Taste Me Deadly (Sensory Ops) (18 page)

BOOK: Taste Me Deadly (Sensory Ops)
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“I heard she was awake and couldn’t stay away.” Grey tried to smile, but couldn’t pull it off. Her stomach rolled with the possibilities of news he could be bringing. If she wasn’t a match or if they couldn’t find a donor or if there were other complications that only showed up after Ruby woke… The list was endless and increasingly torturous.

“Dr. Keiths.” Liam saved her from her thoughts. “How’s Ruby doing?”

“Her vitals are strong.” Dr. Keiths moved to the side of the bed opposite of Grey and looked at Ruby’s chart he’d carried in. “Aside from needing a new kidney she’s healing.”

“Any news on a transplant?” Simon asked, playing the part of devoted fiancé.

“Ms. Craig here has applied to be a living donor,” Dr. Keiths said with a nod toward Grey. “We’re waiting for the results on one last test, but so far everything looks good.”

Grey’s heart fluttered. “You mean I should be able to donate?”

“We’ll know for certain by end of day, but it’s looking that way.”

“When would we be able to do the surgery?” Grey asked.

“Once we get the final approval we’ll have some paperwork to process and then should be able to move forward.” Dr. Keiths patted her bicep. “With any luck, tomorrow or the next day.”

“Seriously?” she squeaked. She hadn’t squeaked in… She couldn’t remember the last time she’d squeaked. Giddy with happiness, Grey turned to Ruby. “This is awesome. You could have a new kidney and be out of here in just over a week.”

Ruby wasn’t smiling at the news. She still wasn’t smiling when Dr. Keiths left the room a few minutes later. He was thrilled to see Ruby awake and talking, but he was concerned by her color—she was too pale. And her energy—she could only turn her head on the pillow.

“Don’t you want out of here, Ruby? Don’t you want to be better?”

“Of course. I just don’t want you to be my donor. You have enough to deal with.”

“If you were really listening while in your coma, you’d know you’re the reason I’m back.” Grey lifted her sister’s hand and squeezed it gently. “The surgery isn’t a big deal.”

“You can’t protect yourself during a surgery or recovery.”

“You’re right,” Liam said, stepping forward. “And you can’t take care of yourself until you get a new kidney.” He pointed between Simon and himself. “Protection is why we’re here. And why the rest of my team will be here when we can’t be.”

“If she risks herself and things go wrong—”

“That’s not going to happen,” Liam cut in harshly.

“—she wouldn’t be able to testify.”

The line in Liam’s forehead cratered, his mouth hardened. “She will testify, because nothing is happening to her.”

“She’s right here,” Grey stated. “Ruby, you sacrificed so much for me when we were younger.” A college education. A relationship. “Let me do this for you.”

Ruby argued, but it didn’t hold much fire. “You were always too impetuous.”

“I assure you I’ve considered the angles.” Even if something did go wrong in the surgery, not that she wanted to think it would, Liam and his team were gathering enough evidence to put Jessup away when he was caught again. And if she needed to, she would do a video statement. A good defense attorney could get it dismissed, probably, but if a jury got to see it they’d be hard pressed to forget what she’d have to say.

“Ruby.” Simon circled Ruby’s bed and sat on the edge of it. “I’ve seen a lot of families torn apart by life. Some are lucky enough to find each other again. Others die before getting the chance.”

“Cheery thought,” Ruby muttered.

“You’re in a hospital with an amazing success rate. You have one of the FBI’s top teams and the U.S. Marshals Service at your back. This thing Grey wants to do for you, it’s such a small thing when you consider the likely reward.”

Ruby turned to Simon. “What do you think that would be?”

He smiled a quiet smile that spoke of simplicity. His answer, one whispered word, moved through Grey like a promise and brought tears to her eyes. “Life.”

Ruby narrowed her eyes and scowled. “You’re really good at that guilt game.”

“Guilt would be telling you I’d like you to live long enough to get to know you.” Simon bent down and kissed her temple. “If you’re going to deny Grey’s offer, make sure you have a reason other than fear.”

Grey didn’t argue her case further. Nothing she added would be more convincing than Simon. At least she hoped he was convincing, because she suddenly felt more lost than Mulan in a man’s army. Ruby was her Shang, the one person she needed to convince but the one who wouldn’t listen because of whom she was. Or whom she’d been.

Chapter Fifteen

Exhaustion grew nearer with every mile closer to home, but Liam forced his mind to stay sharp. He watched for any sign of a tail, but found none. He scanned the area around his neighborhood for indications of danger, but saw none.

When he pulled into his garage and lowered the door, he finally relaxed. Resting his head against the seat, he turned and looked at Grey. Her eyes were closed and her chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm. Her face muscles twitched too much for her to be completely relaxed in sleep though.

“You’re awfully quiet, Grey.” And it was awful, because unlike the other silences they’d shared her fear and worry moved through this one. And him. The more concerned she became the more energy it took for him to fight it.

She didn’t open her eyes, but her face stilled. Her throat moved in a swallow and her fragility had Liam gripping the steering wheel to keep from pulling her to him. He hadn’t kissed her yet today, except the brief teaser after hearing Jessup escaped, and the idea of pulling her into his lap had the temptation snapping to the forefront.

Flowing a little quicker and smoother through his veins, his blood heated.

“Just thinking.” As if it had been hours since she’d spoken, her voice was thick and raspy. It hadn’t been hours, though, so it had to be a product of emotion.

“Are you having doubts about tomorrow?”

Her head rolled from side to side on the seat. “Not a one. I know I’m doing the right thing with the donation.”

Needing to touch her, to reassure himself if not her, he took her hand in his. Rubbing his thumb over her fingers he studied the contrast of her softness against his calloused fingers. In the big picture of life they barely knew each other, but he knew everything about her he needed to know.

He’d seen the depths of her kindness and loyalty. She made him feel stronger just by being near. He was miserable without her. He’d even painted his walls gray because the color made him think of her—not that he was admitting that to anyone.

“Wanna tell me what you’re thinking about?”

With her face toward him, she breathed deep and opened her eyes. Quiet certainty penetrated the shield of her contacts. The same certainty whispered in her one word answer. “You.”

Hearts shouldn’t stop and chests shouldn’t collapse, but his did. A beat later his heart kicked into action with a new life and his chest opened up to make room. It was a struggle, but he kept his voice light. “Really?”

“Since walking into Ruby’s room and finding you in that chair, I’ve been waiting for you to turn into an impatient asshole, but you haven’t.”

“That almost sounded like a compliment.”

She smiled softly and the look seemed to be reflected deep in her soul. “You had every reason to hate me, but you’ve been supporting me since before I got back.”

He shrugged and continued playing with her fingers.

“You sat with my sister and protected her. You’ve kept me safe even when I didn’t want you to.”

“I care about you, Grey.”

“I’ve given you multiple reasons to want to yell at me, but you haven’t.”

“Yelling would only make you feel bad, which would then make me feel bad for making you feel bad.”

She laughed. “I’m pretty sure that’s what has me falling for you.”

He grinned, raised his gaze to hers. His heart swelled. His eyes burned, but he refused to allow tears to fall. “I’m not going to apologize for that.”

“I’m pretty sure that when I fall in love with you, and I’m thinking that’s seriously possible, it will be forever.”

“I’m sure as shit not going to apologize for

She laughed again and this time it stained her cheeks with a happy blush. “Of course not. But can I ask you to do something?”

“Anything.” It came out as a sighing whisper, but the promise of it echoed inside him like a yodel.

“Take me to bed, Liam. Make love to me.”

Everything stilled. His heart. Their breathing. The air moving around them. It all…stopped. Somewhere between Earth and Heaven miracles occurred. At the moment, that place was his garage and the granter was Grey.

Wordlessly, he opened his door and went around to open hers. Taking her hand, he waited for her to get to her feet. Then, he did something he’d wanted to do for two years. He swept Greycen Craig Burgess into his arms and carried her across the threshold into the house he’d dreamed of sharing with her.

“I can walk.”

“You can, but you’re not going to.”

Her breath was warm against his neck as she rested her forehead against his temple. The arousal he’d managed not to think too much about the last few days snapped at its leash.

Liam didn’t bother with lights as he headed to the bedroom, but once he stepped into his room, he hit the nearest switch. He wasn’t going to miss a look or a breath or a reaction. If she only gave him tonight, he would memorize every instance.

He set her on her feet beside the bed and despite the ravaging hunger roaring inside, he brushed the tips of his fingers over her cheeks and over her fake scar. Her breath rushed for freedom. Two years had passed since he felt a woman’s touch. Since he felt his wife’s touch. Every moment of suffering became worthwhile when she smiled up at him and toed off the metallic silver Toms.

He curled a strand of her wig around his finger and tugged gently. “Are you sure about this, Grey?”

“I am, but could you do me another favor since there’s no one else around?”

“Of course.” Like the
in the car, it came out as a whisper. He was powerless against her requests, and he didn’t want to change it.

“Call me Opal. I think I miss being Opal.”

His heart broke for all that she’d given up, but in the next moment it soared because she was empowering herself to take it all back. And

“I always liked opals.” He bent down and kissed her temple while simultaneously giving the wig a yank.

Opal gasped and reached for his shirt. She pulled it from his jeans.

“Are you sure you’re sure about this?”

“Very.” Proving her claim with action, she shoved his jacket off his shoulders and then, as if she’d done it before and so often it was natural, she unholstered his weapon.

He tensed for a flash. No one else handled his gun. Ever. But she carefully placed it on the bedside table so the handle was toward the bed, just as he did each night, and then turned her attention back to him.

“Are you sure about this, Liam?”

Fuck yeah.
He rubbed his hands down her arms. “I’ve never been so sure, Opal.”

She breathed deep, her eyes drifting closed. He took advantage of her momentarily dropped guard and swooped in. Two years of abstinence topped with days of restraint imploded his control.

His lips closed over hers, moved in a hungry pace she matched instantly. She clawed at his shirt and belt. He kicked off his shoes. When she reached for the snap of his pants, he jerked from desire’s daze and grabbed her hands.

“I thought you were sure.”

“I am. I’m also sure you’re not going to attack me.” He kissed her gently. “This time anyway.”

She rolled her eyes but her hands slowed as they moved over his now naked torso. Her nails teased his nipples, leaving him to wonder if he’d miscalculated. Opal read his doubt if her grin was any indication.

“As I recall, attacking you holds a certain appeal.”

Yeah, she’d read him correctly. She’d thought he was following her in Vegas, had slipped into a building’s shadow and attacked him, demanded answers, when he passed. He’d answered her questions and then demanded she have dinner with him. That night had been the first time they’d slept together.

“Not this time.” He grinned at the memory though as he lifted her shirt over her head. Liam checked his watch by twisting his wrist and leaning left a little. “I’ve waited, dreamed, of this far too long to rush it.”

Liam knelt before her and kissed a path along the bottom edge of her bra. She was trembling when he made a return trip along the top edge of her pants. “Did I tell you,” he began as he popped the top snap of her pants, “how much I like this look on you?”

She shook her head and shifted her stance, rubbing her thighs together.

“All day I’ve had glimpses of your skin and been teased by the edginess and tightness of these pants.” He lowered the zipper and placed a nibbling and lingering kiss at her belly button. Ticklish where a small scar marred her smooth skin, her stomach twitched. “I’ve ached with the desire to peel away every layer of fabric hiding you.”

BOOK: Taste Me Deadly (Sensory Ops)
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