Tequila & Tea Bags (31 page)

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Authors: Laura Barnard

BOOK: Tequila & Tea Bags
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Three Years Later

‘Betty!’ I call, watching her take another tumble dangerously close to horse poo. ‘I’ve told you to be careful, babe.’

She gets herself up, dusts down her pink dress and laughs at herself.

‘Sorry, Mumma,’ she giggles. ‘Horsey did it.’

I smile, shaking my head at my adorable two year old. How the hell did I get so lucky? Oh, that’s right, I moved here. Will and I decided, after all that drama, we’d save up and take a holiday to Mexico. He said I needed to get it out of my system, before settling down and I guess he was right.

We partied every night; dancing on bars, chugging on tequila, having sex, forgetting to wear a condom. That’s right, I got pregnant on our first ever holiday together, only a couple of months after we got together. It was

I didn’t actually find out until we got home, but Will proposed to me on our last day on the hotel’s private beach, with a photographer capturing the moment. We decided that we didn’t want a lot of fuss, so we changed our flights so that we could swing by Vegas on the way home.

We got married by a Chinese Elvis, relaxed in our jeans and t-shirts. Well, Will was wearing a shirt. When isn’t he? Although it was hilarious and spontaneous and okay, maybe a bit crazy, it was still the most romantic moment of my life. Will declaring his love to me forever.

Soon after we got back we found out I was pregnant. I was beyond shocked, while Will was ecstatic, immediately planning the nursery in Betty’s old house. That’s right, I never sold it. Will gave back Elsie the money she’d lent me to buy Mitsy, so I took it off the market and now it’s our family home.

Everyone in the village obviously assumes that we had a shotgun wedding because of the pregnancy, but we don’t care. Let them think what they want to think.

We had two names. Betty for a girl, after my Betty, and Thomas for a boy, after Will’s grandad. I won!

Will scoops Betty up in his arms and holds her high above his head. She chuckles in glee.

‘Are you ready to go see Nanna and Grandad?’ he laughs.

My mum and dad moved here soon after she was born. They decided to retire early, downsize, and live in the countryside. Now that I don’t actually live with them we have a fantastic relationship. Especially since Betty’s birth. It’s made me realise how hard being a mother is. I can understand how my mum struggled with it.

He turns to kiss me on the lips, Betty now perched on his hip. ‘Are you okay to close up here?’

‘Of course,’ I grin, giving him another cheeky kiss.

I started up my own horse mucking out company. What started as me just doing a few little jobs for people for a bit of extra cash has now turned into me hiring two girls.

Will’s a freelance accountant. He’s managed to somehow become the whole village’s accountant and he loves it. What a snore! But hey, whatever gets me out of paying taxes!

I wave to Lauren and Phil, taking Noah out for his first horse ride. It’s great that they can now co-parent, although no one is under any illusion that they’ll get together as a couple. I have someone I met at a horse fair lined up for her anyway, not that she claims she’s interested.

Megan really took Noah under her wing as her little brother. She’s just gone off to UCL to study Law, little brain box that she is. Turns out all it took was for her to watch Legally Blonde, and after that she was a girl on a mission. It helps that she found out she can extend her degree by a year and study abroad in America, Australia or Singapore. I miss her already.

Elsie decided against nun-ville, thank God. She’s now the manager at the care home. It’s the perfect way for her to still feel like she’s making a difference, but be allowed to have sex. She and James are getting married next month in the most over the top ceremony I’ve ever heard of. There’s going to be swans, harps, the lot. But she deserves it, she deserves the world.

She’s asked my dad to walk her down the aisle, which made him blub hysterically. It must run in the family. I’m maid of honour, Will is the best man, Lauren and Megan are bridesmaids and Betty is their little flower girl. Although with the way she’s behaving lately, I’ll be lucky if she doesn’t cartwheel down the aisle. Little rebel. I wonder who she takes after…


Firstly a massive thank you for buying my book – you keep my toddler in shoes!  Thanks to all of my supporters; you guys have helped my dreams come true.  Still feel like I’m going to wake up any moment!

Thanks to my family and friends for putting up with me.  It can’t be easy having a sleep deprived, day dreaming nutcase around.  Special smoochy kisses to my husband Simon who makes me endless cups of tea and cooks continuous dinners so I can keep typing into the early hours.  Also my two cheerleaders Mum and Mad; what would I do without your unconditional love and belief in me?!

Big hugs to my friends Clare Pinkstone, Julie Wills and Nikki Chamberlain who are my trusted ladies to read the first draft and tell me all of the holes and inconsistencies in the plot.  Without you nothing would make sense!

Thanks to Adam Wilson for showing me that Shift F7 gives me a shortcut to a thesaurus – endless hours saved! 

Thanks to my Yorkshire friends Debbie Wilson, Laura Wilson and Natalie McMullen for answering all of my stupid questions (‘do they say dickhead up there?’ ha ha).  Also shout out to the two Yorkshire men I met while drunk on the Euston to Watford train.  I promised you a mention and I’ll never forget your words of wisdo

Major shout out to all of the many blogs that have helped spread the word about me.  There are SO many, but a few I feel I’d like to mention are Island Lovelies, Two Ordinary Girls & their Books, A Reader’s Review…my God, there’s so many!  If you’re not mentioned please don’t feel I don’t love you any less.  Without each and every one of you taking time out from your day to help spread the word of us Indie authors, we’d be nowhere!  

Thanks to KMS Freelance Editing and Tara at Begmeforbeta (your comments always make me laugh and I know that you ‘get’ me).

Thanks to my new author friends who I badgered with endless stupid questions.  Especially Dani Lovell and Yessi Smith.   


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