Tempting Meredith (14 page)

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Authors: Samantha Ann King

BOOK: Tempting Meredith
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“It’s not important now.”

“Not important?” she said through tight lips. “You fuck a girl, get her—” She almost said “pregnant.” She had to calm down, think. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I deserve an answer.”

She thought of her brother. For four years, Landon had been in love with a man, his best friend. And he’d hidden that love until last month, afraid of losing that friendship, afraid of losing his family. How could she condemn Blaine for wanting a man without condemning her brother in the same breath? Oh, yeah. Her brother hadn’t used a woman to have sex with a man. At least she hoped he hadn’t. No, Landon wouldn’t use anyone like that. He didn’t have it in him.

“It was you. You played the ditzy sexpot to the hilt. I believed it.”


“I suddenly realized you were more. I don’t know why I didn’t see it before. I guess I didn’t look deep enough until that moment. God, I still remember it. All that sweetness and intelligence. You were special. I just didn’t realize it until it was too late.” He paused, and his eyes begged her to understand. “You fooled both of us.”

She sat, hard. He’d seen exactly what she’d wanted him to see. And when he’d seen what she’d tried to hide, he’d rejected her.

Blaine interrupted her thoughts. “Charlie doesn’t know about that night. And you don’t have to worry about me telling him.”

“I’m not worried. Charlie and I are just having a good time.” She started pacing again. “In fact, go ahead and tell him. Get it off your chest. I hear confession is good for the soul.”
Maybe I’ll tell him.
Maybe in the morning.
After breakfast.
Then he won’t stop me from leaving.
He’ll probably pack my bags.
She ignored her sinking heart.

“You’re wrong there,” Blaine said. “If you weren’t important to him, you wouldn’t be here.”

“Oh, please. You can’t tell me he’s never brought a woman here before.”

“Yes, I can, and I will. You’re the first.”

She stopped with her back to him and forced out a laugh, but it was weak. She hated being weak.

“Why the act?” Blaine asked.

Arms crossed tightly over her chest, she faced him. “You have to ask?”

“Well, yeah. I don’t get it. You’re perfect. Why the ditz?”

She snorted. Perfect? Far from it. “I was young. My priorities were screwed up. I wanted a social life.”

“Nothing wrong with that. But it doesn’t explain the act.”

It seemed so silly now. A child’s desperate attempt to be accepted. Except she was still acting. Oh, not with everyone. Only in social situations when she was uncomfortable, unsure of herself. When her IQ was a liability. “It’s a long story.”

“I’ve got a few hours.”

Hmm, bare her soul? Not even tempted.

The front door opened, startling them both. Charlie entered. Where had he been? He was dressed in jeans, a grease-streaked T-shirt and tennis shoes. There was a smudge on his chin. His short hair stuck up and out in every possible direction. “Y’all are up early,” he said, a question in his eyes.

“Not as early as you,” Meredith answered. Now she knew why he hadn’t come running when she’d dropped the glass.

“Yeah. Couldn’t sleep, so I decided to do some maintenance on the ATVs.”

“Well, I was just heading to bed,” Blaine said.

“Me, too,” Meredith added.

“Wait,” Charlie said. “I didn’t mean to run you off. I’m gonna get a shower. Y’all hang out.”

“No, I need to get some sleep before I head home this morning,” she said.

Charlie’s face fell. Obviously he’d hoped she’d change her mind. She hated hurting him, felt his pain in her own chest. That explained the ache, the regret.

“I thought you were spending the week?” Blaine said.

“Uh, yeah, but something came up at work and I need to get back.” She started toward her room. “If I don’t see you before I leave, good luck with the campaign.”

Neither man tried to stop her. She closed her door quietly. She checked the time on her phone. Almost five. Another two hours and it would be light. She yanked her suitcase out of the closet and onto the bed then just stared at it. She was suddenly exhausted. Her eyes burned with hot tears, and the suitcase blurred.

She didn’t want to leave. Her anger at Charlie had disappeared. She sniffled. It wasn’t Charlie she’d been angry with. Blaine? Yes. Herself for being tempted? Probably. And maybe a little with Charlie for tempting her.

A knock on the door dragged her from lethargy. “Come in, Charlie.”

Blaine’s appearance surprised her. He immediately shut the door behind him. “Please don’t leave. Finish the week. I’ll make myself scarce. Work and campaign events. Don’t let my screw-up scare you off.”

She was so tired. Tired of hating Blaine. Tired of fighting her feelings for Charlie. Tired of missing her daughter’s life. “I’m not leaving.”

He lifted his brows and stared pointedly at the open suitcase.

She gave a small wry smile. “Yeah. You wanna put that away for me? I’m just gonna crawl into bed and sleep.”



He blew out a relieved breath. “Thank you. You won’t regret it. I promise.”

She closed the suitcase and zipped it. “And don’t worry about making yourself scarce. I’m fine. I don’t want to run you off.” It might be uncomfortable, but she could deal. Could he? “Unless you’d rather avoid me. I can understand that, but I don’t think Charlie will. Not unless we explain it to him. I don’t want to do that, do you?”

He shook his head and lifted the suitcase. “I imagine he’ll appreciate my disappearing act. Three’s a crowd.” His body froze as his jaw dropped and his eyes widened. “Oh shit, I mean— Ah, I didn’t—”

She lifted her hand. “I know what you meant.”

He shoved the suitcase into the closet then turned pleading eyes on her. “I’m sorry. I’m an idiot.”

“You’re not an idiot. It’s a cliché. A part of our language.” She chuckled. “But you might want to reevaluate your position on threesomes. I know a woman in a relationship with two men. They’re living together, and they definitely don’t believe ‘three’s a crowd.’ In fact, they seem insanely, sickeningly happy.”

“Um, you’re not suggesting...”

“God, no!” She absolutely wasn’t suggesting anything of the kind. Wasn’t even tempted. Well, maybe a little tempted.

He winked and grinned. “I didn’t think so. Can’t blame a guy for trying though.”

As if he was interested. Well, maybe he was. There was one way to find out. “Do you have a thing for Charlie?”

He didn’t answer, but the torture in his expression spoke volumes. She’d unwittingly inserted herself between two men. Again.

Chapter Twelve

The world seemed clearer when Meredith woke. Clear enough that she was up to sorting out the muddle of Charlie, Blaine and Dylan. Or at least trying to. Blaine’s explanation of
night plus a good seven hours of sleep definitely helped.

When Charlie had tried to seduce her in the pool room, it had been a shock to learn that her twenty-seven-year-old self hadn’t changed from the eighteen-year-old one. She’d wanted everything he offered.

It’d scared the shit out of her. That was fact number one.

Fact number two? With the exception of Cassandra, the mistake she’d made eight and a half years ago was over and done. Blaine and Dylan had used her. Blaine regretted it. She believed him. As much as she grieved relinquishing her daughter for adoption, she couldn’t regret Cassandra’s existence. She loved her. It was that simple.

Now, Meredith found herself between two men again, but this time her eyes were open. Blaine wanted Charlie, but she’d seen no indication that Charlie reciprocated. Unless his seduction in the pool room last night was an attempt to come on to Blaine—consciously or unconsciously. Of course, he
just be into exhibitionism. Either way, knowing that Charlie and Blaine
be into each other meant she wouldn’t be blindsided. She could protect her heart.

The last fact? She was still turned on by the idea of Blaine watching. And honestly, she had to admit she wanted more, including his active participation. She’d been turned on all those years ago. She’d been turned on last night. She was still turned on this morning. Her skin heated. Her nipples tightened to hard nubs, and her pussy dampened the crotch of her sleep shorts, tempting her to skim the tips of her fingers through the slippery folds and take the edge off. Because she had a decision to make. It would be easier to make the right one, the socially acceptable one, if she relieved the pressure building in her pussy. That was exactly why she
give in to temptation. She didn’t want to make the safe decision. She wanted the dirty, no-holds-barred experience.

* * *

That afternoon, Charlie entered the kitchen through the back door to find Meredith sitting at the kitchen table in denim shorts and a T-shirt, her hair still damp from the shower, a cup of coffee cradled in her hands. She had one bare foot tucked up in the chair, the other hooked on the chair’s front rung.

His mood cautiously lifted. She was still here and he didn’t see any signs she’d be leaving soon. “Pancakes?”



“Yes, I’m starving.”

“You found the sugar?”


He didn’t say anything else, just worked on breakfast, mixing batter, flipping pancakes and frying bacon. Meredith wasn’t very communicative until she ate breakfast. Trying to draw her into conversation was an exercise in futility. But once she ate a few bites, took the edge off the gnawing in her belly, they could talk.

He didn’t know what had changed her mind about staying. Maybe she’d just calmed down enough to realize Charlie wasn’t a threat. He didn’t care as long as she stayed.

When she was halfway through her pancakes, he said, “I thought we’d get in some target practice this afternoon. Or we could take the ATVs, check out the ranch, maybe do some fishing.”

“You’d trust me with a gun after last night?”

He snorted. “You were scared, not homicidal.”

She lifted a brow. “You’re sure about that.”

“Yep. The homicidal part anyway. The scared part? Well, anger usually stems from fear, so I’m figuring that’s where yours came from.”

“Really?” That simple word questioned his convictions, maybe even his sanity. Well, not the word so much as the tone.

“Think about it,” he said. “When I’m angry, I look deeper. Past the anger. I almost always find fear hiding there.”

She frowned, and he held his breath, hoping he hadn’t pissed her off. She finished her pancakes before she spoke again. “I’ve never ridden an ATV. That sounds fun. Fishing? Not so much.”

“Have you fished before?”


“Catch anything?” Usually people who didn’t like fishing had never caught one.

“Yes. Catfish.”

“You didn’t like it?” he asked, truly baffled.

“I liked eating it. Delicious. I didn’t like sitting in the heat, slapping at bugs with one hand and holding a pole with the other.”

“Ah, the bugs.”

“If you’d like to fish, I’ll sit in the shade and keep you company.”

“Nah, that’s okay. Maybe some other time.” She was spending the afternoon with him. The rest wasn’t important.

Three hours later, they sat in the shade of live oaks on their ATVs about fifty yards from the edge of the lake. Not fishing, just talking. Even the lulls were comfortable. Occasionally Meredith reached out and dragged a finger along his arm. Call him a horndog, but it gave him hope that he’d get her into bed with him tonight.

Those touches were driving him crazy until Meredith climbed off her ATV, tiptoed onto his footrest and swung her leg over his seat, straddling it and facing him. She placed her hands on his thighs and leaned forward. Those big, beautiful blue eyes held his. The temperature went up by about a hundred degrees. And how the hell did she still smell so good? Like fresh air and sunshine and a hint of piña colada. They’d both sweated through their shirts. The soft white fabric of hers clung to all her squishy curves.

She leaned even closer, and her hands slid up to the juncture of his legs and hips. Close enough to his cock that it snapped to attention. Her lips brushed the bristles along his jaw. He sucked in his breath, trying to tame his dick.
Don’t get excited.
Nothin’ happenin’.
Not out in the open like this.
She’d made that clear last night. Maybe if they had a tent.

Her lips drifted down his neck. “I liked the ride.” Her voice was low and sexy. She dipped her tongue in the hollow at the base of his throat then traced it with the tip. “I love the way you taste.”

When she talked like that, it was difficult to control his reactions. He wanted to strip her, lay her back on the ATV’s seat and worship her. Instead, he rested his hands on her waist and let her continue exploring. This was her hunt, and he’d let her lead it. He was sure curious as to where it would take them.

She rubbed up against him, and her hair tickled his neck. Her hands slid firmly up his chest and stopped at his shoulders then pressed forcefully enough that he didn’t mistake her intention. He didn’t fight her but lay back against the rack.

Without warning, she dragged her shirt over her head and tossed it. Her hair settled around her shoulders like a blond cloud. Despite the fact that his eyes bugged out of his head, he didn’t see where the shirt went. This was not what he’d expected when he suggested the ATV tour. All that flawless skin and a white lace bra. Her tat’s dandelion seeds were scattered above the low waist of her jeans.

He looked around as best as he could flat on his back to make certain they were alone. As far as he could tell, their only company was bugs and birds. He knew how she felt about bugs. He cleared his throat. “Uh, what—?”

She pressed her fingers to his lips. “Shh. Don’t talk. Don’t think. Just feel.”

His words from her lips confused him. The game room wasn’t private enough, but the lake was? What the hell?

She slipped her hands under his T-shirt and spread her fingers on his abdomen. Slowly, inch by inch, she gathered and lifted the fabric, her palms skimming his flesh. His skin felt tight, tingly, and he couldn’t tell if it was because of her hands on him or her eyes. Probably both. He sure liked both. Because she was looking at his skin like it was something special. That wondrous expression on her face made his heart swell and pound out a slow, heavy beat.

She leaned over him and her breasts threatened to spill from her bra. Her nipples peeked above the lace. He licked his lips in anticipation.

His shirt bunched at his shoulders, so he lifted his arms above his head. She smiled and tugged it off. It disappeared, and he didn’t care if he ever saw it again because her lace-covered breasts were just out of range of his mouth, and if he was very patient she might reward him with a taste.

She brushed her nipple across his mouth. The lace rasped against his lips. He opened to take her in, to suck the pert bud through the peekaboo fabric, but she withdrew the promise. Her smile teased.

She straightened and sat back. “You’re very good at this.”


She unbuckled his thick leather belt. “Patience. You’re more patient than I am.”

She unbuttoned and unzipped his fly. She was about to find out how impatient he was. She parted the denim, and his cock sprang free. Relieved of the suffocating restraint of his jeans, it jutted toward her. He held his breath, resisting the almost overwhelming urge to beg her to touch him. But goddamn, he wanted her hands wrapped around him.

She smiled and licked her lips then leaned over and dragged her breasts over his groin, his stomach, his chest, before arching her back and thrusting them proudly. He didn’t move, but it was killing him. A small groan escaped that he was afraid sounded like one of the dogs whining for attention.

Her hands disappeared behind her, and in seconds her bra gaped and slid down her arms. Everything in him wanted to slide his hands up from her waist and fill his palms with those silky globes. Instead, he tightened his grip on her waist and watched the leafy shadows play where he wanted. She leaned over the side of the ATV. Her breasts jiggled and then he heard a clunk and seconds later another clunk. Her shoes, maybe. He didn’t care.

A breeze hardened her small rosy nipples, and his mouth watered. He swallowed so he didn’t choke. She stood, dislodging his hands, and her fingers hovered over the button of her jeans. Not in indecision. No, she was teasing him, and his cock jerked in response. She took her time with the button. She unzipped her fly even slower—tooth by tooth. He couldn’t think clearly enough to count, but there must have been a thousand.

When the tab stopped at the bottom, she swung a leg over the seat and stood on the footrest, her back to him. She gifted him with a sultry, over-the-shoulder smile before hooking her thumbs in the waist of the jeans and nudging it past the lush curves of her ass. He fisted his hands, flexed them and then grabbed the cushioned edge of the seat, trying to ground himself. She kicked the denim off then straddled him again. She lowered herself until her damp panties and her hot pussy enfolded his cock. He felt like a teenager with his first girly magazine. Ready to spill. He focused on the dandelion tat—the stem, the seed head, the cottony seeds tumbling across her belly. Anything to keep from embarrassing himself.

She swirled her hips, and he couldn’t stand it any longer. He thrust against her, grinding, not caring that her panties separated them. The tips of her breasts grazed his chest, and her whisper tickled his ear. “You can touch now.”

His heart jumped, and his stomach did joyous flip-flops. Fuck. Where to start? He cupped her breasts in both hands. Her skin was silky and hot, and he relished their weight and shape and smoothness.

She closed her eyes, arched her spine and threw back her head. Her expression was blissful. Her heartbeat fluttered against his palm. He guided one nipple to his mouth, sucking the honeyed tip while rolling the other between his fingers.

She moaned and rubbed her pussy along his length. She slipped her hand between them, and he thought her goal was his cock. Instead, she gathered the crotch of her panties to the side and then pulsed her hips so her slick, hot sex glided up and down. He wanted to bury himself in her. He grabbed her hips, prepared to do just that until he remembered.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck! I don’t have a condom.”

“Tsk, tsk,” she said, her voice lighter than the situation warranted. “I thought you country boys were always prepared.”

“After last night...” he croaked, not finishing the thought.

She shook her head. “Charlie, you give up too easily.”

“You safe-worded.”

“Have I used my safe word today?”

“No, but you were—”

“I stayed, didn’t I?”

“Yeah, but I didn’t think— Not out here. At home. In my room.”

She leaned over the side and rummaged around. When she came up, she held a condom between her thumb and finger.

Relief left him lightheaded. Either that or the blood had evacuated his brain for the more pleasurable climes of his groin. He grabbed for the condom, but she held it high.

“I don’t think we’re ready for it yet.”

He closed his eyes, focusing on controlling himself, desperate not to scare her off or take this moment from her. How could he expect her to trust him if he didn’t trust her?

“Sit up and scoot back,” she said.

He obeyed immediately. His neck muscles had been about ready to give out without anything to support his head hanging off the back of the ATV.

She lowered her head between his spread thighs and flicked her tongue to the milky-white bead poised on the tip of his penis. His cock twitched. She swirled her tongue around the head, round and round before flattening it at the base and slurping up the length and back down again as if she were licking a popsicle. Then without warning she sucked him in and swallowed him whole. His body convulsed. His abdomen shuddered. His breathing stopped. His balls drew up. He was gonna come before he got inside her.

No fucking way. He threaded his hands through her hair and pulled her off. He was about to confess his weakness when a movement in the trees about twenty yards away caught his attention. “Wait,” he murmured, keeping his voice low. “We’re not—”

“Shhh. I said you could touch me. I didn’t say you could talk.”

“But we’ve got c—”

“Quiet!” She lapped at his cock and gently massaged his balls.

Fucking shit. “Red!”

She froze.

It only took him a few seconds without her mouth distracting him, to make out the silhouette. “Blaine,” he exclaimed softly, knowing this was the end of what had turned into one of the best afternoons of his life. It was about to become one of the worst.

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