Temptation: 3 (Timeless Series) (15 page)

BOOK: Temptation: 3 (Timeless Series)
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“I’m so sorry,” Penny said softly, squeezing his arm, trying to add comfort, now sensing a kinship with him because they shared a deep sorrow.

Parker grunted, but added nothing more to the conversation. They meandered toward the hotel, both lost in their thoughts.

Minutes later, his voice rang out. “I’m hungry. What about you?” When she nodded, he asked, “Would you like to stop in one of these restaurants, or would you prefer the hotel dining room?”

“The dining room is probably more convenient.” Penny shrugged, glad they weren’t going back to their room so quickly, especially after his earlier confession, which left her more torn than ever. She glanced up to see his mood had lightened. As disconcerting as it was, his warm gaze made her heart race.

He held the door while she entered the hotel dining room. All remnants of Parker’s pain had dissipated and he was once again the charming, entertaining man she’d come to rely on. In moments, they were seated. A waiter greeted them pleasantly.

Any remaining uneasiness with Parker fled as he regaled her with story after story of his sister Catherine and her unruly behavior.

“We’ve lost all hope of finding her a match,” he said, finishing up with Catherine’s last debacle with her suitor from Baltimore.

“Well, a good match isn’t always what it appears to be,” Penny stated, thinking of her own situation.

Something in her tone must have given her away, because Parker’s expression changed slightly. Eying him warily, she thought, Uh-oh, I’m doing it again. If I’m not careful, he’ll have all my secrets out and I’ll be back under the earl’s control in no time.

“Why would you say that?” he asked, picking up her gloved hand. He kissed it and eyed her intently. “Are you running from your intended, perpetuating a lie? Is that why he let you sail across the ocean alone and unprotected? You think to hide in California?”

“No,” she cried, alarmed at how close to the truth he’d come. She chewed on her bottom lip nervously as a streak of fear raced through her system. Covering her trepidation under a nervous laugh, she withdrew her hand. “Why are you so concerned? I’m fine. Surely once I leave, your duty to protect me will be over.”

“I see. And you need no protection?”

“No. I can take care of myself.”

“And that’s why two men were able to abscond with your bag? Because you were taking care of yourself so well?”

“That was just a minor setback and could’ve happened to anyone.” She wouldn’t believe otherwise.

“It’s never happened to me or anyone I was protecting. If you were mine, I would never let you roam the countryside by yourself.”

Despite feeling safe under his protection, she stiffened. Just like a man to make such an autocratic statement. One who thought he owned women. Of course in her world, men did. Men like Geoff and her father were rare. “I don’t belong to you or any man, so it’s a moot point,” she said, before going back to her food and remaining silent.

For the rest of their meal, their jovial mood of the afternoon had fled to be replaced with one of guarded reserve.


Parker heaved a heavy sigh as they walked back to the room, wishing he didn’t care about Penny’s secrets. Though he’d tried, he couldn’t stop the vision she’d presented in the jewelry store from invading his thoughts. The blue sapphires had highlighted the creaminess of her pale complexion while bringing out the blue in her eyes, and too many times over the course of the evening he’d wondered what she’d look like wearing only the jewelry without clothing. He had to quit thinking such things.

Outside their room, Parker cast a glance at her and sighed, noting a closed expression. Hell, maybe it was for the best. With her demeanor shut tight, his own lust died somewhat, making it easier to be around her without wanting to wipe that impish grin off her face with kisses, as had been his most pressing daydream much too often during the last few hours.

He held the door open, allowing her to go ahead of him.

It would be a long, long night.

“It’s still early. Would you care for a game of chess?” Parker asked.

“I’d love one.” She smiled, but remained silent as he set up the board.

The two played for over twenty minutes with neither saying a word.

“I was only trying to help, Penny,” he finally said, no longer willing to put up with the depressing mood in the room.

Seeing her stunned expression when she glanced up at him, he shrugged. “Don’t you think it’s a little silly for us to be so formal when we’re sharing a room?”

Penny’s spine straightened. She inhaled deeply and met his gaze. “Mr. Davis—”

“It’s Parker.” When she opened her mouth to argue, he reached over and placed a finger to her lips. “Shush and make your move.”

He chuckled at the annoyed barbs her gaze tossed at him. “We’re friends. As such, I expect you to call me Parker from here on out and I’m going to call you Penny,” he said, not giving her a chance to say what he knew was on her lips. “I promise not to pry into your personal life, but I can’t let you go off by yourself. Will you come home with me and forget going to California for the time being? You can help my mother and Catherine with their duties on the farm.”

“We’re friends and you’re not going to pry?”

“Yes, if you’ll you agree to come home with me.” Relief swept over Parker at her nod. “Thank God you’ve come to your senses.”

Penny’s lips flattened into a straight line. “Just remember. You don’t own me. I’m only doing this because I feel it’s the right thing to do, especially since I don’t want to sell my mother’s jewelry.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Parker chuckled, moving his knight into position. “Check.”

“Oh, you think you’re so smart. My mind wasn’t on the game, that’s why you trounced me so easily,” she said.

“Make your move, so we can end this game and play another. I rather like playing a better adversary. Your distraction wasn’t much of a challenge.” He flashed a smug smile, only too happy to have convinced her to his way of thinking.

Later, after another long game that finally ended in a stalemate, the room filled with tension. Penny stood and flitted about, nervously going from space to space, too preoccupied with whatever she focused on.

“Will you stop?” Parker finally said, annoyed that she seemed ill at ease. “I’m not going to ravish you, so you can relax.”

She froze and a heated blush stole up her face. “I didn’t think that.”

“Then why the blush?”

If eyes could kill, he’d be dead, given the look she sent him. Grinning, he patted the divan next to him. “Come here.” When her expression turned skeptical, he laughed. “You need to trust me. You can’t trust me if you’re afraid of me.” He patted the seat again. “So come here.”

Penny rolled her eyes, before flashing another irritated glare. “I don’t think that’s going to help. I need air.” She continued her pacing.

Chuckling, Parker rose and walked toward her, moving in slow motion as she took reflexive steps back, but was hampered from retreating farther when she hit the wall. With purpose, he gripped her arm, tugging her with him to the settee.

He sat and gave her no choice but to follow.

“See?” He bit his cheek to keep from laughing at her stiff posture. If he laughed at her discomfort now, she might never forgive him. “There’s nothing to fear. Relax.” His hands slid up her arms in a soothing manner. “Remember, we’re friends.” He nodded, indicating the bed. “You’ll be safe over there, and I’ll be right here.” Parker kissed her forehead and pulled her closer. “I gave my word. Do you trust me?”

He smiled when he felt her nod. Eventually, her stiffness ebbed somewhat and he leaned away, his grin growing. “See?
Nothing to fear.” Another blush stole up her face. Suddenly he couldn’t breathe. Lord, would she ever stop looking at him like that? When she did, it was hard to remember his promise.

Dropping his hands, Parker straightened and cleared his throat.

Penny smoothed her dress, glancing guiltily at her lap.

“Damn,” he whispered, standing. The lady’s innocent gestures were too much to bear. He raked a hand through his hair, keeping his focus on the floor. “Maybe it would be best if I went for a walk to give you a chance to get ready for bed. I meant my words. You have nothing to fear from me, Penny.” He strode across the room. “I’ll be back much later in order to give you plenty of time to fall asleep.” He stopped at the door and nodded. “Good night.”

Once outside the room, Parker leaned against the cool wood. Good God, he’d come so close to kissing her, especially after catching her blush, leaving him no doubts about her thoughts. Invitation to taste her lips was written clearly in her eyes and more than anything, Parker wanted to accept her invitation.

He headed toward a saloon, needing a drink. Hell, he needed the whole damn bottle.

Chapter 11

“No,” Penny cried. “Please.” She’d awakened from a sound sleep to find he’d invaded her bedchamber. She tried to cover her nakedness, but her wrists were bound to the bedposts. “Why are you doing this?”

And like that first time, no matter what she said or how she begged, it did no good.

“You can’t fight, my dear, so you should just enjoy it.”

“No. I won’t. Please. Leave me be.”

“You’ll get used to my touch. I’ll make sure of it.” A menacing laugh laced with cruelty filled her ears, letting her know he took pleasure in her fear.

She looked around. Oh, dear Lord. Somehow he’d found her and she was back in London at the earl’s townhouse, where he’d forced her to endure his depravities.

“Once we’re married you’ll be under my total control, never to escape me. Then I can enjoy all your charms, and not have to worry about what I do.” He loomed over her, stroking her suggestively. “That bastard Collingswood won’t be able to protect you then. You’ll be mine!
Mine to enjoy as I want, for as often as I want. Do you hear me?” he asked, whispering in her ear before licking it, then biting it, hard, causing her to clamp her eyes shut and move her head back and forth to avoid his lips and teeth.

She tried harder to ignore his touch and pretend it didn’t bother her. When she felt his manhood rubbing against her, getting closer to the juncture where her legs met, she couldn’t bring them together because her legs were spread, tied to the lower bedposts. Her nightgown was pushed above her breasts, baring her skin to him. She tugged on the restraints, crying out louder in fear. “No. Stop. Please stop,” she yelled, finally breaking down in tears.

Though he didn’t actually invade her body, his movements as he pleasured himself revolted her. She averted her gaze as much as was physically possible, not wanting to see what he was doing. Once satisfied, he got up to leave and cruelly grasped her chin, forcing her to meet his demented gaze.

“You’re mine. And no one will dispute the fact. All of your father’s lands are mine, as well as his wealth. I’ll hunt you down to the ends of the earth to find you and when I do, you’ll never escape again. Do you hear me?”

His threat as well as the crazed look on his face sent a surge of terror through her.

“Please,” she whimpered as her tears increased.


Penny’s shouts pulled Parker out of a sound sleep. For a moment he wasn’t sure where he was, but he quickly got his bearings. He was on the settee in the hotel room and Penny was in the throes of a bad dream as more of her cries rent the air.

He reached for the shirt he’d taken off in order to fall asleep in the stuffy room, but it lay forgotten as her increased yelling had him rushing to the canopied bed barely visible in the moonlit room.

“Penny, wake up.” He gave her a gentle shake. When she only offered mewing pleas, he shook a little harder and said a little louder, “Come on, sweetheart. Wake up. You’re having a nightmare. It’s all right, you’re safe.”

By the time he did wake her, she was crying uncontrollably. He sat on the edge of bed, pulled her into his arms and let her cry.

“Shush,” he murmured, stroking her as he would a small child. “You’re safe.”

“Hold me, Parker,” Penny said, shivering. “It seemed so real,” she eventually whispered.

“There’s nothing to fear.”

“I know. You’re my friend and I trust you.” She stopped shivering and her breathing evened out. “I feel safe with you.” She snuggled closer.

“Nothing can hurt you now. I’ll make sure of it.” His embrace tightened. He kissed the top of her head.

“Thank you.” She let out a long sigh. “I can’t imagine why I’d have such a bad dream.”

“Do you want to tell me about it? Sometimes voicing your fears helps. It always did with my sisters when they had bad dreams.”

“No.” She shook her head. “It’s too horrible and not something I can share.”

Since she seemed calmer, he didn’t pry further. He held her a bit longer, watching as she closed her eyes. Eventually, her board-like rigidity dissolved and she sighed, her breaths becoming long and deep. When he thought she slept, he moved to disentangle himself from her.

Penny grabbed his arms, stopping him with a strong, panicked grip. “Please don’t go.”

He sat back down, positioning himself fully on the bed, lying prone and taking her with him. Parker closed his eyes, enjoying the feel of having her right where he wanted her.

“Remember that night you kissed me?”

“Yes,” he replied warily, stiffening.

“Kiss me again.”

He almost choked as her fervently whispered plea sent a signal directly to his groin. Loving nothing better than to shower her with kisses, he could only stare into the darkness with her in his arms, grasping at the little bit of control he had left.

Once he found his voice, he offered a strained, “Kissing’s not a good idea right now.”

“Why? Don’t you want to kiss me?”

Parker ignored the hurt in her voice, fighting to rein in his warring emotions. Was she serious? Damn, how could he not want to kiss her again? But she was too tempting, and his need too great.

He replied honestly, whispering, “Yes. But that’s not the point. If I start, I may not be able to stop.”

“One kiss.” She kissed his bare chest, the contact shooting white-hot lust straight through his body. “What can it hurt?”

His manhood responded instantly.

“I trust you, and a good night kiss will give me a different memory to go to sleep with other than my nightmare.”

“Penny,” he said a little more firmly, sitting up. “We are not going to kiss. It’s a bad idea.”

“Please? To make me forget,” she pleaded, bending over him and timidly placing her mouth over his.

The minute their lips touched, more lust heated Parker’s blood and his tenacious grip on his desires slipped. He knew he should pull away, especially since he still had some semblance of control, but her soft mouth sucked him in farther. Instantly, like a match to dry tinder, need and want burst to life inside his soul, flaming out of control. He could no more stop kissing her than he could stop breathing. Her low moan floated above his head, infiltrating his brain. He fought the impulse to deepen the kiss and returned to some modicum of reality.

“As much as I love kissing you, we have to stop,” Parker whispered, breaking their contact, reaching deep inside for restraint. He rested his head back on the pillow, bringing her with him in the crook of his arm. When he realized he was still massaging her breast in an unconscious motion, he closed his eyes, willing his hand away from her body, but it wouldn’t budge. He knew he was in serious trouble the minute Penny shook her head and leaned into him, her expressive eyes begging in the moonlit room, clearly telling him she was having none of his rejection.

“I love kissing you. Please, Parker, don’t stop,” she whispered, her voice as pleading as her eyes.

He watched in stunned fascination as she lowered her head, brushing her lips over his, using her mouth like a seasoned courtesan, yanking him back into an abyss of desire so hot his blood boiled. He wanted her. The more he kissed her, the more he wanted her. It was like being sucked into a vortex; the harder he fought, the greater its strength. He shook his head, abruptly pulling away. “My God! You kiss like an angel, but we have to stop. Penny,” he ground out, breathing heavily. “This isn’t a good idea. You don’t know what you’re doing.”

“I’m enjoying your kisses. Aren’t you enjoying mine?”

“Yes, but if you continue, I won’t be able to honor my promise to you.”

“Then I release you from your promise. I trust you and I love kissing you.”

She kissed him again and again Parker broke away.

“This will only lead to trouble. I promised Lucas I’d leave you
be and I can’t break my word.”

“We’re no longer on board Lucas’s ship, so that promise no longer holds you. Besides, it’s my decision, not your brother’s, and I’m willing.”

“I can’t believe this. I must be mad.” He rubbed his hand over his face and stared at the ceiling, praying for divine intervention.

“Don’t you want me?” she
asked, her innocent question more seductive than anything he’d ever heard.

“Of course I want you, but what about
your intended?”

“This has nothing to do with him,” she stated firmly.

“Nothing to do with him?” Parker glared at her, totally incensed at the notion. “Penny, he’s your betrothed. You owe him loyalty and fidelity.”

“I’m not married yet,” Penny hissed, just as incensed. “After we’re married, I’ll be faithful. But until that time, he doesn’t own me. No one does.” When he looked at her as if she had three eyes, she asked, “Why is it men can have countless affairs and no one questions them before marriage?”

“It’s not the same thing and you know it. We men are animals.”

“That’s not true,” she said, a quick grin spreading across her face. “Not all men.”

“You doubt me?” he asked incredulously.

Penny nodded. “If that were true, then why are you stopping? I want this, Parker. Please. Kiss me,” she whispered, just before her lips found his again. This time, her tentative hands began roaming over his naked upper body, her strokes growing bolder each second. She then undid his trousers and pushed them down, before her hands continued their exploration.

Her actions did nothing to quell his raging desire. He couldn’t determine if this was heaven or hell because at the moment he experienced a little of both, and he knew he was sinking fast. When her timid fingers brushed over his bulging erection, he almost disgraced himself. Finally, he couldn’t fight both her and his need any longer. Didn’t see any reason to. Once he overcame his internal battle, he kicked out of his restraining pants. He took over as the pursuer, intent on inflaming her as he was inflamed.

He fought the pleasure, knowing he should go slower. She was an innocent, but the feel of her wandering hands left him with no will to cease his hurried pace and an overwhelming need to possess her—to stop the flames from consuming him. Her lips and hands were everywhere, yanking the same reaction from him. Damn, he hated himself because he was out of control. The only thing he wanted was to be inside of her. That became his driving force.

His hand caressed lower, grazing her womanhood. She flinched. The movement acted as a bucket of cold water, drenching his desire, yanking him out of an erotic fog and halting his advance.

“Why are you stopping?” Penny
asked, when it became obvious he’d stilled his movements.

“I can’t do it. You’re an innocent and it’s not right,” Parker was able to get out after closing his eyes and gaining a bit of his control. At that moment, his body screamed for release. God, he had died and gone to hell for trying to seduce an angel. What had he been thinking?

“No. You can’t quit.”

“Yes, I can.” He groaned at her insistent voice and offered a self-deprecating laugh. “Don’t ask me why because I’ll never be able to understand it myself.”

“Oh no, it’s not your decision.” She pulled her nightgown over her head and threw it on the floor. Daringly, she reached for his manhood, holding it in her hand and stroking, watching him the entire time.

“Penny,” he ground out in a warning tone, covering her hand. “You don’t know what you’re doing,” he whispered, tormented beyond reason.

“Yes, I do. I’m ridding myself of a nightmare,” Penny the temptress boldly answered, pulling out of his grasp and growing more courageous. As if knowing she held the secret to providing unlimited pleasure in her fingertips and that she controlled it somehow, her strokes became more insistent.

Flames shot through his veins. His resistance slipped and slid into the night, along with his reasoning. All his thoughts centered on possessing the angel from heaven, unconcerned over spending an eternity in hell for doing so.

Parker couldn’t bear her touch one additional minute without exploding in her hands and shaming himself. Once again he became the aggressor, pushing her back on the bed and looming above her. But his finesse ended there. His control spent, he had to possess her. Now. That he’d not readied her properly for her first time no longer mattered. In a fluid movement, he pushed inside her, stopping the second he felt her cringe beneath him…felt her maidenhead.

He lifted up on his forearms.

“Are you all right?” he asked through clenched teeth, fighting the urge to plunge deeper into her moist depths.

She smiled. “Now I know what unleashed power feels like,” she whispered, reaching around his neck and pulling him closer for a hot, soul-searing kiss.

Her words and mouth seduced him beyond his endurance. When the blonde goddess he possessed shifted beneath him, meeting him stroke for stroke, Parker thrust, veering completely out of control. And though he tried, he couldn’t last long enough to give her pleasure. In seconds, he emptied himself inside her with a mind-numbing release before collapsing on top of her, too sated to stir.

The earth had surely moved and Parker needed a moment to collect
himself. He’d never lost control before. Not like that. And worse! The one tempting woman who caused such actions claimed to be betrothed to another man.

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