Team Genius: The New Science of High-Performing Organizations (35 page)

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pairs and, 153–59

storytelling and, 228

trios and, 179–82

Mandela, Nelson, 246

maneuverability, 5–13

Man Nobody Knows, The
(Barton), 145–47

market shock, 202

Markkula, Mike, 12

Martin, Dean, 122, 132

Martin, George, 184–85

Masuda, Takahiko, 66

maximizing tasks, 97

Mazor, Stan, 151, 169–70

McCartney, Paul, 118, 122, 184

McNally, Luke, 37

McNeill, William, 42

mentor partnerships, 141–45

Meredith, Burgess, 129

meritocratic values, 93

Metcalfe’s law, 2–4

Microsoft, 5, 125, 190, 193

milestones, 225

military units,18, 21–22, 24, 195

battalions, 27

boot camps, 221–22

companies, 25, 203

patrols, 231

platoons, 195

squads, 18, 21–22, 186

Milkman, Katherine, 90

Millard, Steve, 137–38

Miller, George, 22

mirror neurons, 47–52

mission creep, 238

moderation, 83–84

monolithic teams, 196

Montana, Joe, 7, 161–65, 177

mood contagion, 49

Moore, Gordon, 1–2, 20, 137, 151, 171–74

Moore’s Law, 1–2, 4–5, 11

Morgan, Dan, 247

Motown, 192

Mozilla, 40

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
(film), 152

Mulally, Alan, 49

Munger, Charlie, 126

Musial, Stan, 142

Napoleon, 146

Neanderthals, 17

Nest Labs, 70

networks, 2–4, 30–32, 89

neurodynamics, 59–60

neurophysiologic synchronies, 59–60

newcomers, 85–86, 89, 216–17, 229–30

Newman, Mark, 34

New York Yankees, 142

NeXT, 12

Nine Old Men, 183

Nisbett, Richard, 66

Nissan Design, 69

nonlinear approaches, 68

nonthreatening climate, 97

Nooyi, Indra, 49

Norgay, Tenzing, 140

norms of conduct, 94–97

Northwest Airlines, 9

Noyce, Robert, 20, 122, 137, 150–51, 169–74

object-properties task, 62

O’Gorman, Rick, 46

O’Hara, Maureen, 118

Omidyar, Pierre, 119

open-source software, 40–41

operational phase, 215, 224–25

optimizing tasks, 97

Oracle, 136, 204

Oregon Ducks, 109

O’Reilly, Charles A., 75–77

oscillators, 53–54

oxytocin, 44–47, 54

Pacific Gas & Electric, 9

Packard, David, 8, 27–29, 126–27

Page, Larry, 20, 119

Page, Scott, 72–74

pairs, xx, 12–13, 37, 45–46, 101–59

Bismarck powerhouse, 104–12

brain and, 62, 69

consolidation and maturation and, 234

creating successful, 103, 153–59

defined by difference, 131–40

defined by inequality, 141–53

defined by occasion, 116–24

defined by similarity, 124–31

diversity and, 69, 78, 102

forms of, 112–14, 154

stability and, 20

trios and, 165–68

Parallel Trios, 168–71, 174, 179

Parker, Charlie, 118

Parker, Tom, 135

Parkinson’s law, 23–24, 186

Parliament/Funkadelic, 193

Patton, George, 148

Peary, Robert, 136, 140

Pentland, Alex, 57–58

Perkins, Tom, 126

perspectives, 73–74

Picasso, Pablo, 120–21

Pickens, T. Boone, 4

Pitcher-and-Fielder pairs, 140

Pixar, 12

Pizarro, Juan, 7

planning, 62–64, 224

point-contact transistor, 167–68

Pollock, Jackson, 134

Polo, Marco, 7

Polyphonic Spree, 193

Popovich, Gregg, 81

postmortems, 57

Potter, Harry, 187

Powell, Andy, 109

Powell, William, 118

Prefontaine, Steve, 105–6, 109

Presley, Elvis, 135

Preston, Billy, 184

Prince and the Pauper, The
(Twain), 152

prisoner’s dilemma, 37

process losses, 96–100

process teams, 224–25, 228

prosociality, 41, 45–46, 51, 54

Protean, 203

proximity, 87, 219

Pujols, Albert, 142

Q rating, 85

racial diversity, 70, 73–75, 77

Reagan, Ronald, 132

Red Hat, 40

Reinhart, Werner, 134

Remember-the-Force pairs, 141–45, 149, 154, 158

Ren Zhengfei, 20

replacements, 216–17, 229–30

reputations, 54–55

resources, 63, 81, 88, 96

Revolutionary War, 148, 210–14, 218, 223, 246–49

Rice, Jerry, 6–7, 161–62, 164–65, 177

Riddle, Nelson, 131

Riggens, John, 164

Rilke, Rainer Maria, 134

Ringelmann, Max, 89

risk, 10–12

celebrations and rituals

Robinson, Peter, 132

Rodgers, Richard, 122, 131

Rolling Stones, 183

Rooney, Mickey, 118

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 148

Roosevelt, Theodore, 148

Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr., 189, 226

Rubinstein, Jon, 10

rules, 177, 222

Russell, Bill, 175

Russell, Leon, 193

Saint Laurent, Yves, 134

Sam and Dave, 122

San Antonio Spurs, 81

San Bushmen, 17, 26, 203

Sandberg, Ryne, 178

Sandberg, Sheryl, 14, 136

San Francisco 49ers, 6, 161–65

SAS, 93

scale, 4, 5, 202, 204

Schmidt, Eric, 2, 20

Schultz, Howard, 49, 101–2

Scruggs, Earl, 118

Sculley, John, 12

Sematech, 172

semiconductors, 1–2, 150, 166–68

Serial Trios, 170–74, 177

Shackleton, Ernest, 7

Shakespeare, William, 203

shared experience, 42–43, 49

Shaw, James, 67

Sheldon, Kennon, 46

Sherman, William Tecumseh, 127, 130, 226

Shima, Masatoshi, 151, 169–70

Shockley, William, 167–68, 170, 179

Shorter, Frank, 105–6

short-term memory, 22, 28, 185, 187

Siebel, Tom, 204–5

silicon gate, 151, 166, 169

Silicon Valley, 7, 8, 120, 138, 150–51, 167, 242

Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), 81

Silicon Valley
(TV show), 197

Simon, Neil, 122

Sinatra, Frank, 131, 193

Singh, Jasjit, 71

Siple, Paul, 136

Siskel, Gene, 122

60 Minutes
(TV show), 15

Skoll, Jeff, 119

Skywalker, Luke, 141

Sloan, Alfred, 120, 139

Smith, Robert, 129

Smith, Roger, 81

Snowden, Dave, 26

Snowdrift game, 37

social brain hypothesis, 44–45

social identity, 78

social impact theory, 89–90

social indispensability, 98

social intelligence, 37, 50

socialization, 51–52, 74

socially contextual thinkers, 66–68

social norms, 41–44

social sensitivity, 72

Society of Cincinnatus, 248

sociometrics, 57–59

Sony, 30

spindle cells, 53–54

Spiro, Jarrett, 84–85

Spock, Mr., 136

Staats, Bradley, 90

stability, 8, 19–20, 95

Stallone, Sylvester, 129

Standing in the Shadows of Motown
(documentary), 192

Starbucks Coffee, 101–2

Starr, Ringo, 184

Star Wars
films, 141

Steiner, Ivan, 96

Stendhal, 146

stereotypes, 74–75, 80

Steuben, Baron von, 247

Steve Jobs
(Isaacson), 148

Stewart, Jimmy, 152

Stewart, Rod, 122

storytelling, 216, 227–28

Strachey, Lytton, 147

strategy, 63, 163

stress-reducers vs. -inducers, 46–47

structure, 8, 13, 19, 64

successful teams

healthy, 244–45

unhealthy, 240–42

Sullivan, Arthur, 121

Sun, 40

Sunshine Boys, The
(Simon), 122

Sun Tzu, 147

sustainable phase, 217, 229–30

Sutcliffe, Stu, 184

Sword-and-Shield pairs, 149–55, 159

Tallmadge, Benjamin, 211–12

Tanner, William J., 120

tasks, 61–62, 94–99, 237

Taupin, Bernie, 131

Team of Rivals
(Goodwin), 148

See also
pairs; team sizes; trios;
and specific issues; phases; and types

birth and life of, 210–35

human drive to form, 16–18, 21

magic numbers behind, 16–34

managing, 92–100

new science of, 32–60

power of, xi–xx

retirement and death of, 236–50

team sizes, xix–xx, 87–91

2 members (pairs), xx, 12–13, 37, 45–46, 101–59

3 members (trios), 20, 78, 160–82

3–5 members (circle of closest friends), 26, 28

4 members, 183–86

5 members (cliques), 25–26, 28, 185–86

6 members, 186

7±2 members, xviii, 22–24, 26, 183–92, 194–95, 197–99

15±3 members (sympathy groups), 25–26, 28, 185–87, 192–99, 204–5, 209

50±10 members (company 1), 26, 28, 103, 200–206

150±30 members (company 2), xviii, 20, 24–26, 28–29, 201–6

450 members, 206–8

500 members, 26, 28–29

1,500 members, xviii, 26–31, 103, 206–8

4,500 members (divisions), 186

additive vs. disjunctive tasks and, 97

Dunbar numbers and, 24–32

formation phase and, 219

free-riding and, 89

gaps in, 208–9

history of, 18

large, 90–91, 200–209

midsize, 183–92

networks and, 30–32

scaling fallacy, 90

stability and, 20

tasks and, 96–100

very large organizations and, 207–8

Temptations, 183

tenure, 76, 80–82

Think and Grow Rich
(Hill), 147

thinking styles, 66–68

Thomas, David, 79

Three Musketeer
(Dumas), 160

Tinker, Joe, 165, 175–78, 181

“Together, We’re More Than Two” teams, 124–26

(film), 121

touch, 54

training, 72–74, 96, 216

transactive memory, 64–65

transitions, 207

Tribble, Bud, 12

trios, 20, 78, 160–82

creating and managing, 178–82

diversity and, 78

forms of, 166–78

Hall of Fame, 161–65

volatility of, 20, 160–61

Trump Entertainment Resorts, 9

trust, 8, 26, 45, 186, 198, 201, 204, 221

tugs-of-war, 89, 97

turnover, 78

Twitter, xii, 11, 25, 30, 190

2+1 trios, 165–68, 174, 177, 179

“Two Pizza” rule, 188–89, 198

Tyco, 9

ultimatum games, 42

unitary tasks, 96

US Airways, 9

US Army, 21, 142

US Navy, 99, 142

Uzzi, Brian, 84–85

van Gogh, Vincent, 121, 133

VAX minicomputer, 150

Virtual Corporation, The
(Davidow and Malone), xii

virtualized corporation, 203

virtual work teams, 87

volatility, 19–20, 160–61

Wall Street Journal
, 34

Walmart, 18

Walsh, Bill, 6, 161–65

Washington, George, 148, 210–14, 218, 223, 246–49

Washington Mutual, 9

Wayne, John, 118

Wegner, Daniel, 64

Weiss, Howard, 67

Welch, Jack, 14

welcoming event, 229–30

Wertheimer, Pierre, 134

Wertmüller, Lina, 187

West Coast offense, 161–65

“we” versus “me,” 51–52

Whatsapp, 202

White Album, The
(Beatles), 184

whole-brain teams, 69–70

Wilcox, Brad, 55

Wilcox, Ken, 81

Williams, Katherine Y., 75–77

Wilson, Bill, 129

Wilson, Brian, 122

Wilson, David, 46

women, 72, 74–75, 142

Woolley, Anita W., 61–63, 72

WorldCom, 9

World War II, xii, 18, 21, 166, 189

Wozniak, Steve, 12, 119–20, 131

Wrecking Crew, 193

Wright, Orville and Wilbur, 126, 136

Xenophon, 7

Xerxes, 18

Xiaomi, xiii

Yanomamo people, 25

Yin-and-Yang pairs, 126, 131–33, 135, 154–55, 168

Young, Lester, 118

Young, Steve, 7, 161–62, 164–65, 177

Zittleman, Dave, 107–12, 125

Zuckerberg, Mark, 14, 136

About the Authors

is the publisher of
magazine, where he writes a featured column, Innovation Rules, covering business and leadership issues. An accomplished entrepreneur as well as a journalist and speaker, he is a cofounder of Upside magazine, Garage Technology Partners, and Silicon Valley’s premier public business forum, the 7,500-member Churchill Club. He is also the author of Life 2.0, and
The Soft Edge: Where Great Companies Find Lasting Success
. He lives with his family in Silicon Valley.

is one of the world’s best-known technology writers. A veteran newspaper reporter and columnist, magazine editor, and entrepreneur, he is the author or coauthor of nearly twenty award-winning books, notably the bestselling
The Virtual Corporation
Bill and Dave
, and
The Intel Trinity
, which was named the Best Book of 2015 by

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