Temptation: 3 (Timeless Series) (29 page)

BOOK: Temptation: 3 (Timeless Series)
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“Have you forgotten the reason you sought me out in London? Well, I haven’t. You need protection and if you won’t marry me, then you can damn well marry him.”

“No.” She stamped her foot in frustration. “I’ll not marry someone who wants to control me. That’s all men want to do and I don’t want that for my life.” She broke off for a moment before pleading further, “Please, Geoff. Be my friend. Try to see this my way.”

They eyed each other for a long while, before Geoff shook his head. “I can’t, Pen.”

“You’re no better than he is and just as controlling.”

“It appears so. My biggest mistake was not taking you to Gretna Green when I had the chance. I love you too much to let you go off by yourself.” His voice lowered to a tortured whisper. “If you’ve lain with him, you’ve made your choice, and I mean to see you honor that choice.” He then turned around and left her.

Watching his back as he stalked away, Penny’s unease grew, changing to stubbornness. After coming this far, she had no intention of letting any man dictate her actions.

Chapter 23

His attention on Penny once Geoff strode angrily away, Parker remained motionless. Finally, he started toward her, coughing to alert her of his presence.

Penny glanced at him, and if an expression could harm, Parker figured he’d be a dead man, given hers.

“So, you’re not marrying me or Geoff because you think we’re controlling?” he asked softly, halting in front of her. “It’s a mistake, you know. You should marry him, especially since it’s obvious he does love you and I can tell you love him.”

“I don’t need your advice,” she said, still frowning. “You’re the reason I’m in this muddle.”

“Tell me about this earl,” Parker demanded gently but firmly, ignoring another frozen glance.

Penny rolled her eyes and started pacing. She stopped abruptly and turned back to him. “Why are you badgering me? From the moment I met you, all you’ve done is pester me with questions.”

“You’re a lady with secrets.” He flashed an amused grin.

“I don’t find anything funny in my situation.” She threw out another crushing look and started pacing again.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered sincerely. In response, Penny stilled her pacing. When she turned back to him, he prodded, “Talk to me so that I can understand your predicament.” With a thumb and forefinger, he lifted her stubborn chin and gazed into her eyes, his showing total sincerity. “I want to help, Penny. As a friend. I promise.”

Her facial features softened and he asked, “Is this earl as big a threat as Geoff and Markham think he is?”

“He’s not a nice man,” Penny said, letting out a deep sigh and nodding, breaking eye contact. She shuddered. “He seemed to take pleasure in inflicting fear in me. And yes, I would agree with Markham and Geoff’s assessment…he’s probably not going to let me go easily, considering what my parents left me. But he’ll never find me,” she stated vehemently. “Especially if I disappear in this country. San Francisco is a continent away.”

“You’re still not thinking of traveling across the country alone?” he asked incredulously.

Penny’s back stiffened. “That has always been my plan, if you’ll remember.”

“Ah, yes, the lady adventurer.”
He sighed. “How could I forget?” Parker’s sarcastic comment drew another scowl and he had a hard time holding on to his sober expression. He schooled his features not to smile and asked seriously, “So he’s after your money as well as your other assets?”

“I guess so.” She shrugged. “It does fit. Of course, he has a time limit. He won’t have any say over anything I do once I turn twenty-five in February.”

“I don’t think that will stop him,” he warned. When her eyes narrowed, he added, “He sounds a bit desperate. I know about such men, and they don’t stop looking, Penny. Marrying Geoff is a sound idea. At least you’d be safe, given his affiliation with the duke.”

“Geoff is no better than you and you’re no better than Gerald. With choices like those, I’d rather take my chances alone in California.”

Her chin went up and that clipped accent was back. Parker couldn’t help flashing another grin. “Give him a chance. He loves you. Surely you can see that. When a man loves, it’s instinctive to protect those he loves. Trying to control is just part of that protection.”

“Is that what you do with those you love?” she asked, her eyes searching his.

“I’ve never thought about it before, but I guess it is.”

“Well, I have no intention of being controlled. I’ve a mind of my own and I mean to use it.”

Parker shook his head, grinning like a fool again. “Damn if you don’t remind me of Catherine. And because you’re so much like her, I’m betting you can control Geoff just as easily as she controls me. Think about it. If you love him, marriage to him is a perfect solution to your dilemma.” He grabbed her hand. “Come on, angel,” he said, walking toward the house. “It’s time for another dance.”

Geoff stalked into the ballroom, his mood totally bleak. Seeing Penny wrapped in Parker Davis’s arms with their lips locked together left no doubt in his mind. The man was her lover. He hit his fist. The bastard wouldn’t get away with taking her innocence without paying the price for seducing her. He’d call him out.

Damn, but the thought of putting her into his hands hurt. He closed his eyes, pushing out pain, wishing he’d never come upon the scene. Penny had never looked at him as she had Davis just before she kissed him. If she had, he’d never give her up. From his vantage point, there was no mistaking her expression—one that said she’d follow him anywhere. It hurt too much to think about, so he thought about how to force the bastard into making an honest woman out of his beloved.

He scouted the crowded, music-filled room, looking for Markham, and spotted him dancing with Catherine. When the music died, he worked his way toward them. Acting nonchalant, as if his heart weren’t breaking, he said the moment he was within earshot, “Markham, I need a word with you.”

Markham gave Geoff a curious look. “Can’t it wait? I’ve finally convinced Miss Davis to walk in the gardens with me.”

“It’s fine, Your Grace,” Catherine said, seeming relieved at the interruption. “I’ve duties to attend to for my mother. If you will excuse me.” She curtsied before scurrying toward another group of people across the room.

Glaring, Markham put his hands on his hips. “What’s so urgent it can’t wait until later? I was hoping to sit next to her at dinner.”

“Sorry to intrude, but I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t think it necessary.” He looked after Catherine, and added, “Besides, judging from how quickly she ran away from you, I’d say your chances for dinner are nil.”

“Have you no faith in my charm?” his brother said, his quick grin transforming his stern features.

“You? Charming?” Geoff drew back his head in a loud guffaw. “’Tis a pity she’s not aware of how sought after you are in England. Then you wouldn’t need the charm you’re so lacking.”

“I hate it that you’re so loose with your tongue and have no respect for your elders,” Markham said, his annoyance replacing amusement.

“Give over, Markham. That look doesn’t work on me.” He shook his head and said more seriously, “I truly do need to talk to you, but it can wait until morning.” He nodded toward Catherine and grinned, suddenly feeling better. “Go and see if you can charm her into sitting with you at dinner. If so, I’ll be impressed.” Chuckling, he walked away.

“You doubt I can?”

Geoff stopped and turned. “Would you care to wager?”

A determined expression passed over Markham’s face. “Twenty pounds,” he said. “She’ll eat next to me and we’ll share another dance.
A waltz.”

“You’re on, old man.” He pivoted and strode aimlessly through the dancers, his mood ten times lighter than when he’d entered the ballroom.

“Geoff? Is that you?”

Upon hearing his name, he glanced around. Mindy Bowers, looking so beautiful, floated up to him. His smile broadened. “Look at you! I hardly recognized you.”

“Like it?” she asked, doing a full circle and earning his chuckle as well as a nod. “You’re looking very pretty yourself, Geoff.” Her gaze took a trip up and down his person before landing back at his eyes. “Very handsome and dashing, I’d say,” Mindy added as pleasure lit her face. “It’s good to see you.”

“Come, let’s dance.” Geoff held out an inviting hand to his childhood friend. “A man always loves flattery, especially when it comes from such a beauty.”

Mindy took his outstretched hand and looked around. “Where’s Penny?”

“She’s dancing with him.” Geoff schooled the look of annoyance, replacing it with another smile that didn’t reach his eyes.

“Him?” Mindy asked.

“A man she should be avoiding.”

“What?” Confusion flitted over her expression. “Surely the earl’s not here? That man’s a monster.”

“No, not him.”
Geoff took Mindy into his arms, remaining silent while they danced. “What do you know of her time with the earl?” Geoff finally asked. “Do you know why she’s so afraid of him?”

His question drew Mindy’s gaze. “Please don’t ask,” she said hesitantly, shaking her head. “Penny swore me to secrecy.”

“I’m worried about her. She told me she wasn’t marrying me because she says I’ve changed and become too controlling.”

Mindy chuckled. “What did you do?”

“Nothing but try and protect her from her betrothed, but I don’t even know why. I’m beginning to think she may have had another more willful motive for running away.” Geoff broke off, thinking about the maddening woman. He’d known since Eton, the chance at marriage with her was nil. Neither her family nor his had been amenable to the idea, which was why he surmised her parents planned an arranged marriage. Finally, he shook his head and said in a wistful voice, “Maybe it would be best if Markham took her back to England so she can abide by her parents’ last wishes.”

“How can you say such a thing? Putting her in that monster’s clutches would be the worst possible thing you could do,” Mindy said with horror.

“If she won’t marry me, I may have no choice. You should know she means to travel to California by herself.”

“Surely she won’t do something so ridiculous. Not after being robbed at the train station.”

“She was robbed?”

Mindy spent a moment telling him the gruesome details of her misadventure, ending with, “It worked out. Mr. Davis was watching after her.”

He hated feeling beholden to the man, especially for his stupidity of letting Penny travel by herself, but he had to admit to more than a small amount of gratitude.

“I can’t believe she’s still planning to go off on her own now that you’re here. You have to stop her.”

“Yes, I do. She’s too willful.” Geoff snorted. “Too determined. And you’re right. She won’t go off alone again, even if it means sending her back to her guardian.”

Mindy’s alarmed voice rose. “You can’t.”

“Then give me more information as to why I shouldn’t.” Eyeing her, Geoff waited.

She sighed. “There’s a reason why she doesn’t like controlling men. He was cruel to her. Did horrible things to instill fear.” Mindy lowered her voice and leaned in. “You have to promise you won’t let her know I told you. She would die of embarrassment.” When Geoff nodded, she continued. “The first incident happened when she disobeyed one of his directives of not wearing what he’d stipulated. She didn’t like the lewd cut of the garment and argued with him, saying she was still in mourning. The next day she went out to the stables and found Jezebel dead.”

Geoff remained stoic while Mindy recanted the chilling tale of how the man had shot Penny’s favorite mare her father had given her the year before, and then left the horse for Penny to discover.

“The vile man then began withholding privileges or destroying things she loved. Eventually, his brutality increased. I happened to be in the dressing room when he came into her room one day and said something Penny didn’t agree with. When she questioned it, he backhanded her, sending her flying a few feet, as there was force in the blow. Never before had anyone lifted a hand to my lady. I could tell she was as shocked as I was. But that wasn’t the worst. He then strolled over to her, helped her up, and said if she ever told anyone about the incident, her maid would meet with an accident. He used her love for me to control her. The look on his face, when he imparted his threat, kept Penny silent, because it was obvious he meant what he said. After that, he’d strike her whenever he felt like it.”

Mindy broke off. Geoff didn’t think she had anything else to add until she began speaking again.

“One night I heard her cries and went in to see what was wrong.” Her soft voice held sadness. Then her tone changed to anger. “The beast had her tied to the bed, doing all sorts of depravities to her. I couldn’t help her, could only watch in hiding while he tormented her. I didn’t even want her to know what I’d seen, so I waited until he’d been gone for several minutes before I went in to comfort her. God only knows how many times he’d gone to her like that.”

Geoff stared at Mindy, barely able to continue dancing while he absorbed this information.

“Please, Geoff,” Mindy begged. “He’s a monster. No telling what he’ll do to her if he has the chance to marry her. Penny swore when we left London that no man would ever control her again.”

His fury erupted. He damn sure had to make sure Penny was safe from the earl’s clutches, and if her safety meant marriage to another man, then so be it. Despite the pain the thought brought on, he was certain she loved Davis. He’d force the bastard to do his duty and he’d force Pen to do hers.

“Don’t worry. She’ll never know what I know. It’ll be our secret,” he said, meeting Mindy’s gaze. He flashed a brilliant smile. As they continue dancing, he mentally resolved how he’d achieve his goal.

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