Read Ten Years in the Tub Online

Authors: Nick Hornby

Ten Years in the Tub (87 page)

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The Happiest Man in the World
made me think, though. Mostly I ended up thinking about the nature and value of experiences and memories, although I didn't get very far. Crossing the Atlantic on a raft or staying in to watch TV… It's all the same, in the end, isn't it? There comes a time when it's over, and all you can do is talk about it. And if that's the case, then… I'm sorry. If you bother with this column at all, it's probably because you're looking for book tips. You probably don't want to hear that all human endeavor is pointless.

Here's a tip: M. T. Anderson's
. This is yet another book that can be added to an increasingly long list entitled “YA Novels I'd Never Heard of But Which Turn Out to Be Modern Classics,” and
may well be the best of the lot. It's a sci-fi novel about a world in which everybody is plugged directly into a never-ending stream of text messages, shopping recommendations, pop music, and movie trailers—this is metaphor rather than prediction—and as a consequence Anderson's characters are frighteningly malleable and disturbingly inarticulate. Even the president of the U.S. has trouble with words!
is funny, serious, sad (there's a heartbreaking doomed romance at the center), and
superbly realized; the moment I finished it I bought Anderson's latest novel, which is completely different. (It's set in 1775, and it's about a boy who's raised by a group of rational philosophers, so it sounds like the author has allowed himself to be seduced by the promise of a quick buck.) I haven't even read the beginning of it yet, though. It's a novel, so I very much doubt whether there will be any interesting facts in the opening pages. I rather fear that I'm turning into my father.

September 2008


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—Mark Harris

The Pumpkin Eater
—Penelope Mortimer

Daddy's Gone a-Hunting
—Penelope Mortimer

The Last Campaign: Robert F. Kennedy and 82 Days that Inspired America
—Thurston Clarke

Lush Life
—Richard Price

The Greek Way
—Edith Hamilton

Nixonland: The Rise of a President and the Fracturing of America
—Rick Perlstein

BOOK: Ten Years in the Tub
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