Teach Me Love (9 page)

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Authors: S. Moose

BOOK: Teach Me Love
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Chapter 11



I’ve been trying to convince Abigail to go on a date with me for the past week but she still refuses me. I can’t stop thinking about her beautiful smile. At night, I see her face. I can’t get her out of my mind.

I try to get information from Heather about her but she doesn’t tell me anything. Hayden suggests I give her some time but I don’t want to wait anymore. I want to be with her. She’s all I think of in the morning, afternoon and evening. I frequently send her text messages but no response. I’m not going to give up until I have her.

At the end of the day I shut off my computer and head out. Gary is waiting for me as I exit the building. He opens the SUV door for me and closes the door when I get in. The traffic is light as we ride. I take out my phone and read some more emails. Without thinking, I click out of my email window and into my contact list. I take a deep breath when I go through my list and see Abigail’s name. I look through my phone to see if Abigail has sent me a message but still nothing. I guess this is going to be harder than I thought. I can’t stay away from her. Her captivating presence makes me want her more. This playing hard to get game is getting old. I’m not a patient man and I usually get what I want without having to wait long. I want Abigail and I don’t want to give up. Hayden gives me a few pointers to woo her but nothing is working. She’s a stubborn damn woman.

I am watching out the window as Gary drives.
I am about to take out my phone to text Logan when I look over and see Katherine sitting next to me. She’s wearing a white dress and her hair is wavy. She’s beautiful and I can’t take my eyes off of her. Before I can say anything, she points out the window and I see Abigail walking with Lucas to an ice cream shop. “Gary, go park and wait for me.” Katherine smiles and disappears.


I quickly get out of the car and walk fast to the ice cream shop they are in. I open the door and walk in without making it obvious I know she’s here. I get in line behind her. Lucas looks at me and smiles. He waves at me and I wave back.

“Sweetie who are you waving at,” she laughs. She turns around and looks at me. “Jacob? What are you doing here?” She asks with suspicion.

“It’s a nice day out and I have a sudden craving for some ice cream.”

“I see.” She moves up closer to the register. When it’s her turn and she places in both orders, I gently push her aside and put in my order as well.

“Mint chocolate chip in a dish please.” I can see her looking at me with her mouth open.

“Twelve dollars and fifteen cents,” the cashier says.

I hand her a twenty-dollar bill and when she gives me back my change, I place a five-dollar bill in the tip jar.

“You didn’t have to buy our ice creams, Jacob.” She walks over to the pickup counter with Lucas.

“I know. I wanted to though.”

“Well thanks.” We get our order and walk outside. “Usually Lucas and I will walk in the park. Do you want to join us?”

Surprised by her invitation, I accept and we walk together through the park. There’s music playing and many people around walking with their families. Lucas tells us about his day and how he can’t wait for summer vacation.

“Lucas do you have anything special planned
for summer vacation?”

He licks his ice cream and thinks. “Not really. I think Mama wants to take us somewhere but she won’t tell me anything.”

I can’t help but stare at her while Lucas talks. I hear her clearing her throat but she still won’t look at me. What the fuck? I shake away my irritation and focus on Lucas. “Well that sounds fun. Surprises can be lots of fun.” I study Abigail’s reactions to what I am saying but she sits there for a stone expression on her face and I can’t make out what she’s thinking or feeling. “You should come with me to the office sometime. My niece Mila comes to visit and she would love to meet you.”

He shrugs his shoulders, “Sure that sounds cool!”

She’s playing the game too hard. I want her to open up to me and let me in. I’m willing to wait for her but I wonder how much longer she’s going to have these walls up and I’m ready to tear the walls down around my heart. Why isn’t she?

The playground comes into view and Lucas jumps up and down.
We walk over and sit down on the bench. “Okay sweetie, be careful. I’m going to be right here watching you.”

Lucas nods and runs over to the slide. He climbs the ladder, makes a left turn, sits down and pushes himself down. His laugh is loud and rings through the park. Other little kids follow him and they run around playing.
Abigail sits next to be on the bench, but not close enough to me, she runs her hand through her hair and lets out an uneasy breath.

“How’s your day going?” I finish my ice cream and set the cup aside.

“It’s okay. My students were hyper today and one of them jammed a crayon up his nose. I had to make the phone call to his mom and wait for her to come pick him up. I have grading to do this evening and get ready for the end of the year. You?”

know she’s trying to amuse me and it’s working. “I had a few meetings and reports to finalize. Ordinary day until now.”

“Oh.” She turns her attention back to Lucas but I can see her face turning pink. We sit there in silence and watch Lucas play. The bond between the two is visible. Their eyes meet and Lucas waves to us. “Thanks again for the ice cream. Lucas and I
really should get going.”

“It was my pleasure Abigail. So I will see you
this weekend.” Her eyes are distant. I see her thinking too much again. Will she finally give in?

“Okay fine. Saturday night I can meet you.” Her eyes
explore mine but I’m not sure what she’s looking for.

“I’ll come pick you up at seven.” I get up and stand before her. I lean down and kiss her on the cheek.
“Can’t wait to see you, again.”

I text Gary and let him know to come get me. While waiting, I call Isabelle, my shopping assistant. I let her know what I need and the exact details of what to do. I end the call and smile to myself. My eyes close briefly as I think about our upcoming date. I want to know her inside and out. The intense feelings are scaring me but I want to see where these feelings will take me.

Chapter 12



It’s Friday night and
Lucas is out with Heather. I need a girl’s night to clear my mind and prepare myself for my date with Jacob Greene. It’s good to be out and away from being at home. I do miss Lucas but sometimes I just need a few hours to myself and remember I’m a woman, not just a mom.

I told Heather about the date and she was really happy for me. I told her I tried to stay away from him but he kept on popping up. I told her that I was scared and didn’t want Jacob to think that this was a game he could play and once he won, he just leaves without a second thought. Heather kept telling me to have fun but to be on my guard because he was a charmer and I needed to see if he was serious or trying to win another challenge.

Marilyn is sitting across from me at
, a bar and grill, and won’t stop smiling. It’s not too busy tonight but there are countless men here and they keep trying to buy us drinks. Marilyn brushes them away and ignores them.

you going to fill me in?” Marilyn looks at me while sipping on her dirty martini.

I sip my chocola
te martini and look down. What’s there to tell? Jacob is constantly texting me. He can’t wait for tomorrow night but I’m a nervous wreck. “I don’t know Mar. I heard him on the phone with that woman, Madison, and I don’t know what to even think.”

She looks at me with a dumbfounded look. “
Oooookay so you heard one side of a conversation. Crazy ex? Jealous bitch? Why are you letting this get in the way of your own happiness?” She sips her drink. “It’s obvious the man is crazy about you! Hello! You have freaking shopping date tomorrow and a day at the freaking spa! Really Abigail? Come on stop being dumb!”

Before I can say something, Marilyn orders a round of shots. “Marilyn! What are you doing? I can’t get drunk tonight.”

She points her finger in my face. “You listen here Abigail. Stop with your defenses. Let this man in! Take a damn chance!”

The waitress comes
over with our shots. We clink our glasses and down the lemon drop shots. Surprisingly the drink goes down smoothly. We order a few more. After an hour of drinking and laughing, I can’t see straight. Oh crap. I don’t want Lucas to see me like this and Marilyn just told me about her plans with Christopher tonight.

“Hey you want us to drop you off,” she slurs when we walk outside.

“Yeah,” I laugh. “I don’t want to get in the way of your nasty love making.” We both burst out laughing. Christopher comes towards us and Marilyn smiles ear to ear. She runs to her husband and jumps in his arms. “Alright I’m off! Bye now.” I head in the other direction. I wobble from side to side and hold on to the wall for support.

Bad idea.

I pull out my phone and dread calling Heather but then a thought hits me.


I hit his number and listen to the phone ring.

“Hello.” Oh his sexy voice.

“Hi,” I weakly say. “Um is there a way you can come get me from
It’s right on…”

“I’ll be right there. Go back inside and wait for me Ms. Anderson.
Now. Go. Inside. And. Wait. For. Me.”

Before I say anything he hangs up.
“Uh oh. A pissed off Jacob isn’t fun.”

I head back to
and sit at the bar. I ask for a glass of water and try to steady myself. No more drinking. Ever.

The chills on my body come alive. He’s here. I can feel him near me. His breath comes
across my face. “Abigail.”

I’m too afraid to turn around. I can tell by his voice he is mad. Oh fuck me now.

He takes my hand and pulls me off the bar stool. I still can’t look at him. “Let’s go Ms. Anderson.”

Why doesn’t he call me Abigail? I mean it sounds prettier than Ms. Anderson. “My name is
I pull my arm away but Jacob grabs it back and leads me out the bar. I look at him but can’t read what he’s feeling. I lean in closer to him. He smells so good. Body wash and all man. He opens the door to the SUV and I see Gary winking at me in the mirror. “Hi Gary.”

“Ms. Anderson.
Fun evening?”

I restrain a laugh, “

Jacob slides in but still doesn’t look at me. “You know where Gary.”


The drive is quiet. I’m not sure what to say. Jacob has his hands resting on his thigh. My eyes go directly to his dick. Hmmm I wonder how big he is. I slowly lick my lips and close my eyes. Sex with Jacob sounds amazing. I want to feel him and rub my hands all over his body. I slowly open my eyes and he’s inches from my face.

“I know you’re imagining what it will be like with me,” he whispers, “And it turns me on knowing I’m in your fantasy.” He touches my face and lifts up my chin, “Not tonight though, but soon you’ll be begging me for more and screaming my name.”


The car ride seems to be taking forever. My eye lids get heavy. I rest my head on the passenger window and watch the world pass me by.


The comfortable blanket is soft and smells so good. I bring it up to my nose and breathe in the fresh linen smell. I stretch out my arms and feel
my hand hit something. Wait, not something, someone. I feel a tight and smooth body. My hand runs down and I quickly my eyes spring open. I turn my head to the left and see Jacob’s naked chest. “Ahhhhhhh!” I jump out of bed and fall on my ass. Graceful Abigail.

Jacob leans over the side of the bed and grins at me. “Good morning Abigail.”

I get up from the floor and notice I’m in boxers and a tank top. “Why am I here? Why am I in your bed? Why am I in your clothes? Did we have sex? Oh my God! Where are my clothes?” I frantically look around the room and try to find his bathroom.


I can’t find anything. I turn back to the bed and see Jacob sitting on the edge of his bed smiling at me. “Hello! Say something!”

we had sex last night you wouldn’t question it. Actually, you would be limping right now and you’d feel good.” He slithers from the bed and I notice he’s wearing sweat pants that hang really low and show his taut body and sexy v. Broad shoulders. Tanned. A six-pack. Oh. My. God. I think I died and went to Heaven. His hand touches my face and I close my eyes to his wondrous touch. “I brought you back here since you were quite intoxicated Ms. Anderson and figured you didn’t want Lucas and Heather asking questions.” He smiles and watches my eyes. “Like what you see?” He comes closer to me and places his hands on my hips. “I like what you’re wearing. It’s nice to wake up to you and see your beautiful face and your desire for me.”

My face is burning
and it’s hard to breathe. This can’t happen. I can’t be this careless. I back away from him and keep walking backwards but then a wall stops me. Shit. I’m trapped. I look at him as he steps towards me. His hands touch my face. Oh no. I’m melting to his touch. I love the feel of him. Why can’t I just give in? I shake my head. I can’t. He’s out of my league. We’re so different. I’m a freaking second grade teacher and he’s ‘Mr. Sex on a Stick I can have any woman I want.’ “Jacob,” my shaky voice starts to say, “We’re just friends.”

He looks at me.
Those eyes. His beautiful eyes look into mine. I’m not sure what exactly I’m seeing. “Soon Abigail,” he whispers. “Get dressed and I’ll take you home. Your clothes are on the chair.” He lets me go and walks out of the room. I can finally breathe. But then he stops and turns around, “Don’t forget about tonight. We have a date.”

He leaves the room and close
s the door. I fall back on his bed and nearly pass out. I can’t believe I did this! I grab my phone from my purse and look at the messages I have waiting for me.

Marilyn: Are you home?

Marilyn: What’s going on?

Marilyn: Why aren’t you answering me?

Heather: A where are you?

Heather: OMG you’re with Jacob aren’t you!

Heather: Get it girl woo woo!

Marilyn: When you get this you BETTER call me!

I put my phone back in my purse and feel like dying from embarrassment. This is crazy and not like me. I put back on my clothes from the previous night and look in the mirror. “Great, I look like a crack whore.” I groan and make my way into his bathroom. I look around and my mouth drops. His bathroom is the size of my kitchen! I look at all of his things and feel the softness of his towels. I decide to shower and jump in. I turn on the water and let it hit my body. It feels so good. I grab his shampoo and pour it in my hands. When I massage the shampoo in my hair, I close my eyes and let it take me away. It makes me hair smell like his and I smile.

“Are you enjoying yourself Ms. Anderson?”

I let out a loud shriek. I see Jacob’s shadow and it looks like he’s at the sink. “What are you doing in here?”

He laughs. “Well I can ask you the same thing. Please, by all means, get clean and come meet me downstairs for some breakfast.” I hear him laughing again as he closes the door.

“I just wanted a shower,” I whimper.

I finish in showering and find a new set of clothes on the plush chair in the bathroom.
I look at the clothes and see black Capri yoga pants, a purple tee shirt, lacey underwear and a watching bra. I look through the clothes and the sizes and nearly fall on my ass again. “How does he know my sizes and when did he get these?” I immediately think about all the women he’s been with and try to figure out whose clothes these belong to but looking through the clothes, I see the each piece of clothing has a tag. “Oh blueberries,” I whisper. I look at each tag and my mouth drops. “Seriously, he spent almost two hundred dollars on these clothes?” I’m about to leave the clothes there when I think about the clothes I wore last night and I just took a shower. I let out a sigh and throw on the clothes he has for me.

I walk out of the bathroom and grab my things from his room. When I make my way downstairs, he is sitting in his living room, with his leg propped up on the coffee table and he’s looking through his phone. “Hi,” I quietly say.

Jacob turns around and smiles. “I see you found the clothes.”

“Thanks Jacob but these aren’t necessary.” I walk over to him and see another couch I can sit on. I can’t be too close to him. I need to have a clear mind. He’s watching and studying me. I try not to lose my cool and count to ten in my head several times.

“It’s not a problem. I figured you’d want to wear some new clothes after a night out with your friend.”

I sit down, opposite from him and smile. “Well, thank you. I do appreciate it.”

He looks at his watch and starts to get up. “Well, looks like you have an appointment at the spa. I can drop you off there.”

“No, it’s okay. I can have Heather pick me up.”

A sexy smirk comes across his face as he walks over to me. He places both hands on each side of me on the arm rests and is inches from my face. “I insist on taking you. When you are done, I will have Gary drop you back at home since I have a very important meeting today. But, I will see you tonight for our date.”

Feeling flush and nervous, I give in. I stand up to him, not breaking our connection and give him a kiss on his cheek.
“Whatever you say Jacob.”

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