Temptation: 3 (Timeless Series) (32 page)

BOOK: Temptation: 3 (Timeless Series)
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Penny’s tears worked free. Meeting Elizabeth’s gaze in the mirror, she wiped them away as the older woman gently asked, “Why the tears, dear? Surely you can see what I see.”

“I don’t think so.”

“Shush. Don’t let sad thoughts ruin this day. I know he admires you, as do I.”

“But he doesn’t love me.”

“You’re so sure?” Elizabeth still held her gaze in the mirror.

Penny smiled through her tears. “I’m not sure about anything anymore.” She had to look down, uncomfortable with Elizabeth’s searching stare. “I know he likes being with me, but is that enough?”

“Humph.” Elizabeth dismissed her words with a wave of her hand. “Men can be fools, and Parker’s no different.”

“Parker’s not a fool,” Penny declared hotly, unsure of why she was defending him. To his mother, no less.

“Of course he is, if he can’t see what’s in front of his nose. What is love? When does it start and when does it end?” Elizabeth’s voice trailed off. She fiddled with the veil and added distractedly, “I’m betting he’s done everything in his power to keep you at arm’s length and to what end? He’s giving you his name, and believe it or not that’s an honor I never thought to see him bestow on anyone after his fiasco with Lady Margaret. He may not realize it, but the deed speaks volumes. Trust me on this,” she said confidently.

“I’ve heard the name before. Who is Lady Margaret?” Penny asked.

“She was a noblewoman Parker fell in love with,” Catherine interjected. “When he asked her to marry him, she declined because she was engaged to an earl, something she neglected to tell Parker when they were together. From what I’ve gathered in snippets I’ve caught between Lucas and him, it seems she still wanted Parker as a plaything.
Someone to dally with after marriage.”

“You shouldn’t be eavesdropping, especially about something so delicate.”

“Oh, Mother! I’m not an imbecile.”

Catherine’s statement drew Elizabeth’s long, resigned sigh. “The incident affected my son, though the lady certainly didn’t deserve the attention.” She then stood back and smiled warmly. “There! I think you’re ready. You’re simply beautiful.”

Penny had no more time to think about their conversation, because within minutes she began her wedding march as Markham Collingswood, the sixth Duke of Wyndham, led her down the aisle, sealing her fate forever.

Walking toward the altar and her destiny, hand resting in the crook of Markham’s bent elbow, Penny felt Parker’s gaze. Meeting it, excitement rushed through her. Heat emanated from those blue-gray eyes, giving her a sense of security. If nothing else, she knew he wanted her and maybe, over time, she would gain his love.

A huge reception followed the wedding in Parker’s ballroom.

There was no missing Parker’s possessive demeanor
as he introduced Penny to his ex-partner Simon Harrington and his wife, Giselle. Parker rarely left her side, even standing off to the edge of the room and watching while others claimed her in a dance, not bothering to hide his impatience for her return. Only Lucas and the duke seemed immune to Parker’s dark looks of annoyance. It was obvious they took pleasure in his displeasure when someone new tapped him on the shoulder, asking for a turn with Penny.

Though Penny knew Parker’s patience had drawn to an end, she couldn’t ignore Geoff when she saw him across the room. He’d avoided her for the past week. The idea of losing his friendship had devastated her. Somehow she had to make things better between them. At the very least, she had to talk to him.

She placed her hand on Parker’s arm and bestowed on him a warm smile. “I need to speak to Geoff.” Noting his spine stiffening and sensing his irritation, she pleaded, “It won’t take long.”

He nodded, but his features snapped shut.

Penny felt his gaze while she started in Geoff’s direction. Offering a friendly smile, Penny purposefully put herself in her friend’s path so that he had to stop and talk to her.

Geoff nodded. “Penny.” His smile didn’t quite reach his eyes as he added, “Congratulations. You do make a beautiful bride.”

“Will you dance with me?” Penny asked hesitantly. When he appeared about to decline, she pressed a finger over his mouth. “Please?”

His smile seemed more strained, but he nodded stiffly and moved to take her in his arms.

Out on the floor, Geoff peered down at her. His expressive eyes seemed to say, “Well?”

She blew out a soft breath and ventured forward. “I am sorry for the turn of events. I never meant to hurt you. You have to know that.” She met his gaze, letting him see the honesty in hers. “I do wish I could have been different. Can you ever forgive me?”

Geoff shook his head. “There’s nothing to forgive,” he said in a sad voice. “It wasn’t meant to be and I see that now. Markham was right about something else.” He hesitated and eyed her steadfastly. When she arched a brow, he offered a semblance of a smile. “As much as I love you, I would never be happy with only part of you.” He nodded toward where Parker stood keeping his diligent vigilance. “You’ve never looked at me like you do him. Makes me realize I’d have given my right arm for one of those looks.” His smile turned wistful. “Maybe someday I’ll find someone who’ll view me in such a way.”

Penny’s eyes watered. Blinking back tears, all she could do was nod. For the rest of the dance neither spoke.

When the music ended, they drew apart and he kissed her forehead. “I want you to be happy, Pen. I also want you to know that if you ever need me, I’ll be there for you.”

She nodded and said quietly, “Thank you.”

He took another step back and cleared his throat. “I think I’d better lead you over to him as he looks ready to kill me.” Geoff held his arm out. “I gather he doesn’t realize I’m no threat.”

When they reached Parker’s side, Penny swallowed a pang of sorrow and watched Geoff offer a polite excuse, leaving the two together.

“I’ve endured enough,” Parker murmured, drawing her attention. He pulled her into his embrace. “My turn, angel. I’m tired of sharing you,” he said, before leading her into a waltz.

As Parker spun her around the room, Penny meekly followed without showing any of the turmoil churning inside her. During the dance, thoughts of disappointing Geoff dissipated as others formed. She couldn’t help but feel Parker’s muscular upper body while he moved. She tried not to think of the evening ahead. Still, her gaze settled on his hand intertwined with hers and heat engulfed her. Visions of his hands roaming over her body caused a feeling of hope to burst inside of her.

Chapter 26

Parker relaxed the rigid line of his shoulders, loving how well Penny fit into his arms, as if she were meant to be there. He towered over her, which made her appear even more delicate. A protective surge swept through him as he took another deep breath. The fragrance of her hair produced memories of their first night together. How he’d fought his desire for her and now she was his.

Thoughts of the evening to come filled his imagination. A smile touched his lips while he glided with her in his arms in time with the music surrounding him.

The music died and they stepped apart. Parker kept his hand possessively on the curve of her back and leaned closer. “It’s time to leave, Penny.”

Noticing her questioning look, he sighed. “I don’t think I can tolerate much more of this. I’ve stood patiently by while you’ve been ogled and groped. I know I’m not supposed to be this way, but you have to know patience has never been one of my virtues and these past two hours have been torture.” He grabbed her hand, pulling her with him as he walked toward the double doors. “No one will miss us. In fact, I’m sure most are surprised at my restraint.”

The two entered his vast bedroom where an enormous four-poster bed, the centerpiece of the space, shouted overwhelmingly of what would come next. A matching armoire and desk graced opposite corners. The masculine dark blue hues and dark furniture suited him, but Parker wondered at Penny’s thoughts as she walked farther into the room, glancing around wide-eyed.

He shut the door, drawing her attention. The room automatically shrank and suddenly shyness seemed to besiege his bride.

Parker faced her.

She took a few steps back, smoothing her hair before wringing her hands. A pink hint of color appeared on her cheekbones.

His intense gaze caught and held her fiery blue depths, not letting her look away as he strode purposefully toward her. When he got to within a foot, he slowed his progress, still holding the intimate contact with her eyes.

He stroked the side of her face with the back of his hand. Cupping her neck, his thumb still stroked. His voice strained on his words. “Do you have any idea how lovely you are?”

As if inundated by the heat she saw reflected in his eyes, she cleared her throat and more pink infused her face. Her heart raced under his fingertips.

Licking her lips nervously, she broke eye contact and studied the designs in the thick rug.

“Surely you’re not afraid of what’s between us, angel?” His thumb and forefinger lifted her chin, forcing her gaze back to his. “But if you don’t want this, I’ll honor my promise. It’s your choice.”

He waited, eyeing her unreadable expression. When she gave a slight nod and said, “I want this,” he blew out his breath in complete relief.

“You are without a doubt the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known, and I thank God you agreed to marry me,” he whispered just before his mouth found hers.

Still sensing her uneasiness, he kept the kiss light for the longest time, using soft lips and a gentle touch to quell her apprehension.

His tongue skimmed along her lips. Her mouth opened on a low moan, giving him more access. When his tongue invaded, demanding her response, Penny’s louder moan escaped and she wrapped her arms around him. As if he’d set a match to dry tinder, her flames erupted, pulling him in deeper, scorching him with the heat of her fire.

Their flames spread. Mouths and hands became more urgent. More demanding. Parker effortlessly lifted Penny, quickly carrying her to the bed. Laying her down, he hastily undid her gown. He couldn’t get it off fast enough, but Penny didn’t seem to notice, too intent on relieving Parker of his own clothes. No more than seconds passed before both were naked except for the sapphires around Penny’s neck.

Parker viewed her through half-shuttered eyes. His grin turned wicked. He fingered the necklace and felt her shivers.

“Did you know I’ve longed to see you wearing these, and only these, since I bought them?”

Penny’s head moved from side to side. He stilled it and leaned closer, whispering, “They look just like I thought they would.”

Watching her watch him, he lowered his head until he could no longer see her expressive eyes. Slowly his mouth grazed hers, back and forth before fully connecting. He kissed her unhurriedly, tasting in slow motion and drinking her passion thoroughly. Sensations of heat coursed through him, and lapping tentacles of fire reached everywhere.

Working in tandem with his mouth, his hands caressed, touched, stroked, and discovered every inch of her, leaving no spot on her glorious nakedness untended in order to bring her pleasure. Parker stilled his body’s response, subduing the strong urge to slide into her warmth.

“You have the softest skin and your breasts were made for my hands.” He cupped a round mound, fingering the fullness.

“For my lips,” he whispered, before suckling one and then the other, taking the whole areola into his mouth and tugging gently with his teeth.

He happened to glance at her face just then. The sheer passion shimmering in her eyes said one thing: she wanted him inside her now. Impatiently, she reached for him, clearly tired of waiting for him to determine the moment he’d enter her.

Giving in to her silent command, he thrust home in one swift motion. Her heat enveloped him. Parker soon lost the rest of his control, control he’d been holding on to by a thin thread. He plunged in and out, unable to contain the pleasure building. She was too intoxicating, too tempting, and he’d denied himself for too long. She moved with him in wild unison until both became frantic for completion.

When it happened—when Parker felt her shatter, her contractions gripping his manhood—he exploded, sending his seed inside her. He’d never felt such pleasure, and his release seemed to last forever. Much time passed before he could think again. Once he could, he raised up on his arms. Looking down at her and seeing her satisfied, serene smile, he knew right then. No other woman would ever do but her. He closed his eyes and kissed her forehead, thanking God for giving him this angel in his arms. Though he wasn’t about to risk his heart, he’d honor his promise. She’d never have cause to regret her decision to marry him.


“Are you all right?” Parker’s voice broke through the languid haze of Penny’s thoughts. Opening her eyes and peering into his intent gaze, she nodded, not trusting her voice. If she spoke, he’d surely know about the love bursting from her heart, and she didn’t trust him with that knowledge just yet.

He pulled out of her, fluffed the pillows, and situated her head in the crook of his arm and shoulder. Silence blared while he slowly stroked her arm in a soothing manner.

“So when would you like to make your trip to San Francisco?” He picked up her hand and kissed it.

“I don’t know.” Penny shrugged. Somehow the trip didn’t seem as important. “I’d still love to go. From what I’ve read it sounds like an exciting place, but I’m in no hurry to get there. I’d rather stay here with your family for an American Thanksgiving holiday your mother has mentioned, and then I can’t miss Christmas. It sounds even more wonderful.”

Parker’s smile softened the angular lines along his jaw, making him appear years younger. He kissed her forehead. “Fine, we’ll plan on a delayed honeymoon right after the first of the year. I’ll make the arrangements.”

He held her close with his eyes shut. Moments later, his even breathing tickled her neck. She felt the rise and fall of his chest.

Penny watched him sleep for the longest time, luxuriating in being right where she’d longed to be. She couldn’t resist pushing an errant lock of hair off his forehead, allowing her hand to trail along his strong jawline, enjoying the rough feel of his slight day’s beard under her fingers. He was everything she wasn’t. Tall and powerfully muscular to her small, curvaceous frame and where her skin was soft and yielding, his was firm and more solid. Her eyes moved to his beautiful hands now wrapped around her, holding her as if he’d never let her go. She smiled, remembering what those hands did only moments ago. Feeling very safe and secure in his arms, she closed her eyes.


Life as Parker’s wife settled into a routine for Penny, even as Geoff and the duke left on an extensive train trip across the country. Markham told the Davises they would be back by Thanksgiving, but they couldn’t miss this opportunity to see America. Lucas traveled off and on to see to his ship.

“I could stay here all morning, wrapped in your arms,” Parker said one morning weeks after their wedding.

“You’ll not find me complaining.” Penny kissed his naked torso. Though he seemed to be overly preoccupied with the farm and his secret business dealings with the president during the day, she had his attention at night and in the early mornings. She treasured the moments, like now, when he’d linger after making love before going down to breakfast. She could block out the rest of the world and pretend that he’d come to love her as much as she loved him. Trailing her finger where her lips had been, she added playfully, “The time would be well spent. I can’t wait until we travel to San Francisco.”

He chuckled, climbed from the bed, and grabbed a shirt.
“Get dressed, sweetheart. You’re too big a temptation for a busy man like me.”

“I rather like being a temptation,” she said boldly, leaning back, not bothering to cover her breasts.

After donning the shirt, Parker bent over and kissed her—a long and lengthy kiss that always generated heat. Lifting his lips, he yanked the sheet higher and said in a strained voice, “Have a heart. I’ve no time to dally.”

Quashing her disappointment, Penny said, “Catherine wants me to go hunting with her today if it’s not too cold.”

“You’ll take care?” he asked, eyeing her cautiously, his expression turning blank.

“Of course.”
She smiled reassuringly. “I know you’re concerned because of the babe, but you needn’t be.” At this point, she knew without a doubt that day on the bluff had yielded a child now growing within her. Her monthly bleeding had ceased for almost two months.

“Is it wise to ride and hunt?” When she started to object, he put out his hand, touching a finger to her lips. “I know I promised not to be controlling, but ’tis slowly killing me. I only want to keep you and the babe safe.” He sat, pulled her into his arms, and kissed the top of her head. “I like having you here and I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

His concern sent warmth spiraling through Penny. Though he’d not mentioned love, at times like this she felt it. The more she was with him, the more she prayed for him to declare it.

“I promise to take care.” She smiled into his chest, loving the feeling of being wrapped in his arms. “Since you’re so busy, it helps to have something to pass the time before the cold weather sets in.”

Parker nodded and planted another kiss on her forehead. “I’ll hold you to that promise, angel.” He stood and headed toward the washroom.


A US cavalry soldier led Parker through the halls of the White House to President Grant’s office.

“Mr. President,” he said, nodding to the man who sat behind a huge mahogany desk.

“Ah, Davis. Good to see you on time.” The president indicated another man who’d stood. Parker hadn’t noticed him until now. “I think you’re familiar with Mr. Henry Sterling. I wanted you two to meet because of your impassioned pleas weeks ago. You have much in common.”

“Mr. Sterling,” Parker murmured, shaking his outstretched hand, totally surprised and completely unprepared to greet someone he’d spent more than half his life hating. He didn’t see what they shared in common and couldn’t contain his curiosity. “I’m wondering what you assume we have in common, especially when my ideas will definitely affect his company?
And not in a good way.” He worked to hold all contempt out of his voice.

Parker watched the good-looking, distinguished older man sit back down, unruffled by his words. He certainly never expected to meet him here, not in the context of what he’d proposed to the president a month after his resignation, especially since it involved mine safety practices men like Sterling would abhor and fight to the death to prevent their implementation.

The capitalists he’d come into contact with, men like Sterling, wanted less government intervention, not more, citing the usual platitudes, especially in coal mining. Safety cost money. Coal was in high demand. They had a tremendous job to do and didn’t need more government restrictions tying their hands. He’d heard every excuse in the past two months from congressmen to senators. No one wanted to upset the balance of a rising commodity that held industrialization in its grip.

Change might cost votes…from all walks of life. From the lowly tenement dweller using precious coal for heat, to the industrialists needing the steam it produced to power factories and fuel railroads. Owners of mines had been given a free rein for too long due to America’s voracious appetite for progress. Someone had to look out for the humble man digging it out of the ground and Parker determined he’d at least put a few ideas into the president’s ear. Yet Parker wasn’t as concerned with the men who worked those mines. After all, they had families to feed and most were astute enough to understand the risks. It was the children he hated to see enslaved in their situation. Childhood should be a time of learning, not toiling.

“Sit down, Davis,” President Grant said, ignoring his comments and pointing to a chair opposite Sterling. “What would you like to drink?”

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