Tempered by Her (5 page)

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Authors: Lynn Burke

BOOK: Tempered by Her
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Chapter Nine



I didn’t know how in all of hades I’d be able to keep from fucking
every orifice in Raquel’s body. She wanted to see and experience my life, and
my fuckin’ cock had sprung to life the second she’d said “Dom” all in-awe like
with a hint of desire behind it. No doubt about it, the woman would make a
fuckin’ hotter than hell sub.

Thoughts of what I longed to do to her body flooded my mind, and there
was no talking my cock down. I’d have to take care of him before touching her
virgin skin.


My hands grasped the steering wheel in a white-knuckled grip, my teeth clenched.
I needed to lay ground rules before getting home, so I forced my mouth open.
“Do you know what a safe word is?”

“Yes.” Her whisper betrayed her nervousness.

“We’ll go with the traffic light. If at any time you’re uncomfortable
and want to stop, say red. Understand?”


“Green is good to go, yellow means you’re unsure and want to slow


“What’s your safe word, Raquel?”


My fingers relaxed their hold on
the steering wheel. “If you so much as whisper that word, I’ll stop
immediately. I won’t push you beyond whatever limits you set. Give me your
trust, and I’ll prove my worth by keeping my promises.”

“Thank you.”

I’d never gotten out of Boston so fuckin’ fast in my life. We rode in
silence, but my mind raced like mad. Topping her even without fucking wouldn’t
stop me from getting into her head. And once inside there, I doubted my control
wouldn’t waiver.

Bad idea, you selfish prick.
Bad idea.

The thoughts didn’t make me turn back toward Boston though.

I pulled into the underground parking garage of my condo complex and
tried not to sprint around to open her door. Same as at the restaurant, Raquel
twined her fingers through mine, and I bit down on the inside of my cheek to
make sure I wasn’t dreaming.

No penetration didn’t mean I couldn’t bury my face between her thighs
and lap the sweet honey coating her pussy like I did almost every night in my

But waiting … waiting was half the fun. I tugged my tie from my neck. The
elevator dinged, announcing our arrival at the tenth floor. I led her down the
hallway and opened the door to my place. Soft light from a lamp by the far
windows overlooking Boston in the distance welcomed us, but I didn’t give
Raquel time to glance around the open concept living space and its upscale

I removed her glasses and tucked them in my suit coat pocket. Her
breath caught as I stepped behind her to wrap my tie around her head and cover
her eyes. My gaze riveted on the pulsing artery in her neck. “Do you have any
hard limits other than penetration?” I asked, my voice strained as I shrugged
out of my overcoat and rounded to face her.

“I don’t know,” she whispered. “I know it’s sick that I want to see
your hand prints on me, but—”

I claimed her lips, her admission of desiring pain nearly knocking my
locked knees from beneath me. Same as the first time we kissed, all hell broke
loose between my ears and I swore the world thought it was the fuckin’ fourth.

Pulling away from her mouth returned a sense of reality, and I pulled
her closer to whisper in her ear. “I’m going to make you fly. Watch your skin
flush with desire. I want you to feel, gorgeous, nothing else. I promise I’ll
keep you safe.”

She followed like a meek little lamb to the slaughter, trembling yet
willing as I led her through the living room to my bedroom where I flicked on
my lights. I took her purse and set it on my dresser before gently removing the
coat off her shoulders. She didn’t speak a word.

“Sit here until I return,” I said, leading her to the bed.

“Where are you going?”

“First thing about being a sub is that you need to trust me. If
something frightens you or pushes your boundaries, use your safe word. I
promise to stop. Beyond that, you don’t get to speak unless I tell you to.

After a brief hesitation, she nodded.

“Sit. I’ll only be a minute.”

Perched on the edge, she grasped the comforter on either side of her

I turned without a word and draped my suit coat over my valet stand
before shutting myself in the bathroom. Sink on full force, it hopefully drowned
out whatever noise escaped my lips while taking care of my aching balls. I came
in record time, head tipped back and teeth clenched against the shout wanting
to escape.

Two minutes later, I found Raquel kneeling in the center of my bed, hands
on her lap, head bowed, her high heels placed side by side on the floor at the bed’s
foot. She hadn’t obeyed my first command, but fuck me, I didn’t give a shit.

I’d planned on taking her over my knee and reddening every inch of her
ass and thighs, but seeing her in such a submissive pose in the middle of my
bed had me drooling for a taste. “Take off your blouse.”

She started at my voice, but lifted shaking hands to do as told. With
each button slipped free, my arousal returned, and the blue silk sliding off
her bare shoulders and revealing a see-through white lace bra and puckered rosy
nipples brought a groan to my lips.

“Lay back.” I strode forward as she straightened her legs and complied,
the sounds of her quickened breaths heating my blood.

Fuckin’ Raquel Hawkins, sweet innocent, was on my bed, the darkness
beneath her knee-length skirt sending my saliva glands into hyper-drive. I
slipped leather ties around her wrists and tied her tight to my headboard. She
chewed on her lower lip, chest rising and falling enough to make me think she
might call out her safe word, but she kept silent.

I kicked off my shoes and climbed onto the bed, pushing up her pencil
skirt with agonizing slowness over nylon-clad legs while settling on my
haunches between them.

Thigh highs.
I swallowed.

A sweep of my thumbs from inner to outer thighs, and she lifted her
ass, allowing me to push the skirt to her waist. So much for my assumption
about granny panties. White lace matching her bra and a scrap of silk hid her
virgin curls from me. I leaned down, breathing in the sweet, musky scent of her
arousal. “I’m going to taste you, Raquel.”

She gasped, her hands flexing in their restraints.

“You’re not allowed to come until I tell you to.”


I reached up and pinched her nipple, earning another gasp, a groan of
pleasure on its heels as she writhed on the bed. “The proper response would be,
yes, Sir.”

She licked her lips again and whispered, “Yes, Sir.”

“Yes, Sir, what?”

“I won’t come until you tell me to.” She half-breathed, half-moaned the

I slipped a finger beneath the side of her panties and pulled them
aside, baring her damp blonde curls and glistening pussy. “Fucking perfect,
just like I knew you’d be.”

A whimper sounded from between her parted lips.

Stretching out and making myself at home, I settled in to feast. The
first sweep of my tongue arched her off the bed.

“Oh, God.” Her head lolled to the side.

She tasted better than Italian sweet cream, and I dove in for another
lick. Panted breaths reached my ears. I reveled in the torture, in the knowing
she lay at my mercy. Mine for the plundering.

I latched onto her erect clit and suckled. Her hips rose, and she cried
out, a sound I knew preceded a woman’s orgasm. I bit her inner thigh with
enough force to leave a mark and keep her from falling over the edge.

“No coming.”

She moaned a complaint, lower lip between her teeth.

I returned to my task of driving her fuckin’ insane as she’d been doing
to me for months, biting or pinching her smooth skin every so often to bring
her back from the brink of release. I ground my hips into the mattress,
imagining it was her tight heat cradling me rather than my tighty-whities and
slacks I’d kept on.

No penetration meant I kept my fingers to myself even though I wanted
to push them into her wetness. Sweat sheened her forehead, her chest, before I
relented to her cries for mercy.

“Go ahead, gorgeous.” I sucked on her clit again and circled a
fingertip around her forbidden entrance. Alternating sucking and flicking with
my tongue, I continued to massage and tease her opening with my finger as she
bucked her hips.

“Oh God. Zane!” She let out a guttural cry like a wild animal, savage
and throaty enough I almost came along with her. Delving downward, I lapped up
the wetness squirting from her pussy.

Fucking perfect in every way.

She shuddered one last time, and her legs fell limp beside me. Body flushed,
chest glistening with sweat, blonde hair a tangled mess across my pillow, she
appeared a goddess, an angel sent from heaven to rescue my damned soul.

I sat up, wondering if she’d had her fill. Crawling forward over her
body, I released one restraint from her wrist and moved to untie the other.

“Mmm.” She leaned up and pressed her face into my chest. “Good God.”
She inhaled a deep breath. “You smell good.”

I dropped the other leather strap and lowered my body, moving downward
and allowing her to feel my aching length as it slid across her belly. She
grabbed my arms as I nestled my cock between her legs, holding me in place
against her.

Dangerous place to be if not for the clothes I’d been wise enough to
keep on.

“Kiss me,” she whispered as I reached to pull off the blindfold.

Oh, the temptation to be all sweet and cuddly. Her stepping beyond the
bounds of being a sub, however, earned her the pain she’d claimed to want.

twice. “You’ve earned your first
punishment,” I said, inflicting the pleasure she’d brought me in my tone.

She bit her lip and turned her head to the side. “I’m sorry, Sir.”

I left my tie in place, but smoothed back her hair. “That’s better, gorgeous.”
I moved off her to stand and pulled her to the edge of the bed, legs dangling
to the floor. “Roll over.”

She obeyed without question, her feet on the hardwood, upper body lying
on the rumpled bedspread. Ass bare except for the thong string between her rounded

I ran my hand down her spine and soothed the white skin of both cheeks.
A shudder ran through her, and she opened her mouth to emit a moan.

Time to find out if she enjoyed the pain I loved to inflict.

I sat beside her, and holding nothing back, I swung, the crack of skin
meeting skin jerking my cock and bringing a curse to her lips, but no safe

Another crack, and she cursed again, but quieter and with a groan following.
Five more handprints reddened her backside before she lifted her hips toward me
in offering. I wanted to rip off her thong and bury myself in her pussy. Her ass.
Anywhere to find my own release. She tested my restraint like no one had

Heaving for breath, and not from the spanking, I backed off and stared
at the marking across her nylon-clad thighs and bare ass. My markings. Mine.

Satisfaction coursed through me. My little non-vanilla innocent. God,
what a gift she was.

She panted, wiggling her lower body against the mattress.

“Pleasing me will be your end goal, not finding your own release,” I
said, as I soothed a palm across a heated ass cheek, my voice low and rough,
full of fuckin’ pent-up need. “I didn’t say you could come again.” I pinched,

“P-please, Zane. I’ve never … I can’t.” She wet her lips, spitting out
the pieces of her messy, long hair sticking to them. “I need more.”

I flipped her over and ripped the thong off her. Falling to my knees, I
grasped her thighs and tugged her to the bed’s edge. She grabbed hold of my
hair and pulled me close, wrapping her legs around my shoulders.

I breathed in her arousal before enjoying another long taste. I ran the
pad of my thumb down through her inner lips, teasing. Circling and pressing in
a hair’s length with each downward swipe as I continued to flick my tongue
across her clit with just enough pressure to keep her teetered on the edge.

“Please,” she moaned, her hips rising as though she wanted me to fuck
her with my thumb. She pulled on my hair and squeezed my head between her
thighs. “I need. Something.” She whimpered. “More.” Her words spilled out,
broken with gasps and each thrust of her hips. “Please.”

“I know exactly what you need, gorgeous, but I promised no penetration.”

“Touch me, Zane.”

The command deserved one hell of a punishment, but given the damn green
light, I wasn’t about to say no. I watched her thrashing head while replacing
my thumb with my index finger and coating it with her juices. She bit down on
her lip and moaned, her body rising to meet me as I pressed forward into her
tight sheath.

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