Teach Me Love (8 page)

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Authors: S. Moose

BOOK: Teach Me Love
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Chapter 9



The phone conference is dragging and all I can think about is Abigail. What a fucking waste of time this phone conference is. I stop listening and take out my phone. Logan keeps looking over at me and I know he’s wondering what’s going on with me. I lean back in my chair and try to listen to Anthony talk about a few potential authors and their story lines.

Anthony is head of our New York City office. He’s a man in his thirties, divorced, two kids, an asshole but one of the greatest business minds I’ve met.

“Jacob, Logan,” he pauses, “I’m telling you. Contemporary romance and erotica is what’s selling now! We need to look at the female audience and target
desires and
fantasies. Come on boys. It’s April! Summer is coming. Think. Summer. Hot bodies. Hormones rising. Women want hot fucking sex and
will give it to them!”

“Anthony, I get what you’re saying but I have no idea how to promote that crap.” Logan looks over at me waiting for me to answer.

“I got the girl.” Logan shoots his eyes at me with curiosity. I sit up in my chair and feel confident with my answer. “Heather, my personal assistant, will be great with this project. She’s a smart girl. I know she can push this to where we need it to be.”

“Alright boys get it set up. I’ll be down there in a few weeks.”

“Sounds good Anthony. We’ll talk to you soon.” I hang up the call and I know Logan is waiting for some answers.

“Big brother?”
His voice is full of wonder and hesitation.

I get up from my chair and walk around. For a long moment I think about my plan to get what
I want. If I promote Heather, this will show Abigail how serious I am. Abigail wants to make sure her sister is appreciated. This can work in my favor. I can train her and teach her what I know. Logan will agree. I turn my back to Logan and look outside towards the world. This is my new and fresh start. This is what Katherine would want. She would want me to trust more people to help me with my decisions. I look to the sky and the sun is beaming down into my office. There is a calm presence and I feel at ease. I turn back and face Logan, “This will be good. We can prep her before Anthony comes down and it’ll all work out. Trust me.”

Logan stretches his arms out on the couch and starts laughing. “Wait wait. Is this about something else?” I’m not sure how to answer his question but I know he knows what this is about. The closer I get to Heather, the closer I’ll get to Abigail. A part of me hopes this works and I do trust Heather as long as we prep her well for Anthony.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about Logan. This is business. Heather is a young woman and I think that with the right teaching she will do a great job. Anthony has a point; the romance world is growing. What’s that one book that came out? Women were going crazy about it. That red room of pain book.”

Fifty Shades of Grey.
Hayden is obsessed with that book. If she compares me to Christian Grey again I think I’m going to die! She’s been biting her bottom lip more and wants me to be turned on,” Logan laughs, “I can’t help but laugh at her.” We burst out laughing as I pour two glasses of scotch for the both of us.

The rest of the day goes by without any problems. I finish up some last minute emails when Gary comes walking into my office. “Gary what’s going on? I thought you would be on your way to pick up Abigail.” I didn’t mean to sound annoyed and rude but I want tonight to be perfect.

“Sorry Mr. Greene, but Ms. Anderson said she can’t make it tonight. Her son is sick with a stomach ache.”

“Fuck,” I mutter under my breath. I sit back down frustrated. “I wanted tonight to be perfect.”

Gary sits down and clears his throat. “You know, since her son is sick and she’s home with him why don’t you bring dinner to her? Maybe something for the boy?”

I quickly get up and grab my suit jacket. “Gary you’re brilliant. Come on let’s go!”

After two hours, everything is all set for my surprise date with Abigail. I have no idea what she likes so I play it safe and bought burgers, fries, chicken soup for Lucas, salads and a bottle of moscato. I’m not sure how old Lucas is but I guess he’s about five or six years old. I pick up some action figures, books, puzzles and a Xbox. I know I went overboard but what little boy wouldn’t want these gifts. I hope Abigail doesn’t get offended. Gary pulls into her driveway and I start to feel nervous. I’ve never done this before. I want Abigail to be happy and not upset; that’s the last thing I want to happen. Gary comes to my side of the door and opens it. He helps me with the gifts and dinner. I lead the way and look at my watch. It’s six thirty. The sun is still out and there’s a warm breeze. I start to feel a bit calmer. It confuses me how I suddenly feel this way but I don’t push it. I ring the doorbell and look over at Gary. He gives me a reassuring smile and I nod my head. When I turn back, the door slowly opens and Abigail is standing before us. Her hair is tied in a messy bun. She’s wearing black yoga pants and a pink tank top. Her eyes go wide when she sees me. “Hi,” is all I am able to say.

Wh-what are you doing here?” Her voice is quiet yet stern and full of suspicion.

“I told you I wanted to take you out tonight and since Lucas is sick I thought it would be a good idea to come over and bring dinner to you. Plus I have gifts for Lucas.” Abigail stands at the doorway and doesn’t say anything. Her expression softens and a small smile starts
to form on her face. She looks at me. My breathing suddenly stops and my heart is beating faster. The plea of hope and wonder in her eyes makes me want her even more. “Can I come in?”

Without saying anything, she opens the door and allows us to come in. Gary and I follow her in the living room. Abigail takes Gary to the kitchen and tells me to make myself comfortable. I take a seat on the loveseat in the living room. The TV is off and there are toys all over. As I am examining the toys, I
hear a small cough from behind me. I turn around and look down. Looking at me is a blonde hair, gray eye little boy. He doesn’t say anything but looks at me and starts to smile. His eyes go straight to the bags of toys and points over to the gifts. “Yes those are for you. Would you like to look at the toys?” He doesn’t respond but nods his head once. As we walk to the corner where I’ve placed the gifts, I feel his hand gently grab mine and he holds on tight. Without hesitating, I hold his hand and we walk together.

After a few minutes, all the toys are out of the bags and organized into the appropriate groups. I notice Lucas doesn’t say anything. There’s something familiar about him and I can’t seem to figure it out. S
uddenly, I feel her eyes on me and I know she’s behind me. I hear her light breathing and can feel her confusion. I know she’s guarding her heart. I want to tear her walls down. I want her. I want this. I turn around and give her a smile. I see tears in her eyes. I immediately get up and walk over to her. I place my hand in hers and give her a gentle squeeze. “Are you okay? Is this okay?” She nods and we both look back at Lucas.

Chapter 10



I watch as my son and Jacob play on the ground in the living room. Lucas doesn’t say anything. He rarely does around strangers but he looks comfortable. Everything looks natural. I see all the gifts he brought over and feel guilty. I hope he does not do this often. I want Lucas to appreciate the simple things in life and not all the materials.

“Lucas do you think you can eat anything?” I ask while walking to the couch and sitting down.

“Maybe something small,” Lucas answers. “Are you going to stay for dinner too?”

Jacob looks at me and I can’t help but smile.
“If you and your mom want me to I can stay.” His eyes never leave mine as he answers.

Lucas gets up and takes Jacob’s hand, “Come follow me.”

They both are up and in the kitchen. I follow them but keep a distance. I’m not sure what to think and confusion runs through me. Lucas feels comfortable around Jacob and Jacob doesn’t seem to mind Lucas. My fear that Jacob is playing a game takes over. I can’t let him hurt us. What if Lucas becomes attached and Jacob gets bored? How will I explain that to Lucas?

Hands on my waist.
His breath near my ear. “Stop thinking so much. Relax.” I turn my head to face him. I can’t stop looking at how gorgeous he is. His eyes. I look deep into them and see a mix of desire and also fear.

“Okay,” is all I manage to
whisper, leaning back into his chest.

Jacob gets everything together for dinner with the help of Lucas. As per Jacob’s instructions, I was to stay out of the kitchen and enjoy a glass of wine he brought over. I try to sneak a peek in the kitchen to see what’s going on but cannot s
ee what they are up to. The crazy thoughts go through my mind. Jacob Greene; sexy and rich Jacob Greene is here at my house putting dinner together for Lucas and I. I pull out my phone and send a text message with Jacob’s picture to Marilyn.

Me: So the hot and sexy Jacob Greene is in my kitchen! HELP 911!

Marilyn: SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! Why didn’t you tell me this morning you’re in that gorgeous mans sights?

Me: Because you were talking about your sex life! What was I suppose to say?

Marilyn: Oh shut it Abigail! There’s a hot ass man in your house and you’re texting me? What is wrong with you?

Me: I
hate no idea what to do! He made me sit on the couch so he can prepare dinner for us with Lucas helping him.


Me: Get on what?

Marilyn: Oh. My
. Goodness. Child! I know you’ve been out of the game for a few years but you need to get things moving like right now. So go talk to him. Brush up against him. FLIRT!

Me: Hello! My son is here with us! You remember him don’t you?

Marilyn: Oh fuck me sideways. Okay. So enjoy dinner with him and send Lucas to bed. Then get it on!

Me: I’m never telling you anything anymore. Okay
okay I’m going!

Marilyn: I’ll pray for you.

I laugh at her last message to me and look around to make sure I’m still alone. I put my phone back and take a sip of my wine. I’m a mess right now. What will we talk about? Fuck I need help! I drink the rest of my wine and lean my head against the couch. My brows wrinkle as I think about the fact that a very sexy man is in my dining room with my son and I’m sitting here with an empty glass of wine.

How did I let myself get in this situation?

“Mama, come on! It’s time for dinner!” Lucas shouts from the kitchen. I get up and drink the rest of my wine. Oh boy, here we go.

When I walk into the kitchen, my eyes go wide. Jacob and Lucas have turned a simple dinner into something incredible. There are pink and white lilies in the center of the kitchen table with tea light candles all over. Lucas comes over to me and takes my hand. He leads me to my spot at the table and
pulls out a seat for me, “Here Mama. Sit down and relax.”

I can’t believe this is happening. I look at Jacob and can see a grin on his face. I mouth thank you to him. He stares at me for a moment then gives me a wink. Oh dear lord. That wink sends my body flying. I’m completely mesmerized by this man sitting next to me. As I look at him, I think about all the possibilities and a surge of confidence hits me. Jacob is here because he wants to be. He would
n’t have done all of this if he does not care. He could be anywhere. Be with anyone but he chooses to be here with me and Lucas.  It makes me excited but a part of me is scared.

“Abigail?” My eyes meet his
and it seems as though he can read me and my thoughts. “Let’s eat,” he smiles.

“Mama, are you surprised?” Lucas asks while
eating his soup.

“So surprised sweetie.
Thank you for doing this.”

“No problem! It was Jacob’s idea.”

I smile and look at him again. This man is going to be something special.
I hope

Dinner goes well. Jacob tells Lucas about all of his travels and his private plane. Lucas h
angs onto every word and when Jacob asks him where he would like to go, Lucas yells Florida. We laugh together and listen to more of Lucas’s wishes about Florida. I silently watch my son and Jacob interact. It’s interesting how well Lucas is warming up to him. I sneak looks at Jacob and memorize each expression. Each smile and laugh he shows is beautiful. He leans in close to Lucas and they talk about Florida and all of Jacob’s travels. The way he’s wearing his green button down shirt makes my mouth water. The shirt shows the definition of his magnificently broad shoulders and muscular arms. Heat sweeps over me and I can’t stop looking at him.

“Mama may I please go watch TV?” Lucas asks disrupting my thoughts.

“Sure. Please wash your hands before going.”


I feel nervous all of a sudden. Hotness fills my face and body. I’m alone. Alone with Jacob. His hand is on the table inches from mine. His eyes wonder from my hand up to my face.

“Are you enjoying the view Ms. Anderson?”

The seductive tone throws me off. He puts his hand on mine and raises an eyebrow. “Wh-what are you talking about?”

He smiles. God this man is going to ruin me. “I think you know what I’m talking about. I’m a very observant man Ms. Anderson. I saw every look.
Heard every breath.” He leans in closer to me while holding my hand. “You turn me on and if you keep looking at me like this, I’ll have to have my way with you.”

“Oh,” I utter. I’m breathless. I can’t think clearly.

Jacob picks up my hand and brings it to his lips. “Though, not tonight Ms. Anderson. But soon you’ll be able to say more than a few simple words.”

Before I can say anything, his phone rings. “Excuse me please.” Jacob gets up from the table to answer the phone. I wonder who is calling him. I pick up the plates from the table and head into the kitchen where Jacob is.
His back is to me and I can see the tension and how rigid he is. The conversation seems tense and his voice is angry.

“Madison. I told you to stop this nonsense…No you will
be coming over…I’m with Logan and Hayden…
Madison. No.”

I slowly walk back into the dining room. He just lied to whoever Madison is-
a girlfriend
? Fuck buddy? God I’m so stupid. While he’s here with Lucas and me, he has some woman waiting for him. I can’t believe I fell for his charms and good looks. Enough is enough. Jacob Greene will
come into my life. He won’t get to know Lucas and he needs to get out of my house now. I lean against the table and lower my head. If I’m thinking these things then why does it hurt?

I hear footsteps and he touches my arm. Damn you Jacob.
Damn you.
“It’s getting late,” I start to say without looking at him. “Thank you for dinner but you should get going. I have to get Lucas ready for bed.” I start to walk away but he grabs my arm.

“What’s wrong Abigail? Everything was fine moments ago.” His quiet tone gets to me. Is he really this clueless?

“Nothing Jacob,” I yank my arm back. “It’s just getting late.” I walk into the living room where Lucas is sitting. He looks up at me and smiles.

Lucas, M
ama is sorry that you had to meet and like Jacob.

“Lucas, sweetie, come say thank you and good bye to Mr. Greene.”

“What? He’s leaving? But
is coming on and that’s his favorite Disney movie! Jacob! Come on and sit down with us.”

Jacob comes out of the dining room with his jacket draped over his arm. He smiles at Lucas, “Maybe next time Lucas. Looks like you have to get to bed.” He walks over to Lucas, “I had fun with you today. How about next time we have a Disney night?”

“Yeah!” Lucas jumps up and hugs Jacob. I have to look away. I can’t look at this right now. Lucas has fallen in love with Jacob. “Promise?”

Jacob walks over to me, “I
keep my promises.” He touches my waist and with his other hand moves my face to his. “I
see you soon Ms. Anderson.” He lightly kisses my cheek and whispers, “Good night and sweet dreams.”

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