Tart (25 page)

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Authors: Lauren Dane

Tags: #Romance, #General Fiction Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction

BOOK: Tart
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He banded an arm around her waist. “And you said no one else seemed to want to kiss you because they were all afraid of your brother.”

She smiled. “I told you I was going to throw myself at some cute counselor at summer camp if that was the case and then you kissed me.”

He had. The idea of her getting her first kiss from some college guy sniffing around younger girls had pushed all reason from his head. He’d simply leaned in and gave her a kiss. Intending it to be fast, but his tongue had found its way into her mouth, her taste a total tease.

It had been so good he’d backed way off and never did it again, afraid of what might happen. Never wanting to lose her friendship. Older girls went farther and God knew he was horny all the damned time back then. Ha. Now as well. But times were different.

“You’re not fifteen now. And I can have you as often as I can manage.”

“Lucky me.”

“You took the words right out of my mouth.” He leaned in to kiss her again, the memories of that time so long ago sweetening the moment.

“I’ll see you at five.”

She stepped back with a wave. “Drive safe.”

•   •   •

“Damn he’s pretty.” Raven tipped her head toward the door as Jules came back.

“I know. It’s nearly criminal. He looks way better naked than I do.”

Raven laughed. “You’re not so bad yourself. But I’ve seen him in shorts and a T-shirt and that was a nice preview. And the cowboy too? It’s the manners, am I right?” She looked to Erin and Daisy, who both nodded eagerly.

Jules blushed. “Not even gonna lie. All that please-and-thank-you-ma’am stuff makes me tingly. He stands up when a woman enters a room. He can do it without being patronizing. You should see what he looks like on a horse. Or when he’s sweaty from working outside all day. Good lord.” When she saw him like that, she wanted to lick him like an ice cream cone.

Raven sighed. “Thanks for that image. I’m not actually seeing anyone right now and you’re a hot-man hog. You and Erin both. It’s selfish.”

Jules liked Raven, though she wasn’t always easy to like. One of those people who often said exactly what she thought. With no filters. Sometimes it was too much. Other times, most of the time, Jules believed she did it to keep people back. Jules saw how Raven was with Erin and knew of her friendship with Gillian. The woman had a big heart and tried to hide that behind a bunch of bitchy chatter. Sometimes she succeeded, but Jules trusted Gillian’s instincts.

Erin snorted in Raven’s direction. “Bitch, please. You need two men to handle you. Or even better, one super-hard, super-badass alpha male who won’t take any of your shit.”

“I’m not sure I’ve met the man who can tame Raven.” Gillian patted Raven’s hand. “But it would be fun to watch.”

“You’re all very mean to me.” Raven sniffed dramatically.

Jules rolled her eyes.

Gillian told them all about something or other going on at the new house as Erin edged closer to Jules.

“Looks like you guys are working stuff out pretty well.”

Jules hesitated for a moment but decided to share with Erin what had happened when she went to her brother’s house.

Erin took both of her hands, distress on her features. “I’m so sorry! That’s awful. Ben has had some pretty bad problems with his family since he told them about us. His father is . . . well, I’d hoped for several years that he’d get his act together, at least for the sake of his grandson. It’s very ugly and it hurts Ben so much. Frankly I’d love to punch the guy in the face and be done forever. His mother is the sweetest woman ever, I don’t get it.”

Jules sighed.

Erin continued. “It’s not easy. And it’s really not easy for Ben and Todd. It’s funny, they get more negative attention for showing each other affection than when the three of us do. Not everyone deals with what they don’t like or understand in a positive way. Some people are going to judge you. Sometimes it’s someone you really love and being rejected by them is incredibly painful. I’m sorry. I wish I could say it didn’t hurt or never mattered. But you’re a person with a big heart. Of course it hurts and of course it matters sometimes.”

“Cal is worried that if people find out there’ll be negative impact on Tart, or on the farm.”

Erin shrugged. “It could be. But really, most people just want to eat something sweet with a cup of coffee. They don’t care that you’re in love with two men. This isn’t to say I don’t think you need to be discreet. We might all hold hands or give each other a quick kiss, but it’s really not something we call attention to outside our family and friends. It sucks to have to play that game with bigots, but it keeps my kid safe and I don’t have to deal with drama that way.”

“I really don’t know what I’d do without you to talk to.”

Erin smiled. “That’s a wonderful compliment. Thank you. I’m glad to have you to talk to as well. I’m not the only one out there now. It feels good. And it feels good that Alexander will be around other families like his. Um, not that you’re going out and having babies next week or anything. But you know what I mean.”

Kids was a whole ’nother thing Jules had been thinking about. One step at a time, though. There was time for that. One
step at a time.

•   •   •

Cal had been so deeply involved in his work that he’d nearly jumped from his seat at the sound of the tap on his door.

Beautiful Jules stood in the doorway, looking annoyed. “You’re working very late. This vexes me as I had plans with you.”

Cal looked at the clock and then back to Jules with a cringe. “Shit. I’m sorry.” He stood and moved to her. The look on her face made his cock hard and his heart swell. That summed up what she was to him. Everything. Hotness and sweetness at the same time.

“You move me, sugar.”

Her annoyance slid away as she smirked and let him hug up on her. “Hm.”

“You do. I’m sorry, the time got away from me. I did check the clock, but it felt like just an hour ago.”

“I suppose I have to get used to being with an attorney.”

“You look so pretty. I’m really sorry I stood you up.” This wasn’t unusual. He did have a tendency to get wrapped up in his work. But in the past he just didn’t pay as much attention. Sometimes whoever he was dating would get annoyed, but he always made clear that his job was his priority.

But now . . . now he had better priorities. He had Jules and Gideon and suddenly working all the time seemed far less attractive.

“So.” She grabbed the bag she’d left at the door. “I’m here to bring you something to eat and
to say that I know you sometimes have to work late. However, if you and I have a date, I expect you to call or text if you’re going to be late. Otherwise I sit around waiting for you and then I do not feel very much like letting you touch my boobies at all.”

“We can’t have that, now can we? You know how much I like and admire your boobies. Being on the outs with them would be a damned shame.”

She handed him a bag. “Sandwiches and fruit. I saved you a cinnamon roll.” She kissed him. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Can I come over later?” He liked waking up with her. Liked the scent of her skin on his.

He’d never actually lived with someone before. Oh sure, he spent the night or they spent time with him. But when it came down to it, his previous boyfriends and girlfriends were visitors to his life.

Jules was
of his life. Had been before they’d taken things to a new level. Jules was different. On every single level. How he reacted to her was different.

He should have been scared, should have been spooked that things were so serious. But he wasn’t scared. At all. He was more sure of her than of anything else he’d ever known.

“Yes, you can come over. I might be sleeping. You know how I get if I’m not asleep by ten.” She fought a smile and he enjoyed that too.

“I’ll let myself in and be quiet. I’ll even refrain from feeling you up.”

She grinned. “You’d better not. Now, eat and finish your work. Come to me when you finish. I’ll be there.”

He kissed her long and slow, enjoying her taste so very much. “I’m always ready for you. I’ve got another hour or so but I’ll come to you.”

“Good.” She kissed him quickly and left.

And he hurried up, needing to be with her.


ust the board. Just a little flour. The dough can get sticky.”

Gideon pushed his sleeves up and she tried not to get ensorcelled by the sight of his forearms.

“I flour the rolling pin too. Just on my hands and I rub it over the surface. You don’t need a lot. Too much and the dough gets rubbery.”

“This is way more complicated than I ever thought. I have new appreciation for what you do.” Gideon said this as if he weren’t actually pretty awesome at everything she’d ever seen him do.

“You’re doing fine. I’m not grading you.”

He followed along.

“What are you two making?” Cal wandered into the farmhouse kitchen from the living room where they’d been watching movies all day.

“It’s all Jules. She already made a cobbler and three pies.”

Cal’s features lit. “Pie?”

“I don’t think you’ve met a baked good you didn’t get all hot for.” Jules snorted as she worked.

“It’s good fortune, don’t you think? Being in love with a pastry goddess is very fine luck indeed.”

Already weak-kneed at the sight of Gideon and those gorgeous forearms, Jules fell into Cal as he entered the room.

Calvin Whaley was simply beautiful. At six feet and change, he was already imposing, but the broad shoulders stretched under olive-toned skin, taut with just the right amount of muscle. A narrow waist, a high, tight ass and long, powerful legs. Add the black hair, cut flawlessly and therefore framing his face to highlight his gorgeous features, and the blue eyes and you didn’t even need the fact that he had an incredible sense of style so the package was always attractively dressed in clothes that fit him perfectly.

Breathless as she rolled out the dough, she couldn’t take her gaze from him.

He kissed her on his way past. His gaze moved around the room as he took in the pies cooling on racks. His mouth curved upward a bit. Over to the stove where she’d just placed the finished cobbler to cool. Over to Gideon and up his legs and to his face. Sexy half smile this time.

Jules gulped, not even able to brace herself for his attention and when his gaze lighted on her face, she licked her lips.

“No one looks at me the way you do.”

She blushed. “
looks at you. All the time. You’re one of those people other people want to watch on account of you being so pretty and all.”

Gideon laughed, leaning to kiss the top of her head. “You’re right.”

Cal shook his head. “Not that. Though it’s nice when you look like you want to spoon me up and take a bite.” He paused. “I don’t know if I can put it into words and do it justice. Everything you feel about me is written all over your face when you look at me.”

His words filled her with so much emotion she nearly drowned. “You fluster me. No one flusters me. I’m pretty stone cold and all that jazz and you . . . well, you look at me and I get all stuttery and nervous and it’s delicious.” And scary.

“It’s one of the things I love most about you. Now bake me something, woman. You know how hot it makes me to watch you in the kitchen.”

She did, actually. Gideon said it was hot to watch a strong woman bake stuff for him. Cal had agreed.

“One of those pies is for Patrick so don’t either of you touch it,” she admonished lazily as she scanned the shelves until she found a juice glass she needed to cut the biscuits.

She returned to Gideon’s side and continued her lesson. “And then you cut the shapes like this.” She pressed the rim of the glass down through the dough with a slight twist and then pulled up again. “You might have to flour the rim a little here and there. And then just put the biscuit on the baking sheet.”

Cal breathed deep as he kept his attention on her as she worked. The kitchen smelled fabulous. She wore a high ponytail and a sundress. In her bare feet, she padded here and there around the room. To the oven where she bent, giving him a fabulous view as her breasts heaved up. To the table where she’d been working with Gideon.

She looked like an ad for soap, or something else equally wholesome. But she was so dirty just beneath it drove him crazy. He’d had
idea what lay just beneath the surface until he’d drawn the curtains and she’d gotten naked with him.

“I like that dress.” An innocent enough compliment, but he teased and she knew it.

She twirled and creamy skin up to her mid thigh flashed. On purpose as she teased back. “Do you?”


Cal leaned back, his lids dropping a little. “Are you teasing? I think you might know what happens when you do that.”

“I know. Why else would I do it?” She looked him up and down. Slow and sexy. He wanted to preen.

Of course Patrick would be back shortly and they’d have to savor that want a few more hours until they could be alone again.

“Christ, when you’re like this it makes me want to bend you over something.” Gideon came up behind her and hauled her to him, back to front.

Cal’s cock ached, he was so fucking hard. When easy, laid-back Gideon got all dominant it worked all the fucking way.

“When is Patrick back?” Jules swayed a little against Gideon. Cal knew the feel of her ass as it brushed over his cock and he stepped to them both.

Gideon groaned. “Any minute now.”

Jules sighed and moved away, fanning her face. “The wait will only make it hotter when we finally do get alone.”

“Until then I’ll be planning. I hope you have Epsom salts in your cabinet because I plan to make you very, very sore.” Cal smiled, totally meaning it.

Jules blushed. “Now you’re making a challenge. You know how I hate to lose, Calvin.”

Cal grinned. “Oh, but we all win this challenge.”

Gideon laughed and then they heard a car door slam outside, signaling Patrick’s return.

“I’ll hold you to your promise,” Gideon said on his way past.

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