordered.
“Are you going to kill both of us? How can you think you’ll get away with this?” Sophie asked. It probably wouldn’t be that hard, but she just wanted to keep the woman talking.
“I’m only killing you. Rather, Ronald is.”
“What?” Her boss finally spoke, horror in his voice.
Mandy rolled her eyes again and spoke to Ronald as if Sophie weren’t in the room. “I’m not giving you the gun, you moron. We’re going down to the parking garage and I’m killing her. It will look like you did, though. If you try to cross Vargas, he’ll send the evidence to the police.”
Sophie looked at her boss. Dark circles under his eyes stood out against his pale face. Out of the corner of her eye, Sophie could see the door slowly opening. Mandy had her back facing the door and it took all of Sophie’s willpower not to look in that direction.
Unfortunately she wasn’t so sure about Ronald. It was stupid. Probably the stupidest thing she’d ever done, but she turned to Ronald and started yelling at him. Somehow she had to distract Mandy and give Jack an opening. If Mandy had wanted Sophie dead, the other woman would have shot her the moment she walked in the door. But it was clear she wanted to do the job downstairs. Probably because dragging a bleeding body through the building would be impossible to explain.
“Did you know about those weapons being shipped by Keane? Is that why someone tried to kill me? Did you set me up, you son of a bitch? Is this all about money?” Sophie’s voice rose with each word. She silently prayed Ronald didn’t give away Jack’s position.
Ronald stared at her. “I can explain—”
Sophie grabbed Ronald’s hand, pulling him to the floor at the same time Jack made his move. Everything happened so quickly, Sophie didn’t have time to do anything other than stare from her position on the floor.

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