Sweet Seduction

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Authors: M Andrews

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M. Andrews



Sweet Seduction

Sticky Sweet Series 2


By M. Andrews


Copyright 2016 M. Andrews


This book is a work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

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Editing by Kathleen Payne

Proofreading by Virginia Tesi Carey

Book design and formatted by
Swish Design & Editing

Cover design by Kari March Designs


Cover Image Copyright 2016




My name is Lexi Bennett and I have a new obsession. I've spent my life consumed with being the good daughter, the straight A student, the loyal friend, and with the dream of being the youngest chef to own her own restaurant in the country. I’ve worked my ass off to get everything I ever wanted, so why am I willing to throw it all away for a man I spent one hot night with?


Jax, the lead singer of Waking the Fallen, is tattooed sex on two legs and everything my mother warned me about. Which is why that night, at the Blue Whiskey Club, I should have listened to my head and steered clear of Jax. But the mix of whiskey with his dark gruff voice and those fucking dimples, the dimples that erupted on his cheeks every time he smiled down at me from the stage, made me lose my mind and drop my panties. It wasn't just my panties that dropped that night, he blew down all my walls and made me see there was more to life than working


To Kellie, you were my biggest cheerleader throughout this whole project. These characters are just as much yours as they are mine. You will always be JAX’s Kitten.




“I can’t believe I let you talk me into this,” I complained, shifting in my hard wooden chair, trying to move out of the line of sight of the creeper at the table next to us. It was my birthday, and I should have been out dancing, instead I was stuck in a dimly lit whiskey bar because my best friend, Jen, caught me in a moment of weakness. She convinced me that it was a good idea to spend my birthday at a dive bar listening to a metal band.

Earlier that night, as I was walking back to the kitchen of my restaurant to grab more cupcakes, I saw my brother, Grayson, finger fucking Pippa, my other best friend on one of my work stations. I was taken so completely off guard that I lost all the logical function of my brain. The part that would have said Hey dummy say no to Jen's stupid plan was completely gone.

I should have been pissed that my brother was defiling one of my work stations, but I was actually jealous. My brother may have been a pussy hound, but at least he had the balls to go after what he wanted. The only thing I have ever been sure of is that I wanted to be a chef and own my own restaurant. I put my career above everything else, including my social life. What good is having a successful career if there is no one to share it with?

“Oh stop complaining and just drink more.” Jen slid another shot of whiskey across the table. I don’t normally drink hard liquor, but if I was going to make it through the rest of the night I was going to need it. I downed my shot, the amber liquor burning my throat the whole way down. Between the wine at dinner and the shots of whiskey, my head was starting to feel all fuzzy, and my body was becoming more relaxed. 

The lights in the bar dimmed and Jen leaped up from her chair. She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my seat, dragging me toward the stage, practically ripping my arm out of the socket in the process. She knocked a couple of random girls out of the way, securing our spot at the front of the stage. Okay, I can do this, just two more hours and I can go home, I whispered to myself.

The opening guitar lick brought my attention to the center of the stage just as a dark figure stopped before me. My eyes traveled up and up his long muscular legs, lingering a little too long on the exquisite bulge hiding behind his dark denim jeans, before traveling up to his chest. He shirt hugged every hard sculpted muscle.

My body immediately reacted to him. My thighs pinched together and an ache I hadn't felt in years began to throb between my legs. The beat of the bass drum mimicked the beat of my clit as I gazed upon this man, who was basically sex on two legs. I didn't know what was coming over me. He was not the type of guy I usually went for. He oozed sex and screamed bad boy. All the things I stayed clear of. It didn't keep my mind from imagining his strong tattooed arms pinning me down while he pounded me into submission.

My eyes finally made it up to his face. His strong chiseled jaw line looked like the perfect throne to sit on while he ravaged me with his tongue. He had on a backwards baseball cap leaving his dark eyes exposed and burning into mine when our eyes finally met. He flashed me a knowing smirk with the most dangerous pair of dimples I have ever seen. He kept me locked in his intense gaze, like he was trying to read my mind and discover all the filthy things I wanted him to do to me. He gave me a wink before starting the song. The moment I heard his deep gruff voice, I immediately knew I was royally fucked.

He commanded the stage, every eye in the place was on him, including mine. I couldn't tear my gaze off him. I was completely transfixed. I couldn't even look away when he would catch me staring at him. He just grinned like he knew he had me, and boy, did he ever.

I’ve never felt such a strong attraction toward any man like I have with this complete stranger. He was the most beautiful man I had ever laid eyes on, and I wanted him between my legs making me scream his name…once I found out what it is.



“Come on sweet lips, let me buy ya one drink.”

Sweet lips, was this asshole for real? The moment my ass hit the soft cushion of my barstool the creepo douche that had been stalking me all night slid up next to me, reeking of gin and cheap cologne. The smell was so potent it was making my eyes water, and the way he kept touching my arm was making my skin crawl.

“For the last time, no!” I started to reach out to slap his hand away from my arm, when I felt a hand slide around my waist. Looked over my shoulder, my hand forming a fist, ready to knock this new asshole to the ground. My mouth dropped open, and my fist fell to my side when my eyes met a familiar pair of sparkling hazel eyes. The eyes that I had been staring at from below the stage for most of the night.

“Hey babe, I’ve been looking for you everywhere.” He leaned in pressing his warm full lips against mine. My body hummed as he kissed me deeply. The way his tongue possessed every inch of my mouth short-circuited my brain. What is happening right now?

When his lips finally left mine, I sat there in a complete daze trying to catch my breath. No one has ever left me breathless after a kiss before.

His arm wrapped tighter around my waist completely enveloping me against his hard body.

“Beat it Andy, she’s mine,” he said sharply, giving Andy an evil glare.

Andy backed away slowly, a look of fear was painted across his face. “I'm sorry Jax, I didn’t know she was yours.” Andy turned and bolted out of the bar, like a scared little chicken.

So my mystery man’s name is Jax. That’s going to sound good echoing through my bedroom later.

He slid over to the bar keeping his arm firmly around my waist, like he was sending a message to the rest of the men in the club that I was claimed. Boy did I want to be claimed by him, in every way imaginable.

“Thank you for coming to my rescue and for the kiss.” I shyly smiled. That kiss will forever be tattooed on my lips.

“Andy is a snake and I couldn’t let him sink his teeth into you, at least not until I got my chance,” he said with a sly grin on his lips.

He’ll get his chance as long as he keeps kissing me like before.

“Besides, a knock out like you sticks out in a place like this. Guys around here don't see many women like you walking in here, and they tend to get overly possessive. I'm just protecting what’s mine.”

“Yours, huh? Pretty presumptuous of you to think I would sleep with someone like you.” I gave him a sideways glance before taking a sip of my wine.

“The way you were eyeing me up on stage makes me think otherwise. I think an uptight little thing like you needs a release those asshole corporate guys can’t give you with their limp dicks,” he smirked from behind his shot of whiskey.

Who the hell is he to call me uptight? I could feel the rage bubbling inside me. “Excuse me, where do you come off calling me uptight?” I wiggled free from his grasp, but he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back to him. Holding me tight against his side. Every part of him hard…perfect… muscle. 

“I can read it all over you by the way you are dressed. That pursed look on your face before the show. Hell, you are in a whiskey bar and you are drinking wine. You really need to loosen that stick out of your ass, darlin’, and let me stick my dick in instead, might help you be less of a pain in the ass.”

Smug asshole. My eyes narrowed at him, my face burning hot with anger. “Do you really think saying shit like that is going to get me to drop my panties?”

“Just calm down, sweetheart, I’m just pushing your buttons, and you and I both know your panties dropped for me the moment I walked on stage.”  He flashed me a cocky grin, making those damn dimples erupt across his cheeks. Making it harder for me to stay pissed at him.

“You are such an asshole,” I spat out, pulling myself out of his grasp. Grabbing my bag, I started for the exit. I wanted to hate him, he saw right through me and called me out on my shit. But as much as I hated to admit it, he was right about everything. The moment I’d set foot in that bar I wanted to turn around and leave, it was dark and dingy and not the type of place I would willing walk into.

“Where do you think you are going?” Jax roughly grabbed my arm swinging me around and lifted me off of my feet like I weighed nothing, throwing me over his shoulder.

“Put me down,” I shrieked, kicking my feet and hitting his back with my purse, but it didn't faze him in the slightest. He just continued to carry me through the bar and outside. The cold night air hit my hot flesh sending a chill down my spine. The parking lot was eerily dark, except for one flickering street light in the far corner.

He came to a stop in front of an all-black four-door truck, with dark tinted windows and black rimmed tires. Of course he would have a hot truck. He opened up the back door and tossed me inside. He slid in next to me, the door closing with a loud thud. The anger that coursed through my veins was overshadowing the slight panic I was feeling.

“You really are a pain in the ass,” he said letting out an annoyed huff.

My lips parted, fully prepared to rip him a new one for basically kidnapping me. But an animal awoke inside me. The animal I had spent years keeping caged was out. All I wanted was him out of his clothes and in me. I lunged at him like a lioness pouncing on her prey. I straddled his waist, lips crashing down on his. My tongue forced its way into his mouth. He tasted of whiskey and bad decisions. Tonight was all about bad decisions, but I didn't fucking care anymore. I wanted him, and I was going to take a page from Pippa and get what I wanted. And that was Jax fucking me in every filthy way imaginable. 

His hands gripped the fabric of my dress making the seams pop under the pressure. The zipper tearing in half and his strong hands pulling it off my shoulders exposing my naked flesh. My bra-less tits bounced free from the restraint of my dress. The cold air making my nipples hard as diamonds. He pulled away from my lips, closing his eyes as he took in a deep breath.

“Goddamn, I can smell how fucking wet you are. I bet you’ve soaked through those pretty panties of yours.”

His hand glided down my along the curve of my ass. Grabbing the hem of my dress, he pulled it up over my hips. His fingers danced along my delicate skin between my cheeks. The tip of his finger slid under the lace of my thong and pushed inside my wet opening. A deep primal growl rumbled from his chest when he felt how wet I was. He had me completely drenched the moment I laid eyes on him.

“So damn wet. I could slip my dick in so easily right now.” He pushed his long thick finger inside me, my hips slowly rocked against his hand while his mouth lavished my breasts.

“Please, I need you,” I panted, hands desperately fumbling with his belt, needing to get that monster dick out and in me as quick as possible.

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